Part Three Of "Baptism." The Truth Concerning The 12 "Baptisms," In The

New Testament Including The One True GOD- Given "Real-Baptism" For This

Grace Age. The Following Are Biblical Lessons On This Subject. . . .

And, Many 0ther Things Are Explained In This 8 Part Message That Can Help

The Student Comprehend His Bible. . .



[ Lesson 13 ]. "And Were All "Baptized" Unto Moses In The Cloud And In The Sea." . .

1. Commentary . . . What was the reason for Israel to be "Baptized" into Moses? It meant that they were "to be united to Moses as the leader of the Hebrews at that time." There is this difference into the "Baptism" into Moses: there was no organized union effected between the Israelites and Moses as there is between GOD's adopted Children in CHRIST today. This particular "Baptism" was figurative, it had nothing to do with the spiritual or even a ritualistic "Baptism." Baptized unto Moses . . .

2. There isn't any doubt whatsoever, that {Corinthians 10:2 } is referring to the time when the Israelites without even getting wet, were led by Moses across the Red Sea. The sea was divided by the "LORD JEHOVAH GOD Who was JESUS CHRIST Himself," and they all crossed over on dry land. The truth is, Moses being the leader of these people, caused them to become united with him, and they obviously accepting him as their ruler, at least for that present excursion. The 'enemy [ Egyptians' ] when following the mass of Hebrews across the sea were drowned when they were immersed in the water as GOD closed up the trail the Israelites had left behind. These Egyptians were not "purified or cleansed from their sins," they paid the ultimate price for their evil pursuit!

3. GOD had delivered the Israelites out of Egypt; the cloud covered them and the sea divided, for their salvation and for the judgment upon the Egyptian host. The LORD had made them free to serve Him and it is written "they believed the LORD and His servant Moses." in this sense these Hebrews were "Baptized" or better - set apart, to follow Moses as his disciples. In our own age, the person who accepts and professes Christianity is set apart to CHRIST. All who were under the covering and protecting cloud and who had passed through the sea, were saved from their enemies.

4. The words "Baptized" unto Moses" uses the same preposition as found in { Romans 6:3-4; - 1- Corinthians 12:13; - & - Galatians 3:27 }, and means "into" not unto. Christians today have been "Baptized" into the Body of CHRIST and into CHRIST Himself. But, since Moses was not a Deity, their being "set apart" was different but on a parallel course with our own age where we as Children of GOD have been "Baptized" into JESUS CHRIST. Also the union into Moses and the union into the Body of CHRIST, as the student should be well aware, is much different, even though Moses became the head of the host of Hebrews, CHRIST is the eternal Head of His Body of Saints!

Write Down The Answers To The Following Questions That Are Associated With This Above Lesson . . .

5. [ 1 ]: What can the text possibly refer to when it states: "Baptized" unto Moses," is this speaking of a "water Baptism?"

6. [ 2 ]: Who was it that was immersed in water during the exodus from Egypt, was this considered as a water "Baptism?"

7. [ 3 ]: Who was it that led the Israelites out of the land of Egypt, are you sure? Be careful!

8. [ 4 ]: What did the cloud have to do with the exodus, was it necessary in Israel's protection?

9. [ 5 ]: Do you believe that all who took part in the exodus were stanch 'saved Believers in JEHOVAH,' if so did they remain that way throughout the journey to the promised land? . . . Was anyone other than Hebrews in the group during the exodus?

10. [ 6 ]: Who was JEHOVAH, was He GOD the FATHER?

11. [ 7 ]: Are Christians today "Baptized" in the same type of "Baptism" that took place in the exodus? We repeat . . .

"The teacher should add as many questions to the above lesson as he deems adequate for the class!"


[ Lesson -14 ]. The "Baptism" With Fire . . .



1. We repeat this verse for the third time as follows . . . { V. 11 }: John the Baptist taught . . . Scripture: "I indeed "Baptize" you with water unto repentance: but He that comes after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: 'He [ CHRIST' ] shall "Baptize" you 'WITH the HOLY SPIRIT [ Greek' ] and with FIRE.


2. The above { V. 11 } paraphrased in commentary form. . . "I indeed "Baptize" you "WITH" water because of repentance . . . that is, because of your changing your minds for the better, heartily amending your ways with abhorrence of your past sins; but He Who is coming after me is mightier than I, Whose sandals I am not worthy or fit to take off or carry; He will "Baptize" you "WITH" the HOLY SPIRIT, or if you are not saved, you will be "Baptized" at the end of your life time . . . in the fire of Hell."


3. Commentary . . . The words "HOLY GHOST" is not mentioned in the Greek text, it is a mis-translation from the Greek, in the Greek it is always "HOLY SPIRIT." Good honest Children of GOD mistakenly use these words because when the King James Bible was written, the words were mistranslated and this mis-translation was carried on down through the centuries to this very time. Mostly, it is various types of Pentecostal, and Holiness denominations who use these wrong words but this does not mean that these folks are not righteous in their faith in GOD, many of these people are more faithful than other Protestant groups in their worship.


4. { V. 12 }: Whose fan is in His hand, and He will thoroughly purge His floor, and gather His wheat into the garner; but He will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire, { Matthew 3:11-12 }." See { Luke 3:16 }.


5. The above { V. 12 } paraphrased in commentary form. . ."His winnowing 'fan [ shovel or fork' ] is in His hand, and He will thoroughly clear out and clean His threshing floor, and gather and store 'His wheat, that is, His true bought and paid for Saints,' He will gather them into a land of promise. Remember: the present Body of Christ cannot be found in Matthew thus the above obviously refers to those who were saved during the Tribulation Period. But, 'the chaff i.e., all who are lost' He will burn up that is, He will allow them to be overwhelmed in the unquenchable fire, of the lake of fire after the white throne judgment of the damned! This will be an eternal judgment of suffering for the lost without end!" "Read our message concerning Hell. The Prison 0f No Return."

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6. Commentary . . . These verses are on a parallel with { Matthew 25:31-46 } where JESUS as the MESSIAH is to judge the nations of the world and separates the 'sheep [ saved' ] from the 'goats [ lost' ] at His return. This will not and cannot be the Rapture for the Rapture will have already taken place immediately at the end of the present Dispensation of Grace, and right before the Tribulation Period begins. Actually, the reference is applied to the Second Coming of CHRIST. See { Malachi 3:1-5; - & - 4:1-3 }. There isn't any reference here to the cloven tongues of fire that appeared at Pentecost, which only had the appearance of fire.


7. The Jamieson Fausset - & - Brown Commentary puts it like this, [ Quote ] "These were 'disparted tongues,' i.e; tongue-shaped, flame-like appearances, rising from a common center or root, and resting upon each of that large company: a beautiful visible symbol of the burning energy of the [ HOLY ] SPIRIT now descending in all His plenitude upon the people, and about to pour itself through every tongue, and over every tribe of man under Heaven!" [ End Quote ].



8. Commentary . . . We have already studied the "Baptism "WITH" the HOLY SPIRIT previously, but this "Baptism" with fire is altogether different because it strictly refers to judgment and not blessings or works. The chaff in { V. 12 } above, is a reference to the unsaved of the nations, and the fire refers to hell where the unsaved will receive their eternal reward, there are references of fire throughout the Bible such as the following . . .


9. { V. 7 } Scripture: "And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the LORD JESUS shall be revealed from Heaven with His mighty Angels, . . .

10. { V. 8 }: In flaming fire taking vengeance on them and that know not GOD, and that obey not the gospel of our LORD JESUS CHRIST, { 2- Thessalonians 1:7-8 }."


11. The above { Vs. 7-8 } paraphrased in commentary form: { 7 }: "And to recompense you who are 'troubled distressed and afflicted by granting you relief' - rest 'with us your fellow sufferers,' when the LORD JESUS shall be revealed from Heaven with His mighty angels, . . . { 8 }: In flaming fire 'taking vengeance while dealing out retribution' on 'them that are wicked and upon those that do not know or perceive or become acquainted with the LORD,' they . . . know not GOD, and these carnal folks are those that obey not the gospel of our LORD JESUS CHRIST."

Write Down The Answers To The Following Questions That Are Associated With This Above Lesson . . .

12. [ 1 ]: ". . . Whose shoes I am not worthy to bear?. . . "when John spoke these words, what type of shoes was he talking about?

13. [ 2 ]: Did one actually have to repent of all his or her sins before John "Baptized" them? . . . What does repentance mean?

14. [ 3 ]: Can you find the words "HOLY GHOST" in your Greek text, if not, why are those words in other Bibles? . . . Are they a mis-translation of the words "HOLY SPIRIT?"

15. [ 4 ]: Could the words HOLY GHOST be a counterfeit interpretation of the reference to the HOLY SPIRIT?

16. [ 5 ]: What type of denominations as a usual thing constantly refer to the HOLY GHOST?

17. [ 6 ]: Is GOD the HOLY SPIRIT really a ghost? These questions are really important!

18. [ 7 ]: When these words were spoken: "shall "Baptize" you 'WITH' the 'HOLY SPIRIT [ Greek,' not 'Holy Ghost' ] and with FIRE," what did the words "with fire" refer to and when was it to take place?

19. [ 8 ]: What does it mean: "Whose fan is in His hand, and He will thoroughly purge His floor?" . . . Please explain . . . What does chaff refer to?

20. [ 9 ]: When the LORD gathers His wheat, is this speaking of the type of wheat that bread is prepared from?

21. [ 10 ]: What were the "cloven tongues" that appeared at Pentecost? . . . Explain.

22. [ 11 ]: When the sheep are to be separated from the goats, is this speaking of livestock that people raise?

23. [ 12 ]: What is the difference between the "Baptism 'WITH' the HOLY SPIRIT," and the "Baptism 'of' the HOLY SPIRIT?"

24. [ 13 ]: Can you reason in your mind why we refer to these two above "Baptisms" so much? . . . How important is this understanding to a Bible student?

25. [ 14 ]: What will the LORD's vengeance consist of, and why should He be vindictive?

26. [ 15 ]: At the Second Advent of MESSIAH are the saved and the lost both to be chastised by the LORD?

27. [ 16 ]: Does the LORD chastise the unsaved who belong to Satan as their god or, does the LORD only whip His Own Children?

The teacher should add as many questions to the above lesson as he deems adequate for the class!


[ Lesson - 15 ]. Anti-Type "Baptism: A Few Saved, As Illustrated By Noah's Preaching . . .


1. { V. 18 } Scripture: "For CHRIST also has 'once suffered: for sins,' the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to GOD, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the SPIRIT . . .

