54 translations that do not render Acts 2:38 -"because your sins have already been forgiven"
The Lord Jesus Christ who has "all authority in heaven and on earth" gave the "Great Commission" to His chosen apostles that is in force from the first Pentecost after His ascension back to the right hand of the heavenly Father until the end of time (Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16:15-20; Luke 24:45-49). This commission teaches that folks must hear, believe, and obey the instructions of Jesus Christ as stated by these inspired men, and others whom they taught (2 Timothy 2:1-1). Those today who teach "Salvation by faith alone" or that one is saved "the moment one accepts Jesus as one's personal Savior," reject out of hand the essentiality of "baptism for the remission of sins." To do so is to pervert the gospel as given by Christ and His chosen apostles, and Paul affirms that to pervert that which they taught and that which first century disciples had received brings down a curse from heaven (Galatians 1:6- 11).
To go beyond or to fall short of teaching the truth of the gospel of Christ leaves one "without God" (2 John 9-10). Too, that to encourage those who teach differently makes one as guilty as the one teaching error (2 John 11). When their scholarship is at stake, translators are invariably faithful to translate the Greek (eis) "unto the remission of your sins" even though the "church" of which they are members operates on a "creed" which denies the essentiality of water baptism in order to be forgiven (saved) from past or alien sins. Below are fifty four (54) versions or translations all of which as you can see teach that one isn't "baptized because his sins have already been forgiven," but is baptized "in order to have one's sins forgiven."
One of the ungetaroundable arguments we have made over the years is the fact that both in the original and in the translations of the original in both English and in Greek (Acts 2:38 and Matthew 26:28) have this same word (eis) translated "in order to" forgiveness of sins. Jesus shed His precious blood for the same reason a penitent believer is to be immersed, "in order to" the remission of sins. Jesus did not shed His blood "because we were forgiven already" just as men are not to be baptized "because their sins are forgiven already." It would seem to us that any honest person could see this is an argument that cannot be answered. One reputable translation from the Greek into our English would be sufficient to establish the truthfulness of our contention, but here are (54) versions which agree with what my brethren and I believe and teach about water baptism as being the final acts of the "new birth" of the water and of the Spirit that changes one's state or relationship from an alien to a citizen in the kingdom of Christ, a member of His blood bought church. See (John 3:3-5; Romans 6:3-6; Galatians 3:26-39; Acts 22:16; 1 Peter 3:20-21; Hebrews 10:22; Titus 3:5).
1. American Bible Union Version- unto the remission of your
2. Amplified NT- for the forgiveness of your sins
3. Anderson- In order to the remission of your sins
4. Authentic (Schomfield)- for the forgiveness of your sins
5. Authorized version (KJV)- for the remission of sins
6. Berry's interlinear- for remission of sins
7. Centenary Translation- for the remission of sins
8. Challomer Rheims- for the forgiveness of sins
9. Douay -for the remission of sins
10. Emphasized version- into the remission of sins
11. Emphatic Diaglot- for the remission of sins
12. English Revised- unto the remission of sins
13. Englishman's Greek NT- for the remission of sins
14. Ferrar Fenton- for the remission of sins
15. First German Bible- for (in order to, unto) the forgiveness
16. French Translation -in order to obtain the remission
of sins
17. Geneva Bible -for the remission of sins
18. German Translation- (for, unto) in order to forgiveness
of sins
19. Good News for Modern man- in order to have your sins
20. Goodspeed -in order to have your sins forgiven
21. Hackett (commentary)- in order to the forgiveness of
22. Haweis (1795 AD) -for the remission of your sins
23. Indian Translation- in order to the forgiveness of sins
24. Italian Translation- into the remission of sins
25. Jerusalem Bible- for the forgiveness of your sins
26. Knox -to have your sins forgiven
27. Literal Translation (Young) -to the remission of sins
28. Living Bible- for the forgiveness of sins
29. Living Oracles -in order to the remission of sins
30. Macknights Translation -in order to the remission of
31. Modern English- for a release of your sins
32. Modern Speech -with a view to the remission of sins
33. Moffatt -for the remission of sins
