Statement of Commitment, application for Affiliate Lodge Status.


1.  	We swear that all members of the lodge are over 18 years of age and 
		assure that all future members will be also.

2.	We intend to study the materials put forth by the organization Companions
		of the Glyph, but understand we are not bound to purchase any other
		materials.  We realize that there are some materials available only to Affiliate 
		Lodges in good standing.

3.	We understand that we are expected to contribute as much material as
		possible to the archives of the Glyph project, in all relevant formats, including
		electronic. We understand that the suggested cash donation for an Affiliate
		lodge is $50/year, and know that a variety of arrangements can be made to
		honor such a contribution by donations in kind (such as web-space, phonecards
		or other barter).  We will keep in touch with other Companions, especially those
		those in the Prime Lodge, to whom we will present a quarterly report of no set
4. 	We understand that our Affiliate Lodge is not required to attend any functions 
		or meetings of other lodges, be they the Prime Lodge, Grand Lodge or others,
		but are nonetheless welcome to all events and meetings of all other 
		Companions, with suitable notice.  Likewise, we accept the company of other
		Companions with suitable notice.  We agree to submit any grievances in this
		regard to the Grand lodge for arbitartion under the bylaws of the organization. 

5.	We agree to support and defend the Glyph project from all ill use whether from 
		without or from within, and to hold all other Companions harmless for whatever
		may transpire, unless specifically detailed by the laws of our State and Nation. 
		We understand that we operate under the tax codes and other statutes relevant 
		to the operation of fraternal organizations and aggree to honor them. To that end,
		we agree to adopt by-laws and articles of incorporation as required by the state 
		under whose jurisdiction we fall.
6.	We understand that we are committed to whatever personal, moral, intellectual 
		or spiritual growth our endeavors may provide.  We will endeavour to craft our 
		art upon the landscape of our choosing and to honor it by what methods
		we choose, subject to all local, state and federal laws.  

7.	We understand that Affiliate Lodge status will bring bring our lodge directly under the 
		legal auspices of the Companions of the Glyph, as soon as the Group exemption
		letter is granted.  I understand that it is the responsibility of all lodges to donate
		funds towards this neccesary fee and that the accompanying $50 fee is applied to 
		just that.  We further agree to elect, appoint or otherwise authorize one member of
		our lodge to serve as representative to the Grand lodge.  We have examined all 
		materials accompanying this application, particularly the bylaws and agree to 
		abide by them.
8. 	We understand that our lodge can be disbanded by vote of the Grand Lodge if
		circumstances warrant.

signed by the petitioner:___________________________________Dated:_______ 

and witnessed by: ________________________________
			 and by: ________________________________