2. { V. 19 }: By which also, He went and preached to the spirits in prison;

3. { V. 20 }: Which sometime were disobedient, when once the long-suffering of GOD waited in the days of Noah, while the Ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water.

4. { V. 21 }: The like figure whereunto even "Baptism" does also now save us ( not the putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward GOD, ) by the resurrection of JESUS CHRIST,

5. { V. 22 }: Who is gone into Heaven, and is 'on [ at' ] the right hand of GOD; angels and authorities and powers being made subject unto Him, { 1- Peter 3:18-22 }."


6. The above 5 verses paraphrased in commentary form . . . { 18 } Scripture: "For 'the LORD JESUS CHRIST as the MESSIAH' also has suffered and died only once for all the righteous and also: for all sins, 'the just CHRIST' for the 'unjust [ sinners' ], that He might bring us to 'GOD the FATHER', by Himself being put to death in the flesh, but 'quickened i.e., made alive' by the HOLY SPIRIT: { 19 }: By which 'also during the days of righteous Noah,' He 'went at that time' and preached to the spirits - that is, to those folks who were alive at that time but are now in the prison of Hades; { 20 }: The souls of those who lived while Noah was preaching on the earth which sometime were disobedient, when once the long-suffering of GOD waited in the days of Noah and they only laughed at the LORD's teaching through Noah, they were continually disobedient, while the Ark was being prepared, wherein few, that is, "eight souls, Noah, his 3 sons, his son's wives, and Noah's wife," were the only 8 human souls that were saved 'by and through' the water of the great Flood. . . .

7. . . . { 21 }: The like figure whereunto even "Baptism [ literally, Anti-type "Baptism" ] does also now save us [ not the putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward GOD, ] by the resurrection of JESUS CHRIST, [ This refers to CHRIST's "death Baptism." ] { 22 }: Who is gone into Heaven, and 'is on i.e., setting at the right hand of G0D the FATHER', and is present with all the; angels that followed the LORD after Satan's rebellion. He is among the Saints who have died and are in Paradise of Heaven and He is also among the authorities and powers of the entire Heavenly host of angelic beings who are now being made subject unto Him, { 1- Peter 3:18-22 }."


8. Commentary . . . This difficult and much misunderstood passage demands a closer attention. It is the passage upon which Rome has built her obnoxious and unscriptural doctrine of a purgatory. Protestant expositors have also misinterpreted this passage; in some quarters of "Protestantism" as a kind of a "Protestant purgatory" and is now being taught. Many errors, like a second probation, another chance for the lost, the restitution of the wicked, are linked with the wrong exposition of the words. Even sound Christians have adopted that which Peter does not mean at all, and which is unknown in the rest of the Word of GOD. We believe that the above passage has a two-fold meaning as many Scriptures do have.

9. [ 1 ]: In our message concerning "Sheol," we explained that Hades during the Old Testament Dispensation, had two main sections in it. These sections were separated by a gulf between them, with the Paradise section on one side and the Hell section on the other. Those who died as Children of GOD before CHRIST was resurrected from this earth after His death, went into the Paradise section of Hades to reside there until JESUS would change the Paradise section from Hades up into the third Heaven. Whereas, those whom had died in an unsaved condition from Adam on till the White Throne judgment of the damned, were cast into a burning Hell, in the Hell section of Hades.

10. We know that JESUS went somewhere during the 3 days and 3 nights when His soul and spirit was absent from His dead body while it laid in His tomb. Where else would His soul and spirit have gone other than into the Paradise section of Hades for the 3 days and nights while it was absent from His body? Did He console these Christians in Paradise or did He just sit down and say nothing while He was there? The LORD Himself said . . .


11. Scripture: "For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the Whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth, { Matthew 12:40 }." See { Matthew 16:21; Mark 8:31; - & - Jonah 1:17 }.


12. Commentary . . . I don't know about you readers, but when Scripture says it I believe it! The heart of the earth does not refer to the tomb but the Paradise section of Hades down somewhere in the center of this earth. Read our message concerning "Sheol," and also our "Hell" message.

13. [ 2 ]: We believe that this second interpretation is also true, and it is accepted by the majority of the best Theologians. There are several Ministers who teach that CHRIST's human spirit { V. 18 } was quickened, which necessitates that the spirit which the dying CHRIST commanded into the FATHER's hands had also died. This is not only incorrect doctrine, but it is an unsound evil doctrine. Was the holy humanity of our LORD, body, soul and spirit dead? A thousand times no! Only His body died; that is the only part of Him that could die. The same thing happens today when any human dies, only the bodies die but the soul and the spirit always go to their own place whether it may be Heaven or Hell, the Bible makes this very clear.

14. "He was put to death in the flesh { V. 18 }," that is, His body was put to death. There could be no quickening of His bodily spirit, for His spirit was alive and could have never died. Furthermore, 'the word quickening [ makes alive, raised us up with CHRIST' ], as we learn from { Ephesians 1:20 - & - 2:5-6 }, by comparing the two passages, which applies to His physical resurrection, it is the 'quickening [ making alive' ] of His dead body. To teach that the LORD JESUS was made alive before His resurrection from the tomb is unscriptural.

15. The "quickened by the SPIRIT" means that the HOLY SPIRIT brought the LORD's dead body back to life after it had lain 3 days and 3 nights in the tomb. Thus, when this quickening took place it was the climax of the raising up of His body. His human spirit needed no quickening; it was His body and only His body. And, the SPIRIT who did the quickening, it is not His own human spirit, but the HOLY SPIRIT. { Romans Ch. 8 } speaks of the SPIRIT of GOD raising JESUS from the dead. . . .


16. { V. 11 }: Scripture: "But if the SPIRIT of him that raised up JESUS from the dead dwell in you, He that raised up CHRIST from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by 'the [ Holy' ] SPIRIT THAT DWELLS IN YOU.

17. { V. 12 }: Therefore, brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live after the flesh, { Romans 8:11-12 }."


18. The above two verses paraphrased in commentary form . . . { 11 }: Scripture: "But 'if' the SPIRIT of him that raised up JESUS from the dead dwell in you then, He that raised up CHRIST from the dead 'shall also quicken - make alive, restore to life' your 'mortal short-lived, perishable' 'bodies again after you die, that is, if you are a Christian' indwelt by the HOLY SPIRIT. And, then you will become immortal, i.e., you will have reached the stage of immortality. { 12 }: Therefore, brethren, we are debtors, not to 'the flesh - that is, we are not obligated to any carnal nature,' nor are we . . . , to live: a life ruled by the standards set up by the dictates of sinful flesh, { Romans 8:11-12 }."


19. Commentary . . . We have shown that it was an impossibility that CHRIST was in any way 'quickened [ made alive' ] while His body was not yet raised from the dead. The passage we believe without doubt, speaks of a time when 'JESUS [ JEHOVAH' ] preached by the SPIRIT, or in the SPIRIT, that is, the same SPIRIT who raised Him from among the dead, the HOLY SPIRIT of life and power, to the spirits who are now in the prison of Hell.

20. When that particular preaching took place they were not yet in the prison of hell. Who were these folks? As we have already stated elsewhere, they were unbelievers [ in the past tens - that is, this is speaking of people ] who had died from the creation of Adam till Noah's flood. Many of them had been preached to by the prophet Enoch during his life time. The text makes clear that they are a special class of people. Many of them were still living in, the days of Noah. It is incomprehensible how some teachers, misinterpreting this passage, and therefore, teach that it includes all the lost, or the angels which fell, or even the righteous dead.

21. It is likely that "He did commune somewhat with the Children of GOD in the Paradise of Hades when He was there," but preaching salvation to His Saints there would have been a waste of time. Because, the LORD had already taught them and saved them before they died. On the other hand, the same SPIRIT preached to the generation of unbelievers in the days of Noah. { V. 20 } above where CHRIST was preaching, did not occur between the death and resurrection of CHRIST, but refers to Noah's day. CHRIST was not at that time personally, or physically present, just as He is not present in person in this age when the Gospel is preached; His SPIRIT is here. So was He present by His SPIRIT in the days Enoch and of Noah. It is written . . .


22. Scripture: "My SPIRIT shall 'not always strive [ eternally' ] with men, for that 'he [ mankind' ] also is flesh; yet his days shall be one hundred and twenty years, { Genesis 6:3 }."


23. Commentary . . . GOD's SPIRIT was then on the earth. In long-suffering, GOD was waiting 120 years for the Ark to be built. The LORD's SPIRIT preached then, but He needed a prophet. GOD the HOLY SPIRIT came upon Noah; and as the preacher of righteousness { 2- Peter 2:5 } Noah delivered the warning message of an impending judgment of those about him, who would not heed the message. Therefore, all the people were swept away by the Flood and are now the spirits in the prison of Hell. That is, except the small children who would have been resurrected to Paradise. No small children will be found in Hell!

24. As the SPIRIT of CHRIST came upon the prophets, { 1- Peter 1:11 } testifying beforehand of the suffering of CHRIST and the glory that should follow, so the SPIRIT of CHRIST preached through Noah. The fact is, the Ark was doubtless a type of CHRIST who saves believing Jews and Gentiles out of a wicked world. As for small children, we repeat, "they were drowned but never would GOD send them to Hell!"

25. The Flood waters are doubtless a type of judgment for sins which fell upon the LORD JESUS CHRIST when He died on the Cross! As the Psalmist has it: "All your waves and your billows are gone over me, { Psalm 42:7 }." Noah and his family were saved by being in the Ark. We are saved by being in Him Who is our Ark, who endured the judgment for us. The context plainly shows that it is CHRIST's death and resurrection that saves us, and not a water ceremony. Peter and the other eleven Apostles had been taught by CHRIST Himself that His death was a "Baptism." And, here we are told that we are saved now through CHRIST's death "Baptism," which was the anti-type of the Arks "Baptism" in the great Flood.

26. Although Peter was commissioned to practice water "Baptism" for the remission of sins, { Acts 2:38 }, it could not be said that- that "Baptism" saved people. It was at that time a necessary accompaniment to salvation, even as circumcision was to Abraham. Faith has always been the saving factor, but at that time works followed faith in order to prove their faith. When Peter wrote his Epistle he surely made it plain that salvation was through the death and resurrection of CHRIST and not through a ceremony.

27. Also, it is very inconsistent to suppose that water in the old dispensation is a type of water in the new. The literal and physical things of the old were types of the spiritual realities in CHRIST, or as Paul put it: "Which was a shadow of things to come, but the Body is of CHRIST, { Colossians 2:17 }." Therefore the anti-type "Baptism" which saves now is not ritual "Baptism," but is just another name for the work of CHRIST in His vicarious death.

