The North West Institute of Dynamic Psychotherapy







General Procedures

Successful Applications

Types of Membership


Subsequent Applications



General Procedures


Applicants will be elected to Membership on a twice yearly basis, at meetings of the full Executive Committee of the Institute.


Decisions as to whether or not to accept an applicant for Membership will be decided by the full Executive Committee of the Institute, but will be based on recommendations from the Professional & Ethics Officer and Working Group.  Applicants will be informed of the decision by the Professional & Ethics Officer.


If an application is unsuccessful, the applicant has a right to be informed of the reasons and may be offered guidance concerning their application if they so wish.


A list of all members of the Institute, including those admitted to membership within the previous year, will be circulated to all members of the Institute annually, at or about the time of the Annual General Meeting.


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Successful applications


Following a successful application for membership, the applicant will be required to affirm that s/he will obey the rules and Constitution of the Institute and will adhere to the Professional Code of Conduct of the Institute.


Full members are required to inform the Professional & Ethics Officer of convictions for criminal offences or of successful civil actions against them relating to their professional practice.   Such disclosures will be kept confidential to the Professional & Ethics Working Group and Executive Committee if it is necessary to consider them in relationship to applications for membership, or withdrawal of membership.


The membership fee will be due at the time of acceptance to membership.


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Types of Membership and how to apply


1.       Honorary Membership


2.     Full Membership


3.     Student Membership


4.     Associate Membership


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Appeal procedure against decisions of Executive Committee


Following each meeting of the Executive Committee at which decisions about membership are reached, the list of successful applicants will be sent to all Honorary and Full members of the Institute.   Any two Honorary or Full members can appeal against any decision reached concerning membership, provided that the appeal is:


a.       Made in writing to the Chair of the Executive Committee


b.       Made within 28 days of the original decision being sent to members


c.       Contains full details of the objection to the Executive Committee’s decision


d.       In the case of appeals against rejection of application for membership, correspondence must contain written sponsorship forms from two full members of the Institute recommending the applicant be considered for membership.


Once a request for an appeal has been received, the Executive Committee will reconsider its decision at the first meeting at which membership applications are evaluated.   


If necessary, the Executive Committee can ask the Professional & Ethics Officer to reconsider applications, if necessary interviewing the members objecting to the original decision, or  by  obtaining written or verbal evidence from any other source.


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Subsequent applications for membership


Following the rejection of an application for membership of the Institute, the unsuccessful applicant may not reapply for membership for a period to be decided by the Executive Committee for each individual case.  The delay before a further application will be accepted will run from the date of the meeting of the Executive Committee at which the application was judged unsuccessful.


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