"The physical body of man is wonderful and beautiful beyond words to describe. It is the result of
Absolute Reality, and through it work the Cosmic Forces of the Universe. In it are revealed the Secret Things of God." ~ Lloyd A. Meeker 
(composed of stained dna strands)

   The human body is the only form in this universe in which all seven dimensions can be touched and are available to Spirit for creative expression. It is therefore the most 'spiritual form' we know of. It is also comprised of several interpenetrating levels which arise from it, and provide the interface with the environment (through consciousness and sensate experience), for the essence of our true identity.

By reason of this principle of interpenetration, each succedingly 'higher', or more refined level of vibration is present in the one 'below' it, but absent from the one immediately 'above' it.

We might list the major subdivisions as the Physical Capacity, the Mental Capacity, and Emotional or Feeling Realm, each of which arise out of the flesh body. Here are the three basic levels of being which all of us are aware of. There are others which we are aware of mostly indirectly. Each of these basic capacities of expression are present by reason of the human body. The 'capacities' which by the way are not 'what we are', each provide a contact point, or interface with a correspondingly more refined level of form in 'the Continuum of Being'.

For instance, the Physical allows contact with Life, the Mental Body with Truth, and the Feeling Realm with Love.

Yet it is perhaps the main function of the human body, to protect itself, and thus arises  the 'will to live' and other more inexplicable yet healthy needs.  This 'self protective mechanism' is made manifest as 'the immune and lymphatic systems'.
They provide the crossover point in practical spiritual experience on a deeper level when we actually experience their essences, and relate to the 4th or central point in this seven dimensional spectrum. Here 'the spirit of purification', allows us to enter a higher realm of consciousness and physical experience which when allowed to work carries us into direct contact with  'the higher levels of Being' which I have already mentioned.

Those who denigrate, castigate, or seek to relegate the reality of the body to being a necessary evil, fail to realize that only through this amazingly awesome vehicle, is the 'Being' within each one of us able to converse with the finer worlds of this seven dimensional continuum. Yet the capacities contained within, or arising from the physical organism, such as the mind and feeling realm, are the only contact points human consciousness has with these other levels of reality. In other words, the physical body, is the only level where the full spectrum of Spirit can be experienced in this universe. So let us explore the wondrous portals through which we may experience these higher realms through 'the lowly body-mind-feeling capacity', and give thanks that we have such an exquisitely designed vehicle to experience Life in this world. We wouldn't be much use at all on this plane without it now, would we? Both the endocrine and chakra systems play a vital role in this.

Nothing that humankind has created in his world does not derive from some inherent mechanism within the body itself. It's complexities, potentialities, and the sheer magnitude of the sum total of all of it's intricately designed and controlled systems make the psalmist's words all the more poetically and factually true. "We are fearfully and wonderfully made."

The physical body is not evil, as many overly puritanical and distorted systems of thought and religion teach and believe. Nor is it mired in some sort of 'original sin'. It is a gift from 'above', and should be held in the highest esteem. It is in fact the only means by which that which created it has to actually come into this world and create in a manner that no other creature or kingdom of creation can do. It simply is!

It is however, subject to either our dislocated will, or the will/purpose of that which created it.  Nor is it illusory. Transient yes, but illusory... hello! Our bodies, at the densest level of vibratory substance, (vis a vis mental substance, as thought forms, for instance), make possible the connection with and outward expression of what I shall call Spirit for lack of a better word.  Taken together, these capacities which arise out of the human form are the vehicle, or 'incarnational package' for the Life Force which both created them and permeates them. And yet, most people take better care of their automobiles than their bodies.

Although I have my d'ruthers about a lot of what St. Paul said, and especially how it has been interpreted, I will give him enormous credit for the following statement of absolute poetic and practical fact. "Know you not that your body is the Temple of The Living God?" That puts these clumsy, often unco-operative extensions of our Selves in a whole new light doesn't it? A Temple! Yes, in fact, a Temple made without hands. A Temple designed wholly within the laws of Sacred Geometry, Bio-Electric-Physics, Fiber Optics, Wireless Communications Technologies, and every other 'cutting edge' holistic scientific design field you could possibly imagine.
It is also a masterpiece artistically, although many of you will have nagging doubts about the veracity of this in your case:-) But yes, this human capacity we call the body has it all, and a gazillion times more that we haven't even allowed ourselves to entertain in consciousness.

A 'Temple' made by Life ItSelf for a capital 'P' Purpose, which we have an eternity to discover. Awesome huh? And why do I say " an eternity"? Because all Life is Eternal Life when you really consider the point. Have you ever heard of or seen dead life? Life never dies. Thus there is the possibility that if we begin to find our primary identity in Life that who we are in reality will also never die. And I don't mean who you think you are somehow becoming some amorphous spirit-globule reincarnating and reincarnating in every imaginable form either. No...that idea is one perpetuated by what we call the 'human ego' because it thinks itself so all fired important that it MUST live forever. No, that is wishful thinking. That will dissipate as much as the physical substance which is left at the point of death will decompose six feet under, or better yet, in a blaze of glory within the crematoriums 'atomizer Model 29244d' :-) No..what I am speaking of here is something far more elemental that will carry on according to It's own purposes. The very thing that thankfully science cannot control, or manipulate after the 'death' of the host body. Life ItSelf! The thing which created the body in the first place. It behooves us to seek to discern It's purposes, It's co-ordination within the even Larger Cycle or Design of the Universal Whole. This is what we need to be concerned with, and now while we yet have the experience of it. Why did it create these forms, if not to express it's own character and spirit within a larger pattern?

