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National Take-Your-Daughter-to-Work Day- April 27, 2000

Dad thought of having Allison sit around and listen to talk about vorticity, quasi-geostrophy and other such words that make everyone's eyes glaze over, but instead Allison opted to just visit Dad at work.
Let's just delete this file called "Thesis.doc"
Emailing the Commander-in-Chief
...Integrate the quasi-geostrophic omega equation over 2pi and carry the 1...
...F=Ma, F=fd...
Allison goes to work with mom for the entire evening shift.
Checking availibility
Making a room key
Checkig the printer for reservations
Filing a reservation
Setting up for breakfast
Refilling the sugar at the coffee station
Checking to make sure there's enough butter and bread
Lots of filing goes on in this place. Although Allison enjoyed both mom and dads jobs, she says she's got her heart set on being a Veternarian.

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