

You Must Read

This Booklet!

Real stories

by real people!

The quality of your life, or someone you love, may depend upon it!

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This booklet is a collection of Life Plus nutritional product testimonials from real people in their own words. Some of the stories are extraordinary and may seem hard to believe-even miraculous. The first testimony, Harold's story, is simply incredible. However, Gilbert's success combating AIDS, Mary's Skin, Stella's pain, Jerri's Fibromyalgia and others are no less fantastic. What is truly amazing is the natural health promoting ability of the immune system when given proper nutrition.

The purpose of this booklet is simply to share information about how nutritional supplements, from Life Plus, have helped others. We'd like to acknowledge and thank everyone who helped with this booklet. We especially appreciate the people whose testimonials fill these pages because it is they who are Health Stories.

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To Your Good Health

The stories in this book do not represent medical advice and are to share their successes. Life Plus does not claim its products cure any disease.

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Harold's Story

I was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma in March 1993 while living in the Seattle, Washington area. Several months later, I was further diagnosed with bone cancer arising separately from the Lymphoma. I was 48 years old. Emergency surgery was done on one Lymphoma site and 1 started my own program of nutritional products with some success, but these results proved very temporary. Later the cancers became much more aggressive and I was forced to choose between 6 more months of life or amputation of my left arm, together with brain and liver surgery to be followed by radiation and chemotherapy treatments. I rejected these treatment options and literally updated my last will and testament, etc., preparing for whatever was next.

As a Vietnam army veteran I had been exposed to Agent Orange in 1967-68. With the help of a friend I secured the final position open in an experimental program to be conducted on the East Coast. This program recruited Vietnam veterans from all branches of the armed forces who had two distinct types of active cancer and would waive all future claims against the government while voluntarily canceling any remaining veteran benefits. This I did and relocated to Virginia.

The treatments were daily the first month with I liter of blood taken out for processing and a liter of blood containing an enhanced number of T-cells put back. For the next year, half a liter was exchanged weekly and after that I had monthly transfusions. The treatments seemed to slow the progress of the disease dramatically, but did little to reverse the effects already sustained.

I became dyslexic, had memory loss, both short and long term, lost muscle tone to the point I measured 40% body fat, lost energy and stamina, making it impossible for me to walk more than a city block. There were times friend would call and I'd have to check personal notes or call someone else to ask who it was that had previously called. The pain was chronic and so intense that I sometimes could not tell the difference between being asleep or having passed out. Imagine, if you will the pain of slamming your finger in a car door and what it would feel like if your entire spine was so slammed. When the blackouts became too severe, I would be given an experimental pain management procedure which allowed me to get on top of the pain and continue treatment and life such as it was.

By this time only two out of the original twelve in the medical program had survived. We had each been given more time than we thought we had left, and each of us had always wanted just one more day. Because of this, I volunteered to lake a second generation treatment within this program which was a protein that surrounds and inhibits further growth of cancer cells.

Following that treatment procedure I was being transported to the pain management facility when I went into full cardiac arrest. I had signed "do not resuscitate" orders at both the administering and pain management facilities but the ambulance people did not know this and revived me. I had long considered each new day a bonus but now each was like a surprise, a very wonderful surprise!

Returning home, I found that friends from Seattle had sent me a package of Life Plus products and I began taking larger than normal amounts of several products. The next six weeks completely changed the course of my disease and the course of my life. What transpired was a very dramatic turnaround in my condition in a very short period of time.

I noticed I was feeling better within two weeks. The medical program I was in started to monitor my blood changes three times per week. The rating system for cancers, within this particular medical program, is a numerical score from 0 (disease free) to 4 points (critical). For the nearly two years previous, a one-tenth point movement was considered remarkable. Suddenly, I went down and improved by three and four-tenths from one test to the next, in just a two to three day period!

The Ewings Carcinoma which had been rated 4. I (off the rating scale or "immediately terminal") dropped to 3.8 and the other cancers, rated 3.8 each, also started to show marked improvement. The protein which had encapsulated the tumor sites (the second generation procedure I had undergone) totally vanished, "eaten" by the enzymes I was ingesting. The tumor sites started to contract and more extensive analysis showed that the Proanthenols product, 0PC-85, was totally within and on the outside of my major blood cells. I was asked to bring in the products I was taking and take them on site to see if they could be detected in my system a short time after ingesting them. (The products were analyzed and then identified in my system as described.) Mass spectrometry, a very precise and expensive analysis, was done repeatedly on each of the components of my blood. Proanthenols were everywhere, in every analysis.

My blood cells, stuck together in groups resembling miniature clusters of grapes, became separated and free floating. Within four weeks the holes and pockmarks on the surface of these cells began to heal. Within six weeks I was getting dramatically better with "scores" on each of the cancers at or below 2.I. I was getting better, much better, and very, very quickly. Within nine weeks all cancers were rated 0.2 (two tenths) and in fact no living cancer cells could be found. The tumor protruding about an inch was reduced to the thickness of two quarters.

With this improvement came lessening of my pain, and for the first time in almost three years, a cessation, an end to the pain--first for just an hour or so, then a whole day. Now, I can be pain free for days, even weeks at a time. I called my best friend when I had my first pain-free day and told him about it. He might have thought it strange but he was a good enough friend not to tell me so. It is odd what we each take for granted until its taken away and that is why I'm writing this.

Whether you, a close friend or family member has already been given the cancer diagnosis, or whether you just want to avoid it or whether you have some other health affliction, I know of nothing better that you can do for yourself or for your loved ones, than to start taking products from Life Plus. And start Now! Of the literally scores of people with which I have talked, who have taken Proanthenols for everything from allergies to heart disease, no one person has ever said they became worse! NOT ONE!

I initially took massive amounts of Life Plus products and have only recently tapered down and eliminated some. See products I used below. I took these amounts for three months. Others' results will vary but hopefully you will start these products long before you find yourself in the middle of the physical pain and suffering from which I am now emerging.

A quick thank you to all my family and friends that have and continue to help me. Your help came at the right time and I'll not forget. A quick apology to friends who think I may have forgotten or abandoned you--I haven't and I won't. It just became "high maintenance" to keep in touch without making you feel badly for me. I'll be back in touch soon, and as the old saying goes, "I’m now a kinder, gentler fellow." Harold J., Rockville, MD (1996 really works!

