The following is the current constitution of the Battle River Teachers' Association. It has been several years since it was last updated, and we find that it does not always accurately reflect current practice. We would encourage BRTA members to read through it and E-mail us with any suggestions you might have for changes.
_______________________________________________________ ARTICLE I NAME The name of this association will be the Battle River Saskatchewan Teachers Federation Local Association, hereinafter referred to as the "local association". _______________________________________________________ ARTICLE II OBJECTIVES Section 1 - To insure that the activities and policies of the association will promote the cause of education in the Battle River School Division and the Paynton School Division. Section 2 - To insure that the activities and policies of the association will raise the status of the teaching profession. Section 3 - To safeguard the rights of the teachers and to secure working conditions which will make possible the best professional service to our students. Section 4 - To cooperate with recognized organizations and groups concerned with education whenever such cooperation does not interfere with the previous objectives of the association. Section 5 - To encourage active participation in the association by all members. Section 6 - To provide some social activities for its members. _______________________________________________________ ARTICLE III MEMBERSHIP The membership of the local association is composed of the teachers employed by the Battle River School Division and by the Paynton Consolidated School Division. _______________________________________________________ ARTICLE IV EXECUTIVE Section 1 - The executive shall consist of the: a) President to be elected by the local association for a one year term. b) Past President c) Vice President - to be elected by the local association for a one year term. d) Secretary Treasurer - to be selected by the president for a one year term. e) Two S. T. F. Councillors - to be elected by the local association for a one year term. f) (i) Local Negotiating Committee Chairperson for the Battle River School Division - to be elected by the teachers of the Battle River School Division for a one year term. (ii) Local Negotiating Committee Chairperson for the Paynton Consolidated School Division - to be elected by the teachers of the Battle River School Division for a one year term. (iii) These positions will hereinafter be referred to as the LINC Chairpersons. g) (i) Professional Development Committee Chairperson for the Battle River School Division - to be elected by the teachers of the Battle River School Division for a one year term. (ii) Professional Development Committee Chairperson for the Paynton Consolidated School Division - to be elected by them for a one year term. h) Staff representatives - one from each school and to be selected by each school. i) Battle River Principal's Association - to be selected by the Principal's Association. j) Chairperson of the Convention Committee - to be elected by the local association as soon as possible after it is known that the local association is hosting the convention. This person would be on the executive from the date of the election until all matters arising from the convention are completed. Section 2 - All members of the executive will be voting members. Section 3 - The members of the executive will be elected by the local association and the LINC chairpersons will assume office on the first day of the next school year. All other members of the executive will assume office as soon after this date as possible. _______________________________________________________ ARTICLE V DUTIES OF THE EXECUTIVE Section 1 - The Executive shall, subject to this constitution of the directions given it by a majority vote of the membership at any properly constituted general meeting have full control of the affairs of the local association. Meetings of the executive shall be held as often as the business of the local association requires and shall be called by the president. Any eight members of the executive shall constitute a quorum. Section 2 - The Executive, primarily working through the councillors shall maintain an effective liaison with the Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation central office. Section 3 - The Executive shall when necessary, establish committees to work on specific issues. _______________________________________________________ ARTICLE VI DUTIES OF OFFICERS OF THE EXECUTIVE Section 1 - President a) to have charge of the general business of the local association and to serve as an ex-officio member of all committees. b) to preside at the general and executive meetings of the local association when present. c) to call meetings of the executive when he or she deems it advisable. d) to call additional general meetings of the local association when needed. e) to appoint a secretary-treasurer. f) to act with the secretary-treasurer as signing authority for the local association. g) to ensure that all the activities of the local association are conducted in accordance with the constitution and the direction of the association. h) to make arrangements for and conduct an election for the members of the executive who are elected by the local association. This election to be done at a general meeting in the spring. Section 2 - Past President a) to assist the president and the executive by acting as a resource person. Section 3 - Vice President a) to assume the duties of the president when that person is unable to act or is not present. b) to inform the general public through the news media of the activities of the local association. Section 4 - Secretary Treasurer a) to serve as recording secretary for all general or executive meetings. b) to have charge of all finances of the local association. c) to present a full and detailed account of receipts and disbursements to the executive or to the local association whenever requested to do so. However, this request should come one week prior to the meeting. d) to conduct all correspondence for the local association. Section 5 - S. T. F. Councillors a) to attend meetings of the local association and the executive and to inform and advise on matters pertaining to the Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation. b) to represent the local association at all meetings of the S. T. F. Council. c) to be available as consultant to all members of the local association and to offer advice, guidance and assistance to individuals regarding their professional duties and /or relationships. d. to provide information regarding the motions to be presented to the S. T. F. Council and to ensure that members of the local association have an opportunity to discuss these motions with the councillors. e) to carry out the duties of councillors as set out in the Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation Act. Section 6 - The LINC Chairperson for the Battle River School Division Teachers. a) to select three members of the local association to act on the LINC committee. b) to call meetings of the LINC committee as necessary. c) to inform the executive and the local association of the negotiations. d) to maintain an effective liaison with the S. T. F. Central Office. Section 7 - The LINC Chairperson for the Paynton Consolidated School Division Teachers a) to call meetings of