This scribe is of the firm conviction after many years of engaging in "personal work" attempting to convert folks to the ancient gospel of Christ, and thereby, to Christ Himself, that whether they know it or not, a great number of folks hold to some or all of the tenets of the doctrine that has come to be known as the title above suggests, "Calvinism." To make it easier to remember the "Five points of Calvinism" I suppose accounts for the use of the beautiful flower, the tulip.
John Calvin who was a 16th century Swiss reformer and a leader in the Protestant reformation begun by Martin Luther, did not originate this doctrine. It now most usually carries his name as if he did. It was first taught (so far as we know from history) by a man most would call one of the "church fathers," Augustine, who lived in the fifth century AD. John Calvin popularized and crystallized this doctrine into its present form.
T=Total Hereditary Depravity
U=Unconditional Election
L=Limited Atonement
I=Irresistible Grace
P=Perseverance of Saints.
I believe that literally every point in this doctrine which spells out TULIP, is gross error. I further believe that accepting any one of them will blind the minds of those who do to the truth that is clearly revealed in the Scriptures themselves! If you are getting the idea that I am totally opposed to the "Calvinistic" theology, you are exactly correct!
It has more people's eyes blinded to the truth of the gospel of Christ and to an understanding of the nature of the church of Christ than one can even imagine! More souls will be lost for having been affected by one or more points of this ungodly theology than it is possible to estimate! It is the reason our task as Christians has become more and more difficult over the years. Most of your friends and mine are caught up in the throes of this soul damning doctrine and consequently not only refuse to consider what we desire to teach them, but become extremely upset with us for even trying! That we would even doubt their "conversion experience" is to them, the height of religious bigotry. "Don't tell me that I am not saved, I know what happened to me! I can tell you the exact day, time, and place when the Lord came into my heart and saved me from my sins." The day I was writing what you are now reading a young man told me about verbatim what I wrote above. He added to it the fact that he prayed and asked Jesus to come into his heart and save him from his sins. He affirmed that He did, and there was no way that I would ever be able to convince him otherwise. I assured him that he was probably right about that, but what was strange to me was the fact that what he had just related to me about his "conversion" was not parallel with any case of conversion about which one may read in the Acts of the Apostles of Christ! I further stated that his "conversion" was not in keeping with what Jesus told His apostles to teach to every creature in the whole world-according to (Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16:16-16; Luke 24:45-49). Since this is all I know about this matter, which am I to believe is correct? What you have just related to me, or what I can read in the New Testament? You know the answer to this question. Paul, inspired by the Holy Spirit, said "..yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, that thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged" (Romans 3:4 KJV). When your understanding of any doctrinal point disagrees with what the Holy Spirit has revealed and what has been written in "the book", you know who is the liar! It isn't God don't you see?
"I Don't Care What The Bible Says.."
Often folks are so intent on defending their Protestant or Catholic position which they have accepted that they become worked up over any challenge to what they have accepted as truth to the extent of actually saying what is quoted above! I have personally had folks say those exact words. Their "experience of grace" or whatever they may call it, takes precedence (priority ket) over what is written in the Bible. When such happens, Christ would say to us, "Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend (tear kt) you" (Matthew 7:6). The incident of which I write was at least the second time I had tried to convert this young man to Christ. His attitude was such that I assured him that I had said all that I intended to say to him about this matter, and that when he reached the judgment seat of Christ and had to give an accounting to Him about this matter that he should please remember that I was "free from his blood" for I had tried to share the truth of Christ with him repeatedly, and he would have none of it. He thanked me for my interest in his soul and still wanted to assure me that all was well based on his personal "experience" along with his "changed lifestyle." You see when one accepts error as truth, one will reform their life and then they will point you to their changed life (not the cases of conversion) as proof? of their "conversion."
When we are faced with subjectivism, all reason goes out the window. Christ Himself could not convert such folks while allowing them to exercise their free will. The only force God will use to convert folks today is the gospel of Christ (Romans 1:16-17; 1 Corinthians 15:1-9; 1 Peter 1:22-25; 2 Corinthians 5:17-21; 1 Corinthians 4:15).
There are many passages which indicate to us the necessity of not only believing this gospel, but also obeying it. It even emphasizes "obeying from the heart" a form of the doctrine of Christ. This means one must understand what one is doing and why (Romans 16:16-18, 25-27).
Let Us Look At The Five Points Of Calvinism
(1). Total Hereditary Depravity: Notice the word "total" if you will. This means when connected to hereditary, that one is "born a sinner" and that his nature at birth is one of "total depravity." Their creed books tell us this means that an infant is as black with sin as it is possible for one to be don't you see? Foy E. Wallace Jr. used to say that the only way that this could be made to sound any worse would be to say that they are "tetotally depraved." He went on to say, "It always sounded like a curse word to me anyway."
