Further insight on the tragic death of little Presenda Celestia Kimball, Presendia Lathrop's child, in City Creek in 1850
1. Nancy Clement Williams, After One Hundred Years (Independence: Zion's Printing, [1951]), 160.
That year [1851, but Presendia Celestia actually died in 1850] a cloud burst occurred in City Creek Canyon which changed the channel of the creek to where it now runs on North Temple Street. Of this cloudburst, Henrietta [E.C. Williams] wrote: "One night in 1851 [1850] I dreamed a little girl was drowned. Later the next morning (after my dream) I was on the crossing of City Creek dipping up water in a tin pail. Some one stepped over me on the plank. I looked up and saw Oliver Buel with his hat in hand hurrying to his mother. A thought struck me that Precinda is drowned. His mother rushed ahead of me. I heard her calling out to Dr. Williams, 'Hold her face downwar, Ezra!' I looked in that direction and saw my husband running from that bank of the creek crossing the President's lot to our house with the drowned child in his arms. Soon Brother Kimball arrived. Also Zina Young, the aunt of the little girl, Harriet Cook Young and others at our house, and did all they could to soothe the mother in her grief. William Kimball, a major painter, painted the portrait of the little Precinda Kimball which proved a great comfort to her mother.
2. Historian's Office Journal, Church Archives.
May 11 - slight rain in night - cleared up - windy - T.B. in Garden all day W.R. in Garden - feels sick. The high water having washed away the dam across City Creek. 14 ward repair it. The little girl of Priscinda Buell ^14 months old^ drowned in City Creek this A.M. ^at 9 a.m.^ she slipt off the footboard while attempting to cross the Creek by herself - her brother had run away to play & cut sticks - & left the child by itself, who is supposed to have attempted to walk on the water, same as dry ground - the child was washed down 2 or 3 rods & found by a girl, where the water was 2 or 3 feet deep, at the fence, near where the child was drowned when Pioneers were first here.
2. Tithing Office Journal, Church Archives, handwriting of William Clayton
Sat [May] 11 About 8 A.M. a little girl daughter of Heber C. & Priscinda Kimball was drowned in the creek between his house & Lorenzo Youngs. [Lorenzo Young's home was on the SE corner of the block, where the Lion and Beehive houses are now.]