Products Used Quantity When/How Taken
Proanthenols HP 5 5 morning, 5 noon, 5 night
Protx III 10 5 before breakfast, 5 at noon
Colon Formula 5 tsp. 2 tsp. with 4 oz juice before breakfast & dinner
Heart Formula 15 5 morning, 5 noon, 5 night
Endocryn DHEA 5 2 morning, 2 noon, 1 late afternoon
Micro-Mins 3 2 morning, 1 noon
Somazyme 10 5 morning, 5 mid afternoon, on empty stomach
Digestive Formula 9-12 always at least one tablet when taking Poranthenols; at least 2 with each meal

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It Really Works!

My name is George and I live in Portland. My wife is 72 years old and for the last 6 years I could not communicate with her. She would get lost going from room to room and would forget why she was going there. I cooked, washed, bathed and put her to bed every day for 6 years. Then I learned about MSM, and how it could help. I gave her 2 heaping teaspoons full of MSM every day for two weeks. I had her soak in a tub with warm water and 3/4 cup of Clorox for 20 minutes twice a week. it leeched the aluminum out of her system. In two weeks, she was up cleaning the house, communicating clearly and going shopping. We are now living again thanks to MSM. It really works!

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Feel Great

My name is Sylvia, I have had diabetes for several years. It was hard to control either too much sugar or not enough. After 3 months of taking MSM, I am self-regulating my sugar levels. I am so grateful I stayed with it for the full 3 months. I now take a full teaspoon a day and feel great.

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A Fun Night Out

My name is Kathleen and I was very sick with a bad hangover after a fun night out. I heard about MSM and how it flushes alcohol and other toxins out of your system and decided to try it. I had read that when you drink alcohol it gets into your cells and is trapped disallowing oxygen to get in. The cells die of oxygen starvation, causing you to feel ill. MSM makes the cell walls permeable so that the alcohol can be flushed out, along with other toxins and oxygen can get in. Your body will begin to feel better and the hangover will be gone in a very short time. I took two tablespoons and in about 20 minutes I felt fine.

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For a couple of years I have suffered with a bad prostate condition. After three weeks on Proanthenols, I gave up my prescription medication and haven't needed it since. And much to my relief, I don't have to get up in the middle of the night two or three times to go to the bathroom. T.B. Seattle, WA

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50th Wedding Anniversary

I gave Touchfire Hers and Circulation Formula to my parents for their 50th wedding anniversary and they tell me it really works! They didn't give me any details! MH. San Diego, CA

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Vietnam Veteran

I am a Vietnam veteran and subject to the effects of Agent Orange. I have had joint problems, inflammation and dissolving cartilage in my neck. I also had Jungle Rot. Six weeks after starting Life Plus products I stopped using any pain pills. My feet are clean and the skin looks healthy and they don't stink! The pain in my joints is gone and I have more movement and flexibility than I ever thought possible. I take Heart Formula, Anti-Stress Formula, ProtxIII, Colon Formula, Proanthenols and Somazyme and Colloidal Silver. R.R. Germany

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Jim and Colon Formula

I have had a serious problem with constipation all my adult life. I have tried everything including stuffing myself with high-fiber foods, over the counter laxatives and Metamucil. Nothing worked! My wife suggested I try Colon Formula. She said it wasn't like those other products in that it wasn't a "laxative" but a colon cleanser along with providing fiber and bulk and put friendly flora back in the intestines. I told her I would try it for one week. I mixed it with orange juice and drank it down. After two days, I was convinced she was right. Now I drink it with water and it's not too bad! Jim W., Grandview, WA

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Won't Be Without Colon Formula

Five years ago, I was hospitalized for four days with my first attack of Diverticulitis. In the following years, numerous attacks would require large amounts of antibiotics and a clear liquid diet for days on end. Following four days excruciating in November 1995, I started using Colon Formula. I have had NO attacks since that time, even when I become "brain dead" and indulge in large servings of cocktail nuts, seeds, and other forbidden fruits. I would rather be without toothpaste, deodorant and shampoo for months than one day without Colon Formula. D. G. Yakima, Washington

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Pain Free With Lyprinex

Five years ago, I contacted shingles, a very painful, if not excruciating condition. Every year since my original contact with it, I have had a three to four week, residual pain recurrence, I tried every kind of pain reliever available, but nothing helped. Then at the Life Plus convention in Phoenix, they introduced Lyprinex. Coincidentally, I was having shingles pain at the time. I immediately bought some Lyprinex, and within 36 hours of using it, I was pain free. L. S., Pasadena, California

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Weight Loss With Slender Now

I have been a diet yo-yo for many years. With all diets that I have lost 25 to 35 pounds, I would wind up with illness. Today, two weeks on Slender Now, I have lost 10 pounds and I feel great! R.R., Palm Springs, CA

I've been using Slender Now for six months and have lost 30 pounds and have gone from a size 44 waist down to 38 waist. I haven't given up my favorite foods--bread, rice and pasta! I have about 20 pounds to go...love this product! B.W., Indianola, WA

I can hardly believe I can fit into a size 10 dress and found the perfect one for my daughters wedding, I have been using Slender Now since last spring (about 4 months) and have experienced not only weight loss but increased energy. I will never be without my Aminolyze. M.R., Bellevue, WA

I saw a good friend at the Denver Convention and could not believe my eyes. She had lost 25 pounds using Slender Now. She said she was wearing jeans she hadn't been able to wear in years. She looked wonderful. The dress she wore at the Saturday night party was beautiful--she looked like a movie star! J.T. Indianola, WA

I have lost 15 pounds (my goal) using Slender Now. I feel great and have started exercising for the first time in years! I use all three products---Love the vanilla shake. C.W., Virginia Beach, VA

Slender Now is a simple program to use with tremendous success. The first week, I lost 14 pounds! I couldn't believe my eyes! D.E. Total pounds lost 53 ;Total inches lost 36

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Low Back Pain & Lyprinex

I have suffered from chronic lower back pain for the past 25 years. I have been from doctor to doctor, even had adjustments and treatments by chiropractors. They have prescribed drugs for pain relief and muscle relaxers. These gave me temporary relief, but who wants to spend the rest of their lives taking drugs? Until I tried Lyprinex, I had obtained no lasting relief. When I started taking Lyprinex, I was in severe pain. I was barely able to function and dragged myself to work and back, but that was about it. I was miserable. For the first few days, I took two capsules twice a day. After about a week, I noticed that I no longer had such severe pain. In two or three more days, I noticed the pain was very much decreased. I have continued taking the Lyprinex, one capsule twice a day, and still the pain is abated. I can hardly believe it. It seems almost too good to be true, but it is! M. S. Arkansas

