This instruction is from the Book of Angels, Rings, Characters and Images of the Planets, attributed to Osbern Bokenham, J. G. Lidaka translation. It outlines a method of magic utilizing the well-known "magic squares" associated with the planets, where the square is constructed of some certain material and used after the manner of a talisman. Often as not, the device is constructed and used more offensively than defensively (as is typical with talismanic magic in general.) No specific consecration is mentioned. Of the Sun it is written:
The figure of the Sun is appropriated for kings and princes of this world, and it is square and has a grid of six, and it is the figure of total power. When you wish to do magic with it, see when the Sun is in its exaltation in its hour in the 5th degree of Aries, and take 6 drams of gold and make from them a round, thin plate on the day and hour of the Sun. Suffumigate it with saffron, wash it with rose water in which is musk and ambrosia, and wrap it in saffron-colored silk, and carry it with you. You will then always be continually happy and lucky in all, and you will prevail in whatever you seek, And that is the secret.
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