Not all people have heard of Reiki or Qi Guong, despite the incredible press both subjects have received in recent years. Both are Eastern methods of energy work, Reiki being aimed principally at healing others and Qi Guong being a form of martial art in the the same sense as Tai Ch'i. As Fate would have it, every one of the Glyph magicians involved with this product at it's inception are Reiki trained, 1st degree through Master. About half are either Chi Guong certified or on their way there. This being the case, there is a certain bias among us regarding the use and function of the Glyph--but how does that affect our practice in the more Western ways?
There is a statement that keeps coming from the mouths of many Chi Guong masters: "You must make a Western Qi Guong." There already is a Western Qi Guong. Buried under a few centuries of prejudice and accusations of heresy (scientific and religious) there's a plethora of previously occult techniques aimed at manipulating the Body of Light and of more refined healing arts. Consider that in the Fama Fraternitatis ad Rosae Crucis (the 1614 pamplet announcing the existence of those who would later be called Rosicrucians) it is written:
When now these eight brethren had disposed and ordered all things in such manner, as there was not now need of any great labour, and also that everyone was sufficiently instructed, and able perfectly to discourse of secret and manifest philosophy, they would not remain any longer together, but as in the beginning they had agreed, they separated themselves into several countries, because that not only their Axiomata might in secret be more profoundly examined by the learned, but that they themselves, if in some country or other they observed anything, or perceived some error, they might inform one another of it. Their agreement was this: First, That none of them should profess any other thing than to cure the sick, and that gratis.
From this initial report forward, numerous others have gathered under the general banners of "Rosicrucian", "Theosophic" and "Spiritualist" stripe, all of characters ranging from the historically likely to the amusingly absurd. It is just possible to sift out the root collection of techniques until one can find the diamonds among the veritable miles of rough. Even so, the picture is incomplete and will remain so until more progress is made in this near-wilderness.. We count our research on the Glyph Project to be firm steps in the direction of mapping it for the benefit of those who are yet to come to this place.
Four excellent Reiki sites: Four excellent Qi Guong sites:This page is part of The Companions of the Glyph Website.