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Elbow Without Pain

I had a real painful arthritic right elbow for more than two years. I was not able to straighten my arm, could not even carry my purse in my right hand. The day I received my order, I took one Cat's Claw Plus and two Lyprinex. I repeated this before bedtime. The next morning, my elbow was completely without pain and I'm able to use my right arm again. NOW THAT'S EXCITING! G.K., Ephrata, WA

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Painful Joints And Stomach Pain

After having four back surgeries in one year, I feel my body was completely depleted of nutrients. My joints and bones were so painful due to bursitis and osteoarthritis, I could not lift my arm because of shoulder pain, grip a door handle or open a jar lid, and sometimes I was hardly able to walk. I started taking Proanthenols, Somazyme and CalMag Plus, and to my great amazement and delight, I am now pain free! I have also been practically living on Tagamet for the past ! 4 years due to ulcers. I tried Digestive Formula and Colon Formula and guess what? My stomach pain is gone and I no longer take Tagamet or pain medications. P.M. Manderson, Wyoming

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Positive Difference in My Life

I have suffered with the discomfort and pain of rheumatoid arthritis for many, many years. And, after trying countless remedies and across the counter pain relievers with little results, I decided I would (as the old saying goes), just "grin and bear it". That was before discovering Lyprinex. Now, I want to "grin and share it". After experiencing an acute arthritis attack recently, I was given this product to try. in four days, I was in total amazement and so was my husband! No pain, no swelling and more mobility in my hands than I’ve had in years. So, Thank You! Life Plus for this wonderful product and the positive difference it's made in my life. I intend to continue to "grin and share it" with everyone! J.M.

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Turned My Life Around

I was diagnosed with Lupus in 1986. After the initial diagnosis I pretty much functioned as before. However, two years ago the fatigue just got to me. I was dead tired and depressed. At age 45 I just wanted to call it quits if this was the quality of life I could expect. A good friend pestered me to death to try this product called Proanthenols. I started taking them in August of 1995 and within two weeks I could tell a difference. They have turned my life around. My husband and daughter saw the difference in me and they too are on Proanthenols. P.B., Woodenville, WA

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The Flu & Colloidal Silver

My two year old grandson, Hunter, became sick with stomach and intestinal flu on Monday of this week (4/22/96) resulting in vomiting and diarrhea which continued getting worse each day until Thursday when Diane, my daughter, took him to his doctor to rule out something more serious. The doctor said it was only the flu and the symptoms could go on for another week at least. When I went to visit on Thursday afternoon he was very pale, listless and had severe stomach cramps. He had been laying on the davenport all day, trying to sleep between bouts of vomiting and diarrhea. I suggested to Diane that maybe Colloidal Silver might help him, so she gave him a teaspoon. From that point on, he had no more diarrhea or vomiting and his stomach cramps lessened over the next hour and he was finally able to sleep. By the time I left that evening, he was much more lively! The next day Diane told me he was up playing like a normal two year old! She had given him one teaspoon before he went to bed that night. It is so hard to see a child sick and in pain.., needless to say, we were grateful that we had this wonderful product and know that the reason Hunter started improving so quickly was because of the Colloidal Silver. Thank you, Life Plus! J.T., Indianola, WA

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Headaches & Inhalers Gone

I've had chronic migraines with lateral pain, head, neck and facial neuralgia since 1982. I was using mega Rx from Elavil, Inderol, Clan SR, Savsert, Mimocin, Fiorcet and Imitrex. I've been using 200 mg of Proanthenols for 3 months and the headaches are gone. I've also had asthma attacks for 2 years and used 4 different inhalers and Prednisone. I haven't used inhalers for 3 months! Y.T., Springvale, ME

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Ginny & Co-Enzyme Q-10

Last June I ended up in the hospital with Congestive Heart Failure. When my sister heard about my condition, she immediately sent me Co-enzyme Q-I0 and Proanthenols. She said research and studies had shown that Co-Q-10 helped the heart to heal itself even in situations as serious as mine. I started taking the Co-Q-10 along with Proanthenols. After I was released from the hospital, I continued to be monitored by my doctor, including tread mill tests, etc. I was able to return to work as a nurse by the beginning of August. The doctors couldn't believe it! I know I recovered as quickly as I did because of the products I am taking, and am so thankful for them. Ginny B. Federal Way, WA

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Symptoms Have Disappeared!

After 10 months of oral antibiotic treatment by 5 different doctors with no results, I felt helpless, hopeless, abandoned and sick and tired of having my life ruled and ruined by Lyme disease. I was beside myself and contemplating suicide when I learned of an alternate treatment using Colloidal Silver,Proanthenols and aloe vera juice, I got the Silver and Proanthenols from Life Plus and I make my own aloe vera juice. Using these on a daily basis, all my symptoms have disappeared. V.F., Denviile, NJ

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Mary's Skin

About 3 years ago I cam down with eczema which continued to get worse. My doctor sent me to a dermatologist who was very nice, but, unfortunately, nothing he did helped. My skin was cracked with all kinds of growths, lesions, and bleeding scabs. Another dermatologist couldn't help either. Entire sections of my skin were literally falling off. I looked very sick. The doctors tried all kinds of treatments like UV and drugs along with topical lotions and ointments which burned my skin. After cortisone shots started giving me chest pains, I said "enough". A friend suggested I try some natural products. So I started taking Life Plus Colloidal Silver which gave me relief from the itching. The next month I started taking the Proanthenols and Forever Young Tablets. Almost immediately my condition started improving. Everybody noticed the change in my skin. It's not completely gone but I'd have to say I'm 95% of the way back to normal and it shouldn't be long before it's all gone. If I hadn't started on these Life Plus products I don't know what I would have done! M.C. Denviile, NJ

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It Is Good To Feel Good

I was diagnosed with MS in 1991. it was well before then that I knew something was wrong. I worked until September 1994 when I could no longer hide my symptoms. At 42 my life should be beginning, not ending. He fatigue along with depression caused a lot of nonfunctional days. it takes such superhuman strength to move. When my right hand became affected, I learned to feed myself with my left hand, that wasn't too difficult, but writing out my monthly bills was a big reminder that this thing wasn't going away. I started taking a product called Proanthenols in September 1995. All I can say is it feel good to feel good. The fatigue is gone. I still use my cane to keep my balance, but I know I am getting better, instead of getting worse. I would say to you, try a bottle. B.D. Orange County, FL

