Chicken Jockey 2:
The Official Site
Wednesday, July 16th, 2003


Hey everyone!  Another update for you all.  This one is a smaller update to fix a couple of more bugs that have been found.  Thanks goes out to Vance Valez, V-Planet Quickbasic Magazine for pointing them out!

Changes in v1.2

(1) Fixed a problem where the chickens would get too lazy.  Tweaked the code so that laziness and tiredness are more proportional.

(2) Fixed a problem in the Fight Pit where a player who owns all the chickens would cause an infinite loop.  If a player owns all chickens, the program will be forced to fill in the necessary positions in the fight.

(3) Added a maximum of $5000 per bet in each of the four races, and a $20000 maximum for cockfights.  This was done to keep people from betting ludicrous amounts of money on a single race, and also to prevent overflow errors.


Sunday, July 13th, 2003


Chicken Jockey 2 has gone up a version.  The new version (v1.1) is available for download above.  Installing this version over the previous one will not delete your saved games.

Changes in v1.1

(1) Fixed a bug which allowed for negative betting in races.

(2) Added more betting options, including betting by 1000 dollar denominations and a 'bet all' option.

(3) Added interest in savings account at bank.  Players will now receive 3% interest every 7 minutes of gameplay.

(4) Changed deposit and withdrawal input from incremental style to user-entered amount.

Enjoy!  And remember to register to receive update notices like this in your mailbox!


Saturday, July 12th, 2003

The QBExpo has been launched, and Chicken Jockey 2 is officially available for download there!  I have added a download link to this site as well, so knock yourselves out!  Please use the forum to report bugs, or discuss the game.  Be sure to register for Chicken Jockey 2 updates, and for the upcoming CJ2 Internet League!  Thanks everyone!


All material on this site and the concepts and ideas related Chicken Jockey material on other sites created by me, Hafiz Kassam, is copyrighted. 
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