Bric Wheeler's


University-Based Centers for Management and Executive Development



* General Introduction

Welcome to Bric Wheeler's University-Based Centers for Management and Executive Development Page. Included below are links to over 160 Centers in 24 countries, plus over 25 links to sites related to management and executive development. Please note that each site will open in a new window.

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* Contents

* General Introduction
* University-Based Centers for Management and Executive Development
* Related Sites
* Contact Information

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orCenters orRelated Sites orContact Information


* University-Based Centers for Management and Executive Development

* AESE (Escola de Direcção e Negócios) [Portugal]
* Arizona State U. / W. P. Carey School of Business / Executive Education Programs
* Arizona State U. / College of Public Programs / School of Public Affairs / Advanced Public Executive Program
* Ashridge Management College / Executive Development [United Kingdom]
* Asian Institute of Management / Executive Education [Philippines]
* Babson College / School of Executive Education
* Boston College / The Wallace E. Carroll School of Management / Management Center
* Boston U. / School of Management / Executive Learning
* Bradley U. / Foster College of Business Administration / The Leadership Development Center
* California State U., Stanislaus / School of Business Administration / Professional Development Center
* Carnegie Mellon U. / Tepper School of Business / Executive Education Center
* Case Western Reserve U. / Weatherhead School of Management / Executive Education
* Cass Business School / Sir John Cass Business School / CassExec [United Kingdom]
* CEIBS (China Europe International Business School) / Executive Education [China]
* Chulalongkorn U. / Sasin Graduate Institute of Business Administration / Executive Education [Thailand]
* The College of William & Mary / School of Business Administration / Center for Corporate Education
* Columbia U. / Graduate School of Business / Executive Programs
* Concordia U. / John Molson School of Business / John Molson Executive Centre [Canada]
* Copenhagen Business School / Center for Continuing Education and Business Research [Denmark]
* Cornell U. / Johnson Graduate School of Management / Executive Education
* Cornell U. / School of Hotel Administration / Office of Executive Education
* Cornell U. / School of Industrial and Labor Relations / ILR Extension / Executive Education
* Cranfield U. / Cranfield School of Management / Executive Development [United Kingdom]
* Dartmouth College / The Tuck School of Business Administration / Office of Executive Education
* Dublin City U. / Business School / Centre for Executive Education [Ireland]
* Duke U. / The Fuqua School of Business / Department of Executive Education
* Duke U. / The Fuqua School of Business / Duke Corporate Education, Inc.
* Eckerd College / Management Development Institute
* Emory U. / Goizueta Business School / Office of Executive Programs
* ESADE Business School / Executive Education [Spain]
* ESCP (Paris Graduate School of Management) / ESCP Senior - Executive Education [France]
* European Business School International University Schloss Reichartshausen / Executive Education [Germany]
* Florida International U. / College of Business Administration / Office of Professional and Executive Education
* The Florida State U. / College of Business / The DeSantis Center for Executive Management Education
* Fundação Dom Cabral [Brazil]
* Fundação Getúlio Vargas / Executive Education [Brazil]
* Georgetown U. / McDonough School of Business / Executive Education
* Georgia Institute of Technology / College of Management / Huang Executive Education Center
* Georgia State U. / J. Mack Robinson College of Business / Executive Education
* Harvard Business School / Executive Education
* Harvard U. / John F. Kennedy School of Government / Executive Education
* HEC Paris / Executive Education [France]
* Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration / JOKO Executive Education Ltd. [Finland]
* Henley Management College / Executive Development [United Kingdom]
* Hong Kong U. of Science and Technology / School of Business and Management / Executive Programs and External Development [China]
* IE (Instituto de Empresa) / Executive Education [Spain]
* IECD (International Executive Development Center) / Bled School of Management [Slovenia]
* IHM Business School [Sweden]
* IMD (International Institute for Management Development) [Switzerland]
* INCAE / The Center for Executive Development [Costa Rica]
* Indian Institute of Management Calcutta / Management Development Programmes [India]
* Indiana U. / Kelley School of Business / Kelley Executive Partners
* INSEAD (The European Institute of Business Administration) / Executive Education [France]
* Institute for Executive Development [Spain]
* ITAM (Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México) [Mexico]
* ITESM - Mexico City Campus (Monterrey Institute of Technology) [Mexico]
