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ICQ# :9326749

Hello and thank you for spending time visiting my home page !!
You won't be sorry !!

First of all, let me briefly introduce myself :
I'm a 22 years old Lebanese male living in the capital, Beirut.
I have just finished with my Electrical Engineering studies at the American University of Beirut and I am now headed to the French capital city, Paris, to fulfill a Masters in Management at the ESCP-EAP.

Besides engineering (which is by the way not one of my favorite hobbies), I also like old French music that includes performers like Jacques Brel, Barbara, Georges Brassens
Edith Piaf... and some more contemporary ones such as Matmatah, Louise Attaque, Renaud* and Georges moustaki.

* :For those interested, a new Mailing list concerning Renaud is being implemented with the help of some pen-friends: All you have to do is visit the Renaud Mailing List Site and follow the necessery mentioned steps.

For those not so oriented into French music, I also happen to enjoy listening to performers emmerging from the music wonder years of the 60's and 70's such as Bob Dylan, