Bro. Norman Kelly - 11/26/00 20:49:43
Bible Hope #23 A.F. & A.M. Ruth#9
St.James Grand Lodge Chgo.
Bible Hope #23 A.F. & A.M. Ruth#9
St.James Grand Lodge Chgo.
Great site. Tuesday 7th November 2000 I was proposed as associate matron for the seconed time and my husband was proposed as associate patron for the first time. We both accepted our positions with great pleasure. Any of our friends from across the pond a
e free to wisit. Fraternal greetings to your chapter Jim and Jean
I am Worthy matron at Corinthian #13 in Philadelphia PA, and i am look for some greeting that are new. I have the grands visiting this month and everyone tells i can find greeting on the net but I have not been able to find any could you help.
I'm Worthy Matron of Dallas #396 in Dallas, PA
Surfing around from the OEStarlist
what a great page so glad to have found it. star love, katie
Ode to Eastern Star
I am but a link
In the golden chain
That weaves from East to West
And then back again
That my hand does enfold
As we celebrate our time
That we hold
Do til we meet once more
As we greet each other
At the chapter door
My sister and brother
We have but a short time
Written Sept.9,2000
Rose Wilfer
Escallonia Ch.447
Star Love
I am interested in communicating with other brothers and sisters out there.
I am interested in communicating with other brothers and sister out there.
I have been an Eastern star since 98 but I have not been in my Chapter since 99, My husband is in the military and I can not get back to them for a while longer. I found your chapter by searching for a Masonic bookstore. So thank you for being there. Best
I am a Past Matron of Brecksville Chapter #537, Brecksville, Ohio, and send greetings.
I bring greetings from Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Exploring the web for OES sites. Yours is very informative. I hope I will be able to put together as good a site over the next year as I work on one for my chapter. I am a five (5) time past matron and
urrently am Grand Representative of Delaware in Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. Star Love to all my Sisters and Brothers in Colorado.
Linda Hamer, PM
Armcrest Chapter # 45
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Hi Sisters and Brothers:
David and I was sorry to read about the Chapters consolidation.
We saw Sam & Laura Sixkiller not to long ago and they are not doing so well.
As you see we are staying busy with our new Chapter Avra #68 here in Tucson, Arizona we are Worthy Matron & Worthy Patron for the second time. David is also Master of his lodge this year.
Send us an e-mail when you get a chance. We think about you often.
In Star Love & Friendship
Hi Sisters and Brothers:
David and I was sorry to read about the Chapters consolidation.
We saw Sam & Laura Sixkiller not to long ago and they are not doing so well.
As you see we are staying busy with our new Chapter here in Arizona we are Worthy matron & Wortht Patron for the second time. David is also Master of his lodge this year.
Send us a e-mail when you get a chance. We think about you often.
In Star Love
Enjoyed your site. Please check ours out. We are anxious to hear from other members of the Order. My mother is the Grand Representative of Colorado in Delaware, and we are planning on attending your sessions in September. We look forward to hearing fr
m as many members as we can before we make our trip.
Bernice Bundick
Just say hallo to my brothers
As Worthy Grand Matron of New Mexico, I'm very pleased to see your web page. We are visiting a short time in Denver during Easter, and will be returning in September for Grand Chapter. We look forward to meeting some of you then.
I am really looking forward to my initiation @ Evening Star #142 in May. I have been interested in OES for many years, having been a past JD in Wyoming (Bethel #5 - Sheridan). Now, I am about to undertake a great adventure and make many new, wonderful fr
ends! I am hoping to set a great example for my daughter, Lauren, who is Chaplain, JD, Bethel #40 - Denver. I hope her life is as blessed as mine by following the Masonic Path.
We also really enjoyed the El Jebel Shrine's Circus last weekend! It was great fun. Anyone who gets a chance to join or participate in ANY Masonic group would be better off for it! They are the greatest folks alive!
Greetings from Iowa!
You have a very interesting web-site - Congratulations.
I am Worthy Matron of Iris Chapter #396 in Pocahontas, Iowa. Altho' I grew up in Arvada, and even attended the 7th Grade Jr. High in Edgewater! My father is a Past Master of Arvada Lodge. I was Job's Daughter in Arvada. My husband is the current Worthy P
tron of our chapter, and is also the current Worshipful Master of the Pocahontas Lodge. How is Star and the other Masonic organizations doing in the Denver area? We are struggling out here to keep things going, but we keep trying.
Best wishes for a good year!