* The Johns Hopkins U. / The Hopkins/Nanjing Center for Chinese and American Studies / The International Executive Development Program (IEDP) [China]
* The Johns Hopkins U. / The Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) / Executive Education Programs
* Kent State U. / College of Business Administration / Center for Executive Education and Development
* Lahore U. of Management Sciences / Rausing Executive Development Centre [Pakistan]
* London Business School / Executive Education [United Kingdom]
* London School of Economics and Political Science / Executive and Professional Education [United Kingdom]
* Louisiana State U. / E. J. Ourso College of Business Administration / Executive Programs
* Loyola Marymount U. / College of Business Administration / Center for Executive Learning
* Loyola U. Chicago / School of Business Administration / Executive Education Programs
* Macquarie U. / Macquarie Graduate School of Management / Executive Education [Australia]
* Management Center Innsbruck (MCI) [Austria]
* Massachusetts Institute of Technology / Sloan School of Management / Office of Executive Education
* McGill U. / McGill International Executive Institute [Canada]
* Melbourne Business School / Mt. Eliza Centre for Executive Education [Australia]
* Michigan State U. / The Eli Broad Graduate School of Management / The James B. Henry Center for Executive Development
* MiL Institute [Sweden]
* Nanjing U. / The Hopkins/Nanjing Center for Chinese and American Studies / The International Executive Development Program (IEDP) [China]
* National U. of Singapore / Faculty of Business Administration / Executive Programs
* New York U. / Leonard N. Stern School of Business / Executive Programs
* Northwestern U. / Kellogg School of Management / Executive Education
* The Ohio State U. / Fisher College of Business / Executive Education
* Oklahoma State U. / William S. Spears School of Business / Center for Executive and Professional Development
* Old Dominion U. / College of Business and Public Administration / Executive Development Center
* The Oregon Joint Professional Schools of Business (OJPSB)
* The Pennsylvania State U. / Penn State Outreach and Cooperative Extension / Penn State Management Development Programs and Services
* The Pennsylvania State U. / The Smeal College of Business Administration / Penn State Executive Programs
* The Pepperdine U. / The George L. Graziadio School of Business and Management / Executive Education
* Purdue U. / Krannert Graduate School of Management / Executive Education
* Queen's U. / School of Business / Executive Development Centre [Canada]
* Reykjavik U. / Executive Education [Iceland]
* Rice U. / Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Administration / Executive Education
* Rollins College / Crummer Graduate School of Business / Management & Executive Education
* Rowan College of New Jersey / School of Business Administration / The Management Institute
* Rutgers, The State U. of New Jersey / Graduate School of Management / School of Business / Center for Management Development
* Santa Clara U. / Leavey School of Business / Executive Development Center
* Simmons College / Graduate School of Management / Executive Education Programs
* Simon Fraser U. / Continuing Studies / Business and Management Development [Canada]
* Smith College / Executive Education for Women
* Southern Methodist U. / Division of Executive and Management Development
* Southwest Missouri State U. / College of Business Administration / Management Development Institute
* Stanford U. / Graduate School of Business / Office of Executive Education
* State U. of New York at Buffalo / School of Management / Executive Education Programs
* Stockholm School of Economics / Executive Education [Sweden]
* Syracuse U. / School of Management / Executive Education
* Texas A&M U. / Lowry Mays College & Graduate School of Business / The Center for Executive Development
* Texas A&M U.-Commerce / College of Business & Technology / Center for Professional Development
* Texas Christian U. / The M.J. Neeley School of Business / Charles Tandy American Enterprise Center / Executive Education
* Texas Tech U. / Rawls College of Business / Management & Executive Education Division
* Thunderbird - The Garvin School of International Management / Executive Education
* Tulane U. / A.B. Freeman School of Business / Stewart Center for Executive Education
* Universidad Europa de Madrid / IEDE Business School [Spain]
* U. de Sherbrooke / Centre d'Entreprises [Canada]
* The U. of Akron / College of Business Administration / Center for Organizational Development
* The U. of Alberta / School of Business / Executive Education [Canada]
* U. of Arizona / Eller College of Business and Public Administration / Executive Education Programs
* U. of Arkansas / Sam M. Walton College of Business / Center for Management and Executive Development
* U. of Bradford / The School of Management / Corporate Partnerships & Executive Education [United Kingdom]
* The U. of British Columbia / UBC Commerce / Executive Education [Canada]
* U. of Calgary / Haskayne School of Business / Calgary Centre for Executive Education [Canada]
