Lesson Ten: Magick (Part 1)

Have you ever been in an on-line chatroom devoted to Paganism and

Witchcraft? One

of those virtual places where Pagans from all walks of life gather to

share a few

moments of time, network, and swap theories? If you have, you'll know

that every ten

minutes or so, the conversation is interrupted by someone asking for

spells. Love

spells, curses, spells to make their hair prettier, to help them get

better grades; the list

goes on and on. Hollywood certainly doesn't help the matter any with

movies and

television programs about Witches who light candles without matches,

clean rooms

without moving a finger, and fight the minions of evil with supernatural

talents that

they were born with and never studied to hone. Of course, Hollywood isn't

in the

business of educating the public about what Witchcraft is, nor are they

generally looked to as a resource to train Pagans in the Craft.

Well, if Hollywood has it wrong, then how do we work magick? What is the

concept behind spellwork? How does this all work?

In its simplest form, magick is the conscious changing of energy from one

state or

vibration to another. What many of us don't realize is that we do this

all day long.

Remember that person at work that you weren't getting along with? You

could really

feel the tension building between the two of you. But then you chose to

go up to them,

to clear the air, to extend a hand of friendship which they accepted.

Within you, around

you, and in a subtle connection between the two of you, as you watched

them smile,

you felt that tension fade away, replaced by something else. That, my

friends, is magick.

I can hear you already, "But, Winter! That's not magick!" Okay, okay...

let's do this

another way. Imagine you're in a situation where there is a negative flow

of energy

between you and another individual which is strong enough that it is

beginning to

effect you personally, it's changing your moods, your thoughts, and

interfering with

your daily patterns. What I want you to do is find a way to change that

energy, to alter

it so that it flows freely once more and no longer impacts your world in

a negative fashion.

Now we can tackle this from a number of directions. First of all, we

could cast a spell.

We could ritually move energy and focus it toward a specific goal. Done

properly, this

will cause a subtle change in the flow around us to create the correct

environment for

things to change. When you get to work the next morning, as you pull into

the parking

lot and open your door, you put a small dent in the car next to you. As

you look up at

the angry driver whose just jumped out of the vehicle, you see the person

you were

trying to change the energy with, furious that you've damaged his car.

Now is your chance. You've got your opening that you did spellwork to

achieve. Just like

you wanted, you have the opportunity to go up to him and change the

energy between

you. In fact, as angry as he is, if you don't, you may never get another


What we have to realize is that spellwork isn't a solution. It doesn't

solve a problem. It

doesn't abruptly change reality. Spells cannot, I repeat, cannot, erase

our problems, make

our lives easier, or create a shortcut through the personal growth, hard

work, and

development that are necessary for our continual spiritual evolution.

What they can do is

change our subconscious processes, make us aware of our own outlooks and


key us into openings and possibilities, and work to aid us break through

mental and

emotional barriers and blockages. In those rare instances where spells

have a noticeable

and immediate impact, they normally heighten the situation

(an unpleasant situation gets worse so that we have no choice

but to face the situation we were trying to avoid)

or they create a new lesson for us to learn.

Imagine for a moment that the energy of our world - our attitudes,

beliefs, the things that

we experience in our world, the events that occur, the people around us -

are like a great

river, slowly flowing in one direction. As we move down this river, we

encounter smooth

portions where the water is still, rapids where the river rushes and

swirls, and hidden

obstacles beneath the surface that snare our boat and which we have to

work to get past.

Now imagine that the river isn't formed of water, but of energy. Working

magick won't

change the flow of the water; at best, it can only point you toward the

easiest course.

Spellwork doesn't seek to change the world around us; it seeks to

influence the energy

that is a part of every moment, every breath, and everything. Another way

to look at this

concept is to imagine that you stand in a wind storm composed of infinite

currents of air.

While you can sense and sometimes see the larger storm, you can only feel

the wind

which personally touches you. As your perspective expands, you see that

instead of

being composed of air, each current is a series of images playing out

like a movie. While

you can see that the strands of images are predetermined (like long

streamers of film you

observe flowing toward you -- you can individually react to each one).

Each frame of film

comes to life as the wind that composes it touches you and you "live"

each frame,

reacting to that bit of film with total independence and freewill, each

action and intent

moving you in the storm, bringing you into contact with new currents of


Spellwork doesn't create new streamers of film. It's like erecting a

series of poles a few

paces from where you stand. As the wind interacts with the poles, the

poles subtly

change the wind's course, so that the poles have an influence over the

currents that reach

you. You can't choose which currents of air come towards you. You can't

create a new

reality. All you can do is influence the path that you're already on,

that has been chosen

by you through your actions, intents, and attitudes. Sometimes, even a

minor change in

the currents will give you the inspiration and insight you need to make

major changes on

your own. Sometimes, the shift in the wind is so subtle that you don't

realize it until it has already passed you by.

One of the reasons we take care in magick and spellwork is that the poles

don't go away.

