My Page of Music

This is a collection of music. Feel free to download off my page if you like. These are a bunch of fun songs to dance and listen to, as my youngest daughter can vouch for that. She too shares the love of The Celts as I do, and she always likes to dance "Scottish Dance".

The band awaits us, so put on your dancing shoes and let's start the music.

Amazing Grace, one of my favorites played by the bag-pipes.

Irish Washer Woman.

Four Marys

Love She's but a Lassie/Cullem Beg/Mairi's Wedding

Scotland the Brave

Scotland the Brave2

Scotland the Brave3

Glasgow Lassies

Inverness Gathering

Flower of Scotland

Highland Laddie

Piper of Dundee

Rowan Tree

Scots Wha Hae Wi' Wallace Bled

Short version of Amazing Grace

Haste to the Wedding

Hen March

MacPhearson's Farewell

A different version of MacPhearsons Farewell

The Scotish Soldier

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