LATE HARVEST (SAMHAIN) The following ritual is adapted from a number of Neopagan Samhain or Hallomas rituals and does not follow the House of Sacrifice formula. Its twin purposes is to act as a memorial for those who have passed from this life and to remind the participants of the ever-turning Wheel and the parts that they too must play out in its course. Calendar time: Nov 1 or so. Recommended velocia or planetary time: Monday or Saturday, Velocia of Water. Color charges, tools, special notes: Violet with yellow trim ought to predominate. A large Ankh Cross or other symbol associated with the mysteries of Death and Rebirth should be present, as should a candle and a silver bell. Place from which to start: The point of the moon is preferred, but this may easily be held anywhere, with or without a magickal link. If a magickal link is used, this would be an excellent opportunity to "dance the glyph" in the manner of a balanced circumambulation beginning and ending in Luna. Method of circumambulation: none required LATE HARVEST (The ankh is attached to a pole which allows it to be thrust into the ground at about the level of the head or a bit higher, at about the center of the working space. There is a basket filled with sweet cakes and an amount of red wine (or absinthe) sufficient for a toast. Celebrants gather in a circle around it, facing outwards, each holding an empty cup.) Battery: 4-1-4 where they are given in a manner of ascending, then descending tempo, slow to fast to slow again. Voice #1: "Here there is great mystery--isn't that always the way?" Voice #2 and others: "Tell us." "Speak of the mystery" "Yes, tell us." Voice #1: "It is a puzzle. Here today, gone tomorrow, we are no different from the waving grasses or the passing stars in the sky. Yet we dream the Big Dream. We awake in a fury of star-fire and fall to the mud only to rise and crawl, later to walk, then to hurtle headlong down this blood-spattered way. Our feet stride the centuries…" Voice #2 (or any another): "How many centuries?" Voice #1: "As many as it takes to learn…" Voice #2 (or any other): "Learn what?" Voice #1: "That we must bow unto others to conquer ourselves. That we must serve in order to exalt, die in order to truly live." (silence for a pace) "Behold the mystery…" (All turn to face inwards. The candle is lit by its bearer, then held up such that it illuminates the Ankh) "In hoc signo vinces! Let us give thanks that we are allowed to participate in this Great Mystery, that our souls were judged worthy to continue onward, running to take the Light. And let us remember the names of those who've gone before, honoring them in our hearts heedless that our own might never be so honored." (A short silence, the candle is lowered, then extinguished. Sweet cakes and wine are passed among the circle. When all the glasses have been filled, a silent toast is made raising the glasses to the Ankh, clicking all together in the customary manner. The contents are drunk and the cakes are eaten without a word. Battery: 3-5-3 (All depart without looking back, the last one taking the sign of the ankh down from its staff, which may just as well be left in place, if desired. None should speak until well away.)
(From the Book of the Glyph.)
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