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by Robin Batchelor

Everybody's coming down on me today
I mean you no harm
I want to love you every second of the day
I want to be in your arms
Everybody lives for hate
And I love you
You hate me more today
And I still love you
I need you in my arms
Just to make it through
I gave you all of my Angelz
And you threw them to the ground
I wanted you to be true
And you brought me down
My heart has no infections
My soul will never die
My heart has reflections
Of our love still alive
The night is my only friend
When I want to cry
When will it come to an end
When will it all die
I dug a hole in this dirt
Nothing more for me to do
Laid real low in this dirt
Just waiting for you


All images and literature (including source code) on this site, unless otherwise
noted, by Angela Savage, copyright 1998-2005.  Animated Links from Andy's Art Attack.