Giordano Bruno's Images
of the Decans of the Houses of the Horoscope
and of the Signs of the Zodiac


First image: Someone laying a foundation; and others, with sticks, driving sheep to and from a nearby gushing spring.

Second image: A man sitting at a table; and his wife giving birth, with two midwives beside her.

Third image: A naked woman turning a wheel, having a bandage over her eyes, standing on a globe, beneath which water flows back and forth.


First image: Two slaves carrying vessels of silver, gems and gold.

Second image: A man digging up a treasure-cave away from which runs a naked, little old woman, who is extremely thin.

Third image: A man, one of Vulcan's craftsmen [a blacksmith], dark-complexioned with curly hair, getting on with his work, near whom stands a well-dressed little black boy, with a gold crown in his hand.


First image: A likeness of Castor and Pollux, standing on an altar, on the middle of which is burning a fire.

Second image: Members of a household departing, taking their goods with them; sad of countenance and silent.

Third image: A hermit wearing a hair-shirt, with a book in his hand, behind whom is a fierce-looking image of Mars.


First image: An elderly man with his wife, a little old woman, gazing in wonder at the bones of corpses, which are strewn about amongst gold.

Second image: A beautiful woman, holding in her left hand a globe of the earth, having on her head a crown in the shape of a tower; and in her right hand a sceptre, with which she seems to be digging up the earth.

Third image: A man standing before a sepulchre which is surrounded by an iron fence; and nearby a bull eating hay.


First image: A hoary man, with a long beard, escorted by two daughters, distributing gifts to his friends; who is followed by two lepers.

Second image: A man with his eyes fixed on a book and, approaching him, a courier clothed in white, wearing a close-fitting green cap.

Third image: A man with his wife, or some other woman, sitting at a table. He is kissing her and drinking her health.


First image: Someone ill, lying on the ground, beside whom stands a skinny dog, barking at him with a gruff voice.

Second image: A woman in the garments of a queen, the train of whose robes is held up by a Moorish boy; going before her are two handmaidens dancing, with garlands in their hands.

Third image: A man having in his left hand an orb, and in his right, an unsheathed sword, with someone walking before him.


First image: Two men fighting with unsheathed swords; with coffins standing nearby, among which a young man is reading a letter.

Second image: A beautiful youth and a maiden crowned with flowers, who are kissing each other. An elderly man is uniting them.

Third image: An armed man, who is followed by someone who looks like a thief carrying merchandise.


First image: A naked woman, very withered, before whom lepers flee; there are storms and lightnings from the sky.

Second image: One like Sisyphus, leaning against an enormous boulder, which is rolling down a mountain; who is followed by a woman with head and face veiled and clad in a dark cloak.

Third image: A countryman carrying fruit and leading a fox, which is bound by a light chain.


First image: A very beautiful woman, clad in green garments and wearing a golden crown, having on her right a heavenly chariot, from whose face brilliance pours down.

Second image: A man bowing down praying, with his hands joined together and lifted over his head, in front of an altar, on which a sacrificial victim is being consumed by fire.

Third image: A maiden with a globe of the heavens in her left hand and a mirror in her right, clad in sky-coloured garments and wearing glowing shoes.


First image: A king sitting on a throne, near him counsellors seated together; several people are bowing down before him.

Second image: A devout person is seated in an arm-chair, which is supported by the likeness of a woman blowing a great trumpet.

Third image: A bronze column on which is a golden, naked king; and the likeness of a priest standing with his hands stretched apart.


First image: A beautiful, naked woman adorned with jewels and having a golden head with necklaces of shining carbuncles and pearls around her neck, carrying a quiver and bow of gold.

Second image: An army, crowded together, carrying treasure.

Third image: An aged king, walking with measured pace, clad in his royal robes, who is followed by a bare-headed boy clad in tawny ankle-length garments, who is carrying the royal crown in his hands.


First image: A man caressing a friend with one hand and having a sharpened knife hidden in the other; near them is a little old woman dozing before a fire.

Second image: An ox feeding and nearby a yoke and a saddle.

Third image: A man beating his naked breast with a stone; and beside him a man in a rage breaking a clay vase in pieces and spilling oil on the ground.


In the first face of Aries is a man with a radiant black complexion, of immense stature, with burning eyes and a grave countenance, standing clothed in a dazzling white garment.

In the second face is a woman, not unattractive, wearing a white tunic, and over that a cloak dyed in truly imperial purple. Her hair hangs freely and is crowned with laurel.