34. H.B. Montgomery (1924)- for the remission of your
35. Moulton's Modern Reader's- unto remission of sins
36. New American Standard- for the remission of your sins
37. New Catholic Version- for the forgiveness of sins
38. New English Bible- for the forgiveness of your sins
39. New International version- for the forgiveness of your
40. New King James Version- for the remission of sins
41. New World Translation- for the forgiveness of sins
42. NT in the Basic English- for the forgiveness of sins
43. Phillips Modern English- so that you may have your sins
44. Revised Standard Version- for the forgiveness of your
45. Rothermham- unto the remission of your sins
46. Spanish Translation- for the purpose of remission of
your sins
47. Syriac Version- for the remission of sins
48. Twentieth Century Translation- for the forgiveness of
your sins
49. Verkuyl (Burkeley Version)- for the remission of sins
50. Warrell's Translation-unto remission of your sins
51. Wesley's Translation- for the remission of sins
52. Weymouth- for the remission of your sins
53. Williams- that your sins may be forgiven
54. Wycliffe (1308)- into the remission of youre synnes
Cases of conversion to Christ as the "Great Commission" was being carried out by Christ's inspired apostles and early evangelist show conclusively that water baptism when preceded by genuine faith, true repentance, and confession of one's faith in Jesus Christ, was and is indeed an essential element in accepting the grace of God and in being cleansed from one's past alien sins. Below are some of these cases of conversion. Read them carefully and you will never again be guilty of denying that baptism is an essential ingredient of the new birth without which one cannot see nor enter into the kingdom of Christ (John 3:3-5).
Jews on Pentecost-(Acts 2:22-38, 40-41, 47).
Samaritans-(Acts 8:12).
Simon-(Acts 8:13).
Ethiopian Eunuch-(Acts 8:26-39).
Saul of Tarsus-(Acts 9:1-6; 22:16; Acts 26).
Cornelius-(Acts 10:1-2; Acts 11:14; Acts 10:43,47-48).
Lydia-(Acts 16:14-15).
Philippian Jailer-(Acts 16:25-33).
It should be noted well, that scriptural baptism which changes one's state from "out of Christ" to "into Christ," thereby unites one with others who are children of God, members of His household, the church. What I mean is that church membership and salvation occur at the same time and by the same process Jesus called the "New Birth." See (Romans 6:3-4; Galatians 3:26-27, 29; Acts 2:41,47; Colossians 1;13- 14; Ephesians 2:13-16).
It should likewise be noted that scriptural water baptism is also into the name of Christ, and that one who hasn't been scripturally baptized has not the right to wear that "worthy name" (1 Corinthians 1:1-13; James 2:7). You see every "baptism" is into some name. Proof of my affirmation may be seen in the fact that in Protestant or in Catholic denominationalism, one takes on the "name" of the particular denomination with which the one doing the "baptizing" is a member. For example, the Protestant world says one is "saved by faith alone." The fact is they are wrong about that (James 1:18-25; 2:24, 26; Hebrews 5:9; Matthew 7:21; Mark 16:16). For the sake of argument, let me say "alright, one is saved by faith alone." Does this make one a member of any particular denomination? When does one become a member of denominations A, B, C, or D? When does one begin to wear the name B------, M--------, L-------, etc., etc., etc.? Isn't it only after a "ritual you folks call baptism" that one takes your denominational name? The only answer is "yes." But one was saved before and without being baptized into that particular denominational name? Again they must answer "yes." Then there is no salvation in that particular name is there? No! But salvation is in the name of Christ (Acts 4:10-12), and the Bible teaches that scriptural baptism is in fact into that name (1 Corinthians 1:10-12). Therefore no salvation in the name of Christ before or without scriptural water baptism.
One has not the right to wear the name of Christ before one is baptized in His name. That's just the truth of this matter. Dear reader why not just yield your self to King Jesus in this and in all other matters spiritual? Call us if we may be of assistance in any way in keeping with Christ's will for you. You can become simply and only a Christian and a member of Christ's church when you submit to scriptural baptism. That this is the name in which salvation may be found is taught abundantly clear in the following passages (Acts 11:26; Acts 26:28-29; 1 Peter 4:16; 1 Corinthians 1:10-13; Acts 4:11-12).
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Pekin church of Christ 347-3582 or Ken's home number 347-5645.
Kenneth E. Thomas kthomas@ntslink.net