As we continue on our path, moving through the wind, we have to walk

passed those

poles, we have to negotiate the maze we've created, to live with the

changes they make to

our world until our journey has taken us passed them. Just like any other

action, just like

anything else we do, there are consequences to the magick we work and the

spells we cast.

When you begin to approach spellwork, the first question you have to ask

yourself is,

"Why do I need to do a spell for this? Is there another way to achieve my

goal?" You

know that cute guy you've had a crush on for months, but just haven't

been able to bring

yourself to talk to? Is a spell really going to make it easier for you to

go up and say,

"Hello" to him? What you need to do is stop and consider the situation.

What is the

energy you are really trying to change? Would it be easier to do

something to bolster

your self-confidence so that you could talk to your dream guy? If that's

the issue, then at

some point you'll have to face that lack of self-confidence; you'll have

to address that

issue. You can't hide behind magick - most of the time it actually does

the opposite and spurs us toward making the changes we try to avoid.


Exercise Ten: Determining If Spellwork Is Necessary

The next time that you feel that it's time to work a spell, sit down


analyze the situation. To properly craft the rite, you need to do


anyway. First of all, make a list of all of the major "players" that


involved. This would include anyone and anything that you feel

needed to

be changed to remedy or improve the situation - including yourself.


down each person, each thing, and each event. For every entry you've

made, ask yourself, "I could change the energy of this situation by"

and fill

in the blank. When we're talking about energy in this situation,


referring to attitudes, frames of mind, difficulties we're facing -

anything that is making us feel the way we do.

Once you've completed this, you're going to end up with a list of


which you can actually do to make things better. That person who


having a hard time getting along with - did you ever stop to think

that they

might be having a hard time with you too? Make an effort to be nice


them, to reach out a hand of friendship. That's magick in its own

way. That

girl you have a crush on? Try a little charisma, be your charming

self and see how she responds. You may be surprised.

When you've completed that list and considered everything you can


look at it again. First ask yourself, "What do I want to change in


situation?" You need to completely answer this question before you


do spellwork anyway, so we might as well do it now. List everything


you wish was different in the situation. Now, for each thing that

you listed,

ask yourself, "I want to change this situation because" and fill in

the blank.

And for each answer you come up with ask, why you feel that way.

For example, let's look at a love spell, one of the most common

things I'm

asked for on-line. My answer might be, "I want to change this


because I want my girlfriend back and I want her to love me again."


so now I need to ask myself, "Why?" My answer might be, "Because I

love her." Okay, simple enough, but if you love her, you don't

really need

to change that. There are a million ways you can express yourself in


way. You could be such an incredible friend that she'll be drawn

back to

you. So we don't really need to change the fact you love her. For


to be effective, you need to ask yourself what you want to change.

Is it the

feeling of loneliness? The fact that she made you feel wanted when


were together? The fact that she broke up with you and you're hurt?


you go through the list, you may find another answer altogether --


may be issues to address that are all your own, that you need to


through. It isn't the fact that Susie is the love of your life that

you want to

change - even if you never get back together, one day you're going

to be

able to look back at the time you shared together as something very

special. What you want to change is the hurt you're feeling, and

that's another focus altogether.

The other thing you must consider is why the situation occurred in

the first

place. In the example of the love spell, maybe Susie left because

you're a

jerk. Bringing her back won't change that. Maybe she left because

she's a

jerk and doesn't treat you particularly well. Spellwork won't change


either. Could you have spent more time with her? Been more

responsive to

her needs? If you're finding a "yes" on your side of the board, then

go to

her and tell her. Let her know that you've been thinking about her

and you

realized that you didn't treat her the way she deserved and would

like a

second chance. If the "yes" is on her side of the board, if she

treated you poorly and left, you really don't want her back.

Okay, so we've analyzed the situation and we've decided that spellwork is


Well, it's going to cost you. There's a price to pay. It's commonly

believed within the Craft

that everything we do, whether it's for good (weal) or for ill (woe)

returns to us greater

than we sent it out. We use a simple rule of thumb and often say that it

returns to us three times greater than we sent it out.

Now imagine that you want to cause someone harm. You've got your revenge


and you're ready to implement it. Stop for a moment and imagine yourself

on the receiving

end of that. Suddenly, that plan doesn't seem so friendly. Now imagine

having that done

to you, not once, not twice, but three times, each when you least expect

it. Thankfully, it

works the other way too. Give of yourself, bless others, and you too will

be blessed.

There's a cost to spellwork. That's one reason to decide if it's truly

necessary. But there's

another reason to consider. Usually when we're using spellwork to fix a

situation, we're

avoiding our own issues of personal growth. The experiences we encounter

are there

because they are an opportunity for us to grow. To use magick to find our

way around

them doesn't mean that we've fixed the situation, it simply means we'll

encounter it again

and again until we learn the lessons the situation presents.

The First Cycle course is written by Graelan Wintertide

and is © 1999 All Rights Reserved