Scripture: Luke 17: 11-19

The Luke passage was part of the lectionary readings for the week October 5-11. It's the story of Jesus cleansing some men with leprosy as He traveled along the border between Samaria and Galilee. The text tells us ten men were healed. There may have been more. Jesus sent them to the priests so they could be ceremonially (ritually) cleansed.

Having done this, one of the men came back to Jesus, praised God and threw himself at Jesus' feet and thanked him - and he was a Samaritan. Jesus responded with these questions, "Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? Was no one found to return and give praise to God except this foreigner?"

The meditation writer in The Upper Room Disciplines, 1998 suggests that if the lepers stood before Jesus today He would probably tell them to "Go to church." The lepers went to the priests out of obedience to one (Jesus) they believed to be worthy. He's still worthy today!

But why does Jesus make a "thing" about only one out of ten returning to praise God? Were the other nine forgetful or unappreciative of how they were healed? The Samaritan leper takes more to heart his relationship with Jesus who has restored his health. He recognizes who Jesus is and presents his offering of gratitude.

The meditation writer reminds us that religious rituals simply guide us in our quest to deepen our relationship with God; to recognize who we are and whose we are; and to recognize whose hand guides us, heals us. Rituals lead us to express our gratitude from our heart. Without this desire, our rituals are hollow, shallow and shaky - lacking the vital sign of glorification of God.


Dick Bodle

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