Barbara Howie
Hello, I'm just write to let you know that Colorado youth is in a decline. If you know a youth Female 11-20 Male 13-21 here in colorado. Please call yours or there local Temple. The Temple can give you the number to person to contact to get them involved
Remember the youth groups are the future for our masonic families. You can also e-mail me the information and I will get it to the right hands. Thank You
Great page! I enjoyed my visit. Hope you'll visit mine. I'm PM of Dallas #396 Dallas, PA and will be installed as WM in May
Very nice page. Some of you folks seem very familiar. Hope to attend your chapter soon but will see you about the state.
Star Love
I am from York, PA (York #169 OES) and was exploring on the computer. Fraternal love to all of you in Colorado. I am busily preparing for my year in the East. Installation here is in May and will be here before I know it. Lots of love and best wishes to a
l of you! In Star love, Debbie
Congratulations on your informative web-site.
Keep up the good work presenting EASTERN STAR to the world.
Maryann & Bob
Queen Esther #5---Boulder
Very nice page. I hope your year is going well. We were installed in December and are just getting well into our year. Best wishes. We welcome all visitors on the 2nd & 4th Wednesdays, Ellsworth Chapter #247, Richfield, Ohio
Hello from Akron, OH Fernleaf Chapter #422. This is a very nice site. I hope our Chapter can do one in the future.
My late father, Buck Witt, born in Texas and later moved to Oregon was I believe a Mason. He had a ring with the Masonic emblem. It has always been a secret in my family, my fathers involement. My mother will not speak about his involvement or give me any
information about it.I am wanting to find out more about my father and getting involed in a organization associated with the Masons. Thank you, Patricia Witt
Hello from a Michigander OES member! Just happened upon your page. Really are to be commended. I heard that Michigan has a page but haven't found it yet.
Merry Christmas And happy new week,month year,century, and Milinium....
Star Love.
Rose Escallonia Ch.447 Escalon,Ca.
Meetings. 1st. Wed. 8p.m. Viking St. Escalon,Ca.
Come see us soon.
I want to tell all of you there in Evening Star Chapter a great big Texas Hello and that I miss you all. By the way my boyfriend is interested in joining the Masions !!!!
Lady Jessie Hunter #251 (International)
Harlem, New York
Very nice WEB page. Really enjoyed it.
Arizona just recently got on line.
I bring you greetings from Malvern chapter,Sydney
Australia. I am a Past Matron and have been Treasurer for the past 4 years however I have decided I would like to go into the chair again. So now I am busy getting ready for next October.
year 2000. A big year in Sydney too.
I would like to ask if anyone could send me some
services> I thought it might be nice to use some from another country. I could send some back too.
Thanks and lovw the pages on the web.regards,
Delma Armit
I bring you greetings from Malvern chapter,Sydney
Australia. I am a Past Matron and have been Treasurer for the past 4 years however I have decided I would like to go into the chair again. So now I am busy getting ready for next October.
year 2000. A big year in Sydney too.
I would like to ask if anyone could send me some
services> I thought it might be nice to use some from another country. I could send some back too.
Thanks and lovw the pages on the web.regards,
Delma Armit
Very nice page. I am a member of Nauraushaun Chapter No. 434 in Pearl River, NY, and am presently the secretary. Enjoy visiting other web sites. Have a good year!
I have been interested in becoming an Eastern for the past several years. Unfortunately, I have not been able to locate the chapter where I live (Reading, Pa). Please send information for me, thanks so much!
This has been the only site I've found with any information on the Order of Eastern Star. My husband is a Master Mason as was his father before him. His mother was a five time worthy matron. The site answered some, but of course not all questions. Tha
k you for being here.
Greetings from MA. I really enjoyed visitng your site great information. Keep up the good work.
Robert Purpura PP
Grand Warder, MA
Hi everyone in Colorado--I am a PM of Loyalty #145 (1991-1992)--I live in Pecos, NM now and belong to Santa Fe #19--My husband, Dan, and I are being installed as WM and WP on 10-2-99 for the second time in three years at Santa Fe #19. Would love to hear
rom all of you.
Wonderful site. I'm a NY "Star" and love to travel via the net. Keep up the good work.
I am a member of Adah chapter 168 in Macon, Ga.
I really want to congratulate you on a wonderful website!!!!! I really enjoy seeing what other
chapters are doing!!!!!
Greetings from montana to all the OES sisters on the net.
I am the Jr.Past Matron for Mansfield Chapter #
876 in Mansfield, Texas
I have been Matron 7 times between the 2 chapters that I belong to, Franklin Star #369 in Ballston Spa, NY and St. John's Star #613 in Greenfield Center, NY. A am a past District Deputy and presently am Treasurer in both chapters. I enjoyed reading your
guest book. Nice work.
