A Skeleton Key To Reality

A Carrot for Nasrudin's Donkey

11-19-02 my current project excerpt from my current project: circuit design

also 7 mp3s of newly recorded songs on the way

everything else here is old and hasn't been changed for more than a year
the forces of entropy have done good work as usual.

please do email me t3dyhand@yahoo.com if you have anything at all to say update!! 10-26-01 after ages and ages...

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photoshop images designed to push buttons

music to listen to music to
(by me) written in 98-99 (freshman year)

stuff i been up to lately:
learning hebrew
reading joyce (will rot yr brain)
playing with tarot cards
being social (who are you and what have you done with ted?)
playing guitar, synth, writing music
listening to rush, juliana hatfield, radiohead, bjork
reading up on astrology (i'm a cancer, in case yr interested)
hiding from the faeries

saw some great concerts this summer:
tool w/ king crimson (out of control)
built to spill (blissful)
they might be giants (twice!)
mates of state with 20 minute loop (cool ass band from marin) and velvet teen (ex little tin frog dudes)
check 20minuteloop.com

don't you wish you were me?

stuff i'm excited about:
mary timony's newish solo album
they might be giants' forthcoming children's record
seeing tori amos on nov. 11th (just her and a piano)
starting a band (first one in 6 years)

new poem
dusting for synchronicity's fingerprints
pointing and clicking at archetype files
with our logitech mouse and track balls
slighted by trifles by the eyefull mile pull
smiling to beguile the spiteful gripe hull
sullen, tumbling grumpily through grimness
swim decisions cinch the wing thickness in
hindering glisten fins and sickness switches
twitching slick spit fitting dental grip stitches
secrecy leading the cleaning of the machine
impeding the screen pieces filtering the scene
wilting temple bells shell soundlessly down
to the briar patch racket happening past the blanket
sank stripped and hidden from life detecting sensors
under the grunge light suspended respectfully
that crowning the frown tower reflowers painfully
sending messages streched spectrally in felt sprees
stream peeling fiends onscenely scream for relief
steam street cleaning had been rescheduled swooning
to loosen the booming tune that slew the fruitful
boot hill under the foot mill swelling with pills
frames straining to remain restrained in flames
packing elapsed backwards shattered grapple hinges

brought to you by the fade rangers from outer space (we put the con back in consensual reality)
our continuing mission: to undermine the symbol circuit system

build better zone robots to build better black iron prisons (yin force) to break and climb our way out of (yang force) evolve god, peel off the veil of maya and be excellent to each other building better messes to clean up to evolve the messmaking cleanup circuits to evolve the evolving circuits to evolve the mess
i saw darth vader, skeletor, clay masks, picasso faces and pretty geometric "black light" spirals in the mirror last night after i took my face off. around the campfire some folks told me jokes that broke open the shutters the flutter. sound of bacon frying. overall there is a smell of fried onions

last updated 02-25-01
sorry about the delay between updates
i was stuck in a conspiracy black iron prison
for a while until the illuminati broke me out
and sent me along the way for training
hail eris all hail discordia or kille me

some stuff I was into ages ago
sufi teaching stories, poetry, aphorisms
yoga sutras of patanjali
"osiris is a black god"
invocation, ritual design and practice
drawing pictures of the spirits
studying egyptian god-forms
spiral shapes (eye of horus for instance)will make you go insane

no 2 ways about it

stonecutter poems

Bliss Tech Lesson

a brief description of the web master bait herder

cell fish Ur man
determined to have free will
must he hire gene use?

Channeled Writings
a "magical record" of my recent "illumination"
and a guide for praying and having visions "the ted way"
seems these tunes have uses i haven't made room fer yet
but i bet several lessons met my section in them texts

Psychedelic Art Site
photoshop images designed to push buttons

Since my life is no longer "a work of fiction constantly being recomposed by others" (don't think this means i don't know you're all still making up stories about me) I decided I ought to start a new page. the old one is still info-packed and located at
The Absence of Nothing
but as with any other piece of work i produced at
some point in my life "I" refuse to identify with it.
this makes it impossible for you to make fun of me,
not that i'm (so-called) self conscious or anything.