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Roaring in My Ears

I'm very excited about Life Plus products. It is very, very noisy at the plant where I work. About 2 months ago my ear plug came loose and I didn't notice it until the day was over, After that my ear had a roaring sound like an ocean, A friend suggested I take some natural products from Life Plus. I received my Proanthenols and Micro-Mins the 18th of April, I started taking the Proanthenols the next day and started taking the Micro-Mins two days later on the 20th. Within four days I noticed that the roaring sound I'd had in my ear was completely gone! These products are great! E.A. Belfast, ME

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Circulation Improved

I lost my left foot and part of my lower leg to poor circulation caused by diabetes. The doctor told me that I would probably lose my fight foot too as my toes were already starting to turn black. A friend kept urging me to try Proanthenols because they had helped her sister who also has Diabetes. I finally said I would and within a matter of weeks, the circulation in my foot and toes had improved to the point that the black is gone. I feel so much better and have a lot more energy. The few times I have ran out of product, I can tell the difference in less than a week. I believe, and so do my doctors, that as long as my circulation stays like it is, I will not lose my other foot! And I am so thankful for that and Life Plus. C.J. Kirkland, WA

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Relieved of Pain; Lots Of Energy

I have been in five major car accidents which resulted in extensive soft tissue damage, bulbous disks in my neck and a tear in my right rotator cuff. I was suffering from pain almost constantly. In addition, I developed Chronic Fatigue Syndrome about five years ago and between that and my pain I was spending most of my waking hours either at the doctors undergoing tests or in physical therapy. Proanthenols, Digestive Formula, and Somazyme have changed my life. They have relieved me of my pain and I am energetic all day. I have not had physical therapy in a full year which is the length of time I have been on Life Plus products. I have tried products from other companies and can honestly say that they were inferior. Thank you, Life Plus. S.W. Reno, NV

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Fun To Eat Out Again

My name is Mary and I have had a problem with indigestion for years. Whenever I ate meat or spicy foods, I knew I would be miserable. After I started using Digestive Formula (about a year ago) I have been able to eat whatever I want without bloating and gas and indigestion. It is fun to go to restaurants again! M.G. Phoenix, AZ

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8OYears Old & More Energy

I served in the Air Force in World War II. I was in a bomber crash and experienced a broken right shoulder among other injuries and was put into a body cast. My shoulder was set by a gynecologist and I've had bursitis in it ever since. I was in constant pain. In the spring of 1995 I started taking Life Plus Proanthenols and they relieved my pain. Then I stated using the Micro-Mins too and I feel even better. I'm more relaxed, have more energy and sleep better. I still snow ski and my knees and shoulder never bother me anymore. I look and feel well and people are always surprised to learn I'm 80 years old! B.W., Reno, NV

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Results of Car Accident

I was injured in a car accident in 1992 and was first diagnosed with Fibromyalgia at that time. If you're not familiar with the disease, it's a nerve disorder--the result of which is constant pain. I felt like someone had taken a baseball bat and had hit me all over my body. Over the past 3 years I've been subjected to trigger point injection therapy almost weekly. The result of all this therapy was lots of money spent and no relief from the pain. I was introduced to Proanthenols from Life Plus in October 1995. When they arrived I took 2 tablets, before bed, and the next day, to my amazement, I was pain free and had a great day! In fact I hadn't felt that good in a long time. I have not used pharmaceuticals since starting on Proanthenols and I feel great. Life Plus products may help you, too. SB. Mt. Olive, NJ

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No More Allergy Shots

I’ve had allergies since I was 15 years old getting shots every 2 weeks, I had been taking supplements from other companies for 15 years and have never experienced anything like what happened with Life Plus products. I take Micro-Mins, TVM-Plus and Alkomar on a daily basis along with 200 mg. of Proanthenols daily, I normally take 300 mg of Proanthenols this time of year because of my allergies. After starling on the Life Plus products my allergies went away in 4 days and I haven't had a shot in 8 months. C.T., Baltimore, MD

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Aches & Pains Gone

As a truck driver I was used to drinking at least 3 pots of coffee a day and I took 4 to 6 Ibuprofen every evening to ease my aches and pains. Also, I used to need a mid-afternoon nap and I had a difficult time bending down and getting back up, due to pain in my knees. After a few weeks on Proanthenols I feel like a different person! Without changing my diet or exercising, I've lost 10 pounds and I've cut way down on coffee to only two cups a day. I no longer need a nap and people tell me that I seem to be in a good mood all of the time. Best of all, I am free of pain and am not taking any pain medication. S.S., Medina, OH

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Energetic Happy and Younger!

I have had high blood pressure for about I0 years. I am in my early sixties. My doctor prescribed a variety of medications over the years which did not bring my pressure down to a safe level. A friend suggested I take Heart Formula and Proanthenols. Within a three month period of time, I was able to stop all blood pressure medication and my blood pressure is within a healthy range for the first time in years. The side affects of the prescription medication made me feel sick, grumpy and old. The Life Plus products make me feel energetic, happy and younger! I started Line dancing, met a wonderful woman and we were recently married. Thanks to Life Plus products I am healthy again. S.T. Denver, CO.

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No More Drugs Or Cortisone Shots

I have Reynaulds Syndrome with loss of lubricating fluid in my knee. I get excruciating pain when my hands get cold and have pain and swelling in my knees, I’ve been told extreme cases end up in amputation! I had used anti-inflammatory drugs and cortisone shots. Using Proanthenols I noticed a difference in my hands around 6 weeks. My knees took longer. Now I walk at an even, brisk pace plus climb stairs--no pain. Proanthenols worked wonders in 9 months. PS. I wore only 1 pair of mittens this winter! B. Lockard, Maine

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No Side Affects With Proanthenols

Three of my children have ADHD. The doctors wanted to put them on Ritalin but I didn't. I put the kids on Proanthenols. Two months later the teachers have called me for information. The kids are totally calmed and helping me now. Not perfect but not as wound up and disruptive and NO side affects. T.D. Sanford, ME

