Thy have asked in your minds,
"What are these who speak to us?"

And we shall answer in this manner:

for the spirits who should enter
and become one,
and therefore, become your Messiah
and ours,
have asked unto our Lord to send those
who stood beside them before
to prepare a way....

But remember,
no man shall know of heaven
that does not know of earth,
and no man shall know of earth
that does not know of heaven.

But we say
unto thee,

why should you believe the words
we speak of your earthly things
and not believe these things
we speak unto thee of heaven,
as thy would call it?

And you say unto us,
"Are they angels?"
"Are they archangels?"
And we should say unto thee,
these are words of yours.

But we should answer in this manner,
we stand in pure light
before our Father
and yours.
We have found it necessary to speak
in your tongue,
of your language.

But go forward;
bear this yoke of love,
and our Father shall reward
into each of thee
in thy own way.

Aka, March 3, 1972

And for the coming
of the eternal peace on earth,
our work and our coming has happened
in many places upon thy earth.

Spiritual messengers of God,
May 21,1970

For we do not come to one people alone,
but to all the people and all the children of God;
therefore, give glory unto God
and God should give glory into all His children.

Aka, April 14, 1972

We are not great,
we are but messengers of God,
and we are here to prepare a way.
For there shall be a thousand years of peace
upon thy earth,
but not as thy would count,
but as God would count.

And the time grows near that
the Messiah shall be known to thee;
therefore, sometimes we should be,
or seem to be, impatient
in our search for souls.

Aka, June 16, 1970

For he should come to lead you through
your thousand years of peace upon your earth.

The spirit was left that
it may flow through all mankind.
As we have said before,
we have come
but for one purpose,
and that is for
the preparation
for the coming
of the

To listen to the voice of
the spiritual messengers
of God speaking
these words,
click on
the star.


And we say unto you,
all of you,
open your door
that we might enter,
and therefore,
there can be a place
prepared within each of you
for his coming.

But from a mother's womb,
so shall he be born.
Look within your
Book of Revelation
and you shall see....

We have come
not to change the Laws,
but to fulfill
the prophecies of the same.

We have come
not to change that
that was given within Moses' time.
We have come not to change that
that was given unto Isaiah.
We have come not to change that
that was given
and the gift
that was given,
in the one known
as Jesus.


But hark unto these words –
we have come for this time.

We have come from those
who should make their entry.
We have come from those
who did say unto our Father,
"Send those
who know You best
to prepare a way
for our coming,
our Father's word
should not be

Spiritual messengers of God,
December 29, 1972




We come
as the peacemakers.
Fear not
that thy should feel
our presence.

Open thy hearts
that we may enter,
and thy days of anguish
shall be over,
for we shall fill thy cup,
and therefore,
a Rose shall grow
without thorns.

May 4, 1973



before thy sleep,
if thy would think on our name,
think of God,
a message
shall come to thee.

Aka, spiritual messengers of God,
June 12, 1970


"In very truth

I tell you,

he who receives

any messenger of mine

receives me;

receiving me,

he receives the One who sent me."

(John 13:20)


and you will receive."

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