the LINC committee as necessary. b) to inform the teachers of the division of the negotiations. c) to maintain an effective liaison with the S. T. F. Central Office. Section 8 - Professional Development Committee Chairperson for the Battle River School Division a) to call meetings of the committee as required. b) to ensure that adequate records of these meetings are kept. c) to supervise the activities of the committee. d) to ensure that the clauses affecting professional development in the contract with the school board are followed and if the contract is not being followed, to work with the LINC chairperson to ensure that the necessary steps are taken to correct the situation. e) to ensure that there is continuous and current communication between the professional development committee and the director of education and the school board. f) to report to the executive and to the local association when requested to do so. Section 9 - Professional Development Committee Chairperson for the Paynton Consolidated School Division a) to call meetings of the teaching staff as required to discuss professional development. b) to ensure that the necessary communication between the teaching staff and the school board is done. This can be done by a staff committee or the total staff. Section 10 - Staff Representatives a) to keep the members of their staff informed on local association activities. b) to take to the executive and/or the local association, problems or concerns of his or her staff. Section 11 - Battle River Principals' Association Representative a) to inform the executive of activities of the principals' association which have a direct effect upon the members of the local association. Section 12 - Chairperson of the Convention Committee a) to attend meetings of the local association and the executive and to inform and advise on matters pertaining to the convention. b) to select members of the local association to work on the convention planning committee. c) to call meetings of this committee as required. d) to supervise the organization of the committee so that the committee can effectively plan the convention. e) to keep other local associations who are going to be participants in the convention informed of the planning and decisions made regarding the convention. f) to operate a financial structure to administer the funds which are given to the committee. g) to supervise the work of the committee so that all the details necessary in the planning of a convention are done. _______________________________________________________ ARTICLE VII STRUCTURE AND DUTIES OF THE LINC COMMITTEE FOR THE BATTLE RIVER SCHOOL DIVISION Section 1 - The committee will consist of the LINC chairperson, the two councillors providing they are are from the Battle River School Division and three members from the local association selected by the LINC chairperson. Section 2 - The duties of the committee are as follows: a) to be aware of the opinions of the membership regarding LINC matters. b) to have any tentative agreement ratified by the teachers of the division. c) to hold meetings with the executive and then with the local association in the event that the committee feels it must recommend applications of sanctions. d) to apply sanctions, but only after these sanctions have been discussed with and approved by the local association and after consultation with and approval of he S. T. F Central Office. _______________________________________________________ ARTICLE VIII STRUCTURE AND DUTIES OF THE LINC COMMITTEE FOR THE PAYNTON CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL DIVISION Section 1 - The committee will consist of the LINC chairperson plus two other members elected by the Teachers of the division. Section 2 - The duties of the committee are as follows: a) to be aware of the options of the teachers regarding LINC matters. b) to have any tentative agreement ratified by the teachers of the division. c) to hold meetings with the teaching staff in the event that the committee feels it must recommend applications of sanctions. d) to apply sanctions, but only after these sanctions have been discussed with and approved by the local association and after consultation with and approval of the S. T. F Central Office. _______________________________________________________ ARTICLE IX STRUCTURE AND DUTIES OF THE PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE FOR THE BATTLE RIVER SCHOOL DIVISION Section 1 - The committee will consist of the Professional Development Committee Chairperson for the Battle River School Division, the past chairperson of this committee, and five other members to be selected by the chairperson. The selection of these five members must be done in such a way that each of the following teacher groups are represented: kindergarten, division one, division two, division three and division four. Section 2 - The duties of the committee are as follows: a) to assist in the provision and promotion of professional development opportunities for the members of the local association. b) to inform members of the local association of inservice opportunities. c) to make recommendations on criteria for grants from the professional development fund. d) to keep as well informed as possible of the decisions made regarding professional development applications. _______________________________________________________ ARTICLE X STRUCTURE AND DUTIES OF THE CONVENTION COMMITTEE Section 1 - The committee is established only in the years in which the Battle River School Division teachers are the hosts for the convention. (Usually once every three years) The chairperson will select the members of this committee. Section 2 - The duties of this committee are as follows: a) to make all the necessary arrangements so that the convention is well planned. b) to make arrangements for the disbursement of surplus funds. c) to submit a written report of the convention to the local association. _______________________________________________________ ARTICLE XI GENERAL MEETINGS Section 1 - There shall be at least six meetings a year. The time and place of the meetings to be determined by the president. Section 2 - Twenty-five members will constitute a quorum for a general meeting. Section 3 - Procedures at meetings will follow Robert's Parliamentary Rules of Order. Section 4 - All members of the local association will have voting privileges on all matters except the following: a) election of the LINC chairpersons. The voting privileges for these positions is established in Article IV, Section 1. b) election of the Professional Development Committee chairpersons. The voting privileges for these positions is established in Article IV, Section 1. c) decisions regarding LINC matters and professional development matters. Battle River School Division teachers will not vote on LINC matters and professional development matters involving Paynton Consolidated School Division. Paynton Consolidated School Division teachers will not vote on LINC matters and professional development matters involving Battle River School Division. _______________________________________________________ ARTICLE XII NOMINATING COMMITTEE The president will appoint a nominating committee whose duty is to secure nominations for the executive positions which are elected at the spring meeting. _______________________________________________________
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