In fact there are a whole range of Spirits which the body is actually designed to give healthy, creative expression too. Yet how much of our lives do we catch ourselves expressing all kinds of garbage which we inherently know is beneath us; that doesn't really express who we really are. That doesn't give evidence of that magnificent Self we know ourselves to be if we could only learn how to express it consistently.

And when we do become enmeshed in and giving our life force to spirits such as hate, envy, jealousy, anger, fear, anxiety, and resentment, there usually arises ion our bodies a state which we call dis-ease. Our body's way of saying..HOLD ON! take it easy, this ain't good for you, relax, take some time, what are you doing to me! Why disease, and sickness and all manner of suffering? Because the ease with which the body was created to handle life is being 'dissed', disrespected, and ill health puts in an appearance in one of it's many guises causing all of the above, and even. more anxiety. And so it goes, round upon round, as the body is subjected to the will, or should I say whims, of the human 'mind'. The physical body has little choice but to go along with your wishes in the moment and ultimately reaps the whirlwind, or 'takes the fall' for your mind's unhealthy behavior. It is like a hostage..and if we think about it, we often use it that way to get what we imagine we want. However,...there is another Way. The Way of Life! Life also has wishes. In fact It has a whole individual Design ready for the asking for this masterpiece of holistic engineering which it has created in order to express ItSelf!

Modern medicine, while beginning to understand little bits and pieces of the whole is still at a loss to explain some of the simplest processes which go on automatically throughout life. The restorative processes which occur during sleep for instance. The whole genetic code is still in large part a mystery, as are the systemic relationship between of all organs, glands, tissues, cells and how our thoughts, emotions and spiritual expression (or lack thereof) effect each of them. Let's face it, Life with a capital 'L' is still a mystery, leaving only the observable effects of it's presence to study.

In fact when man understands the workings of the human body he will also simultaneously understand Truth in it's entirety, for the body is but a reflection of that Source/Force/Intelligence which created it in a mere 10 lunar months in the darkness of the female womb. And here we have another symbol of the Wisdom of Life, in It's protective, mysterious ways, with which It seeks to hide from 'the self-active mind of man' the very processes of creation, so that he cannot somehow get in there and mess things up. Advances(?) in modern
' invivo' genetic engineering and surgical techniques have begun to cross a dangerous threshold from which I'm afraid medicos in their unquenchable thirst for knowledge, will not draw back from until it's simply too late.

The human body can and does reveal the 'secret things of God' to those who have developed through their living the substance which allows them to discern the 'spiritual realities' behind the form.

At the Victoria Attunement Center and at many other places across the world, there are many practical spiritually aware individuals who are providing help on many levels to people with open minds and hearts. Most work on a donation basis, while others have suggested fee schedules by the hour. The important thing however is that we recognize that there is an absolute spiritual basis to all manifest form. Inherent in the physical bodies of all human beings is the Life which created them, and it is that which we address, seeking to awaken it, allow it to flow more freely, and ultimately to cause the client to experience the individual and uniquely wonderful reality of their own being.

Attunement, by bringing the body, mind, and feeling realms into alignment with the Source of  Life inherent within each person, may alleviate all sorts of symptomatic problems. However, there is far more too it than this. Consciousness, and particularly the very very fine 'pneumaplasmic substance' which consciousness is able to generate, perhaps we could say the most rarefied and necessary level of vibratory substance is what ultimately needs to be regenerated individually and collectively. It is this substance which facilitates the re-awakening and re-connection with Life's Design and Purposes. So through Attunement therapy, we can assist all who will, to learn to resonate with and abide in a consistent state of oneness with this Source. Then, Attunement becomes a modality for creative living, not merely another band-aid solution, and it's real benefit for oneself and the entire planet may then become apparent. For each one of us, are in fact a 'cell' in the Body of Humanity, there is no separateness in reality. We are all connected whether we like it or not, and we all effect one another at some level or another. Thus, " none are free 'til all are free".

As an Attunement Practitioner I am interested in nothing less than allowing 'this larger body-consciousness' to become well again. For humankind, (the missing-link) are an integral and vital part of Gaia.

As a People, we have been woefully conspicuous by our absence, 'missing in action' so to speak. For in Life's Design we are obviously meant to be nothing less than 'the crossover point' between  the Creator/Source and the Creation/Manifestation of this awesome reality we call Life. Isn't it time to accept this thrilling Cosmic adventure and Responsibility, and stop shirking it in the name of a whole host of phony excuses? I say, yes...let's ascend into our birthright, our position as Children of the Source of All That IS! The Way has been shown, but the lazy 'human mind', has preferred it's own destructive designs over Life's.
How about giving Life a chance? It's a certainty that Life will look after her own, always.

Thus, for the whole earth and all contained therein, to regain 'it's health and robustness', humanity, (or at least a 'rudder-sized' chunk of it) needs to regain consciousness, emerge from the coma it has been in for some 20,000 years, and once more begin to move the ship off the sandbar. Then we will really begin to find out what it's all about, learning by doing.

Let us return again to our true position in the cosmic scheme of things, as the real
'Body of Mankind', in attunement with Source, awake, wise, lovingly restored, one by one. Finally functioning again as active Co-Creators on earth with Life ItSelf.
Go on to MIND

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