Nice page, I'm a PM of both of my Chapters
I'm a member and twice a Past Matron and presently Warder of Okanogan Chapter #113 in Okanogan, WA. Also have dual membership in Bethany Chapter #154 in Omak, WA, where I am Treasurer. I was initiated in June, 1944. I was an active Job's Daughter at the t
me, and attended my first Grand Chapter two weeks after my OES initiation. Eastern Star has been a great benefit to me. Last year, I attended three OVs in Denver while I was taking care of a cancer patient. It was a real rewarding experience to meet so ma
y nice sisters and brothers. Star Love to everyone. Doris
hello from one of the past G.R's of Colorado in Ontario. Canada. It is great to see all of the Chapters listed. I would love to have someone from Calorado write me an-mail in Star friend ship Daphne and Chick Hirst.
hello from one of the past G.R's of Colorado in Ontario. Canada. It is great to see all of the Chapters listed. I would love to have someone from Calorado write me ane-mail in Star friend ship Daphne and Chick Hirst.
It was a delight to visit your web site. I enjoyed browsing and looking at all the different names of your chapters. I am a PM in two different chapters.I am also the AGCCM for our District #23 in Pennsylvania.
I enjoy every minute of the time I have been in Eastern Star. Let Your Light Shine in Eastern Star Love.
It was a delight to visit your web site. Ienjoyed browsing and lokking at all the different names of your chapters. I am a PM intwo different chapters.
I enjoy every minute of the time I have been in Eastern Star. Let Your Light Shine in Eastern Star Love.
It's nice to see the Order on the web. The more communication we have the more understanding we get. Michigan's Grand Chapter session is October 11 - 14 . Jerry Dodd W.P. Niles # 332
Grand Representative of Nebraska in Michigan
Star Love
I was very impressed with your web page.
Keep up the good work.
Star Love
Just looking for your Grand Secretary's phone number to order Grand Chapter Session forms and dropped in to your page. I am looking forward to coming in September with my husband Jim who is our Grand Sentinel. Nice page. Please visit my web page for some
OES and Masonic designs suitable for plastic canvas or cross stitch projects. See you in September. . . .
Very good pages. I invite you to visit Centennial 58's web page.
Hi Everyone, what a suprise when I opened up this web sit and found you listed. We are quite involved here we just went out of the East and now we are back in the West. David is also serving his lodge as SW and next year he will Worshfil Master at the
ame time he's Worthy Patron. I stay busy with Grand Chapter, this year I was State President of the Worthy Matrons and Worthy Patrons. This next year I will be a assistance to the Worthy Grand Matron & Worthy Grand Patron. As you can see we are very invo
Give our best to everyone, drop us a line or two on our e-mail would love to hear from you.
In Star Love & Friendship
Bess & Dave Meyer
Greetings from Bethlehem Chapter #56 in Monte Vista, CO. I am currently serving as Assoc. Cond.
and enjoying Eastern Star immensely. You have done a beautiful on this web page. Congrats. Hope to see you at Grand.
Greetings Sisters and Brothers: If you are interested in purchasing O.E.S T-shirts or Mason T-shirts for the summer, please visit our website. We hope you find something you'll like. In love and fun.
I am currently WM of Pythagorean Chapter #169 in Fryeburg, ME. I was looking in the Grand Chapter of Colorado and saw a chapter called Anita #41 in Craig, CO. How ironic that my name is Anita Craig. If any of you ever get East, come look us up. We meet
first Thursday and my other chapter, Pondicherry #192 in Bridgton, ME meets the third Tuesday.
Iam Secretary of my local Eastern Star Chapter,
Santa Paula Chapter # 185 of Santa Paula, Ca 93060. I was viewing the National Headquarters and found your link. I am a 50 year member of Estes Park Chapter # 150 of Estes Park, Colorado.
Iam Secretary of my local Eastern Star Chapter,
Santa Paula Chapter # 185 of Santa Paula, Ca 93060. I was viewing the National Headquarters and found your link. I am a 50 year member of Estes Park Chapter # 150 of Estes Park, Colorado.
Hello from your Rainbow sisters (daughters) in Nebraska. Just surfing for OES pages. We wanted to let you know that we have added an OES links page on our site. Come and visit us. We also have a special Easter Message.
