(ROMANS 12:1-21)
(V-1) (2 Cor. 12:14-15; Phil. 2:5-8;19-30; Phil. 3:7-15a).NOT LIKE THE WORLD:
(V-2) (Jas. 4:4; 1 Jno. 2:15-17; 1 Tim. 5:6).HUMBLE:
(V-3) (Matt; 23:11-12; Jas. 4:6; 1 Pet. 5:6).A PART OF THE WHOLE:
(V-4-8)(1 Cor.12;14-31; Eph. 4:14-16).LOVES WITHOUT HYPOCRISY:
(V-9)(Matt. 22:37-39; ;Jno. 13:34-35; Gal. 5:13).ABHORS EVIL:
(V-9) (2 Pet. 2:7; 1 Cor. 13:3).LOVES BRETHREN:
(V-10) (1 Pet. 2:17).GIVE BROTHER HONOR:
(V-10)(Phil. 2:3-4)INDUSTRIOUS:
(V-11) (2 Thess. 3:10;Eph.4:28).FERVENT IN SPIRIT:
(V-11) (Rev. 3:15-16).SERVING THE LORD:
(V-11) (Matt. 4:10).REJOICES IN HOPE:
(V-12) (Rom. 8:24; Phil. 4:4; 2 Tim. 4:6-8; Jno 14:1-3; 1 Pet. 1:3-4).STEADFAST IN TRIALS:
(V-12) (Matt. 13:20-21; 2 Tim. 3:12; 1 Pet. 4:12-16). PRAYER:(V-12)Lk. 18:1-7; Eph. 6:18; 1 Thess. 5:17).ASSISTS THE SAINTS:
(V-13) (Jas. 1:27; Gal. 6:10; Matt. 25:34-40).HOSPITABLE:
(V-13) (1 Pet. 4:8-9).RETURNS GOOD FOR EVIL:
(V-14,20-21)(Matt. 5:38-48).COMPASSIONATE:
(V-15) (Col. 3:12-15).SAME TOWARD ALL:
(V-16) (1 Tim. 5:21).HONEST:
(V-17) (Rom. 13:13; 2 Cor. 8:21).TRIES TO LIVE IN PEACE:
(V-18)(1 Thess. 5:12-15).It's easy to see why someone called the twelfth chapter of Romans "The Christian's Yardstick." It is indeed filled and overflowing with principles by which the life of a faithful Christian must be ordered.
My friend, if you have not as yet yielded your life to King Jesus, "Today is the day of salvation..." (2 Cor. 6:2). Why not come to Him on His terms? Answer His invitation to "come and I will give you rest..." (Matthew 11:28-30).
If you came to Him once, but have gone back into the service of Satan, you need to come too! Why not now while we sing?????