I seem to be stuck on the whole Olympic thing. Perhaps I have Olympic fever. Anyways, I am, right at this very moment, watching Nelly Furtado on the late night Olympic concert series, or whatever they call it. This is without a doubt one of the most annoying concerts I've ever watched. I think the main problem is Furtado's songs. She doesn't seem to have any sort of lyric line. It's like a white girl Canadian rap or something. Which is disturbing to begin with. And then she adds in all these weird sound effects all over the place. It sounds like she's attempting to imitate animal noises. Hooting, shrieking, clattering....it's very strange. But I guess they do have these sorts of sounds in white girl Canadian rap. So she pretty much prances around the stage, emitting strange noises from time to time, and not much else. At least Britney Spears pretends to sing! She managed to mangle her own I'm Like a Bird song. I thought it was somewhat annoying in the first place. It's ten times worse in concert. She tried to involve the crowd. Let me see your arms, she says. Waving them back and forth...people do that sort of thing at concerts, right? Usually it's to a slow to moderate paced song. The poor crowd looked like winshield wipers that were stuck in the hi speed position. You know, the speed that's at the top of the meter, but that you almost never turn your wipers to, except by accident? Yeah. But just in general....if you have to cue the crowd to cheer? It's not a good sign. The finishing touch I guess is her makeup. At least I suppose it's makeup. She looks like she took a yellow highlighter and outlined her eyebrows with it. I'll be honest with you here, it's like nothing I've ever seen before. Extraordinary. Don't get me wrong. I think that hidden somewhere down there, underneath the shitschtick, under the extreme nasalness, there's a really good voice out there, and a good musician. But she might want to rethink appearing in concert ever again. I'll certainly think twice before buying tickets.

I just watched the rest of the performance. I have give her some credit. The last two numbers were the best. She went into the crowd and stuff, that was a nice touch. So, semi-redemption for Nelly.

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