Participating In The World of Consciousness

Participating In The World of Consciousness

Alan Hammond
(There were telephone connections with Canada, England, Hawaii and Illinois)

Life is magical. What an experience it has been for us, and what an experience it still is in these human forms. The experience continues to unfold magically. At least it seems magical to the human mind, but it is very natural, very controlled, very purposeful from the divine standpoint. Part of the wonder of our experience is the opportunity we have to constantly reawaken to how life works and how we may participate in that working. We have mentioned it before, but in the creation of the human form the consciousness is really the crowning aspect of that creation. Everything that is experienced is experienced within that mechanism. And as we find our outer consciousnesses reawakening to its true design and function, we will find that the consciousness is a marvelous instrument for angelic, creative activity in the dimensions of time and space.

Most people try to manhandle their environment, whereas, although certainly there are things to be done relative to the forms in one's world, by far the most effective way of interacting and influencing those factors is through the consciousness. It is designed for that. All other life forms also have their form of consciousness and our consciousness is designed to interact with those other consciousnesses. It is at this level, a metaphysical level, where the primary interaction should be. I should interject here that in our meditation now on consciousness, we don't imagine for a moment that this is the last word on anything. This is merely letting the subject be considered in what should be an ever-expanding process of awakening.

The depleted human consciousness now looks out and sees a vast physical universe. There are billions of different physical forms. But because all physical form also has consciousness, we actually live in a vast universe of consciousness. When we meditate upon all the varieties of physical forms with their different sizes, shapes and functions, we can also meditate upon the vast variety of forms of consciousness which exist. In the physical universe there is an ecology. The physical forms are designed to interact and collaborate in the physical processes of the larger organisms to which they belong to fulfill specific purposes. It is the same in the universe of consciousness. All these different forms of consciousness are designed to collaborate and interact to harmoniously commune and communicate in order to further the purposes of the whole.

Coming back to our own experience of consciousness now, any form which appears in our consciousness is, in fact, a form of communication, and rightly, communion. Every form throughout the whole of Being is a manifestation of spirit. So when any form appears in one's consciousness, that focalization of spirit is coming for one's creative interaction. And clear interaction allows the Divine purposes to be fulfilled in that location.

I was watching television recently and there was an interesting program devoted to the research of a brain specialist. He was examining the effects of brain trauma on the consciousness of a patient. The particular phenomenon he described was that this patient was able to see objects to the left of his nose quite normally, but in the field to the right of his nose, he couldn't physically see the objects. The odd thing was that if the doctor moved an object in his blind area, he knew something had been moved even though he couldn't see it physically.

"What's that got to do with us?" you might ask. Quite a bit! Our experience of a similar phenomenon can be illustrated in our common experience of driving a car. We can be driving through heavy traffic and chatting to someone in the car. We converse away on a topic and a quarter of an hour later we arrive at our destination. If you reflect on it, we didn't physically see many of the cars, but we navigated successfully through all of them!

It's an interesting fact that the human consciousness can only focus on one thing at a time. There is only one focus of factors in any given moment. We'll come back to that point later. Obviously there are various levels of consciousness of which we can be aware. There is the physical level in which we observe physical objects. There is the mental level where ideas, thoughts, are "seen." It has been said that thoughts are things. Then there is the vibrational, or emotional level where qualities of feeling are perceived. So it is rather like being on three highways simultaneously as we drive through life.

There is an awful lot happening on each highway as we drive along. There are millions of forms at each level. There are thousands of physical forms we could look at now just in this room if we focused our attention on them. There are thousands of thoughts we could turn our minds to in this moment. There are thousands of nuances and shades of feelings we could engage with if we so decided. However in fact, we can only focus on one factor, in one level at a time. We can move the mind to any of those levels, but within that level you can only focus on one item. People have thought they could focus on a couple at a time, but they can't-the consciousness hops very quickly between one and the other. People think it's simultaneous, but it's not.

So with all these possibilities, why does your consciousness choose its focus in any moment? There is a vast range of possibility at any moment, but why do we focus upon what we focus upon? Well, in the current fallen state, the instrument of consciousness is not under the control of the Angel, the reality of one's divine Identity. Unfortunately, because of the lack of fine substance in the outer organism, the radiation from the undimensional levels of Being is somewhat distorted and partial. Thus when it moves through the consciousness the instrument is not accurate. So human beings focus on all sorts of factors which are irrelevant from the point of view of divine purpose. Distortions in someone's substance and psyche determine what distorted things they keep noticing, pulling them off course, keeping them occupied with what is fundamentally meaningless activity.

What is required is the generation of finer spiritual substance within the organism, which is achieved by the radiation of the Tone through the organism. As finer substance is generated, the radiation coming from the undimensional aspect of the Angel can direct the outer consciousness to notice what needs to be noticed, to think what needs to be thought, and to interact in the moment at whatever level is required to achieve the divine purposes. The Angel is part of the Archangel and the angelic mind is part of the Archangelic mind, part of cosmic mind. And cosmic mind is thinking and acting to achieve its purposes. We are, inherently, angelically a part of that action. By sounding the Tone we become increasingly capable in the outer sense of participating in what cosmic mind is doing through this vast universe and instrument of consciousness. What is to be achieved is being achieved, partially, through this universe of consciousness, and we begin to be consciously integrated into that level of action.