This is supposed to have happened due to the fall of Adam and Eve in the garden. Some will add to that idea if you accept that, that since we are sinners since the fall, it is impossible that our offspring could be anything but! I ask them this question; "Then how do you deal with the fact that Christ was "made of woman, made under the law, to redeem them that were under the law..."(Galatians 4:4-5)? How do you escape believing that Christ was "born in sin?" In fact in the discussion already mentioned in this study I asked the youngn man that question. A Philadelphia lawyer could not have made heads nor tails out of his attempts to get out from under his doctrinal difficulty! It did me absolutely no good whatsoever (insofar as I now know) to quote him these passages of holy writ (Matthew 18:1-4; Matthew 19:14; James 1:13-15; 1 John 3:4; Ezekiel 18:20; Romans 14:12). All of those indicate individual responsibility, not sharing the guilt of another. I may, and we do bear many of the consequences of the sins of Adam and Eve as well as our fathers, but we do not bear the guilt. I also asked my young friend how his doctrine prevented "infant damnation?" His answer, "they aren't accountable until they reach the age of accountability." Then what about their sins, I asked? His reply was about as good as Dr. Edward T. Hiscox's answer in the (Standard Manual For Baptist Churches). "A special providence watches over them." That's no answer at all! That's just a dodge to try and escape the force of his ungodly false doctrine! He, as is the case with Mr. Hiscox, gives no Bible for such an answer for there is none.
The fact is, children are born innocent and pure. They are safe for they have never sinned and Christ did not need to give a plan to save them. Why can't folks see this? Because of the "T" in the "tulip" doctrine that's why. We are said to be the "offspring of God" in (Acts 17:28-29). It is said that God is the "Father of our spirits" in (Hebrews 12:9). Either way the Calvinist take it, they are in doctrinal hot water! If the "original sins" of which they speak came through the flesh, then Jesus was born a sinner, for we have seen He was "born of woman" and He became "flesh" to dwell among us (Galatians 4:4; John 1:1-14; Philippians 2:5-11). If sin came through the spirit, then it came from God who is the "Father of our spirits" in a depraved condition! What an indictment of God!
What About The Word Redemption If Calvinism Be True?
Several words are used to depict conversion of the sinner. All accountable persons have or will sin (Romans 3:23; 1 John 1:8). The gospel is God's power to "redeem" man to God (Ephesians 1:7). To redeem means to "buy back." You can't buy back that which was never yours! So we are God's at birth. We are not satan's! Paul said "I was alive once without the law" (Romans 7:9). When was he alive? Before accountability. If the original sin advocates were correct Paul was not alive once. No, he was born dead in sins according to them. The doctrine is terrible to say the least. Consider another word used in Scripture, the word "reconciliation." What does it mean? It means literally to "make friends again." Look it up. This takes place when the sinner hears, believes, and obeys the gospel of Christ and is washed from alien sins in the blood shed on the cross of Christ. See the worldwide commission and each case of conversion in the acts of the apostles. Read (Ephesians 2:10-17) for the relationship wherein this friendship with God is made. It is the church which the blood shed on the cross purchased (Acts 20:28; Ephesians 5:25). If you desire to see the beginning of the church of Christ at Ephesus, read (Acts 19:1-7). No inspired writer ever even remotely considered that the people in his audience were depraved and unable to respond to what their teaching required of them. In fact on the birthday of the Lord's church Peter encouraged those folks to "save yourselves from this crooked generation" (Acts 2:40). Some, about 3000 did (Acts 2:22-38,41,47). You can too if your faith will lead you to repentance, confession of faith and immersion into Christ to have your sins forgiven or washed away (Acts 2:38; Acts 22:16; 1 Peter 3:20-21).
(2). Unconditional Election: The theory says that God has already so fixed or predestined the number who will be saved and the number who will be lost, even among men and angels, that it cannot be added to by one nor diminished by one. So at birth you were either an elect (chosen for salvation) individual, or you were a non-elect (not chosen hence hell bound) individual and there is nothing one can do about this matter. They talk a lot about God's being sovereign. I agree, He is. but He is also just and no respecter of persons (Acts 10:34-35). God does have a predetermined plan by which men may be saved according to (Ephesians 1:1-3). He is not partial to some (Romans 2:11). The "great commission" is to every person on earth (Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16:15-16; Luke 24:45-49). If this tenet of Calvinism was true, the gospel may as well never be preached! Why be evangelistic if they can't accept it unless they are one of the elect? The "U" in tulip is a man-made false doctrine. None of these folks should dare to sing the beautiful old Hymn, "Amazing Grace.." Why? Because it teaches "I once was lost but now am found.." If the non-elect cannot be saved and the elect cannot be lost the doctrine of Christ makes no sense nor do many of the good old songs we have sung for years. See the problems with human doctrines?