28. Concerning Gentiles: though the O.T. Prophets spoke of Grace being given to Gentiles, they did not understand the various Dispensations to come or what was involved in GOD's saving of Gentiles through a suffering MESSIAH yet to come. See { Colossians 1:26-27 }. The O.T. Prophets did predict both the suffering { Isaiah Ch. 53 } and glory { Isaiah Ch. 11 } of the MESSIAH without distinguishing that the former would be fulfilled at CHRIST's first coming and the latter at His Second Advent. See { Psalm 22. }

29. The passage in { Ephesians 4:8 }, concerning CHRIST leading captivity captive has nothing to do with Peter's statement. The concluding words, linked with this statement, are a typical comparison of the deluge and the Ark with "Baptism." It has also been misunderstood, and some teach on account of it that water "Baptism" is a saving ordinance, which is another error. Noah and his family were saved in the "Spiritual cleansing" of the Ark in the deluge, but as Noah was already a spiritual Child of GOD, this being saved on the Ark refers to his being kept from a drowning death bodily. Because CHRIST suffered in death for us, and has come out of it in resurrection, as Noah came out of the deluge, to begin as it were, a new life in a resurrected cleansed earth.

30. Now that CHRIST, having passed through death, has atoned for all sins; we, by having passed through death in CHRIST, have all our sins forgiven, as CHRIST did in reality for us; for He was raised up without the sins which He atoned for on the Cross. Those sins He paid for were our sins; and therefore, through the resurrection, we have a good conscience. We pass through death in CHRIST's death "Baptism," by our SPIRIT "Baptism."

31. The peace-giving force of the thing is the resurrection of CHRIST, after He had accomplished atonement for us; by which resurrection therefore, we have a good conscience. In other words our good conscience is not in having obeyed an ordinance, but it is by what CHRIST has done, Who has gone into Heaven and Who is exalted at the right hand of the FATHER.


32. { 1- Peter 3:21 }: We must not fail from quoting what W. B. Godbey has to say concerning this verse, translating literally, [ Quote ], "Which anti-type 'Baptism' even now saves us," he goes on and states: "This passage has suffered terribly in the hands of preachers, Papistical and Protestant, who have done their utmost to drag it into the soul-destroying heresy of "Baptismal" regeneration, whereas it positively certifies the opposite. Throughout the Bible, water symbolizes the HOLY SPIRIT, hence the plain teaching of this passage is the "Baptism" of the HOLY SPIRIT under this Gospel Dispensation saves us.

33. "Not the putting away of the filth of the flesh," should rule our whole inner life, and give us "a good conscience." While Peter certifies that this anti-type is not "water Baptism," he simultaneously tells us it is the "answer of a good conscience" i.e; when GOD "Baptizes" us, He thereby gives His answer to our conscience, assuring us that it is good. Most expositors get here water in the type and in the anti-type and this violates all rule of typology.

34. How and when does the objective "Baptism" of the Cross and resurrection become our "Baptism?" Not through some kind of seeking or tarrying or any effort on our part, and not through some kind of a Pentecostal or second blessing. As soon as we come in faith to CHRIST, the HOLY SPIRIT silently as the dew from heaven slips into us and "Baptizes," identifies us with His death and resurrection.

35. To suppose then that Peter here speaks of water "Baptism" as a matter of a good conscience, is to miss the argument of Peter. Would this not also attribute to conscience a ruling power which does not belong to it? Also, would this not degrade the one "real Baptism" for this age into a carnal and legal shadow; and to unavoidably run sooner or later into the doctrine of "Baptismal regeneration."

36. It is ever the trick of Satan to get the "Body of Christ from [ His" Greek ] heavenly position to the low, carnal position, and he has always twisted this text of Peter to this end. Peter mentions CHRIST's death in { V. 18 }, His resurrection { V. 21 }, His ascension, session and LORDSHIP over all { V. 22 }, and this is with him clearly the anti-typical "Baptism," which now, in the way of faith, saves us. Every Child of GOD is gloriously saved by the anti-typical "Baptism" of His death and resurrection. Praise GOD, for this "Baptism" that now does save us, [ End Quote ]!


37. Commentary . . . The word "Church ( the Body of CHRIST " ) is in the masculine gender in the N.T. "NOT IN THE FEMININE." Also we repeat this that may be questionable to the student, "Baptismal regeneration." refers to receiving salvation by being "Water Baptized." Which is absolutely false doctrine! Never, never believe anyone that teaches this nonsense! "Water Baptism" has no place in the life of a Child of GOD during this Christian age! "Water Baptism" is a work performed by man. Our "Baptism" is spiritual . . . performed by GOD the HOLY SPIRIT! One "Baptism" refers to an Old Testament ordinance of works, the other strictly is a marvelous work of Almighty GOD through his love for us by what He went through on His Cross. Therefore, by His pure Grace the HOLY SPIRIT indwells every Saint causing each of us to become a Holy Temple with Himself dwelling in us eternally. Read again { Ephesians 4:5; - 1- Corinthians 12:13; - & - Romans 8:111, 14 -17 }. The wise student will read the whole book of Romans. Read especially the 8th chapter, and yes { Chapters 6, 9 - & - 10 also. }

Write Down The Answers To The Following Questions That Are Associated

With This Above Lesson . . .

38. [ 1 ]: It is often taught that one can lose his salvation. If this is so, what does it mean when { 1- Peter 3:18 } states: "For CHRIST also has "ONCE SUFFERED FOR SINS," the 'just [ CHRIST' ] for the unjust?

39. [ 2 ]: Doesn't this mean that if a Child of GOD becomes lost again, CHRIST will have to die again in order to save the lost one? Would this mean that the above is untrue?

40. [ 3 ]: Where is the prison in Hades, how are prisoners held there? Was it JESUS or was it Noah who preached to people in prison? When? Where? Explain.

41. [ 4 ]: Were these folks continually disobedient or just sometimes disobedient to the Word of GOD? . . . Why did the LORD wait so long to cause the Flood to take place? [ 1,656 years from the creation of Adam till the Flood. ]

42. [ 5 ]: How long did it take Noah to build the Ark, and what kind of wood was used to construct it?

43. [ 6 ]: Who was it that were saved on the Ark, and how many were there? Name the men that were on the Ark. . . . Where was GOD while these people were on the Ark?

44. [ 7 ]: Were those on the Ark "Baptized" if so how, . . . and what type of "Baptism" was administered, . . . did a certain "Baptism" save them? . . . Or, were the eight souls really "Baptized" or was it a spiritual cleansing they received?

45. [ 8 ]: Where is the dwelling place of the LORD JESUS CHRIST at the present time? . . . What do you believe JESUS is presently doing? . . . Where was CHRIST when Noah and his family entered the Ark?

46. [ 9 ]: Where is purgatory, is it even mentioned in our Bible, . . . if so give reference that it might be found?

47. [ 10 ]: Who is it that teaches that there is a purgatory? . . . Can they prove by Scripture there is such a place?

48. [ 11 ]: Is there any such place as "a kind of a purgatory" if so where is it?

49. [ 12 ]: If a person dies in a lost condition can he ever have a second chance for salvation? . . . If yes, give text to prove it.

50. [ 13 ]: How many different meanings can a certain verse have 1, 2, 3, or more, and can all of them be right?

51. [ 14 ]: What, and where is "Sheol, Is there such a place? . . . Where is Hades and how many sections are in it?

52. [ 15 ]: If there is a Hades, are there people there? . . . Are there saved folks there now? . . . Were there ever saved folks there?

53. [ 16 ]: Was CHRIST ever in Hades, if so, is He there now? . . . What and who are in Hades presently?

54. [ 17 ]: JESUS spent 3 days and 3 nights in the heart of the earth, what do you think this was referring to, where is the heart of the earth? . . . If JESUS was in Hades are the same people that were there then still there?

55. [ 18 ]: Did JESUS go to Paradise, if so, did He console GOD's Children in Paradise or did He just sit down and say nothing while He was there? . . . What do you think?

56. [ 19 ]: When CHRIST died, did His human spirit also die with Him? . . . Does the soul and spirit of a person perish along with the body at the time of death? . . . Does it turn into dust along with the body? . . . Where does the soul and spirit go to at the time of one's death?

57. [ 20 ]: What does the word "quickened or quickening" mean? Explain!

The teacher should add as many questions to the above lesson as he deems adequate for the class!


[ Lesson 16 ]. A "Baptism." Of Death . . .

1. Commentary . . . The mother of James and John sought a special place of favor for her sons in the future thousand year reign of CHRIST . . .


2. { V. 22 } Scripture: "But JESUS answered and said, 'You know not [ do not realize' ] what you ask. Are you able to drink of the cup that I shall drink of, and to be 'Baptized [ Baptizo' ] 'WITH' the 'Baptism [ Baptisma' ] that I am 'Baptized [ Baptizo' ] 'WITH?' They said unto Him, We are able.


3. Commentary . . . The cup that I shall drink of, i.e., the cup of suffering. with the "Baptism" that I am "Baptized" with, i.e., go with Me into the deep waters of suffering and death. We are able [ to be "Baptized in CHRIST's death Baptism" ]. James was the first of the Apostles to be martyred { Acts 12:2 }, and John suffered exile { Revelation 1:9 }.


4. { V. 23 }: And He said to them, You shall drink indeed of My cup, and be "Baptized [ Baptizo" ] 'WITH' the "Baptism [ Baptisma" ] that I am "Baptized [ Baptizo" ] 'WITH': but to sit 'on [ at' ] My right hand, and on My left , is not Mine to give, but it shall be given to them for whom it is prepared of My FATHER, { Matthew 20:22-23 }," read also - { Vs. 20-21 }.


5. Commentary . . . There are 2 other places where CHRIST refers to His impending death as a "Baptism," . . . { Mark 10:38-39; - & - Luke 12:50 }. Not only did JESUS die for us, we died with JESUS. "As many of us as were "Baptized" in JESUS CHRIST were "Baptized" into His death." It is of great importance to note that Paul in { Romans Ch. 6 } takes up where Peter leaves off, and shows that this "Baptism" of CHRIST's death has become our "Baptism" of death also. It identifies GOD's Children with CHRIST, because they are "Baptized" into CHRIST by the HOLY SPIRIT.


6. { V. 49 } Scripture: "I am come to send 'fire on the earth [ i.e; judgment' ]; and what will I, if it be already kindled? [ Better, 'I wish it were already kindled' ].

7. { V. 50 }: But I have a "Baptism [ of death" ] to be "Baptized" with; and how am I straitened till it be accomplished!

8. { V. 51 }: Suppose you that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, "NO"; but rather division, { Luke 12:49-51 }."