* U. of California, Berkeley / Haas School of Business / Center for Executive Development
* U. of California, Davis / University Extension / Executive Program
* U. of California, Irvine / Graduate School of Management / Executive Education Division
* U. of California, Los Angeles / The Anderson School of Management / Office of Executive Education Programs
* U. of California, San Diego / Extended Studies / Executive Programs
* U. of Cambridge / The Judge Institute of Management / Executive Education [United Kingdom]
* U. of Cape Town / The Graduate School of Business / Executive and Management Education [South Africa]
* U. of Central Florida / College of Business Administration / Executive Development Center
* The U. of Chicago / Graduate School of Business / Executive Education
* U. of Cincinnati / College of Business Administration / Cincinnati Center for Management and Executive Development
* U. of Dayton / School of Business Administration / Center for Leadership and Executive Development
* U. of Denver / The Daniels College of Business / The Institute for Leadership and Organizational Performance
* U. of Florida / Office of Executive Education
* U. of Hawai'i / College of Business Administration / Executive Education
* U. of Houston / C.T. Bauer College of Business / Center for Executive Development
* U. of Illinois at Chicago / College of Business Administration / Office of Continuing Professional Development
* U. of Kansas / School of Business / Center for Management Education
* U. of Kentucky / Gatton College of Business & Economics / International Business & Management Center (IBMC)
* The U. of Manchester / Manchester Business School / Executive Development Centre [United Kingdom]
* U. of Maryland / The Robert H. Smith School of Business / Office of Executive Education
* U. of Melbourne / Melbourne Business School / Executive Education [Australia]
* The U. of Miami / School of Business Administration / McLamore Executive Education Center
* U. of Michigan / Business School / Executive Education Center
* U. of Minnesota / Carlson School of Management / Executive Development Center
* U. of Missouri - St. Louis / College of Business Administration / Continuing Education and Outreach
* U. of Navarra / International Graduate School of Management (IESE) / Executive Education [Spain]
* U. of Nebraska at Omaha / Office of International Studies and Programs / International Professional Development Program
* The U. of New Mexico / The Robert O. Anderson Schools of Management / Management Development Center
* The U. of New South Wales / Australian Graduate School of Management / Executive Education [Australia]
* U. of North Carolina - Chapel Hill / Kenan-Flagler Business School / Executive Programs
* U. of Northern Iowa / College of Business Administration / External Services Division / Management and Professional Development Center
* U. of Notre Dame / Mendoza College of Business / Executive Programs
* U. of Oxford / Templeton College / Executive Education [United Kingdom]
* U. of Pennsylvania / The Wharton School / Executive Education
* U. of Pittsburgh / Graduate School of Public and International Affairs / Office of Executive Education
* U. of Pittsburgh / The Katz Graduate School of Business / Center for Executive Education
* U. of Richmond / E. Claiborne Robins School of Business / The Management Institute
* U. of St. Thomas / College of Business / Center for Business Excellence
* The U. of South Carolina / Darla Moore School of Business / Executive Education
* U. of Southern California / Marshall School of Business / Office of Executive Education
* U. of Technology, Sydney / Faculty of Business / Executive Development Unit [Australia]
* The U. of Tennessee / College of Business Administration / Center for Executive Education
* The U. of Texas at Austin / McCombs School of Business / Texas Executive Education
* The U. of Texas at Dallas / School of Management / Executive Education
* U. of Toronto / Joseph L. Rotman School of Management / Executive Programs [Canada]
* U. of Victoria / Faculty of Business / Executive Programs [Canada]
* U. of Virginia / Darden Graduate School of Business Administration / Executive Education
* U. of Washington / Business School / Executive Education
* U. of Western Australia / The Graduate School of Management / Integral Leadership Centre [Australia]
* The U. of Western Ontario / Richard Ivey School of Business / Executive Development [Canada]
* U. of Wisconsin - Madison / School of Business / Executive Education
* Vanderbilt U. / Owen Graduate School of Management / Executive Development Institute
* Virginia Commonwealth U. / School of Business / Center for Corporate Education
* Wake Forest U. / Babcock Graduate School of Management / The Institute for Executive Education
* Washington U. / Olin School of Business / Executive Education
* Wichita State U. / W. Frank Barton School of Business / Center for Management Development
* Xavier U. / Williams College of Business Administration / The Xavier Consulting Group
* Yale U. / School of Management / Executive Education

