The basic gist was this. Orson Scott Card has this fascinating idea that relationships between people are so important that they may be manifested in physical ways. For example, in one series, each person is connected to each other person by a rope of light. The thickness and hue of the rope depend on the relationship between the two people. You and your lover would have a very thick rope of light connecting you, while you and say the clerk at Reitman's would have a comparatively thin rope. Can you imagine being able to see these ropes? I mean, of course they don't exist physically, but the idea is fascinating. In the waiting room of the doctor's office for example, you might have a few strings crossing the room, and perhaps some thick ropes connecting some of the people who are sitting side by side. At a party there'd be ropes crisscrossing the room like crazy. Imagine a wedding. The bride and groom would be the dead centre of a huge knot of ropes emanating from every corner of the room. Interesting indeed.
I went into more detail before, when everything got wiped out, but I don't want to bother doing that again. So that's it. Next time you're anywhere, try and imagine the ropes of light.
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