9. Commentary . . . As the student is aware, "Baptism" no. 1. for the LORD was the Cross, and the other was by using water performed by John the Baptist.


10. { V. 13 } Scripture: "And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the 'heavenly host [ Angelic troops, a heavenly knighthood,' ] praising GOD, and saying . . .

11. { V. 14 }: Glory to GOD in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men, { Luke 2:13-14 }."


12. The above { V. 14 } paraphrased in commentary form . . . Glory to GOD in the 'highest Heaven,' and 'on this literal earth' peace, good will toward men i.e., 'among men' with whom He is well-pleased . . . men of good will, i.e., of His favor, { Luke 2:13-14}."


13. Commentary . . . The LORD came to this earth at His birth, witnessed by the Angels of GOD who spoke of peace on the earth, but because of His rejection, death and resurrection, it would be at least two more Millenniums before peace would finely be restored by the returning MESSIAH. There has been no peace on the earth since that time and the earth will have to go through a fiery judgment of the Tribulation Period before peace can be acquired for the human race! Someday in the future, there will be a judgment of fire! The new recreated earth will be eternally peaceful! Be sure to read { Revelation 22:1-5 }.



14. Concerning { Romans 6:8-10 } Dr. Jerry Falwell had this to say about both sanctification and the 'Old Sin Nature'. . . [ Quote ] "Paul is still expounding the first principle of true sanctification. Hence, as in { V. 3 }, he repeats the word that is characteristic of this first principle. "Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with Him." The "old man" referred to here is our old self, this man we once were before we were crucified with CHRIST. This crucifixion is not a present, daily experience but is rather a past event, expressed by the aorist tense in Greek. { 1- Corinthians 15:31 } was spoken by Paul in the context of physical not spiritual death.

15. { Vs. 6-8 }: Our "old man" is not constantly being crucified at the Cross of Calvary. The reason is "that the body of sin might be destroyed." A better rendering of "might be destroyed" ( Greek 'katargeo' ), is "might be rendered inoperative." At the Cross of Calvary a victory was won which provided the Believer with the power not to live as he once did, serving his old master, i.e., sin, but to live eternally serving his new master, i.e., CHRIST. "For he that is dead is freed from sin." All who have died to sin are no longer debtor to it. Death wipes the slate clean. The death of our LORD has completely removed the guilt and penalty of our sin. Consequently, because we have died with CHRIST, we shall also live with Him. Living with CHRIST precludes the possibility of carnally continuing in sin so that Grace may abound.

16. { Vs. 9-10 }: "Knowing that CHRIST being raised from the dead [ will ] die no more." This is the third time Paul has used the word "know" or "Knowing." These three instances teach that we have been "Baptized" into JESUS CHRIST, that our "OLD MAN" is [ was past tense ] crucified with CHRIST, and that because JESUS died to sin once, He never shall die again. Death is a completed transaction but which we have once and for all passed into the resurrection life of our LORD. JESUS CHRIST can never die again. When we died with Him to sin, we never die to sin again. "Death has NO more dominion over Him." When He went to the Cross and paid the debt in full for our sins, death could no longer claim Him or those who died with Him. Therefore sanctification is knowing what CHRIST has already accomplished for us through His death. It is not primarily a matter of striving to live holy, but of knowing that we are holy in Him." [ End Quote ].



Write Down The Answers To The Following Questions That Are Associated

With This Above Lesson . . .

17. [ 1 ]: Does the same relationship exist today between the LORD JESUS and the Body of CHRIST, as it did between the Israelites and Moses when Moses was the leader of Israel? . . . If not, why not?

18. [ 2 ]: Can you find a parallel between the Body of CHRIST today, and the Israelites and Moses of that day, what would it be?

19. [ 3 ]: When you read { 1- Corinthians 10:2 }, what was it that took place as the Hebrew people crossed the sea with Moses?

20. [ 4 ]: When studying "Baptism" from { 1- Corinthians 15:29 }, could it be that Paul was only using "Baptism" as a figure of speech? . . . Why would this be so? . . . And, what about the other things Paul taught about "Baptism?"

21. [ 5 ]: Would it be appropriate to create a legitimate doctrine and build upon it from { V. 29 } above, would it be safe to do so?

22. [ 6 ]: Concerning types and anti-types, what would be the relationship, between the LORD JESUS and the Ark of Noah?

23. [ 7 ]: When Peter was teaching at Pentecost, could a person have received salvation had they rejected water "Baptism?" . . . Was "Baptism" in water or with water a necessary accompaniment to receive salvation at that time? . . . If so, where in Acts would you find a text to prove it?

24. [ 8 ]: In { 1- Peter 3:18-21 }, is Peter talking about ceremonial "Baptism," if not, what is it he says in these verses would prove it's not so?

25. [ 9 ]: Was Peter speaking about people being "Baptized" in water in order to be saved, was he talking about a different type of "Baptism?"

26. [ 10 ]: Do you think Peter in { V. 21 } might have been talking about death "Baptism?"

27. [ 11 ]: Do you believe that the Apostle Peter is stating that water "Baptism" saves us at the present time?

28. [ 12 ]: Is there a "Baptism" today that saves lost sinners? If so, explain?

29. [ 13 ]: Again we ask, "Do you believe that any Christian today that is alive, has received a literal death "Baptism?" . . . Has anybody at all ever received a death "Baptism?"

30. [ 14 ]: If a Saint has received a death "Baptism," how did this take place, . . . was it someone else's "Baptism" he received, . . . or was it his own?

31. [ 15 ]: Can you think of any people who have literally received a death "Baptism" in the past, other than the LORD JESUS, if so who?

32. [ 16 ]: Concerning the word "figurative," is water "Baptism" figurative, literal or spiritual? Explain.

33. [ 17 ]: Can you explain what the two "Baptisms" of JESUS consisted of? Please do so.

34. [ 18 ]: How can you as a student, prove that the "Baptism" of fire spoken of at Pentecost was not the same thing as the cloven tongues?

35. [ 19 ]: Are there any particular denominations today that "Baptize" for the dead? If so name one, and deliberate in consultation about it. . . . Again we ask . . .

36. [ 20 ]: Are there any denominations today that pray to the dead, if so, how many do you know of? Discuss this with your class.


37. Commentary . . . In the remaining part of our message we will consider the different modes, of "Baptizing," the various rituals, and above all, why did the Apostle Paul "Baptize" a few, when no commission was ever given him to do so?

There are many more questions in the above lesson that should be asked and answered, please make a list of them and bring them before your class.


[ Lesson - 17 ]. Different "Purification Rituals" Of The Mosaic Law Dispensation . . .


1. Scripture: "Which stood only in meats and drinks, and 'divers [ various' ] "washings [ Baptismos" ], and carnal ordinances, imposed on them until the time of reformation, { Hebrews 9:10 }."


2. To paraphrase this verse in commentary form it says . . . "For the ceremonies deal only with clean and unclean meats and drinks and different washings, mere external rules and regulations for the body imposed to tide the worshippers over until the time of setting things straight . . . of reformation, [ of the complete new order when CHRIST, the MESSIAH, shall establish the reality of what these things foreshadow, i.e., a better covenant." ]

= = = = = = = =

3. Commentary . . . For the third time we have repeated the above verse . . . This verse tells us that during the old law period, the Temple worship with all its regulations that included the many methods of "cleansings, . . . purification" or carnal ordinances etc. was carried on until the reformation. Has the student studied about the "Pentateuch?" . . . What is it? . . . It pertains to 'one Law,' the Law of Moses, called the Mosaic Law and the Torah! . . . The word Torah is Hebrew and it means instruction, guidance, or Law: see { Matthew 5:17-18 }. As to the divers washings of the old Law, they consisted of different types of cleansing which are nothing other than Levitical Law ceremonies of purification. To prove this . . .


4. { V. 17 } Scripture: "And the LORD spoke to Moses, saying,

5. { V. 18 }: You shall also make 'a laver [ or large basin' ] of 'brass [ bronze' ], and his 'foot [ base' ] also of brass [ bronze ], to wash withal: and you shall 'put it [ outside in the court' ] between the 'tabernacle [ tent' ] of the congregation and the altar [ of burnt offering ], 'and you shall put water therein [ in the basin' ].

6. { V. 19 }: For 'Aaron [ the High priest' ] and his sons shall wash their hands and their feet thereat: [ What about us today? See { Titus 3:5-7. }

7. { V. 20 }: When they go into the 'tabernacle [ tent, Synagogue, place of worship' ] of the congregation, they shall wash with water, that they die not; or when they come near to the altar to minister, to burn offering made by fire unto the LORD. . . . See { John 13:6-8 }.

8. { V. 21 }: So they shall wash their hands and their feet, that they die not: and it shall be 'a [ perpetual' ] statute for ever to them [ for Aaron the high priest ], even to him and to 'his seed [ descendants' ] throughout their generations, { Exodus 30:17-21 }."


9. Commentary . . . How many types of death are there? [ 1 ]: Spiritual, [ 2 ]: Physical, and [ 3 ]: Eternal! . . . The student will notice that NOT ONE of these above verses imply that immersion was instituted. During the Old Law system sprinkling and washing was performed in accordance with the various rites. The bronze laver, made from mirrors { Exodus 38:8 }, stood between the altar of burnt offering and the door of the Tabernacle and was used for the ritual cleansing of the feet and hands of the priests. Without counting them ourselves, it has been said that there are over 20 references in the book of Leviticus to the different purification rituals. [ Read the Book of Leviticus and then the Book of Hebrews, . . . Hebrews explains a great deal about the old Law. ]

10. When we study the first Passover sacrifice which took place in Egypt , we notice that the blood of the lamb was sprinkled on three different places, on the 'lintel [ above the door' ] and on the two door-posts of the house, { Exodus 12:7 }. From that day onward sprinkling became the chief mode of the application of the blood of deliverance in Israel. This is true to such an extent that even the blood of JESUS is referred to as the blood of sprinkling, study: { Hebrews 9:9-14,19-28 }. Therefore, because of this, some denominations teach un-scripturaly that new converts should be "water Baptized" today by sprinkling.

11. There are many Ministers that have taught that, since the word "Baptism" has not been used in the O.T. only the New Testament Christians were to practice this rite. Sometimes folks forget that the N.T. was written in the Greek language, whereas the O.T. was originally written in Hebrew. "Baptism" is a Greek word, not Hebrew. The Hebrew nation at the time of the exodus, was approximately fifteen hundred years before the birth of JESUS, and they performed several different types of "Cleansing" rites all during those years. When we read about John the Baptist coming on the scene and performing the "Baptismal" ritual, can you find any Hebrew that was mystified by what He was doing? Of course not. They knew all about that kind of ritual. But, they did ask John the question . . .