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Gilbert's Story

I was diagnosed as HIV positive in 1985 which I apparently got from a blood transfusion. By 1991 my condition deteriorated to full blown AIDS according to the medical professionals at California's St. Mary's Hospital in Long Beach and UCLA in Torrance. After several bouts with opportunistic infections including esophageal candidiasis, pneumocystis pneumonia, karposis (KS), as well as severe adverse reactions to some of the prescribed medications, I had a T-Cell count of 88. Normal is considered 1200-1600, HIV positive 600-1200, and full-blown AIDS is considered below 600. So 88 wasn't looking good. Since conventional therapy wasn't working, as I was getting worse, I decided to leave the hospital, against doctors orders. I made a decision to try to combat the disease with holistic and homeopathic methods. After a great deal of study, experimentation, trial and error, I selected Life Plus as my primary supplement company and have found a combination that works for me. My daily regimen includes pure drinking water, megadoses of natural vitamin supplements and herbs, fruit and vegetable juices, aloe vela juice and a nutritionally sound diet. I make no claims to have found a cure. However, after following this regimen for over year, I have had fewer experiences with AIDS related illnesses. I sincerely believe that my health and quality of life have vastly improved. As of early April 1996 my T-Cell count has risen to over 500! I use 25 Life Plus products which include megadoses of Proanthenols and Alko-Mar, along with Forever Young Tablets, Co-Q-10 Plus, Cats Claw, Somniset, Colon Formula, TVM-Plus, ProtxIII, Digestive Formula, Colon Formula, Vita C Plus, Eye Formula, Food For Thought, Endocryn, Lung Formula, EPA Plus, ProMax 100, Ecology Pack, Micro-Mins, Heart Formula, Somazyme, Combat and Oxy-gen Caps. My life literally depends upon what I put into my body and I have found that Life Plus' uncompromising quality to be an important reason why I'm still here and each day I get stronger and will eventually lick this disease. G.N. Buena Vista, CA

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Chronic Pain

Five years ago I had a ruptured disc in the lumbar section of my spine. The pain was unbearable and I had to have surgery. As is usual with back surgery, I was left with some degree of chronic pain. I could deal with it fairly effectively most of the time. I used Tylenol and anti-inflammatory agents frequently. I was recently introduced to Proanthenols. Within four days my pain was gone. I ran out of Proanthenols and five days later I was in pain again. Predictably, when I again started Proanthenols my pain completely disappeared. I don't run out of Proanthenols anymore! S.F., Sparks, MD

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No more Wheezing

From the time I was 2 years old I have had severe asthma. It is often induced by allergies and exercise. I have had almost 100 trips to the emergency room and many, many weekends in the hospital. I was using 3 inhalers and taking 1200-1800 mg of Theodur a day and often Prednisone. After hearing about a doctor who had several asthmatic patients on the Proanthenols, who no longer take medicine, I decided to increase my dose of Proanthenols and add the Lung Formula. One day, after 5 weeks on 600 mg of Proanthenols and the Lung Formula, I forgot to take my morning asthma medicine. I noticed by the end of the day that I wasn't wheezing! I purposely didn't take it the next morning--again no wheezing! It has been one month and I haven't taken my morning asthma medicine since and I cut my evening medicine in half. I am very close to discontinuing it altogether. I can now play tennis and basketball without bringing my inhaler to the court, race on our boat and not even think if I brought my inhaler, and can run up and down 3 flights of stairs carrying my 28 lb. two-year old and without even huffing! What a life-changing effect these products have had on my life. T.Y.

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90 Years Old and Feel Great

For over a decade every time I got a cold it would move into my chest and I would get bronchitis, lm going to be 90 soon and at my age my doctor is always concerned about the bronchitis turning into pneumonia. Last winter my grandsons had me start taking Proanthenols. That summer I got a cold, however, it never moved into my chest like they always did. My doctor remarked how great this was and asked if I was doing anything different. I told him my grandsons had me taking some supplements. He said to keep doing whatever they were recommending since it was obviously working. I am and I feel great! M.U. New Jersey

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Severe indigestion

I have had severe indigestion for more than 20 years now. It used to get me out of bed at night to take a Mylanta. I took it by the barrels full. I have taken Tagamet, Zantac, Pepcid and every kind of acid blocker available through a prescription or over the counter with little or no relief. Even though my Hiatal Hernia has moved further up my esophagus, I still have no indigestion when I take Digestive Formula before meals. Since I have started taking Digestive Formula, I cannot recall a time that I have taken it before meals and gotten indigestion. Proanthenols and Micro-Mins had stopped my nightly leg cramps and aches in general. I.W., NV

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Flu Symptoms Gone

Last week I woke up with a stuffed up nose, head ache, cough and over all feeling that I was coming down with the flu. I felt miserable. My wife got out some Combat, I took two that morning, two Inter in the day and two before I went to bed. When I got up the following morning, all the symptoms were gone and I was back to feeling great again! T.T., WA

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Three Surgeries In One Year

1996 has been a difficult and trying year. My 61-year old mother went through three major surgeries. First was an arterial bypass in her thigh. A few weeks after that she had to have her big toe removed due to blocked circulation. The third surgery came later as her gall bladder inflamed and had to be removed. During removal, bile was spilled causing her to become very sick for a few more weeks. Her strength was greatly diminished and she lost a lot of weight. The doctors discovered that the blood volume her heart was pumping was low, around 20%. That combined with her past heart attacks, diabetes and repented bouts of congestive heart failure painted a grim picture. The doctors didn't give us very much hope. Not long before this, I was introduced to Life Plus nutrients. When Mom got home from the hospital, I had her Life Plus supplements waiting for her. My Dad wanted to have the doctor approve them, which he did. I then started her on a regimen of Heart Formula, Micro-Mins, Co-Q-10 Plus, Proanthenols and Lung Formula. Her doctor was surprised at her recovery. He looked at her and asked if she was wearing makeup. She said no and then he pinched her cheeks and smiled. He kept commenting to her and my Dad how well she was progressing. much to his surprise. Her surgeon was very pleased at how her foot was healing, which can be a very serious problem for diabetics. My family is living a miracle. We now have hope, which was in short supply only a few months ago. N. M OH

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Welcome Back!

An old friend of mine said to me, "I haven't seen you like this in years, welcome back!" This gives you an idea of the difference Life Plus products have made in my life. I'm 50 years old and feeling great, have lots more energy and I'm getting a lot more done. My brain is clicking, my thinking is sharper and I'm losing weight. My husband, Dave, fell really good immediately after he started using Life Plus products. He is diabetic and his insulin reading went down 100 points after just three days and he has stayed at that level. We take Proanthenols, Anti-Stress Formula , Endocryn DHEA and Micro-Mins. D.G OH

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High School Football Injury

I am 38 years old. Starting at age 16 I have been troubled with back pain stemming from a high school football accident. It was a minor problem of stiffness and soreness after physical activities, but as I aged these activities would keep me in bed longer and some days unable to stand up at all. I am certified to teach disabled snow skiing, it has given me great pleasure to see people progress from wheelchairs to total independent downhill skiing. Some even went on to race for the U.S. Ski Team. In 1993 I had to stop because of my back problems. Since having been introduced to Life Plus products in March 1996, I have been taking many products which have lessened the back pain. Proanthenols play a tremendous part in this success. At this point I am working out again and looking forward to volunteering to teach skiing again this year. I started jogging in May and feel very energetic during and after working out. I also take Micro-Mins, Endocryn, Lung Formula, and Colon Formula.

