About Me

Credit and Copyright: T. Credner

Another picture of Hale-Bopp... :-)

I think the title is pretty self explanatory....*cheesy grin* Any complaints can be mailed to: badjokes@somethingorother.com....*ahem* Anyways...

Hmm...okay...so you want to know what I'm all about huh? Well, lets see...I'm a guy...just in case some of you had any discrepancies... Shut up James...just shut up... :-) Sorry...okay anyways, I'm 21 years old and a student at the University of Alberta... yes I know...oooh, ahhh, very interesting...umm, what else...I have a very cheesy sense of humor? Yeah...okay...

Hmm...I live in Edmonton, Alberta...for those of you who ~didn't~ know, that's in this place in a far away land called Canada...

Before I continue, I'd just like to apologize to anyone who actually finds this funny...please, get some help... :-) Boy, you just gotta be loving me by now...hehe...

Yeah, so I was born in Tanzania, East Africa, moved from there when I was about three years old, and was raised in New York...part in the city, and part on Long Island. I lived there for 7 years, and came up to Edmonton...been here ever since... :-)

What do I like to do you ask??? Well, I love writing poetry for one thing, listening to music, playing sports, and just plain having fun. Yup, yup, yup...its an adventurer's life for me!

And as for all these sky pictures on my page, that's just because I'm in love with the sky... :-) Most of my friends can tell you that... :-) Ever since taking Astronomy at the University, I have become more knowledgeable about the interstellar medium. :o)

I'm sure I'm leaving tons and tons of stuff out, but if you've got any questions, feel free to e-mail me at the address shown at the bottom of this screen, and all the other ones, coincidentally... :-) Umm...yeah okay...bye!

© 1997 hafizk@telusplanet.net

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