Jacob P. Rayapati, M.A., A.M., M.A., Ph.D.
Professor of English
Department of Communications and Modern Languages
Box 525 Cheyney University of Pennsylvania
CHEYNEY, PA 19319-9801, USA
Tel: 1-610-399-2285; FAX:610-399-2379



    Ph. D. American Literature, University of Pennsylvania, 1970, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
    A.M. English Philology, University of Pennsylvania, 1965, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
    M.A. TESOL, West Chester University of Pennsylvania, 1991, West Chester, PA, USA.
    M.A. English Language & Literature, Andhra University, 1960, Waltair, AP. India.
    B.A. (Hons) English Language & Literature, Andhra University, 1956, Waltair, AP. India.


Professor of English: Cheyney U. of Penna. Since Aug 1970.

Courses Taught:

    American Lit.;
    Native American Lit. and Lenape Language;
    World Lit.;
    African American Lit.;
    Advanced Composition;
    Fund. of Speech;
    Advanced Speech Workshop;

Designed and taught courses:

    Native American Literature with Lenape Language;
    Introduction to Mass Communication;
    Gathering & Reporting the News;
    Copy Editing;
    Persuasion, Propaganda, and Public Opinion;
    Computer Aided Instruction in English Language and Literature;
    History of English Language;
    Intro to Language and Linguistics;
    Teaching English as a Second Language;
    Writing and Producing Video Documentaries;
    Creative Writing (Short Fiction).


a B.A. degree program in Communication with concentration in Radio, TV & Film; Print Journalism; and Electronic Journalism at Cheyney University.

Associate Professor of English: 1968-70, Gustavus Adolphus College, St Peter, MN.
Designed and taught courses:
    Native American Literature and Lenape Language;
    Modern British Fiction;
    Civilizations of India;
    Classical Indian Literature in English Translation;
    Modern Indian Literature in English.

Instructor in Humanities: 1966-7, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA 19104. USA.
Taught courses in:
    Western Humanities;
    Asian Humanities.

Visiting Lecturer: July - Aug 1997, Univ. of Minnesota at Duluth, MN.

Taught: courses in:

    American Language
    American Culture for international students.

Visiting Lecturer in Rhetoric & Composition: Fall 1982, Penn State U., Delaware Campus. Lima, PA.

Visiting Professor:

July-August 1987, English Language Summer Institute, Guangdong College of Education, Guangzhou, People’s Republic of China.

Taught: Methods of Teaching English as a Second Language through public speaking.

Visiting Professor of American Literature:

Fall 1988, Guangdong College of Education, Guangzhou, People’s Republic of China.

Taught courses in:
    American Literature
    Rhetoric and ESL Composition.

ESL Consultant: Jan. 1992-July 1993, College of Commerce, Kuwait University, Kuwait.

Designed and Taught Courses:

English for Business Purposes;
English for Accounting;
Computer Assisted) Basic English.

Lecturer in English: 1956-63, Andhra Christian College, Guntur, AP, India.

Taught courses:

    Rhetoric and Prosody
    History of English Language.


    Early American Interest in Vedanta. New York: Asia, 1973.
    The Ogre of Khondvalasa. West Chester, PA: World English Associates, 1985.
    The Ogre. (1995) http://www.indiana.edu/~eric_rec/fl/pcto/ogre.html


    "Poetry Appreciation Through Dialogue Authoring." Proceedings of Conference on Computing Across the Curriculum. Shippensburg, PA: Shippensburg U (SSHE), May 19-21, 1998.
    "Emic and Etic Responses to Multicultural Literature." Research Journal. Fall: 1997. 4-6.
    "Protest Rhetoric of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr." Proceedings of the 5th Annual Conference of the English Association of Pennsylvania State Universities. Clarion: Clarion Univ. Press, 1985. 74-82.
    "Problem Solving Approaches to Teaching EFL Composition in China." Proceedings.EAPSU, 1989, 262-279.
    "State of the Art in Computer Aided English," Cheyney University Research Journal. Spring 1984, 38-42.
    "Simulation of Poetry Explication." Proceedings of the 5th Conference on Computers in Undergraduate Curricula, Pullman: U. of Wash. Press, 1974. 87-92.


    N.E.H. Summer Fellowship, "Colonial New England World View." Univ. of Penna. 1978.
    Lilly Foundation Fellowship in Cognitive Sciences, "Natural Language Processing." Univ. of Penna. January-August. 1983.
    American Press Institute Fellowship. "Journalism Educators Seminar." Oct. 4-10, 1987.