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Pain Free First Time in 32 Years

I’ve been afflicted since the age of nine with arthritis. I decided that the Proanthenols and Micro-Mins would not help, but since Life Plus has a 30-day money-back guarantee, I had nothing to lose! Was I ever wrong! I placed an order and about a week later started on both products. Within 4 days my use of aspirin (4 times a day for the last thirty-two years) was cut in half. Within a week I was pain-free for the first time in 32 years and without taking a single aspirin! The redness, pain and swelling I had long experienced was gone. Being somewhat of a skeptic, I have stopped the Proanthenols several times and each time within several days I was back where I started. I also feel much better overall since starting these and other Life Plus products. I will never stop them or run out again! I have also had good results in a number of my patients to whom I have recommended these products. I hope many other people will take the chance to live healthier, more product lives as I have by trying these products. M.B. W., M.D., Brookfield, OH

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Body Builder

I am a 49 year old body builder. In May of 1995 I started using products from Life Plus and immediately noticed a significant improvement in the way I felt. Before using Micro-Mins I was using 300 lbs. in the bench press for 4 to 5 reps per set. Almost immediately my workout weight started increasing and after one month I’m now doing 6 reps per set with 325 lbs. I also take Proanthenols, Endycryn DHEA and several more products. E.L., Arizona

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Healthy Grandchildren

I started my eight-year-old grandson on the Vita-Saurus midsummer and just recently on 50 mg Proanthenols and one Micro-Mins per day. He has not missed one day of school this year. He's been healthy as a horse. Last year when he started school he was constantly sick from being exposed to so many germs at school. My other grandson is three and has asthma really bad. Earlier this year he'd gotten a couple of colds and each time ended up in the hospital. About 4 months ago I started him on Vita-Saurus and shortly thereafter he got off all his breathing treatments and is doing very well. No problems with his asthma. He's had a couple of minor colds but gotten over them all by himself--no hospital stays. I just started him on the 20 mg Proanthenols. Both of these children have responded really well to Life Plus supplements and are doing great. B.P., California

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A New Happy Life

My name is Jerri and I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in 1993. I suffered with pain all over my body. Many days I could not raise my hands to hold a toothbrush to brush my teeth. I could barely walk. I couldn't sleep. My doctor committed me to a mental hospital in Morganton, N.C., because she thought I had a mental problem. The medications I was taking are too numerous to mention. These medications were costing me between $400 to $500 per month and not helping me at all. When I was introduced to Life Plus in June 1995 I ordered Proanthenols and Somniset. I started taking these products and the next day I was better. In one month I returned to my doctor in Ashville, N.C. At that time I had improved so much the doctor released me from treatment, in February 1996, my other doctor wrote a letter about me saying in his medical opinion I was greatly improved from what I was when I was taking regular prescription medications. I take several other Life Plus products and continue to improve daily. I live every day without pain. I was recently roamed to a wonderful man. Life Plus products have given me a new, happy life! J.D., N. Carolina

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Sounds Like Snake Oil

I’ve been a registered nurse nearly 30 years. When I was told about Life Plus products, I was recovering from surgery and had a wound that just wasn't healing. I was very skeptical --sounded like "snake oil" to me but my husband encouraged me to order Proanthenols. Within 48 hours after taking them, my incision scaled over and began healing. Since then my husband, son and I use many Life Plus products and will never be without them. P.K., RN, Oregon

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Husband Thankful for Products

My husband, Albert, is thankful for the Lung Formula that helps break up the phlegm that tends to gather in his lungs. He has had pneumonia several times and now reaches for Lung Formula when he senses any of the symptoms coming on. Also, he is thankful for the Prostate Formula, which is a great blessing to men. Albert had a severe heart attack in July, ! 995, and is so appreciative that Life Plus products, including the Heart Formula came into our lives to help in his recovery A.A. E!lensburg, WA

No Stiffness or Pain

As directed, I took two Lyprinex a day for seven days, then one a day and by the tenth day I had more mobility in my legs. I used to have to be conscious of walking up and down steps. Now I just step with no stiffness or pain. Thanks to Life Plus. B.M. Princeton, LA

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Glowing Skin

This is my second week of using Forever Young Skin Care System and I am already getting compliments on the glow of my skin. I love cleansing without soap and knowing that I am using a safe, quality product. Lisa W.

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Energy All Day

As the mother of a new born and a four year old, I am not getting much sleep. The first day I started on two 50 mg Proanthenols I noticed a big difference m my energy. They give me the energy to keep going all day. I have tried many different products from health food stores and nothing has ever helped me like this. L.J. New York

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Muscle Tone

After the birth of my second child, I lost the weight I had gained within a few months but noticed my muscle tone was not like it was before I became pregnant. My mother told me about AminoLyze and how it helps the body maintain and build lean body mass so I started taking it at night and in the morning. With a three year old and a baby I have little time for daily workouts but my muscle tone is almost back to where I want it. I’m no longer embarrassed to wear shorts and T-shirts! I also take Proanthenols and Micro-Mins and know they keep my energy level up all day long. D.T. Maple Valley, WA

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72 Years Old & Feeling Great

I have a great belief in supplements. I am 72 and an insulin dependent diabetic, in 1991 I had quadruple-bypass surgery. I was devastated by the surgery, better off before it than after. My doctors tried many things but nothing made me feel better, in fact, I often felt worse. After 14 months I started a good supplement program and finally recovered to a reasonable level, but I had reached a plateau in my health improvement.

A few months ago I began taking Proanthenols and Micro-Mins (a loading dose), in just four days my blood sugar levels had dropped dramatically and I began curling my toes, which I haven't been able to do for ten years because of diabetic neuropathy. I realized I needed to adjust my insulin intake. I now take 25% less and I can see the possibility of even getting off insulin altogether.

I also have a condition in my hands in which the tendons shorten and pull your fingers down. A surgeon had been waiting for them to get a bit worse before he would operate. The surgery would have diminished the use of my fingers dramatically, in less than three weeks on the Proanthenols and Micro-Mins, I found that my hands are softer in the middle and I’m having no more trouble with them. I was also using my hands to rub on Life Plus' Forever Young Body Perfection Lotion, which has Proanthenols in it. That may have also contributed to the change in my hands.

