- Water -AIR-Earth - Fire - 
Air is the Second of 'The Four Forces' and symbolizes SPIRIT.
The AIR FORCE is spoken of in our text as
'The Firmament'.
Even as we are presently looking at these forces separately to better understand their workings in us and around us, paradoxically, all of the Four Forces are at work as ONE in each moment of Creation. And Creation can only be known NOW, and in all the succeeding NOWS. The entire Universe could be said to be being born anew moment by moment by reason of our Consciousness. However, One 'Force' is always dominant in any given phase of the Cycle. And these Forces follow one another eternally in a particularized sequence.
And 'The Firmament' has a good deal to do with what is present in our consciousness.
The Second Force is Air which symbolizes SPIRIT.
Here then, is the next Force in the natural sequence of 'The Creative Cycle'
It is the invisible, active and intellignt essence of Source, and like Air, Spirit is invisible.
It does however stand back of all created forms, and contains 'the intent' of this Source. It's Point of Origin may be said to be in 'the Pneumatomenal Realm'. It is the messenger of the Radiant Source of All Being, and in fact carries within itSelf the very 'breath of life'.
Spirit always functions in relationship to 'Truth' in the Creative Design of Being.
Spirit moves through what  is referred to as 'the firmament', or the 'Heavenly Atmosphere'; that atmosphere which can receive what has already been created in the invisible realm of Being, in preparation for the birth into Form nin proper season.
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Through 'the Firmament', what is just beginning to take form here on 'the phenomenal plane' comes into it's first level of manifestation.
Let's examine this by taking up our text from 'The Great Book of Heavenly Magic' where we left off , by going to the sixth verse of the first chapter. What is next portrayed in 'the sequence of Creation' and 'the Creative Process in general' is a revelation of vital importance. Here in symbolical language, which is startlingly accurate is the plane or level that connects Heaven and Earth. (And it is best experienced here and now.)

Because we are now looking at this using 'the key' relating to The Four Forces, our understanding of these seemingly obscure mythological passages is greatly increased. Mystery vanishes, and a precise Design appears, but the sense of awe is undiminished.  So without prejudice, as we continue with our text, we can begin to appreciate the depth and breadth of the principles of Creation as communicated to us here in Genesis 1: 6-8

6 ... 'Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.
7 Thus God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament; and it was so.
8 And God called the firmament Heaven. So the evening and the morning were the second day.'
(Gen 1:6-8)
The Second Force, or SPIRIT, creates the FIRMAMENT. And the Firmament, or at least the right quality of Firmament is what has been missing in man's creations.
The creation of the Firmament is the most important matter for us to truly begin to comprehend. We can learn how to generate it within ourselves as we focus at this point.  It has literally been the missing link in our experience. It has seemed to be an opaque veil through which we could only see 'darkly'. Let's read a part of that again.
The FIRMAMENT was something that 'divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament;'
That which DIVIDED the Waters, or ' the Truth ABOVE', from the Waters, or 'Truth BELOW' also CONNECTS them. Let's remember that what separates also connects.

'The Firmament of Spirit' makes possible the manifestation of what is beyond space and time, or what is ABOVE,to find a point of connection with what is on earth, BELOW. Hence, it is Spirit which allows 'Heaven and Earth to be ONE' here on earth, through the mediation of what is called 'The Firmament'.
The FIRMAMENT which divides the Truth Above, from the Truth Below. This axiom is so ancient as to be untraceable. As Above, so Below. But that is merely potential in man's case, for his present 'consciousness' is not 'founded upon the flood', or the Waters of Truth. And so he cannot generate the second Force, which in turn means that the Firmament is absent in his daily experience. So insofar as we are concerned, most of us cannot allow 'the axiom' to become a reality in our own experience. O, it is a Reality. Heaven and Earth are One. There are Waters Above, and Waters Below. But until we learn how to generate Spirit, and allow the Firmament to take form in our won consciousness they shall forever be disconnected, and all we will know is the earthly part of the equation. That is why our concern is to experience this already present reality by coming into attunement with 'this means' by which Reality may be known 'up front and personal.' Through an understanding of the eternal flow of 'The Four Forces' which are the means by which Cause, creates at any level. But our consciousness must first be founded upon the true premise. The Truth of Being. And it is present within us just bursting to come forth. But it can only do so in a creative manner in a very particular Way and sequence. review....
The Truth contains within itself the Design and Control factors of Creation, whether microscopic or macroscopic. It is not some human concept, but rather, 'the Invisible Pattern' to which whatever is to be created, easily and responsively conforms. It radiates a very refined substance called SPIRIT, which acts as It's means of transport. This 'Substance' is drawn into Pattern along the invisible lines of force, generating a Firmament,  much like iron filings are when placed above a magnetic field. What a wondrous sequence! And we haven't even reached the point of Birth into actual Form yet. But it is absolutely vital to understand and appreciate these first two Forces, otherwise what comes into form in our lives will seem mysterious/accidental. No, we can play a conscious part in the processes of creation at whatever level. But we have to pay the price, which is simply basing our living in Truth, and generating the Right Spirit, moment by moment so that what comes into form through the Firmament we create will actually be Heavenly. We don't have to die to get to heaven. It's right here!