12. Scripture: "And they asked Him, saying to 'him [ John' ], Why then do you "Baptize," if you are not the CHRIST nor Elijah nor the Prophet, { John 1:25 }." [ We use this text taken from the "Aramaic Bible" for a better understanding ].


Write Down The Answers To The Following Questions That Are Associated With

This Above Lesson . . .

13. [ 1 ]: What does it mean: divers washings, and what Greek word is associated with these washings?

14. [ 2 ]: Concerning carnal ordinances: can you name several of those kind of ordinances, were these ordinances to be carried on into the Body of CHRIST's 'Mystery Dispensation [ Grace period, or Administration' ]?

15. [ 3 ]: Were certain types of meats and drinks included into these Old Kingdom ordinances, if so - name some of them?

16. [ 4 ]: In { Hebrews 9:10 } it says: "until the time of reformation," what does this mean? explain!

17. [ 5 ]: What is a "laver," what type of material is it made from, what was it to be used for, and where was it to be placed?

18. [ 6 ]: Who was the acting high priest of the company of the Israelites, what was his office in charge of?

19. [ 7 ]: Today various priests in 'some orders' forbid certain people to marry, are they going according to the Word of GOD? . . . Are they going according to man made customs? . . . Are they correct in this type of teaching? . . . Is this an ordinance for them or just a custom? . . . Are all women in their organization allowed to marry or just some of them?

20. [ 8 ]: Was the meeting place at the sight of the first Temple to be in a house, tent, Assembly building, or out in the open air? explain.

21. [ 9 ]: When the people attended the place of worship, what were they to do first, and why were they to do it, what type of offering were they to make?

22. [ 10 ]: How long were the people to perform rituals, was it meant for the whole Hebrew nation, for the priests only, for the entire nations of the world or just for the descendants of the high priest? What? Who? Where?

23. [ 11 ]: Was immersion instituted in compliance with any of these ordinances, yes or no? . . . What type of "Baptism" if that is what it was - why was it performed? . . . What was the correct mode of the ritual?"

24. [ 12 ]: How many references is said to be in Leviticus concerning the divers "Baptisms or washings?"

25. [ 13 ]: When the first Passover took place, how many places was the offering applied to a dwelling? . . . What type of liquid was used in the Passover, was it water or blood? . . . If blood, where was the blood to come from? . . . Was the liquid poured or sprinkled on the building? . . . Was this the beginning of ritual "Baptism"? . . . 0r, did the ritual begin before this Passover? . . . What was the date of the Passover? . . . Was this ritual really a "Baptism"?

26. [ 14 ]: After the first Passover what became the chief mode of an offering?

27. [ 15 ]: Is the word "Baptism" used in the O.T. . . ., if so where?

28. [ 16 ]: Is the word "Baptism" from the Hebrew or of the Greek language?

29. [ 17 ]: How long was it from the first Passover till the birth of CHRIST?

30. [ 18 ]: When John the Baptist began "Baptizing" were the Hebrews surprised by this ritual, did they know about water rituals before hand?

31. [ 19 ]: How many types of death do you suppose there are? . . . Mention them in your class.

32. [ 20 ]: What New Testament book explains much detail about the Old Mosaic Law?


There are many more questions in the above lesson that should be asked and answered, please make a list of them and bring them before your class.


[ Lesson 18 ]. The Hebrews Had Many "Purification Rituals" That Were Given

Them By JEHOVAH In Their Levitical Religion. Plus, Many That They Thought

Up Themselves That JESUS Called Traditions Of The Elders Which Made

Void The Commandments Of GOD. . . .


1. { V. 1 } Scripture: "Then came together to Him the Pharisees, and certain of the scribes, which came from Jerusalem.

2. { V. 2 }: And when they saw some of His disciples eat bread with defiled, that is to say, with 'unwashed [ Aniptos-unwashen' ] hands, they 'found fault.

3. { V. 3 }: For the Pharisees, and all the Jews, except they 'wash [ Nipto' ] their hands often, eat not, holding the tradition of the elders, { Mark 7:1-3 }."


4. The above { Vs. 2-3 } paraphrased in commentary form . . . { 2 }: And when they saw some of His disciples eat bread with defiled, that is to say, with 'unwashed [Aniptos-unwashen' ] hands, they 'found fault because they had neglected the ceremonial washing' ]. . . { 3 }: For the Pharisees, and all the Jews, except they 'wash [ Nipto' ] their hands which was merely for ceremonial reasons, otherwise they were not to eat since they were holding to the man made tradition of the elders. But, this was only a man made tradition NOT a commandment from GOD. { Mark 7:1-3 }."


5. Commentary . . . they were to diligently wash up to their elbows with clenched fist, adhering carefully and faithfully to the man made tradition of practices and customs handed down to them by their forefathers . . . to observe. The word "Nipto" here is a synonym of "Baptism." the same word used for the washing of feet in { John 13 }, Nipto, and its negative form, Aniptos, or unwashen, in { Vs. 2- & - 5 }.


6. Scripture: "JESUS said to him, He that 'is washed [ "bathed" with the Word of GOD' ] need not save to wash his feet, but is clean every whit: and you are clean, but not all, { John 13:10 }."


7. Commentary . . . There are two different words in { V. 10 } here for "wash" so that the phrase literally reads, "He that has bathed needs not wash except his feet." Just as in the natural life a man who has bathed needs only to wash the dust off his sandaled feet when he returns home, so also- in the spiritual life of a man who has been cleansed from sin need not think that 'all' is lost when he sins in his walk through life. But, he definitely needs to confess his sins with a 'contrite [ or penitent' ] mind to be entirely clean again, see { Psalm 32:5-6; - & - 103:12 }.


8. { V. 4 } Scripture: "And when they come from the market, except they wash they eat not. And many other things there be, which they have received to hold as the washing, of cups, and pots, brazen vessels, and of tables.


9. The above { V. 4 } paraphrased in commentary form . . . "And when they come from the market, 'except [ unless' ] they "wash and purify themselves, Baptizo" they eat not. and many other 'things [ traditions' ] there be, which they have received to hold as the "washing [ Baptismos" ], [ In other words, oral, man made laws handed down to them, which they observe faithfully and diligently such as: washing ] of cups, and pots [ wooden pitchers ], brazen vessels [ wide-mouthed jugs and utensils of copper, and beds ], and of tables. [ In these verses the verb "Baptizo" is used one time ].


10. { V. 5 }: Then the Pharisees and scribes asked Him, why walk not your disciples according to the tradition of the elders, but eat bread with unwashed hands?


11. The above { V. 5 } paraphrased in commentary form . . . "Then the Pharisees and scribes went on to asked JESUS', why doesn't your disciples walk according to the tradition of the elders i.e., your forefathers to be observed, but eat bread with 'unwashed [ Aniptos- unwashen' ] hands that are ceremonially un-purified ? [ NIPTO, and its negative form, ANIPTOS, or unwashen, in { Vs. 2 - & - 5 }.


12. { V. 6 }: [ But, ] He answered and said to them, Well Isaiah prophesied of you 'hypocrites, as it is written, This people honors Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me.


13. The above { V. 6 } paraphrased in commentary form . . . But, JESUS answered and said to them, 'Well excellently and truly . . . so that there will be no blame,' the prophet Isaiah has prophesied of you 'hypocrites you pretenders,' when he wrote and said, "These people constantly honor Me with their lips, but their 'hearts [ minds' ] is far off from Me . . . { Isaiah 29:13 }."


14. { V. 7 }: Howbeit in vain do they worship Me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.


15. The above { V. 7 } paraphrased in commentary form . . . Howbeit [ although' ] in 'vain fruitlessly and without profit' do they worship Me, ordering and teaching [ to be obeyed ] for doctrines the commandments and precepts of men. . . .


16. { V. 8 }: For laying aside the commandments of GOD you hold the tradition of men, as the 'washing [ Baptismos' ] of pots and cups: and many other such like things you do. . . .


17. Commentary . . . The noun "Baptismos" being interpreted twice as wash in { Vs. 4 - & - 8. } CHRIST in { V. 8 } is criticizing the reinterpretation and debasement of the law by the scribes and Pharisees who viewed oral tradition as more authoritative than the Biblical written law of the O.T. He then illustrated the point in these verses. . . .


18. { V. 9 }: And He said unto them, Full well you reject the commandment of GOD, that you may keep your own tradition! { Mark 7:4-9 }."


19. The above { V. 9 } paraphrased in commentary form . . . "And He said unto them, Full well you have a fine way to reject nullify and doing away with the commandment of GOD, that you may keep your own tradition - i.e., your own ungodly humanistic regulations!


Write Down The Answers To The Following Questions That Are Associated With

This Above Lesson . . .

20. [ 1 ]: What is the definition of a "scribe or a Pharisee?"

21. [ 2 ]: Did JESUS and His disciples break a commandment of the law when they ate without washing their hands, if so, whose law was it?

22. [ 3 ]: What was the tradition of the elders, was it against the will of GOD to ignore such a tradition? . . . Do we have such traditions in Assemblies today? . . . Are there none whatsoever? . . . Are you really positive? . . . Are Denominations guilty of this same type hypocrisy, of sin today? . . . If so name any traditions they are guilty of, how many can you think of? . . . Is this Phariseeism?

23. [ 4 ]: Again . . . "Do any of the many denominations today teach traditionalism?"

24. [ 5 ]: In what way was one to wash his hands according to the elder's tradition, and when was he to do this?

25. [ 6 ]: What was the answer of JESUS, to the objections of the Jewish objectors, and how were the people to be made clean?

26. [ 7 ]: What part of the body was actually meant to be washed, and what was the apparel to be washed?

27. [ 8 ]: If one fails to keep a commandment of GOD, how does he rectify the sin he has committed, what text would prove your answer?

28. [ 9 ]: How was one to be purified from un-cleanness and still be in the will of the LORD?

29. [ 10 ]: Was it completely right or wrong for the People to obey the traditions handed down according to the elders - spoken of in GOD's Word. If folks obeyed such traditions would they lose their salvation or would they gain favor with GOD, was it a serious matter?

30. [ 11 ]: What was it that JESUS named the objectors, and how did the objectors honor the LORD?

31. [ 12 ]: What kind of Commandments and doctrines did the Hebrew leaders keep in their worship of the LORD?

32. [ 13 ]: Was anyone guilty of a reinterpretation of the law that had been given by the LORD?

33. [ 14 ]: In what way did the Hebrew leaders have the right to keep their own self-made regulations?


There are many more questions in the above lesson that should be asked and answered, please make a list of them and bring them before your class.