stuff i find seriously entertaining

the music of tool (for understanding lachrymology-the ecstatic science of crying/sense of humour/washing away salts)
that stuff really yanks my light crank so to speak
the Dune books by frank herbert
Bob Frissell's "Nothing in this book is true but it's exactly how things are"
"all the news that's fit to print" on the dollar bill

"must check" writer of the moment: Robert Anton Wilson, perhaps
the man who has done the most damage to the Black Iron Prison
made out of BS (the faeries hate that stuff) that i live in
the movies "smoke signals" "cube" and "harold and maude" have recently shed light also the music of the beatles, which taught me a neat bliss trick. "the breakfast club" and the "Bill and Ted" movies contain secret illuminati teaching but then again so do nursery rhymes.
oingo boingo songs are great for trance practice. i'm still
a member of the "working class" but i'm sure looking forward
to what happen "after five." by the way, "have you seen my garden?


music and dead people i have learned from

pink light notes

Access the archives
a thought experiencement

usenet posts by me



metaparanoid thoughts

The Way of the Fade


Jesus Smoked Dope

jesus went out into the woods and fasted 40 days, smoked dope and ate psyilocybin mushrooms to alleviate the munchies. All three of these activities are shamanic techniques of ecstacy* (a term coined by mircea eliade) that provide a shortcut to what jesus called "the kingdom of heaven" or union with the higher consciousness in his head that he called god. son of god only meant he the object had the experience of yoga (union) with the subject(god). Descartes 'cogito ergo sum' missed the mark because he assumed that since "he" (actually only his ego) seemed to be experiencing data-input, "he" must be the "subject" apprehending an "object" of some sort. to those who have entered this "higher" state of consciousness (heraclitus reminded us that "the way up and the way down are one and the same," laughing at our shallow minded need to associate abstract metaphysical values with things like direction physically 'up and down a path' and mentally into 'higher' and 'lower' states of consciousness. there is no up or down motion in either case) it seems that in fact the one experiencing is really the subject. we live in a holographic, not quite real world reflected by two lasers (hyperuniverse a and b, yin and yang, parmenides' form one and form two, hodge and podge, order and chaos, whatver you want to label this process in nature) that the "subject" we call "god" is looking at. it seems to us that we are a subject because we have god complexes, for some reason the ego tends to think that it is god and it is running the whole show when in fact it is only a tiny part of the larger organism which is in turn only a part of the larger mind. also we are brainwashed by our language conventions which force us to put things into an abstract subject-object construction to be able to communicate any meaningful and grammatically proper ideas. we are trained since children to find any other way of communicating unintelligible and garbled simply because it does not resemble our own--indeed what seems to be the only natural--way of communicating. the unseen entities giggle at our foolishness and send each other secret messages encrypted in way we have yet to even conceive of a method of dreaming up. radical skeptics take the language argument a step further and insist since subject and object is an illusion there is no point in positing this magical "subject" that is experiencing us without empirical proof of "it's" existence, having no problem with the (absurd as it may seem to me) notion that something can exist without consciousness to "make it happen." this is a theory that does not fit the data of my experiences very well, so i regard it only as a curiosity; i can suspend my disbelief as to the veracity of it's claim without ever having to believe in it. suspension of disbelief is the most amusing when you don't ever believe a thing, it turns out, at least in my experience. you change your mind entirely every moment, if you are doing things right. rather we ought to understand that we create reality fresh every moment; we can do this with old data (a priori information, "received ideas") or we can use the new data coming in from the senses (empirical or a posteriori) the construct our current, and ultra temporary (it only exists for the period known as the infinistesimal which newton and leibniz, those hermetic jokers, left out of their calculations because it is "so small as to be entirely irrelevant" at least in any real-world example which is always horribly imprecise from a rabidly mathematical point of view) "reality tunnel". Once one gets into the kingdom of god, however, or so goes the story, all those reality tunnels you used to construct seem sort of silly when you realize that what is really going on is so far beyond your comprehension as to be impossible to conceive of rationally, which makes the so-called rationalists who haven't had the experience (which tends to destroy a body's faith in reason almost universally for some reason) wary of the experience and disdainful of the mystical "point of view." As if looking at the earth from space didn't give you a bigger picture of whats going on like plato suggested it would.

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