Chirnside: Marianne's Space
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A recent flood of e-mail messages have asked me to include some biographical detail.
Never one to stand in the way of public demand, I've decided to provide some.
In order to do this I've removed the "under constuction" sign. Please remember that this site, like me, is still in a formative stage. .

OK, on with the show.

My name is Marianne and I am one and a half years old. I was born on 25th September 1996 at the Tokyo Adventist Hospital in Ogikubo, Tokyo, Japan (good hospital - nice nurses, all vegetarian food and skillful masked doctors who creep around in slippers. My Dad even had to smoke his cigar in the parking lot).
I weighed-in at 3368 grams, which is the euivalent of 479 old two pence coins and about 98,000 grams less than Mike Tyson the night he bit Holyfield's ear off. I arrived at 12.10am exactly, but as I wasn't watching the clock I have to take that on trust.

As for this website, it was patched together by my Dad. If you like any of the images or sounds and want to steal them, go ahead. He poached them all himself. Why don't you pay a visit to those two Paladins of cyberspace who taught him everything he knows? You can find them at -
Uncle Austin's hompage
Lots of funky freebie downloads (I don't recommend the music though)

or  Uncle Koichi's homepage with it's cute little bowing Japanese doll

Or you could always E-mail little ole me, or look at more pictures or even look at even more pictures

Why not look at - The Adventure Trilogy
Part One A Fistful of Pictures
Part Two For a Few Pictures More
Part Three The Good, Bad, and More Pictures
And, as promised The Hound from Hell
Escape from Doraemon - the movie
A very personal Message to Granma and Granpa

If you're really bored have a look at Alex's Unofficial ICC Homepage

or even Alex's Military History Page

[More pictures] [Even more pictures] [Fistful of Pictures] [For a few pictures more] [Good, Bad and More] [Anne & Harris] [Doraemon movie] [Little angel]

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