I've lost three inches around my waist and I'm feeling fantastic! A.L. Lutherville, MD

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Proanthenols and Behavior

My daughter has attention deficit disorder and allergies to certain foods. She was wound up, had anger spells, disruptive behavior, couldn't concentrate, headaches and stomach aches. She's been on the Proanthenols for three months. She very seldom has any anger or disruptive behavior. She does her home work and has no more headaches or stomach aches. HM, Wells, ME

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Vision Returned

I’ve been taking Proanthenols since May 1995. After six weeks on the product, I regained vision in my eye that was damaged and had no vision for 18 months. My wife suffers from chronic depression. After she started taking Proanthenols she has gone off three of four medications and she's doing great! She's the old gal I married 18 years ago. R.L. South Dakota

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No Surgery or Drugs

In 1991 I was diagnosed as having degenerative disc disease. The lower five lumbar discs had degenerated to such a point that it was recommended that I have a steel rod placed in my lower back, a surgical procedure that would require some fusing of the vertebrae. This was very disheartening not just for obvious reasons, but also because I am a dancer.

I chose not to have the surgery, but rather deal with the chronic pain and spasms and was given numerous prescriptions for pain relief, but didn't get any of them filled, I just didn't like the idea of putting synthetic drugs into my body. I tried exercises that my physical therapist recommended which helped a little bit, but for the most part I lived in pain of varying degrees.

I continued in this manner until April of this year (1996) when I was introduced to Life Plus products, I began taking the 100 mg Proanthenols and Micro-Mins and after a week noticed less pain. I could hardly believe it, but by the end of the second week I was pain free!

These products have changed my life and here's a little footnote. I have run out of Proanthenols twice now and the old pain has come back so I know that these products are working. I will use them for the rest of my life! M.B. Wesmainster, MD

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Swelling & pain Gone

Due to gout, I've had swelling and pain in my hands and feet for many year and have used pain killers. After Proanthenols, the swelling and pain are gone and I wear loafers again. CR.

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Post Nasal Drip

For more than thirty years I've had post nasal drip (sinusitis) and nothing has helped. For one month a few times a day I sprayed Colloidal Silver in my nose and throat and repeated the treatment a few months later, in addition, I took Alko-Mar tablets. My sinusitis has not returned. S.S. Florida

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Ankle Pain & Wonder Gel

Due to an old injury, my husband has a lot of pain in his right ankle. He owns a diesel repair shop and works on concrete which causes it to become especially painful at times. Recently a friend suggested he rub Wonder Gel on his ankle. Within about 15 minutes the pain was gone and his ankle felt better than it had for months. I use Wonder Gel on my neck and shoulders when they get tight and hurt. We won't be without it or Proanthenols. D.G., Washington

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Loranna & Bill's Story

Almost two years ago next month, my husband and I were introduced to Life Plus and its products. When a friend came to see me, I was flat on my back in bed with a pinched sciatica nerve in my left hip. I had been in pain for many weeks. I was very skeptical when he told me about Proanthenols. I told him that the doctors had sent me home with pain pills, muscle relaxers and told me to get a lot of bed rest.

He told me how Proanthenols had helped relieve his back and neck pain. He gave me six tablets to try. Since it was time for my pain pills, I thought "what have I got to lose", so I took them with amazing results!

This is the absolute truth, within 40 minutes I was pain free. This was almost two year ago and I still am pain free. I do not suffer with any nerve problems or severe arthritis which I’ve had for over seventeen years

Now my husband Bill and what happened to him. Bill had started taking Proanthenols at the same time I did in April of 1995 and in September of 1995 he was diagnosed with esophagus cancer which is usually terminal. When we heard his diagnosis, I immediately called the President of Life Plus, Dr. Bob Lemon, RPh and asked his advice about what products Bill should take before his surgery which was scheduled for November 14th. Dr. Lemon told me to start him on a regimen of 2500 mg of Proanthenols, 1000 mg of Alko-Mar and 1500 mg of Co-Q-I0 each day.

We did this for a whole month beginning October 14th until he went into the hospital on the morning of November 14th. After 7 hours of surgery, the doctor and the surgeon came out to talk to me. He was very surprised and told me he did not why but the large tumor on my husbands esophagus which had been about the size of a lemon was actually the size of a quarter. He really had no way to explain why it was so much smaller than the cat scan had shown two months earlier.

I did not even say a world to him, I was just so happy! I knew why the tumor was smaller, but he would never have believed me if had told him about the Proanthenols, Alko-Mar and Co-Q-I0. I just acted very pleased that everything had gone so smoothly. To this day, Bill is cancer free.

Well, there you have it. We are living proof the Life Plus products work. Life Plus has been manufacturing products since 1936 so not only is the company stable but so is the product line. Thank you very much for taking your precious time to read this.

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Life Plus Products

ALKO-MAR--Sharks don't get cancer and researchers believe it's because of high concentrations of alkoxyglycerols in their livers. Alkoxyglycerols are special marine lipids that nutritionally support the body's production of T-Cells. T-Cells are critical to the proper function and activity of our immune system. Alko-Mar can help your body ward off common offenders like bacterial, fungal, and viral infections. After all a strong immune system is the key to preventing disease.

CALMAG PLUS Did you know that we need more calcium and magnesium than any other nutrient? That's because they're essential building blocks of bones, teeth and muscles. Some experts believe a deficiency of calcium is responsible for over 180 different diseases--more than any other nutrient. The most commonly known is osteoporosis. Americans have one of the highest consumption of calcium rich dairy products in the world yet suffer greatly from osteoporosis. This suggests we need other sources to insure effective absorption. CalMag contains several organic sources of calcium along with synergistic compounds which make it easier for your body to absorb. Who should take CalMag? Anyone who has bones, teeth and muscles.

Heart Formula--Naturally chelating preventative nutrients. Over 47 special nutrients work synergistically to help break down and eliminate blood clots, environmental toxins and other circulatory disturbances. There is no better way to cleanse and nourish the circulatory system. Anyone over the age of 40 should strongly consider a circulatory tune-up with Heart Formula.

COLLOIDAL SILVER--The alternative for antibiotics (a natural infection/virus fighter). Colloidal Silver is tasteless, odorless and non-stinging to sensitive tissues. It may be gargled, dropped into eyes or ears, used vaginally or inhaled into the nose or lungs. Every home should have a bottle on hand. Comes with a convenient pump spray.

Colon Formula--Provides the much needed fiber and bulk which is missing in the majority of diets today. If you are not eating 3-5 servings of fresh fruit, 5-7 servings of flesh vegetables and several servings of whole grains a day then you're probably fiber deficient. The various fibers and herbs help cleanse the lower intestine, especially the colon. The foundation of good health is in the elimination of waste products. Colon Formula is essential to good health.

