Fan Fictions For Everyone

Greetings and welcome

to my page.  I'm dedicating this to all those fan fiction/fantasy writers out there, including myself.  :Þ  I have some stuff up, but not very much as I haven't had the time to really do any work on the page in a while.  If anyone would like to post here, send the story to me @ and I'll post it up here.  I'll be putting up submitting rules in the next couple of weeks, but I think most of you out there know what the are any ways.


For now I have some Earth: Final Conflict stories up, and one of my own, that is only in the beginning stages.


I'm looking Anime, TV, Movie, or just plain old fashion made up stuff.  Don't forget to e-mail me.



To my Earth: Final Conflict Page

To my Story

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