In Rainbow Love and Service,
April Scott
Luna Chapter #169 -Martha
Elkhorn-Waterloo Assembly #38 -Advisory Board and webmaster
Omaha Assembly #1 (dark)-Past Worthy Advisor, Past Grand Rep to Hawaii
Tony Carter - 03/15/99 18:30:37
Very entertaining site. As a new comer to creating sites I invite you to visit "" and ""
I'm PM x4 enjoyed your page
I am the Worthy Matron of Genesis Chapter # 535 in Daytona Beach, Florida. Your web site is excellent!!!
Greetings from the Officers and members of
KNOX CHAPTER No 236, Order Of The Eastern Star
Mount Vernon, Ohio.We are about in the center of
this great state of Ohio. Presently I am the Worthy Matron of our chapter.This is my second
time as WM and the first time any member in our
chapter has had that honor.Check out our Web Site
listed above and please come back the second or
more times because, we will be adding and/or changing our site every now and then.Thank you and
"God Bless All".
Enjoyed your site.Part of your address and information below that is in WHITE and when printing your site white will not print on
white paper, most of your info is lost in
printing and yellow just doesnot show up
very good.
Greetings from Tennessee, Fairview 80
Greetings from Virginia.
Galax Chapter 165, Galax, Va.
I am new(2 years) to the Eastern Star and love every min. of it. I am our Associate Matron, and will move on th Worthy Matron in March. Our chapter is small so you move fast in it. After my year I will start over and go up the line correctly
You have a great web site , keep up the good work.
Seasons Greetings! I'm Anissa Seymore and currently a member of Crown & Scepter Ch #19 in Korea, Colorado Jurisdiction. I've been a member for the past two years. It's great to see someone from Colorado on the web site. Please write to us or me! Gr
at page and job well done!
where is your chapter located? I belong to Ivy chapter #69, N.Manchester,In
Dear Sisters: Just wanted to send greetings from the Grand Chapter of Pennsylvania. My chapter meets the same night as you. I am from Doylestown Chapter OES #327 in Doylestown, PA. I am the Jr PM and have an Appointment with the State. I also served a
a Grand Page at our Sessions in June 1998. Have a Happy Thanksgiving. In Star Love, Deborah A Schiesser, AGCCCM, Membership 25B of the Grand Chapter of Pennsylvania
Glad to have the chance to view your page. It's great! Wish there were more.
Pam Jones, WM Excelsior #66, Lafayette
Congratulations on an interesting and informative Web site. I'm a Grand Treasurer Emeritus of Florida and a member of Fort Myers Chapter No. 31 in Fort Myers, FL.
Beautiful page done by beautiful sisters!!
I am happy to see sisters out here in cyberland keep up the good work.
I am happy to see sisters out here in cyberland keep up the good work.
I am happy to see sisters out here in cyberland keep up the good work.
Very nice site. Great to see OES so well represented on the web. My wife and I are members of New Marshfield Chapter 346 in New Marshfield, Ohio.
Surprised to see my Sisters also on this website.
Carol Williams, Grand Lecturer, Associate Conductress, Celestial City Chapter #333, Pekin, IL.
Great page.I bring you greetings for Vesta chapter #23, PHA. Jackson, Ms.keep up the good work.
Enjoyed viewing your page. I am a Past Grand Martha of Florida and am interested in Star around the world.
Looking for programs & courtesies--any and all suggestions welcomed!
You have a lovely web page. I am a past
worthy matron from Wollaston Chapter #156
in Quincy, Mass. Glad to see many more chapters going on line and interconnecting
with other brothers and sisters. Will check
back now and then. Have a good ensuing year
and best of luck. Fondly and fraternally,
Elizabeth A. Munnick, P.M.
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing. Thanks.
I am a new member of the order of the eastern star. I was just looking for all the info I could
find on the internet. Your site is very nice. May God Bless your Chapter!
hi I really like your web page and I would like to hear from any brothers and sisters as I am disabled and spend alot of time at the computer.
I am the Conductress at Trinity Chapter #240 in
Tampa,Florida. My mother is the Worthy Matron and has been in Star for 40 yrs. My sister is the Associate Matron.
Beautiful page. You done good!!!!!
Greetings from Nauraushaun Chapter No. 434, Peart River, NY. I enjoyed your interesting web site. When you get a chance, please visit ours.
I am a memeber of Petals of Praise Ky #853--nice site.
found your web page. Looks great, may have you help me set one up for DeMolays and Squires.
Great site. I am presently Worthy Grand Patron in Colorado. Our session will be held Sept. 16-19, 1998 at the Double Tree Hotel, Denver, CO. For information contact Donna Haas, Grand Secretary, 2445 So. Quebec St. Suite B, Denver, CO 80231 or phone (30
) 759-5936. Please join us.