(3). Limited Atonement: This means that Christ only died for the "elect" and as we have noticed, that number alone will be saved according to the doctrine. The only problem with this is the same as the above. It makes God a respecter of persons, and denies that which Scripture freely states, that Jesus "tasted of death for every man" (Hebrews 2:9). Likewise the favorite passage (perverted to teach faith only) by some Calvinist and some who aren't, (John 3:16), can not be reconciled with this tenent of the five points of Calvinism. So the "L" too falls under the spotlight of divine revelation. We could look at the whosoever passages too. I will use this one (Revelation 22:12-17), verse seventeen in particular. The Psalmist said, "through Thy precepts I get understanding; Therefore I hate every false way" (Psalms 119:104-105). I hate the "Calvinist" doctrine because it has so many folks hopelessly confused and deceived. Some of those are my friends and family. Unless we can remove the debris of this denominational theology from their minds so we can plant the pure seed of the kingdom, the word of God (Luke 8:11; Romans 1:16-17) in their hearts, they will remain forever lost in sin. They will wait for some "better felt than told experience," a direct operation of the Holy Spirit. If they don't already claim to have had it. If those who never have had such, don't "get" this "experience" they will probably conclude themselves to be among the "non-elect" number for whom Christ death was ineffectual if they buy Calvin's teaching. Such will probably give up on the religion of Christ altogether. Who could blame them if they do? They wanted to be a Christian but Christ nor the Holy Spirit would have them don't you see?
(4). Irresistible Grace: This tenet is self explanatory.
One who is of the "elect" for
salvation will receive the Holy Spirit's working upon his heart and
will become a believer in Christ. He is powerless to resist it! He is destined
to be saved from past sins as well as to eternal life whether he desires
it or not you see. I will give you just one quote from the group who claim
themselves to be "moderately Calvinistic," Southern Baptist. "We believe
the Scriptures teach, men must be regenerated, or born again; that regeneration
with divine truth, so as to secure our voluntary obedience to the gospel;
FAITH, AND NEWNESS OF LIFE" (Standard Manual for Baptist Churches,
pg. 64, Edward T. Hiscox Caps mine ket). You see if one is "born depraved,"
he has no free will. He must first be acted upon by the Holy Spirit. In
fact if you read the above carefully you saw that this "moderately Calvinsitic"
group's creed book says one is saved first, they has the "holy fruits of
the new birth, repentance, faith, and newness of life!" Actually rather
than saying as they do on (page 62 ibid) that justification is "solely
through faith in Christ," they should say that it is before faith in
Christ! Still this group preaches loud and long that folks must "believe
on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved,.."While that is indeed
a Bible quote found in (Acts 16:31), they interpret it to mean that one
is saved at the point of faith. Read the above creedal statement and you
can see that this faith comes after the new birth according to their own
creed book's affirmation! Can't you now see why your friends and family
are so confused and cannot accept many of the plain and simple teachings
found in the New Testament of Jesus Christ? I'm confident that you can.
(5). Perseverance of Saints: One need not even read their creedal statement to know that having accepted the other four points of the TULIP doctrine, one must of necessity believe this last one! Why? Well it logically follows that if the Holy Spirit did the choosing and the saving directly, He isn't going to make a mistake about the ones whom God has "elected to eternal salvation." If the other points were true, this one would follow. One thus saved by the Holy Spirit could not be lost even if he wanted to! He could become an unbeliever, curse God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit, and still remain among the elect who are assured of heaven. Those who say they are "moderately calvinistic," (Hiscox Baptist Manual Pg. 57), for the most part will deny the above or say that if one is saved he "will not want to do those things" and other ungodly activities. Paul said he had to-"buffet my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway" (KJV). "Be disqualified" NKJV).
I can't close this lesson without another quote from a man who wrote a tract entitled, "Do A Christian's Sins Damn His Soul," by "Rev.." Sam Morris, Pastor First Baptist Church, Stamford, Texas. Mr. Morris quotes Mr. Hiscox's statement about the Perseverance of Saints from the Standard Manual for Baptist Churches page 67, and proceeds to give his understanding of what this means to him. If the doctrine was correct, his conclusions would be inescapable! While most of my Baptist friends will not go this far to say the least, they are bidding God speed to those who do! At least Mr. Morris was consistent. He was as wrong as could be, but he accepted the concequences of those who hold to this tenent of Calvanism. He wrote:
"We take the position that a Christian's sins do not damn his soul. The way a Christian lives, what he says, his character, his conduct, or his attitude toward other people have nothing whatsoever to do with the salvation of his soul.".."All the prayers a man may pray, all the Bibles he may read, all the churches he may belong to, all the services he may attend, all the sermons he may practice, all the debts he may pay, all the ordinances he may observe, all the laws he may keep, all the benevolent acts he may perform will not make his soul one whit safer; and all the sins he may commit from idolatry to murder will not make his soul in any more danger." Friends, if that is "moderately Calvinistic", then what in the name of common sense is "died in the wool calvinistic doctrine"? I could have given many more quotes from the creeds of un-inspired men in this study but that would have made it much longer than it is. It is longer as it is than I wanted it to be, but seemed unable to get said what needed saying in any shorter of a format. Please read your Bible and search out the truths found therein. Turn loose of every vestige of the doctrines of men and denominational traditions. Come with us back to the Bible and know the freedom that believing and obeying the truth of Christ brings (John 8:31-32; 1 Peter 1:22-25). With deep love for the souls of men,
Written originally by Kenneth E. Thomas 3/07/1993. If you
desire to study with me, give a call or email me at
call 309 347-5645 or 347-3582 for an appointment.