    "The Wisdom of the Bard." The Beloved Community Toastmasters. April 13, 1997.
    "Computer Aided Dialogue Generation." 6th Annual Conf. of EAPSU. Oct 24, 1986, Bloomsburg University of Penna.
    "Computer Aided Poetry Appreciation," NEMLA Annual Conference, Spring 1983.
    "Switched-On English: CAI in Dialectal Switching," 2nd International Conference on Computers and the Humanities. Univ. Of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. Summer 1973.
    "English As An International Language," Rotary Club of Media, PA. Spring 1983.
    "American Studies in India," Mid-Western MLA Annual Conference, Spring 1969, Gustavus Adolphus College, St. Peter, MN Spring 1969.
    "Shakespeare Studies in India," Hathaway Shakespeare Club, Philadelphia, PA. June 1965.


"Lenape Language and Literature: A Computerized Presentation." EAPSU. Indiana U.of P. Oct 1998.

"American Idealism." Guangdong College of Edu. Guangzhou, China, July 23, 1987.

"Understanding Computers." 20-mte slide lecture. Summer 1983.

"Christ in the Art of India." 20-mte slide lecture. Fall 1970.

"Monistic Ideas in 14th Cent. South Indian Bronzes." Slide Lecture. Spring 1970.

"Let’s Tour the Daily Local News." Slide Lecture. Summer 1983.

"Protest Rhetoric of Benjamin Banneker and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr." Group W TV

Network. Fall 1972.

"The Joy of English." Humorous Speech Contest. Division Winner. Toastmasters

International, Fall 1983.

"Oh Bring Back The Blue Bird to Me, to Me!" Model Speech. District 38 Spring Conf. Toastmasters

International. Spring 1984.


    Computer Aided Tutorial Dialogues Construction, June 9-13, 1997, Cheyney University, Cheyney, PA 19319-9801.
    Gender-Bound Communication, May 15,1991, Federal Aviation Administration Academy, Atlantic City, N.J..
    Literary Theory for Non-Native English Teachers, September 12-15, 1988. Guangdong College of Education, Guangzhou, China.
    ESL Mastery through Improved Listening , July 6-8,1987. Guangdong College of Education. Guangzhou, China.


    Modern Language Association (MLA).
    Association of Computers and the Humanities.
    Toastmasters International.
    Boy Scouts of America.
    Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL).


    Chair, English Department, Cheyney University of Penna., Cheyney, PA 19319. 1975-78 & 1983-Jan. 1992.
    Secretary, Computers in Literature, NEMLA 1974-75.
    President, Computers in Literature, NEMLA 1975-76.
    Area 7 Governor, Toastmasters International, 1990-92.
    Commissioner, Boy Scouts of America, Chester County Council, 1973-77.
    Member, Board of Directors, English Association of Penna. State Universities, 1985-95.
    Coordinator, Volunteer English Tutors in Chester County, Jan 1, 1987-Dec.31, 1987.


    Mandarin (Chinese) - Spoken Chinese for Travelers.
    Arabic (Syrian) Spoken Arabic for Travelers.
    German - Read.
    French - Read.
    Spanish - Read & Speak (Elementary Spoken Spanish)
    Hindi – Read, Write & Speak Fluently;Telugu – Read, Write & Speak Fluently
    Hawaiian – Elementary-Read & Understand.
    Lenape (Delaware Indian)-Elementary Read & Understand.


    Distinguished Service Award (Oct.16,1998) English Association of Penna State Universities (EAPSU).
    Competent Toastmaster (CTM) Feb 1983; Able Toastmasters (ATM) Feb. 1985 from Toastmasters International.
    Scouters Key, Chester County Council, BSA, 1975.
    District Award of Merit, Lenni-Lenape District, Chester County Council, BSA 1975.
    Merit Increment, 1975 on, Cheyney University of Penna.
    Lamb Award (Oct. 1985) Lutheran Council, USA in recognition of service to youth and adults in BSA.



Dr. J. B. Flynn
Professor of Health & Recreation; Chair, Faculty Professional Development
Cheyney University, CHEYNEY, PA 19319-9801, U.S.A.
(O) 00-1-610-399-2107; Fax: 00-1-610-399-2237

Dr. Michael Sunnafrank
Professor of Communication
University of Minnesota at Duluth
DULUTH, MN 55812-2196, U.S.A.
Tel: 00-1-218-726-6363; email: msunnafr@d.umn.edu

Dr. Philip Smith
Professor of Linguistics (Retd)
Author and Publisher
372 Churchtown Road
NARVON, PA 17555, U.S.A.
Tel: 00-1-717-768-3714; Fax: 00-1-717-768-3311