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* Related Sites

* Accenture - international management and technology consulting organization
* American Society for Training and Development (ASTD) home page
* Big Dog's HRD Page - provided by Don Clark
* The Brookings Institution / Center for Executive Education
* The Business Showcase - Training & Development - a commercial site
* BusinessWeek Online's 1999 Executive Education Rankings and Profiles of nondegree programs targeted at executives
* BusinessWeek Online's 2001 Executive Education Rankings and Profiles of nondegree programs targeted at executives
* BusinessWeek Online's 2003 Executive Education Rankings and Profiles of nondegree programs targeted at executives
* BusinessWeek Online's 2005 Executive Education Rankings and Profiles of nondegree programs targeted at executives
* CE Technologies' Executive Education Center "for Executive Development Managers of the World's Leading Companies" - commercial online marketing resource for executive education providers
* Special Report - Executive Education
* Conference on Management and Executive Development Programs (CMED) - annual event held in November; for university centers providing management and executive development programming
* Financial Times / / Business Education / Executive Education 2006
* Hoover's Online - Executive Education Programs
* HRD Press - On-line behavioral style assessment, training downloads, book reviews, etc.
* The Human Resource Planning Society (HRPS) home page
* The International Association for Human Resource Information Management (IHRIM) home page
* The International Consortium for Executive Development Research - "... for the professional development of management development professionals" - commercial site, membership required
* International University Consortium for Executive Education (UNICON) - "... an organization of leading business schools world-wide with a serious commitment to management and executive education and development"
* Journal of Executive Education - inaugural issue December 2001
* Keirsey Temperament Sorter II - Meyers-Briggs Personality
* Learnativity - FAQs for the Training & Development Community, by Marcia Conner
* The Management Courses Information Site - claims to have details of over 1400 education, training and development courses in over 60 countries
* Peterson's - Bricker's Executive Education - commercial search site
* ProEd and InfoLists - commercial site for those who sponsor seminars, conferences and executive programs, and for those in the education and training industries
* Training & Development Resource Center - Targeted Communication Management
* Training and Seminar Locators, Inc. (TASL) - commercial, online catalog featuring education, training and development resources for business and industry
* The Training Registry - commercial, online directory of training courses and vendors
* Training SuperSite - TRAINING OnlineLearning Site
* UNIVentures, Inc. - "... resources faculty and trainers and consults to university management/executive education centers and corporate learning officers worldwide" - commercial site, owned by former university center directors.
* Yahoo - Education

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* Contact Information:

For more information, please contact:

Bric A. Wheeler
Phone: 865.974.8759
Fax: 865.974.4989

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