[ Lesson 19. ] Concerning "Baptism," . . . Various Important Items You Should Comprehend. . . .

1. Commentary . . . The 'tables [ couches' ] that the Hebrews reclined on when dining were not submerged in water. The word "Baptism" as a synonym of washing, was to cleans the couches ceremonially, water was only sprinkled upon them. Many ritual "Baptisms" such as these, made void the LORD's commandments. The word "immersion or burial" was not used in this ritual.

2. Paul's Epistles primarily are the Epistles that all Christians today should be studying for their walk of life as Children of GOD. Never do we find the LORD commanding Paul to teach ritualism to the Body of CHRIST during our present Dispensation! Such teachings as ritualistic "Baptism" for today, certainly do make the LORD's commandments void! In our present age, many Christians are being placed under man-made ordinances.

3. Any ceremony that is taught for your Assembly to perform, you should make sure that Paul's letters especially commands that ritual or ceremony by the express teaching from the LORD's Word. Also, make sure that any ceremony that is performed in your Assembly is not a ceremony that was originally under the old system of the Hebrews and made void on the Cross by CHRIST.

4. If GOD's Word doesn't teach the ritual for this age, this will mean that somebody is in error and this is the way many erroneous doctrines arise to cause havoc in the denominations. This type of false doctrine makes void the commandment of the LORD. There are several modern traditions today, that are man-made. Traditions of the elders, but they are not Christian! Whether "Baptism" is performed by immersion, infant "Baptism," pouring water on someone's head, or sprinkling the body with water seems to make no real difference to the average Christian.

5. As long as one is water "Baptized," that's the main thing folks really desire. Wouldn't this make void much of CHRIST's Word? Many teach that water "Baptism" is going all the way with CHRIST! What do you think, is it? Can you be "Baptized" like CHRIST was, and for the same reason? Think about it! Can you be "Baptized" to fulfill all righteousness? Prove it with Scripture if you can! See { Matthew 3:13-15 }.


6. { V. 37 }: Scripture: "And as 'He [ CHRIST' ] spoke, a certain Pharisee besought Him to dine with him: and He went in, and sat down to meat.

7. { V. 38 }: And when the Pharisee saw it, he marveled that He had not first washed before dinner.

8. { V. 39 }: And the LORD said to him, Now do you Pharisees make clean the outside of the cup and the platter; but your inward part is full of ravening, and wickedness.

9. { V. 40 }: You fools, did not He that made that which is without make that which is within also? { Luke 11:37-40 }."


10. The above { Vs. 38-40 } paraphrased in commentary form . . . { 38 }: "And when the Pharisee saw it, 'he marveled i.e., he was really astonished' to see that 'He the LORD JESUS' had NOT first 'washed [ Baptizo' ] before dinner. { 39 }: And the LORD said to him, Now do you Pharisees make clean the outside of the cup and the 'platter [ plate' ]; but your 'inward part - that is, in your black mind which is the part of you' which is full of ravening greed, robbery, extortion, malice, and wickedness. { 40 }: You senseless 'fools, stupid ones . . . acting without reflection or intelligence!' did not He the LORD GOD JEHOVAH that made that which is without the human body make that which is within the human body also? { Luke 11:37-40 }."


11. Commentary . . . "Washed" in { V. 38 } is the word "Baptizo," pronounced "Bap-tid-zo," 80 times in the N.T. CHRIST often used dinner invitations as opportunities to teach the people. See { Luke 5:29; - 7:36; - 14:1; - 19:5; - John 2:1-12; - & - 12:1-2 }.


Write Down The Answers To The Following Questions That Are Associated With This Above Lesson. . . .

12. [ 1 ]: Did the Hebrews actually submerge any of the furniture in water to "Baptize" it, if not, how was it "Baptized?" . . . Was it really "Baptized" or was the ritual meant as a purification ritual?

13. [ 2 ]: What was the synonym for washing?

14. [ 3 ]: What was it that the many ritual "washings" and other rituals, and: commandments of the elders do to the Word of GOD?

15. [ 4 ]: How was the words "immersion and burial" used in the ritual of "Baptism?"

16. [ 5 ]: Whose Epistles should be primarily studied in "this present Christian age" to walk rightly according to the Scriptures? Moses, Zechariah's, John's, James, Jude's. Matthew's, Paul's? Who? Why? Give an accounting!

17. [ 6 ]: Is ritualism to be used in any form during this Body of CHRIST age, if so, what form is it to be used . . . by whose authority?

18. [ 7 ]: Are any Christian Denominations today being placed under man made ordinances, if so how? . . . And, if so, would such ordinances not be in the same class as Phariseeism was classed, in the time of the 12 Apostles Kingdom order and Commission?

19. [ 8 ]: What should one do if doubt arises when ordinances or commandments are taught, should your pastor be consulted, or should history books be consulted, how should one find the truth of the matter, who or what can be trusted to teach you? Careful!!!

20. [ 9 ]: Are there ceremonies of any type being administered in your Assembly, if so is it correct according to Biblical correctness? Again, be careful with your answer!!!

21. [ 10 ]: If a ceremony is being performed in your Assembly can it do any harm? . . . Is it right or wrong? . . . Should it be stopped? . . . Should you do anything about it? . . . Should you speak out or keep quite? . . . Would speaking out step on somebody's toes? . . . If it stepped on toes, should a lie be kept secret? . . . Could it confuse any of the members? . . . What harm can it do? . . . Could it brain wash your own friends and loved ones?

22. [ 11 ]: If GOD's Word doesn't teach the ritual for this age, does this mean error has been committed? . . . What harm can this error do to the Word of GOD? . . . Could it be possible that water "Baptism" of any type could be wrong in this age according to Scripture?

23. [ 12 ]: Can you be "Baptized" like CHRIST was, and for the same reason? Thank very deeply about this!

24. [ 13 ]: Why did JESUS accept dinner invitations from people who were not Believers?


There are many more questions in the above lesson that should be asked and answered, please make a list of them and bring them before your class.


[ Lesson 20. ] John's "Baptism" Was A "Baptism" For Remission . . . "Forgiveness" Of Sins. . . .

1. Commentary . . . The water as we have learned, belonged with the blood and the oil, and was associated with the Hebrew nation under the Mosaic law. Therefore, John the Baptist was sent to fulfill the demands of the law, and since our LORD was made under the law, He submitted to the rite to fulfill all righteousness, but no one was ever commissioned by CHRIST or by the Apostles after { Acts 2:38 } to "Baptize" any Gentile with water. John had to prepare the way before the LORD. JESUS wanted to meet a clean people and a law-abiding nation. John gave the reason for his "water Baptism" clearly in the next verse . . .


2. Scripture: ". . . that he should be made manifest to Israel, therefore am I come "Baptizing" WITH WATER, { John 1:31 }."


3. The above { V. 31 } paraphrased in commentary form . . . "And I knew Him not but that JESUS should be made 'manifest by being revealed to Israel'' . . . and be brought out so we can see Him. This is the reason therefore am I come "Baptizing" NOT IN, BUT 'WITH WATER." See { Hebrews 12:24 }.


4. Commentary . . . Remember, John "Baptized" CHRIST with water which is synonymous in this instance with anointing Him. All Kings were anointed by a prophet to show forth their Kingship. As a usual thing only oil was used to anoint a King, see { Psalm 89:20 }, but this time water was used and then the HOLY SPIRIT descended upon JESUS, { Vs. 32-34 }. John "Baptized" only Hebrews, since this type of "cleansing and anointing" was only for the Israelis and not for the Gentiles. Gentiles such as Naaman, the eunuch, Cornelius and the jailer of Philippi, were regarded as proselytes after they became Believers. Three times in { John 1:26-33 } John stated that his "Baptism" is of water, thereby emphatically differentiating it from CHRIST's "Baptism WITH the SPIRIT." The one "Baptism" of { Colossians 2:11 - & - Ephesians. 4:1-5 } was still hidden as part of the mystery program, later to be revealed to Paul. If you have a Greek text, you will notice that in { John 1:26, 31, - & - 33 } where the King James Bible has it . . . "Baptize" "in" water, the Greek has it "WITH" water!

5. These water "purifications" of the law and Kingdom period had a definite end, because they were until the time of reformation: "i.e; the first coming of CHRIST." John hinted at this when he stated: "He [ JESUS ] must increase, but I must decrease." Think of this amazing fact! Whereas Christendom at large teaches that JESUS was the one who instituted water "Baptism," the Bible tells us in unmistakable language that the water "cleansing" were rituals in Israel as ordinances until CHRIST should come, { Hebrews 9:10 }. Instead of beginning the ritual of water "ritualism," JESUS ended this particular ritual. [ And again . . . we ask: "since JESUS could not sin why should He have been water Baptized" or cleansed? ] The answer is . . .


6. Scripture: "For 'He [ The TRIUNE GOD, the Three in One' ] has made 'Him [ CHRIST the GOD MAN of the Trinity' ] to be sin for us, Who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of GOD in Him, { 2- Corinthians 5:21 }." . . .


7. The above verse paraphrased in commentary form . . . "For our sake He "the Triune GOD" as a whole made the LORD JESUS CHRIST virtually to be sin Who knew no sin, and could not sin, so that in and through Him we might 'become [ endued with, viewed as in and examples of' ] the righteousness of GOD . . . what we ought to be, approved and acceptable and in right relationship with Him, by His kindness, virtue and generosity." [ Can you or any other person "Baptize" someone to be made righteousness of GOD? If you can . . . give Scripture to prove it! . . . Can any convert really be "Baptized" like CHRIST was? ]


8. Commentary . . . To accomplish this end, the LORD had to be numbered with the transgressors, as { Isaiah. 53:12 } had foretold many centuries before. John did not yet grasp this and "forbade JESUS saying, I have need to be "Baptized" of You, and You came to me? { Matthew. 3:14 }." John was mistaken in a twofold way: CHRIST did not "Baptize" with water, and could not, since He came the first time to fulfill the Old Testament Law with its commandments and ordinances which he fulfilled on His Cross. See { Colossians 2:14, 20-21; - & - Ephesians 2:15 }. While on the other hand, as we bring out elsewhere in this message, JESUS had to be "Baptized" [ and anointed ] in order to fulfill all righteousness. Remember again, CHRIST came as the King of the Jews!!!!!

9. This doesn't mean that His "Baptism" alone would fulfill all righteousness, but that His "Baptism," or rather His purification, was one of the things necessary to the fulfilling of all righteousness. If CHRIST had fulfilled all the many requirements of the Mosaic law and not this, then He would simply not have fulfilled the whole law . . . and He could not be the end of the law. In fact, He would then be a transgressor needing a Saviour Himself. By the perfect obedience to every detail of the law He made many righteous.


