Theresa Richards'

Gender Pages

I would like to say Hello to all those of you out there in cyberspace.

My reasons for creating this web site are varied, but the main

and recurring theme throughout will be that of a

transgendered nature.

If that bothers you in any way, shape or form, then I feel

genuine sorrow for you, for not opening up your heart and mind

to those of us that are in the transgendered community and trying

to understand all that we have to go through in this life.

I will try to fill you in on just what it is that we are about here.

If you will just use some patience and read on, then you

possibly might get a better insight into what it is that drives us,

compels us to delve into this, sometimes even to the

exclusion of all else that might matter.

My Story

Feel free to Email me at
with any questions you might have.

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