Fractal & Philosophy
There are many areas in philosophy where Fractals relate. I can give information about what I know and what I have understood so far. I have also given some links to Hindu phil. so everybody can know terminologies and overview of Hindu philosophy.
Hindu Temples: models of fractal universe
A Hindu temple is a symbolic structure that represents certain fundamental concepts of Hindu philosophy( i.e. not only a prayer place! and also) about the nature of cosmos,and the formal char. of temple are an outcome of this symbolic representation.Most of the temples are symbols of models of the cosmos! The procedure and methods used in the construction bear a striking resemblance to the procedure of computer graphics including descretization fractalization etc. The temple forms resemble to images based on fractal geometry.
Hindu cosmology
Hindu philosophy views the cosmos as essentially holonomic , like a hologram.
Ishavasya Upanishada starts with (Upanishads are ancient texts of philosophy.)
That is
This is whole
From wholeness immerges wholeness
Wholeness subtracted from wholeness
Wholeness still remains
Other major propositions
are-"Whatever is here is there; what is there,the same is
"I am the cosmos ". The human being is said to contain
with itself the entire cosmos.
The cosmos evolves out of the union of two complimentary
principles and expands outwards from the center where the union
takes place. This evolution is considered to be cyclic!
You can visit somany sites on the WEB but I'll give some links which will give a beginer a good overview! Pictures of the Hindu Temples Hindu Philosophy On-Line sreedhar's |
If intrested in fractal images you can download now! Or you can get them evryday in FOTD --fractal of the day! Want to download some animated GIFs . Click Here |
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