My little brain, as an individual, doesn't have to think about how to devise a plan to save the world, to save mankind or get the Earth back into alignment with the rest of the cosmos. There is a universe of consciousness already doing that. Speaking personally, for each of us, we need merely to awaken, let the consciousness be healed, made whole, re-integrated into the design of consciousness which is already existent--and move with that.

Galileo, a few centuries ago, made the discovery that the Earth was not the center of the universe. This had what one could say was a positive result inasmuch as it conveyed to the human ego that it was not the center of the universe after all! However, and paradoxically, Galileo's discovery is also a very good example of how the human consciousness, separated from the angelic Identity, jumps to wrong conclusions. Because in fact, Being, I Am, is at the center of the physical universe. The segregated human consciousness has tended to segregate the physical universe from that which animates the physical universe which is Being-which is not just a disembodied being, it is an Identity. I Am is the name of that Identity. And I Am part of that one I Am, aren't we? The undimensional Identity of Being, I Am, is at the core of the physical universe. "I am at the center of my world"--we can each say that. Our outer consciousness originates from an Identity. It didn't just happen. It isn't a disembodied consciousness. If there is a creation, there is a Creator; there is an Identity at the core, back of each of our consciousnesses. I Am, and I have this consciousness.

In the dimensions of space and time everything is constantly moving at every level-at the physical level, at the mental level, and the vibrational level. Everything in time and space moves. It is one of the characteristics of the dimension. But the experience of stillness is also possible in our consciousness--the knowing of something which is constant. Our bodies change, get older, but we say, "I feel much the same inside. It is still me in here." There is certainly an awareness of the presence of that which is unchanging, still, indeed eternal-although the outer mind may not be quite sure of that point. There is something there that doesn't change, and this awareness in the outer consciousness relates to the undimensional aspect of Being. It is the Self, in fact. It is the undimensional in the midst of that which is ever-moving and changing. A philosopher once posed the question, "Which would win in a contest-the immovable object or the irresistible force?" We can meditate on that. Of course, the truth of the matter is that the undimensional aspect of Being is the immovable object from which proceeds the irresistible force. They are one, in fact. This is who we are. We are each an aspect of that one Being and its power.

We've experienced in our current lives that time and space seem to be shrinking. We've rehearsed many times that modern inventions appear to be the cause of this phenomenon. It is a paradox because if you can travel farther, faster, and if you can do things more quickly, you should have more time. But strangely, the experience in consciousness is of shrinking space and shrinking time. Now behind this experience is a spiritual process. It is the coming of the undimensional more vividly into the dimensions of time and space, so that the undimensional increasingly pervades the experience of consciousness. The undimensional consciousness brings more vividly into time and space the experience of now, and here. Ultimately of course, where I Am is always here and it is always now. Being is now eternally, and here everywhere.

What is emerging in our and in the human psyche in general (though the majority is not conscious of it yet) is the emergence of a totally different state! It is not describable, but it can be experienced. The segregated experience of time and space is becoming reintegrated with the undimensional quality of Being. That will produce a totally different experience of Being. Time and space as we have known it, will disappear. In Revelation it says, "there should be time no longer." With our present consciousness we cannot speculate as to what that new state would be. But the old experience of decay and death (which is a sadly incomplete one), will be eliminated as the undimensional and eternal level consciously pervades the dimensions of time and space.

We are aware that it is not manipulation of the consciousness or of external factors that is required to experience the new state. What is required is the radiation of the Tone, that beautiful, strong, wholly creative character which we are, and which ultimately everything is. We let our Presence radiate. Radiation of the Tone accomplishes everything that needs to be accomplished. It gets stepped down in its manifestation as it is translated into thinking, feeling and acting, but fundamentally the Tone is the overriding, qualitative, governing factor. As we live our lives in the Tone, we let the Tone clarify distorted thoughts, feelings and actions. We do this moment by moment.

There are lines of force in the tonal radiation which actually open the way for our personal path in the design of living. If the radiation is moving clearly (and it will be increasingly clear as we keep moving ever more consciously with the process), the lines of force will move certain people or circumstances to one side, and will draw others towards us. Within the course of the day we begin to more consciously feel our way through the surrounding circumstances, "seeing" where we should go, with whom we should speak, because those lines of force are coordinated with the lines of force emerging through the whole of Being. It is not just one's own isolated little life. We are part of the Lord's unified kingdom.

As that Tone shines through us, from us, we notice consciously what we should notice and we interact with that feeling, with that thought, with that object, with that person, with that circumstance--because that is what the whole has brought into our consciousness. How significant then is whatever comes to focus in consciousness! The Archangel has brought it to our attention to be consciously interacted with in that moment. We thereby play our part in this vast multi-dimensional design of Being. What more thrilling, creative adventure could we conceive of? But we don't have to conceive of it-it will continue to unfold. This is what heaven is like, and this is what we are bringing again into human consciousness.

November 18, 2001

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