10. { V. 8 } Scripture: "But GOD commended His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, CHRIST died for us.

11. { V. 9 }: Much more than, being now justified by His Blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him, { Romans 5:8-9 }."


12. The above verse 9 paraphrased in commentary form . . . "Much more than, being now justified by His Blood, i.e., How much more certain it is that 'we shall be saved by Him from the indignation and' from wrath through Him"


13. Scripture: "And, being found in fashion as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient unto death, even the death of the Cross, { Philippians 2:8 }."


14. The above verse 8 paraphrased in commentary form . . . "And, after He had appeared in human form and, being found in fashion as a man, 'He abased and humbled Himself still further' and 'became obedient to the extreme' unto death, even the death of the Cross."


15. Commentary . . . The question is, If John's "Baptism" was for the "remission [ forgiveness" ] of sins, how can we reconcile this with { Hebrews 9:22; - Genesis 4:5; - & - Leviticus 17:11 }?


16. Scripture: "And [ in fact ] almost all things are by the law 'purged [ purified' ] by the blood; and without shedding of blood is 'no remission [ i.e., no release from sin and its guilt nor the remission of the due and merited punishment for sins' ], { Hebrews 9:22 }."




17. Commentary . . . When we study this text where the blood is mentioned the Commentary on the whole Bible by Jamieson, Fausset and Brown explains it like this: [ Quote ] "Almost - to be joined with all things," vis; almost all things under the old dispensation. The exceptions to all things being purified by blood are, { Exodus 19:10; - Leviticus 15:5; - 16:26, 28; 22:6; - & - Numbers 31:22-24 }. Without- Greek, "apart from," shedding of blood- shed in the slaughter of the victim, and poured out at the altar subsequently. The pouring out of the blood on the altar is the main part of the sacrifice { Leviticus 17:11 }, and it could not have place apart from the previous shedding of the blood in the slaying.

18. Paul has, perhaps, in mind here, { Luke 22:20 }: ". . . this cup is the New Testament in My blood, which is shed for you." In-Greek, "takes place:" comes to pass. Remission of sins: a favorite expression of Luke, Paul's companion. Properly used of remitting a debt { Matthew 6:12; - & - 18:27, 32}; our sins are debts. On the truth here, cf. { Leviticus 5:11-13 }, an exception because of poverty, confirming the general rule, [ End Quote ]." Again we quote this next verse . . .




19. Scripture: "And I know Him not: but that He should be made manifest to Israel, therefore am I come 'Baptizing' WITH water, { John 1:31 }."


20. The above verse 31 paraphrased in commentary form . . . "And 'I know Him not [ I did not recognize Him myself' ]: but that CHRIST should be made 'manifest [ revealed' ] to Israel, therefore am I come "Baptizing [ Baptizo," but not in water but ] 'WITH: [ Greek' ], water."


21. Commentary . . . It would be very unscriptural during our own age to "Baptize" anyone for the same reason that John "Baptized." His "Baptism" had but one meaning, and that was to 'cleans [ purify' ] the people for the "remission . . . forgiveness" of sins. This was a ceremony only associated with the Hebrew and was practiced for that purpose. The LORD's Apostles always "Baptized" the Israelis in that same way, and for the same purpose as did John.

22. Naturally it was the SPIRIT of GOD, who led John to "Baptize" the Hebrews according to the custom of the nation. It was purely a ritualistic custom and didn't save anybody. When we read the teachings of CHRIST, we notice that He taught the same "Baptism" for the forgiveness of sins that John and the 12 Apostles taught, and JESUS had His disciples water "Baptize" many of the Hebrew People.


23. { V. 1 } Scripture: "When therefore the LORD knew the Pharisees had heard that JESUS made and "Baptized" more disciples than John,


24. The above verse 1 paraphrased in commentary form . . . "When therefore the 'LORD knew and made himself aware' that the Pharisees 'had heard [ been told' ] that 'JESUS was winning Believers and that He' made and "Baptized [ Baptizo" ] more 'disciples [ followers' ] than John,


25. { V. 2 }: Though JESUS Himself "Baptized ( Baptizo" ) NOT, but His disciples,

26. { V. 3 }: He left Judaea, and departed again into Galilee, { John 4:1-3 }."


27. Commentary . . . The meaning is this: When the LORD knew that the Pharisees had heard that He was making and "Baptizing" more disciples than John [ though actually JESUS' disciples did the "Baptizing", not CHRIST Himself ], He determined to leave the area and go into Galilee to avoid trouble with the Pharisees. You will notice in the text above that There are 3 references to the "Baptism" which the Apostles performed at the same time, which evidently was of the same nature as John's "Baptism;" { John 3:26; - & - 4:1-2 }. What does the word "Pharisee" mean? [ 1 ]: It was one of the ancient Jewish sect which believed in the validity of the oral law and in the free interpretation of the written law by seeking to discover its inner meaning. [ 2 ]: It was a pharisaic, self righteous, or hypocritical person. [ 3 ]: Phar/isaical . . . "practicing or advocating strict observance of external forms and ceremonies of religion without regard to its spirit; righteous; in fact in many cases - it boiled down to hypocritical-ism."


28. Scripture: "And 'he [ John' ] came into all the country about Jordan, preaching the "Baptism" [ Baptisma, 22 times in N.T. ] of repentance for the remission of sins, { Luke 3:3 }."


29. Commentary . . . This verse is speaking of their . . . heartfelt amending of their ways with abhorrence for past wrongdoing unto forgiveness of sins. This is the full descriptive title of John's "Baptism." . . . It is said of the Gentiles . . .


30. Scripture: "That at that time you were without CHRIST, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without GOD in the world, { Ephesians 2:12 }."


31. The above { V. 12 } paraphrased in commentary form . . . "Remember that the Gentiles "heathen, past tense" during the law and Kingdom period, were 'separated and living apart' from CHRIST . . . excluded from any part in the LORD; utterly estranged and outlawed from the rights of Israel as a nation, and strangers with no share in the sacred compacts of the Messianic promise: with no knowledge of or right in JEHOVAH's agreements, or His covenants. And had no hope . . . no promises; and were in the world without GOD.

= = = = = = = =

32. Commentary . . . Notice that the verse is speaking of Gentiles without GOD dwelling in them. Always remember that there are three types of people [ 1 ]: "Jews." . . . [ 2 ]: "Gentiles" whom are not GOD's Children. . . . And [ 3 ] : The "Body of CHRIST" which involve Jews and Gentiles, people that were lost, but are now neither Jew or Gentile after being saved except by race only. On the other hand, after being saved both the Jews and the Gentiles having become Christians have now become members of the Body of CHRIST and shall remain so for all eternity! Concerning the Hebrew nation, . . .


33. Scripture: "You are the 'children [ the descendants, sons' ] of the prophets, and [ the heirs ] of the covenant which GOD made with our fathers, saying to Abraham, And in 'your seed [ CHRIST, GOD's Heir through David' ] shall all the 'kindreds [ families' ] of the earth 'be blessed [ and benefited' ], { Acts 3:25 }." See { Genesis 22:18; - & - Galatians 3:16 }.


34. Commentary . . . According to this, the Hebrew nation was the LORD's covenant nation and this must be understood in order to know the truth about the "Baptism" of John. Israel has always been the children of the covenants of promise.


35. Scripture: "The law and the prophets were unto John: since that time the kingdom of GOD is preached, and every man presses into it, { Luke 16:16 }."


36. The above { V. 16 } paraphrased in commentary form . . . "The law and the prophets were unto 'John the Baptist': since that time the 'kingdom of GOD is preached [ not through Gospel of the Mystery of today, But the Gospel of the Kingdom to Israel' ], and every man presses into it, { Luke 16:16 }."


37. Commentary . . . John's ministry began at the end of the Mosaic law period, and the doctrine and the ordinances of the Millennial Kingdom were now beginning to be taught. It was a disastrous event when the Hebrew people rejected the Kingdom and their King the LORD JESUS! Nevertheless, this is what John's Gospel, his ministry, and his "Baptism" was all about. John's ministry was one of calling the people of GOD to repentance, and calling them to their Messiah.

38. The Israelis had separated themselves from JEHOVAH, and that is what the above texts are talking about, they are told to repent and be "water Baptized" in the purification ritual for forgiveness of their sins because their Kingdom promises are at hand. The rest of the story is . . . the Israelis pressed out of the law of Moses dispensation, on into the Kingdom administration with CHRIST as their King, thus, they now would be taught the doctrine of the Millennial Kingdom, but their rejection of MESSIAH brings about their downfall.


39. { V. 29 }: Scripture: "And all the people that heard him, and the publicans, justified GOD, being "Baptized" with the "Baptism" of John,

40. { V. 30 }: But the Pharisees and lawyers rejected the counsel of GOD against themselves, being not "Baptized" of him, { Luke 7:29-30 }."


41. The above { Vs. 29-30 } paraphrased in commentary form . . . { V. 29 }: Scripture: "And all the people that 'heard him, even the tax collectors' and the publicans, 'justified GOD i.e; agreed that GOD's way was right, they agreed that this was true justice of the LORD in calling them to repentance, and in pronouncing future wrath on the impenitent', being "Baptized [ Baptizo" ] with the "Baptism [ Baptisma" ] of John, see { Matthew 3:1-2 }. { V. 30 }: But the 'Pharisees and lawyers who was still under the Kingdom order, annulled and rejected' and brought to nothing the 'counsel of GOD and His purpose against themselves' by refusing and, being not "Baptized [ Baptizo" ] of John the Baptist for forgiveness of their sins', { Luke 7:29-30 }."


42. Commentary . . . see {Mark 16:15-16 } which is a parallel passage with { Matthew 28:19-20 }. { V. 30 } shows us what the LORD evidently thinks about lawyers, and yes even modern day Pharisees. The many or, divers "Baptisms" of the Mosaic law were for the forgiveness of sins just like the "Baptism" of JESUS, John and the 12 Apostles in their Kingdom Gospel. The reference to John's "Baptism" with the words "Baptism" and "Baptizo" are used some 44 times in the N.T. As we have stated, there was no doubt in the minds of the Hebrew people as to what John's "Baptism" was all about.


43. { V. 31 } Scripture: "Then He took unto Him the twelve, and said to them, behold, we go up to Jerusalem, and all things that are written by the prophets concerning the Son of Man shall 'be accomplished.'

44. { V. 32 }: For He shall be delivered unto the Gentiles, and shall be mocked, and spitefully entreated, and spit on . . .


