The Fiery Core of the Cosmic Body
Alan Hammond
We all know these words: "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall
see God." Human beings see the planet Earth as a rock more or less, with
some life forms living upon it. But we may see it as the manifestation of
a spiritual Presence. The physical features are rather interesting. There
is a rocky skin, about twenty-five miles
thick, or twenty-five miles thin. Beneath this, the rest of the diameter of
the planet consists of various kinds of molten fire 8,000 miles across. Just
reflect on that for a moment. The temperature of this fiery portion is estimated
to be between four and six thousand degrees centigrade. This is not the usual
image that human beings carry in their consciousness about the Earth.
The human mind examines and postulates about what it has access to. So there
has been some examination of what is just the surface of the planet. Virtually
nothing is actually known about this fiery core--just some rather haphazard
speculations about it. It is considered that this core has really very little
effect on human
experience, because all the calculations about what affects human life are
based upon what can be observed on and above the surface.
We know that the fire from the Sun has great effect upon its creative field--its
planets. And this is true of all the suns throughout the cosmos. Their radiation
affects their immediate creative fields, and beyond. Our Sun affects all aspects
of life on the Earth's surface, including human consciousness. One of the
simplest examples would be that when human beings are deprived of sunshine,
they often experience depression. But in fact, radiation from the Sun affects
all aspects of human consciousness, all the
nuances of its workings.
Now the Earth's core of fire also has effect upon life on the planet's surface.
The little that has been deduced relates to such things as the Earth's magnetic
field, for example, which causes such
phenomenon as the aurora borealis and probably influences the migration of
birds and animals. We should consider also the tremendous pressures that are
thought to be moving in this molten center, which can very easily affect the
thin skin of the planet. We know about volcanoes and earthquakes, but whole
segments of the Earth's surface can be moved very rapidly. And with the exertion
of these immense internal pressures, large segments can be raised and lowered
quite easily.
It is a phenomenon of human activity that importance is placed where attention
is possible. For example, with the news on television or radio, news is reported
from where there are cameras and reporters.
If something is happening where there are none of these, then there is at
least a great delay in the reporting. Usually the concentration is where the
reporters are posted, and they are posted where there is short-term, self-centered
interest. Much of the news comes and goes and is quickly forgotten. If we
were to have reports
on what are truly significant events occurring on the planet, there probably
would be concentration on other subjects. For example, in Africa there are
millions of people dying at a very steady pace just now. Or maybe there would
be concentration on the melting of the ice at the two poles of the planet,
or on the disappearing rainforests.
Of real significance would be what is new in the Sun's radiation, or changes
in the Earth's magnetic field. But of course virtually nothing is known about
those topics, so they cannot be included in human calculations, and it is
therefore deemed that they do not have much effect on our everyday lives.
The Earth is a living form. And as with all living forms, its life and energy
emerge from within itself. Human beings are composed of the very substances
of the planet's body, and they are animated by energy which emerges primarily
out of the planetary core. Now of course the human view of the energy which
animates human beings is
that it comes from the Sun, and obviously the Sun certainly has contributing
factors. This is rather like the discussion as to whether a human being's
behavior originates from the individual's heredity or from the environment.
You could say that the actual physical composition of a human being derives
from the Earth, the
equivalent of being its DNA. But there are also environmental influences,
such as the radiation from the Sun. So there's a combination of factors here
related to the experience of human life. We can see in this very brief survey
that there is as much lack of knowledge about the physical identity of human
beings as there is about their spiritual identity.
When a human being has a health crisis, the body often takes care of the disease
with a change of temperature--with fevers, for example. The temperature is
raised and the offending microbes are eliminated. It is similar in the planetary
body. We can readily see that there is an inherent, organic process available
to the planetary body to remedy disease which may occur in its organic systems.
Various offending life forms can be eliminated with the dropping or raising
of the temperature by just a few degrees--an ice age can readily clear the
decks, as can raising the temperature. That would have various organic effects
in the planetary body. We can see that man as he now is, a destructive pest,
can be very easily controlled by the planetary Archangelic Body.
Here is a verse from the second Epistle of Peter: "But the heavens and
the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto
fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men." Fire
can be a purging, healing element. This awareness is present in the psyche
of mankind. From our point of view we might say that one way or another, true
Identity will be restored. Awareness of true Identity will re-emerge in human
consciousness, and indeed, as appropriate in all the life forms on this planet,
appropriate to their range of consciousness.
We made reference earlier to this circuitry of fire, which permeates the planetary
body and all the life forms in it. Of course this includes human beings. In
a human form when cells are sloughed off, although we may say the cells die,
life remains in the larger human form. When life forms on the body of the
planet die, life remains in the larger form, the planet itself. It might be
worth mentioning here that when human beings currently observe the dying of
a human form, they observe the physical processes. But there are invisible
processes which transpire also, which the mind currently doesn't have the
fine substance to observe. So in the process of death, we don't observe the
total process underway. We are pointing here to the chain of relatedness of
smaller forms to larger ones. There is the relatedness of man to the planet,
the planet to the Sun, the Sun
to its center in the galaxy, and the galaxies orienting to their larger Center
of orientation. The core of the cosmic Body is fire-- and the suns, which
are spread throughout the cosmos, are the primary portals of the animating
energy. There are the invisible dimensions to the cosmos also, and there is
a pattern of orientation
in every dimension of Being.
"Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God"--everywhere
where there is form, because physical form is the manifestation of the Presence
of Being. We are considering more particularly the planetary manifestation.
We have used the word Shekinah, meaning "the evidence of the Presence
of the One who dwells." The three outer planes of that manifestation
are fire, light, and a cloud: the fire that burns, the light that glows, and
the cloud of glory. Fire is at the very core of manifestation. Then there
is light. In the case of the Earth, currently most of its light is reflected
sunlight. We know that radiation from suns is invisible as it travels through
empty space. It needs to encounter physical matter in order to become visible
light. The Earth, with its rocky skin, provides the physical substance which
allows the light from the Sun to become visible light. Then there is the cloud
of glory, which is the life forms on the surface of the planet. We recognize
that these three aspects of the manifestation are symbolic of the fire of
love, the light of true consciousness, and the glorious cloud of life experience.
One of our jobs being incarnate in human form now, is not to try to suggest
new hard-and-fast pseudoscientific views about the planet and life to replace
the current pseudoscientific human interpretations of everything. We wish
merely to begin to loosen up the crystallized patterns of consciousness which
have been developed
in the human psyche, so there can be a greater openness to the influence emerging
out of true Identity and character. This true Identity and character can be
described by the words Love, Truth and Life. "I Am Love, I Am Truth and
I Am Life-- the Creator." This must be reestablished as our conscious
Identity. Out of this state there is a new translation of experience, and
a new translation of the context of our Being.
"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God," Being,
everywhere. This means we see the one Spirit animating everything. Now this
is the truth behind human projection. Human beings project their own inner
experience into their worlds. If a human being's psyche is distorted, then
his or her experience and vision are also distorted, and there is a projection
of hell into their world, or at least purgatory. The person projects his own
state into everything both near and far. If the experience of the human psyche
is healthy (and we don't know fully what true health is at the moment), it
projects the experience of Self into the environment, which would be Heaven.
Concepts about God are also projections of the human psyche. Therefore God,
in most religions is deemed a jealous God, a God that can be provoked to anger--a
rather vindictive character who punishes
enemies in a sadistic way for all eternity! And this God needs to be adored,
presumably to satisfy His self-esteem!
This process of projection is called anthropomorphism, where human characteristics
are projected onto everything. The true process is one that we might call
theopomorphism, where God or true Being, is projected onto man, and then through
man on out into the next layer of the creative field--man's sphere of creative
responsibility. It is important to get this creative process aligned correctly.
Being is now concerned with theopomorphism as far as man is concerned, and
we are participating in that process within our own human psyches. As this
process transpires we will find that we know ourselves as aspects of Love,
Truth, and Life--the Creator. And as we look out into our creative field,
although we certainly see the distortions and unhappiness manifest there,
we are also aware of the underlying nature of Being--its beauty, and the inexorable
process of
restoration currently under way.
Identified in the isolated human form, the human being sees himself as an
isolated entity in the whole Cosmos, all alone. An example of the twilight
zone in which human beings now live relates again to this matter of the Darwinian
theory of evolution. According to this theory, man appeared by reason of one
random mutation after another. One random mutation, then another random mutation
upon that mutation, then another random mutation upon those mutations, then
another, then another…. Who knows how many? Maybe thousands, millions, until
man is as he is. Man, this conglomeration of random mutations, is now looking
for other human beings in the Cosmos, or
something resembling a human being out there. What chance is there, do you
think, that elsewhere exactly the same random mutations would have occurred
one following the other in perfect sequence to produce
anything resembling a human being anywhere else? The idea is ludicrous! So
we could save governments billions of dollars in their search to find other
conglomerated random mutations to communicate with. They are not there.
Even in the Divine Design there are, in fact, no duplications of true Man.
Man has a unique role in the Design. However, true Man knows His true Identity
and knows the nature of manifest form everywhere as being aspects of Himself,
and knows how to communicate and commune throughout the Design. There is not
the slightest taint of aloneness or loneliness in the true state. Fallen man
cannot enter into the life of the Cosmos. He cannot enter into conscious participation
into the life, communion, purposes, or creative activities of the Whole. He
can't participate in this conscious way even in the life of this planet, Earth.
We are looking for the return of human awareness to the Holy Place-- the whole-ly
place, the place of Wholeness. The awareness of wholeness--that is the Holy
Place. It is a place of oneness in the true character of Being, and therefore
in the true Identity of Being. In this character and in this Identity, everything
is seen as being part of the Whole--the Holy Place. Let us read part of a
verse from Revelation Chapter 21, vs. 27: "And there shall in no wise
enter into it any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination,
or maketh a lie." Anything that defileth, worketh abomination, or maketh
a lie, cannot enter into the conscious life of the Holy Place, the Whole.
When we begin to awaken in this Place, we revere everything because it is
a manifestation of Being. There is respect, reverence for everything. We know
the truth of these words: "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the
least of these my brethren, (anything), ye have done it unto me (Being)"
unto Me, the One who dwells in all things.
So gradually, we are finding this awakening process transpiring in our own
human consciousness. We know ourselves as part of the planetary Body, part
of the Cosmic Body, which is animated in its unified action by the glorious
fire at its core.
March 6, 2005