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LLLast Updated:
April 9, 2001


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What's New for the IASMH '97 Alumni Page??




April 9, 2001 -- I have just recieved word that there is an "Alumni Weekend" at IASMH Memorial Day weekend 2001. For more info, check out Chael Hall's page ( and/or the Academy page! (Unfortunately, I can't go, but I hope many of you can and will send me pictures to post! *grins*)

Also, I've updated the maillist page to reflect The new Yahoo Group for the class of '97 started by David Lynch.

March 15, 2001 -- Thanks goes out to Austin Adams who helped me to update about 10 addresses/emails on the member's page!

February 5, 2001 -- Congratulations are in order for CorySue Feutz and Stephen Pickett, who announce not only their engagement, but also the wonderful news that they will soon be parents!

Congratulations are also in order for Leah Kelsey, who announced her marriage to Elliot Kohn in July 2000.

January 25, 2001 -- Updated the members page to make it a little bit more readable.

July 26, 2000 --- I finally have the mail list set up and ready for members! Go visit the mail list page and sign up today!

July 20, 2000 --- Everything is new! New graphics, new backgrounds, a complete (and long overdue !!) site makeover. I hope you all like it! Please pardon any broken links or otherwise not working parts of the site. I'm working as fast as I can to get it all up and looking good. Drop me a note and let me know what you think!! :)