45. The above { Vs. 31-32 } paraphrased in commentary form . . . { V. 31 } Scripture: "Then 'CHRIST took aside' unto Him the twelve Apostles, and said to them 'Listen, behold,' we will go now up to Jerusalem, and all things that are written by the prophets concerning the Son of Man shall 'be accomplished and shall be fulfilled'. . . { V. 32 }: For CHRIST shall be delivered unto 'the Gentiles [ i.e., Romans' ] and shall be 'mocked [ made sport of' ], and spitefully 'entreated insulted, scoffed and jeered at', and spit on:


46. { V. 33 }: And they shall 'scourge [ flog' ] Him, and put Him to death: and [ 'during ] the third day' He shall 'rise again [ from His tomb' ].

47. { V. 34 }: And they understood none of these things: and this saying was hid from them, neither knew they the things 'which were spoken [ the truth is, all this was just a mystery to them, they had no idea what His words signified' ], { Luke 18:31-34 }."


48. Commentary . . . It may be asked, "what do these 4 verses have to do with "Baptism." Perhaps nothing, on the other hand it does show that the Apostles along with the rest of the Hebrews knew absolutely nothing about the death, burial and resurrection of the LORD up to the time CHRIST spoke these words, that's pretty amazing isn't it? Why do the various denominations insist that the "Baptism" for the Child of GOD today must be a burial in water? Where do you find in John's words that "Baptism" must be a burial? Nothing in John's practice of the ritual proves that! . . . Water "Baptism" was a Hebrew ordinance of purification to be practiced in order to show proof of one's faith.

49. Remember works went along with faith at that time, and the ceremonial washings were to be carried out. The folks being "Baptized" were declaring to the world that they justified the LORD. They were declaring that GOD had every right to judge them as the sinners they were, and also of forgiving them of their unrighteous deeds, that was what being cleansed with water "Baptism" typified. It was an absolute necessity for them to take part in this ritualistic ordinance otherwise they would be rejected by GOD the same as the Pharisees and the lawyers did in { Luke 7:30 }. Ask yourself this question: "do I have to perform this ordinance today to prove my faith?" . . .

50. Israel had been a very defiled nation, so contaminated with sin, that John was sent as a friend of the Bridegroom to prepare and lead Israel out of her own transgressions because she was to become the Bride of CHRIST at MESSIAH's Second Coming. As an Old Testament prophet, John could only fulfill his commission according to the law and with the Divinely prescribed purifications. According to Isaiah and Malachi, John was the special prophet sent as an ambassador of the LORD to prepare the way for the recognition of the MESSIAH to Israel. We have no prophets today unless you should recognize a minister who teaches prophecy as a prophet but, to call someone like this a prophet would NOT be Scriptural! Remember this, there are no true prophets today - a true prophet was never wrong in his testimony!

51. The Bible student should know, that the real prophets of the Old Testament were people who received certain knowledge directly from GOD, and many of them along with their works, as we well know, are mentioned in our Bible. The Apostle Paul in a different Dispensation - was a prophet and an Apostle called out at a special time to teach the Hebrews about CHRIST and prepare them for this Grace Age. Paul prophesied about many prophetic events that would transpire in the future of the world's people, the Rapture and the Second Coming of CHRIST are just two of these events. see { 1- Timothy 2:6-7; - & - Titus 1:3 }.

52. Therefore, after the LORD had Paul turn His back on the Hebrew nation Paul turned to the Gentiles as a minister and a ambassador to the Gentiles, and to lead them to CHRIST as adopted Children of GOD, see { Acts 28:28; - & - 2- Corinthians 5:1-21! } Read this whole chapter in Corinthians and especially about Paul's and our Commission for this age in { Vs. 17-21 } and study this whole chapter very diligently! Read also { Ch. 3 } through { Ch. 6 } of this Epistle concerning a wonderful part of Paul's ministry, and { 1- Corinthians 12:1-27 } That proves that we Children Of GOD are to be recognized as the true BODY OF CHRIST! Read { V. 27. } See also { Romans 7:4; - & - Colossians 1:18. }

53. One thing we must remember is that John's "Baptism" belonged to the carnal ordinances of { Hebrews 9:10 }, exactly on a level with the ancient ordinances of the law. But, what about the book of Acts, where does it come in as far as history that concerns the Body of CHRIST, and why is it so important? It is important because this 5th Book of the N.T, was not necessarily to be the first chapter of Christianity, but the last chapter of [ 1 ]: Israel's Old Law, and [ 2 ]: It brought to an end MESSIAH's teachings of calling His beloved Hebrew people to receive Him as their King and of their separation from the land throughout the last two Millenniums. [ 3 ]: Plus, the LORD used Paul and his disciples to teach the hard hearted Hebrews - but to no avail, See { Acts 28:26-28 }. Paul's 13 Epistles brings much information concerning the Jewish people, and the Book of Hebrews inform of their past history.

54. "Israel is the nation with minutely prescribed rites, elements, forms, ordinances, and a religion of just so and not otherwise. Modalism naturally goes with ritualism and legalism; but Israel committed the great national sin of unbelief concerning JESUS CHRIST as their MESSIAH, { John 1:11-12 }. The nation would not believe that this was their national sin. Neither could they believe that this would lead into a great national judgment, that the Apostle John speaks of. And yes, Matthew also speaks of a world judgment yet to come [ Matthew 25:31-46. }

55. In Acts we see the wrath of the LORD rapidly overtaking them until in { Acts Ch. 28 } where the nation was judicially blinded and set aside. There was in that period a transition away from this wondrous national wonders, and prescribed religious forms on into the sightless Grace period of the Body of CHRIST of today without prescribed forms and rites. When we say sightless, the Body of CHRIST today practically as a whole, are blinded because of the leavened acceptance of Israel's carnal ordinances as a prescription formula for themselves!


56. { V. 37 } Scripture: "But [ 'even ] though He [ CHRIST' ] had done so many miracles before them, yet they believed not on Him:

57. { V. 38 }: That the saying of Isaiah the prophet might be fulfilled, which he spoke, LORD, 'who has believed our report [ our message' ]? and to whom has 'the arm [ the power ] of the LORD been [ unveiled' and ] revealed?

58. { V. 39 }: Therefore they 'could not [ and were unable to ] believe,' because that Isaiah said again, . . .

59. { V. 40 }: He has blinded their eyes, and 'hardened [ and benumbed ] there [ callous ] heart [ minds,' He has made their minds dull ]; that they should not see with their eyes, nor understand with their heart, 'and [ repent to ] be converted,' and I should heal them.

60. { V. 41 }: These things said Isaiah, when he saw His glory, and spoke of Him, { John 12:37-41 }." See { Isaiah 6:3; 6:9-10; - & - 53:1 }.


61. Commentary . . . These verses summarize the public ministry of JESUS, and explain the rejections which are equated with the rejection of the LORD. It is utterly inconsistent to pick out the water "Baptism" of the Acts period and repudiate the miracles of tongues, casting out of demons, mass healings, resurrections, earthquakes, sudden judgments, prophecies, angel visits, Sabbaths, sacrifices, trances, visions, voices, outpourings, communion of goods, and no death when Paul was bitten by a viper, etc. These stand or fall together. The acceptance of these "Baptisms" have led other sects boldly into fire 'Baptisms,' 'Baptisms' for forgiveness, tongues and other heresies ostensibly based upon the book of Acts that primarily concerned a transition period!

Write Down The Answers To The Following Questions That Are Associated With

This Above Lesson . . .

62. [ 1 ]: What was it that "water" belonged to? . . . What or who was it that "water" was associated with? . . .

63. [ 2 ]: Who was it that was sent to fill the demands of the Mosaic law, and who else was it that was made under the law? . . .

64. [ 3 ]: Who was it that was to fulfill all righteousness of the Law, and how did He fulfill this act? . . .

65. [ 4 ]: Who was it that was commanded to take Paul's place as an Apostle after Paul disappeared from off the seen of history, if anyone? . . .

66. [ 5 ]: Who is the most important personage for Christians today to study from for our calling in this present age, CHRIST, Peter, Paul or someone else? Name one person . . .

67. [ 6 ]: Who is it that is commissioned today to "Baptize" converts before or after their conversion? Discuss this with your class.

68. [ 7 ]: Who was it JESUS wanted to meet at the beginning of His ministry? Read first sentence at top of this lesson. . . .

69. [ 8 ]: What reason did John give for water "Baptizing" folks after he was commissioned to do so? Give Scripture, and explain.

70. [ 9 ]: Did John "Baptize" Gentiles, If not, why not? . . . If Gentiles were later "Baptized" by any of the Apostles, what were they "Baptized" for, and into what organization, and what were they called? . . .

71. [ 10 ]: Did John's "Baptism" differentiate from the LORD's "Baptism" with the SPIRIT, and does either of these "Baptisms" differ from the "Baptism" one receives today when converted? . . .

72. [ 11 ]: Name the one "Baptism" that was hidden, why was it hidden? . . . When was it revealed? . . . Who was it revealed to?

73. [ 12 ]: What program was the one "Baptism" associated with? . . .

74. [ 13 ]: And, if this one "Baptism" is for a certain age, what age or Dispensation? . . . And, should any other "Baptism" be added to it? . . .

75. [ 14]: What program was water "Baptism" to be applied to, was that program to be carried onward, or to be left behind? . . .

76. [ 15 ]: What does "the time of reformation" mean? . . . Explain, and discuss with your class.

77. [ 16 ]: What did John mean when he said: "He [ JESUS ] must increase, but I must decrease?" . . .

78. [ 17 ]: Did JESUS Himself institute water "Baptism" to be carried out throughout all generations? . . .

79. [ 18 ]: Was water "Baptism" to be administered throughout the Mosaic law to the Hebrews only or could a few people other than Hebrews - also receive this "Baptism"? . . .

80. [ 19 }: Was it to be a ritual, an ordinance or both? . . .

81. [ 20 ]: If one or the other, how long was it to be administered? . . .

82. [ 21 ]: Was the ritual or ordinance ever to be rescinded? . . .

83. [ 22 ]: If so who was it that would invalidate it? . . .

84. [ 23 ]: Was it ever ended? . . .

85. [ 24 ]: Why was it that JESUS never "Baptized" anybody but permitted others to do so? . . .

86. [ 25 ]: What do types and shadows stand for, are they necessary for any reason, if so what reason? . . .

87. [ 26 ]: A question we must ask is, If John's "Baptism" was for the 'remission [ forgiveness' ] of sins, how can we reconcile this with { Hebrews 9:22; - Genesis 4:5; - & - Leviticus 17:11 }? . . .


In the above Lesson there are many more important questions the class teacher should add to this list.

Continued In "Part Four" 0f This Message . . .