In the third face stands a man with reddish hair, wearing ruddy clothing; with a bridle in his left hand, wearing a bracelet and carrying a hardwood walking staff in his right hand. Restless and wrathful, his face shows a longing for wealth which he can neither obtain nor hang on to.


In the first face of Taurus is someone naked, ploughing, wearing a hat of woven straw, of dark complexion, followed by a rustic or a woman sowing seed.

In the second face is someone naked, wearing a crown, and wielding a club or bearing keys, with a golden girdle over the shoulder and carrying a sceptre in the left hand.

In the third face is a man holding a serpent in his left hand and in his right hand a spear or an arrow. Before him is a fire-pot and a large jar of water.


In the first face of Gemini is a man dressed as a slave, holding a green branch in his right hand. On his face is a happy, even jocular expression.

In the second face, there is one watering and preparing the earth. Next to him is a naked piper, who is dancing about and turning somersaults.

In the third face is a stupid-looking fool holding a shin-bone in his right hand and a sparrow in his left hand; and next to him an angry man waving a stick.


In the first face of Cancer is a crowned woman who is luxuriously dressed. She is holding an olive branch in her right hand and a drinking cup in her left hand.

In the second face are a man and a woman sitting at a table, playing a game. In front of the man are different kinds of clothing; in front of the woman are gold and silver vessels.

In the third face is a sportsman with dogs running before and after him. He carries a horn and a sling, He is hunting birds and blowing his horn.


In the first face of Leo is a man of ruddy complexion, who wears saffron garments and a crown of gold. He is riding a lion and holding a rooster in his right hand.

In the second face is a woman, walking backwards and forwards in the heavens with her hands outstretched. Near her, is a man wielding a drawn sword and carrying a great shield, ready for vengeance.

In the third face is one wearing a leather purse or carrying a whip. He has a sad countenance and is downcast and miserable. Following behind him is a youth dressed in white.


In the first face is a maiden, crowned with flowers and wearing green, flowing garments. A man scatters flowers and leafy branches before her.

In the second face is a negro wearing leather, with a purse in his hand. He wears his cloak with the hood thrown back.

In the third face is an old man supported on two walking staffs. He has uncombed hair hanging down over his face; his beard is straggling and he is wearing dark brown or dark grey garments.


The first face of Libra shows a man examining a book, holding a dagger or a stylus in his right hand. He has the look of one being led to the slaughter.

In the second face, two people are arguing and causing a disturbance before a seated tribunal, who each have two rods, one stretched out in the right hand, one uplifted in the left.

In the third face is a war-like archer, who is followed by a man carrying bread in his hand and a goblet of wine; and a naked man goes before them.


In the first face of Scorpio is a beautiful woman, clad in the finest garments, by whom two angry young men are being railed at alternately with jeering words to go away.

In the second face is a naked woman with a tail, and two naked men with tails. One of them stands proudly before the woman. The other lies on the ground, playing with a dog.

In the third face is a man with his back bared and holding his feet with his hands, being beaten by a woman.


In the first face of Sagittarius is a fully armoured man, holding a shield in his left hand and flourishing in his right hand a sword, before whom the ground shakes unceasingly.

In the second face is a sad woman, wearing mourning, carrying a boy on one arm and leading another by the hand.

In the third face is a man lying on the ground waving a staff about wildly, with a pale face and filthy clothing. There is a pig beside him, rooting at a bale of hay.


In the first face of Capricorn is a man in merchant's garb with a face both ugly and sad. He is followed by a young man dancing and clapping his hands.

In the second face is a man throwing a javelin at a dove flying above; and two women embracing a single man.

In the third face is a maiden wearing white, crushing beneath her feet a small fox; and reading a book.


In the first face of Aquarius is the father of a family and his wife, with thoughtful countenances. He has a counting stone in his hand; and she holds a colander.

In the second face is a man wearing the clothes of a counsellor, seated and holding in his hand a small piece of paper with reminders on it. From his very long chin hangs a beard and he seems to have a severe countenance.

In the third face is an angry youth whose faced is inflamed with rage. His hands are raised as if to strike; his fingers are twisted.


In the first face of Pisces is someone carrying all his possessions and looking earnestly for a new dwelling place. He is followed by his wife, who is carrying a three-legged stool and a long staff.

In the second face is a man dressed as though for work, with bare arms, with a lively bearing and with a happy countenance.

In the third face is a youth deeply in love, entwined with a girl; and close by them a pair of Juno's birds wrestling with each other.

© 1991 Society of Guardians.

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