Within the womb, the form being created by Life does so as substance is drawn into pattern along the invisible lines of force inherent in the waters of the amniotic sac. This happens invisibly, or Above, first, then as there is the 'atmosphere of heavenly substance' or the Firmament, it happens Below at the level of Form. The same is true of any creative process. So we can now see how key this Second Force actually IS! Without it nothing can connect up as it was Divinely Designed, and the result is 'a very mixed bag'.

Even within the three trillion mile long gaseous cloud of the Gum Nebula, these same creative processes are at work. Within any star nursery, the process of star creation could be referred to as 'the watery birth of stars'
Spirit is first visible through that fine pneumaplasmic substance (the firmament) in which the initial electromagnetic design of the truth, of any particularization of Being takes form. It generates a protective atmosphere in which what is being created can begin to unfold. In fact, Negative Life Essence, or Prana can be seen with the unaided eye with a little practice. Look towards the sky, and look behind it, do not fix your gaze upon any object. You will see trillions of silvery sperm-like objects of varying sizes whirling about. In fact it is through the inhalation of this 'Pranic Substance' of Spirit that we live. It is actually energy, or chi. It is electrical in Nature, and when man is wise enough again to learn how to use this energy for the benefit of the Whole, he will re-discover the secrets of 'Unlimited Free Power'. The Orgone as described by W.Reich, and Free Energy as described by N.Tesla begin to touch upon the Reality of this Firmament which divides the Truth which is within the Heavenly invisible planes, from the Truth which is within the Earthly visible planes. However, the clearest explanation this writer has yet heard has been by the Third Sacred School, Uranda, and Martin Exeter. (See table of contents.)
In relationship to human beings, this substance, which is called Pneumaplasm, is that which is generated through attitude or intent. And as such, a person's 'spirit' sets the atmosphere, for the form of what will come in the fulness of whatever cycle is initiated in any moment. Thus it is of utmost important that our Spirit be in harmony with the Source at all times. This is also known as being in 'attunement with' The All That Is. Here is a state of 'at-one-ment', and is the key to the clarity which the completed form will manifest at the fulfillment of any given cycle. So the spirit in which we do anything denotes not only our attitude and intent, but indicates where we are centered in Being.

The Master in speaking with 'the Syro-Phonecian woman at the well', gave the key to the understanding of what GOD is and wishes, through her to all 'with ears to hear'.
23 ' But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father (Source) in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him.
24 ' God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.'
John 4:23-24 (NKJ)
And finally, we may meditate upon another key given by the Master Teacher Yeshua.
8 'The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit?'
John 3:8 (NKJ)
There is far more to be considered in relationship to the Four Forces and their particular components. Continue on to the point where it becomes FORM in the EARTH Force.
But the reality of one's own experience generates the Firmament in which realization is also born or created by these same principles.  Let the meditations of your heart rest in the Spirit, and understanding will come as you find oneness with the truth of your being.

or treat your Self and
Enjoy a deeper consideration of Spirit and Pneumaplasm
as elucidated by 'Third Sacred School' Material