ENDOCRYN DHEA--Endocryn contains a highly concentrated blend of Dioscorea that serves as precursors for the body's endocrine system to manufacture its own DHEA. Says Dr. Earl Mindell, "it (DHEA) is necessary for optimal immune function, for converting fat to muscle. A safer, yet equally effective source of this amazing anti-aging substance comes from the rare plant called Dioscorea villosa. I recommend DHEA, in the form of this safe plant extract supplement to anyone past age 25".

FOREVER YOUNG--Forever Young is the evolution of many years of clinical experience in skin physiology. Unlike most "cosmetic" products, Forever Young doesn't mask or cover up anything, it actually rejuvenates your skin making it younger! Three months and you won't believe your eyes and neither will your friends. Forever Young keeps all three layers of your skin healthy. If you have any problem with your skin, you should be using Forever Young Tablets.

MICRO-MINS--Micro-Mins provide the benefits of plant derived colloidal minerals. Each capsule supplies of the 84 minerals that have been isolated from human tissues. U.S. Senate document #264, published in 1936 stated "Our physical well-being is more directly dependent upon the minerals we take into our system than upon calories or vitamins, or upon the precise proportion of starch, protein or carbohydrates we consume." If you take only one product--this should be it!

MSM Plus---MSM Plus is an excellent source of biological sulfur, which is an important body component. It is essential to life and a major component of all living things. Sulfur is in the proteins which constitute basic hair, nails and skin. It is found in many fresh foods including fresh fruits and vegetables but is easily destroyed in cooking, storing and processing. MSM is a patented product. Sulfur is an integral part of many proteins, hormones and other substances critical to healthy metabolism.

Colon Formula--As alarming as it may sound, if you've eaten raw vegetables or own a pet, you likely have parasites. There are more kinds of human worm infestations than there are people. Parasites eat our nutrients and live off our tissues. They get healthier while dumping their toxic waste into our blood streams making us sicker. Colon Formula, a herbal cleanser, helps the body detoxify itself of metabolic waste buildup and parasites. If you are feeling bad, undetected parasites may be the problem.

Proanthenols BIO COMPLEX--Free radicals are responsible for premature aging, a compromised immune system, inflammation, allergies and degenerative disease. Life Plus Proanthenols contain Dr. Masquelier's exclusive formula which was awarded a U .S. patent in ! 987. The patent states that OPC's are indicated for the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer’s, cardiovascular disease, cancer and tumor promotion, and all other free radical-caused ailments (free radicals are considered to be the root cause of degenerative disease). They improve circulation, enhance cell vitality, strengthen capillaries and connective tissue, lower histamine levels (prevent allergies), and provide many other preventative and healing qualities.

SLENDER NOW WEIGHT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM--This program consists of three incredible products: (I) Dr. Marshall's starch blocker tablets. One tablet taken just before eating blocks 400 starch calories. (2) AminoLyze protein supplement taken at bedtime assists in losing more fat while preserving lean body mass. (3)Thick Shake designed to use for breakfast or as a meal alternative. This program is backed by years of scientific research and meets the standards set by the Surgeon General's Report on Nutrition and Health which resulted in the "Healthy People 2000 Nutrition Objectives".

SOMAZYME----(proteolylic enzymes) A scientific formulation of active enzymes, supportive nutrients, bio-cultures, stabilizers, activators and anti-inhibitors that nutritionally support the immune system and help to create many other healthy functions. Active enzymes naturally fight aging, fight free radicals and support natural, healthy pancreas function.

SOMNISET-- (Melatonin complex) Melatonin, the sleep hormone, helps set the body's biological clock, it has received media attention as an anti-aging and immune supportive substance. Combined with synergistic herbs, enzymes, phytonutrients, minerals and amino acids, Somniset provides a quality, restful, refreshing sleep.


Digestive Formula--Unless your diet is primarily fresh, raw fruits and vegetables you need the digestive enzymes of Digestive Formula. Digestive Formula enzymes naturally assist digestion in the stomach (phase 1) and the intestine (phase 2). This helps ensure use of the nutrients we eat. Proper digestion reduces stomach stress, relieves discomfort from overeating and naturally aids in preventing gas, bloating, burping, heartburn and indigestion (symptoms of improper digestion which may also result in food allergies).

TRANQUILON WITH SAINT JOHN'S WORT--The natural ingredients in Saint John's Wort support the natural brain function by helping the brain maintain healthy (feel good) levels of certain aminos that act as neurotransmitters within the brain. Saint John's Wort also helps support levels of serotonin, a brain chemical involved in brain function which helps maintain a "happy feeling." Not addictive and will not produce the side affect of drowsiness.

TVM-Plus--The most complete and comprehensive, basic foundational nutritional supplement of its kind. TVM-Plus consists of vitamins, minerals and trace elements, with herbs and numerous synergistic associated nutrients. When combined with Micro-Mins, the), supply 75% of the nutrients you need each day. (Amino acids and fatty acids make up the other nutrients needed each day.)

VITA-SAURUS Life Plus hasn't forgotten the little ones. Vita-Saurus is a naturally flavored, good tasting, chewable vitamin and mineral supplements designed for children up to the age when they are able to swallow a tablet, it is flavored with natural fruit extracts and contains a full spectrum of the classified essential vitamins and minerals, trace minerals and more. Far superior to the national brands available at retail stores.

These are just a few of over 80 life enhancing products

available from Life Plus.

Food for Thought Co-Enzyme-Q-10 Support Tabs Ginkgo Plus

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Why Life Plus?

In some of the testimonies you read, people tried products from other companies with little or no results. You may have had a similar experience. Life Plus products work because they are formulated with only one goal in mind - results.

The parent company, V&M Nutri, Inc., has been making clinical grade nutritional products for the medical industry since 1936.

You may not have a serious health condition like some of these people, however, an OUNCE OF PREVENTION IS WORTH A POUND OF CURE. Modern diets can not fully supply all needed nutrients. Processing of foods and demineralization of farmlands have taken a toll. Even organic produce is lacking vital trace minerals. Supplementation is the wisest choice.

To order click here:

or here: Daily BioBasics

Should you wish to learn more about Life Plus products, simply contact:

Hiroko & Gary Rampenthal
Independent Representatives


Pin # 626081

For help deciding which products to order, see our:

Suggested Nutritional Guide

Life Plus does not claim any of their products cure disease. Life Plus products are nutritional products which support the normal function or structure of the body.

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