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What We Believe

As to the writers belief and doctrine, we are strictly Biblical!

We adhere to no denominational beliefs unless what they teach is taken from the true Word of God and taught in the correct context.

We believe that we are to be busy proclaiming the truths for the present age of grace, in view of the soon coming of our Lord.

We believe in - No. 1. The verbal inspiration of the Word of God {2- Timothy 3: 16}

No. 2. The Deity of Jesus Christ, and the Trinity of the Godhead {Titus 2: 13, 2- Corinthians 13: 14}.

No. 3. The total depravity of man, and everlasting punishment of those who reject Christ {Romans Ch. 3, John 3: 36, Revelation Ch. 20: 15}.

No. 4. Redemption by the blood of Christ, and by grace, not of works {Titus 3: 5, Ephesians 2: 8- 9}.

No. 5. Everlasting life and the security of the believer {John 10: 29}.

No. 6. The personality and everlasting punishment of Satan {Job Ch. 1, Revelation Ch. 20}.

No. 7. The imminent Rapture [Resurrection] of the Body of Christ, followed by the great 7 year Tribulation Period and the literal Millennial Reign of Christ on this earth {1- Thessalonians 4: 16- 18, 1-Corinthians 15: 50- 55, Revelation Ch. 20: 1- 6}.

This writer has a Bachelor and Masters degrees in the following: Doctor of Divinity, Doctor of Science of Theology, and Doctor of Sacred Philosophy.