Spiritual Musings:I've been involved in the Pagan/Craft community for going over 21 years now, and have been a member of three different Traditions. Currently, I'm a student of a Cornish-Tradition of the Cunning Arts -- Pellorys -- what some would call "Traditional Witchcraft." The first several years of studying Pellors also involved the stripping away of unwanted energy residue from previous teachers and traditions, and getting back to ground zero. Spirit to Spirit communication with others who are Seekers of Truth and Spirit. Yeah! That's what it is all about. [I miss you Ursus. You're the one who taught me about "Spirit to Spirit" communication.] Here on these pages I want to share some of what I've learned along the way, in hopes of helping others make better choices themselves, as well as maybe spark a Light off in the darkness that others can pick up and lead the way with. There is so much out there on the internet about Wicca, Traditional Witchcraft, Paganism, etc... it is flooded with information, not to mention your local bookstores shelves. I have no intention of just regurgitating that same ol'info here... that is what a web-search is for! I will end up having a page of my favorite "must-read" links on these subjects though. The simplest advice that I can give you, the Spiritual Seeker is this... Know yourSelf, and Trust what YOU Know. Do not think that there is another person, tradition, or path that can give you anything... read ANYTHING that you do not already have inside. No one person has all the answers. There are no chosen people or families. There is only Spirit, Truth, the Ancestors and Gods. If you find yourself in a situation where you do not feel these energies are present... then get out when you can! RUN AWAY! If something "sounds too good to be true" then I'd bet that it ISN'T True at all. Trust in the Gods/Ancestors, and know that if you truly want to know Them, then let Them know. Believe me, when They answer -- you will have no choice but to Listen. So, open your ears... open your heart, and know Spirit will always find a way. In Truth, Grassaf, Kestrel |