09July99--posted Glyphilm script update.
10July99--added Elemental workings and changed Secret area into new directory.
11July99--corrected errors in the processes of the night before.
14July99--Added new materials re: elemental sigils with illustrations.
17July99--added Qabalah links section.
18July99--added essay: Saturn in Da'ath
28July99--added chart for elemental workings of that date.
04Aug99--Added Paracelsus links to netoolz section plus added relevant sections of Coelum Philsophorum to the various planetary pages. Added Arabic information for planet names. Conceived of 12-fold site for zodiacal info, aimed at being a study guide supplement.
23AUG98--Updated script for Documentary and placed Mansions of the Moon.
7SEP99--Added Etruscan religious data to the Divine Heptarchy
27SEP99--Added Book of the Glyph Link to EFN site
01OCT99--Revamped and updated site, reorganizing links
10OCT99--added Crowley's planetary magick series to heptarchy
12OCT99--added Reiki links and concieved of page detailing chakras via a clickable map .gif, not unlike the zodiac, tol project of the heptarchy
20OCT99--added Tarot workup.
28OCT99-7NOV99--added order section and linked out to specs section.
17NOV99-removed Staples ad, as per Geocities' request.
03FEB00 or so--removed all Llewellyn copy from site, pending decision to discontinue with them.
12FEB00--added site map. Noted some MF links are down, as they once went off site. Need to reestablish and reupload these articles to our site.
18feb00?--fixed MF links
17APR00--added almanac.zip freeware program to net tools section, updated Glyphest info.
19APR00--Updated broken links in Michael Freedman Memorial Archive and emailed Jean so that mine would ring through to his site.
20APR00--fixed broken link in Michael Freedman Memorial Archive and added four or five more links from Jean's site.
29APR00--fixed most of the Orphic Hymns links, which were broken.
20MAY00--fixed hopefully the last of the broken Michael Freedman links and uploaded a brief sketch of an idea for musical accompaniment called "Music and Visualization" in the private archives.
30MAY00--discovered and fixed hopefully the last of the broken Michael Freedman links, added links to more essays supplied to us by Jean d.Cabilis
04SEP00--added link for DR Glass, included pic of Hope Abbey, set up astrolog and horary programs as downloadable zips (seeing as how that German site can't seem to keep them in place). Checked Qabalah links and replaced those that are not working. Added the Johfra Gallery
09SEP00--added "The Glyph Link" (a magickal link)to archives and private area.
29OCT00--added the Tree of Life project.
23JAN01--added moon phase calculator.
24JUL01--added links for on-line astrological instruction sites.
23AUG01--added new A.S. links, changed front end.
30OCT01--added we.htm, as a project over-view sort of page.
22DEC01--Glyph closed in its 5th year.
24MAR02--Glyph opened in its 6th year.
22JUN02--Glyphest 4
26jul02--updated all pages relevant to the official connection of some members of the Companions of the Glyph to the Order Aurum Solis as per request of the Administrator General. See details at http://geocities.com/athens/atrium/6331/as.htm
11DEC02--uploaded "An Allegory" from PRAXIS; The Second Book of the Glyph
12May04--attached moon phase calculator to front page