HI, Iam from Portland, Texas. Just outside of Corpus Chrisi, Texas. Iam Worhty Matron of Portland Chapter #1108. Iam doing some research could you help me? I need the address of Colorado's Grand Chapter. My mother - in-law and Grandmother-in-law were mem
ers of OES in Center, Colorado. Thank you very much. Lynn Trombly W.M,
Hi. I belong to Reading Chapter #251 West Reading PA. We are in District 15B in the Grand Chapter of PA. We meet on the third Wednesday of the month at 7:30 PM. We don't meet during July and August. Both my husband and I belong. I am the Conductress
f our chapter. I hope to hear from you.
Hi, I'm the new Grand Representitive to Colorado from the state or Oregon. I'm looking forward to visiting your state soon. My son and family just moved there and we are leaving for Ft. collins next Wed to visit him. Looking forward to hearing from som
OES members in Colorado. HS
Enjoyed your site! I was a Rainbow girl in Englewood, CO under Mom Tillman, and my parents were in Star there also. I am a Star member in Broken Arrow (#140), Oklahoma. Best Star wishes to my Star family in Colorado, and a hearty welcome to Oklahoma!
Sis. P. Rauls - 06/12/98 17:18:55
Hello, I am P Rauls, I am taking this time to let you know that I think you have a wonderful page.
It is my belief, that page should not only be pretty but informative, this is truly a great site.
If in the future you have time, stop and say hi, my page door is always open.
Sis. P Rauls star of the OES
Le Ann - 06/04/98 02:29:35
Hello.. currently serving as conductress in genoa chapter golden star #359...genoa, il. your page was interesting
Le Ann - 06/04/98 02:29:27
Hello.. currently serving as conductress in genoa chapter golden star #359...genoa, il. your page was interesting
DONNA B. LAYNE - 06/03/98 16:46:00
I am interested in becoming a member of the Eastern Star sisters.
Nancy S. Evans, PGM, Kansas - 05/27/98 18:30:50
Glad to see your Chapter's Home Page--wish more were participating. I have attended your Grand Chapter several times and have made some special friends in Colorado through OES. Keep up the good work.
Priscilla Wallis - 05/15/98 22:59:50
Hello there. I am currently Worthy Matron of Coos Chapter in North Bend, Oregon and a Past Matron of Capitol HIll #119 in Denver. Glad to see Eastern Star Presence on the Internet! Good Job
Harvey A. Lewis - 05/11/98 01:04:47
I enjoyed visiting with you. I have a lot of good friends in your great State that I have met through the Eastern Star side. I think the Web Pages are another good way of getting our Fraternaty out to the public. You all have a good day and I'll be ba
k another day.
Harvey Lewis,
Past Master
Sacremento Lodge #24
Alamogordo, NM
Katie Mobley - 05/10/98 19:32:06
I'm the Grand Chaplain in S.C. in the International Order of the Rainbow for Girls. A member of my assembly is the Grand Representative to Colorado from S.C. She has yet to find out any information about Colorado Rainbow. If anyone can help her, we wou
d both be very greatful. Thank you and God bless. Fraternally yours, Katie Mobley
Isobel Newby - 04/23/98 07:06:15
Fraternal Greetings from Perth Chapter in Western Australia. I am the present Worthy Matron of Perth Chapter and am having my first internet session with my Worthy patron. It is amazing!!
Please convey my greetings to your chapter and hope you have a prosperous year.
Marion Reich - 04/19/98 16:16:26
Hi, Sisters and Brothers, just surfing in the internet and happy to find quite a lot of OES home pages! I am Past Matron of Esther Chapter No. 21, Luebeck, Germany and would love to hear from you.
Fraternal love
Charletta Lerman - 04/08/98 15:58:19
Fraternal Greetings From Florida!
Enjoyed your site. It is great to see more OES
pages on the web. Please visit our Chapter Home
Page at:
Charletta Lerman,William T. Johnson Chapter#274
OES, Hollywood,Florida
John L. Harper PGM - 03/17/98 23:41:46
My Email:John P.
Nice to see your web page and to know your Chapter is alive and well, God Bless.
Bill Wine - 02/25/98 20:25:59
Congratulations on creating a very nice website. It is good to see more Chapters putting up pages. Even though I created the Gr. Chapter of CA site many months ago I have just been given the go ahead to add a few pages for my Chapter to my personal/Masoni
site at Keep up hte good work. Fraternally --- Bill Wine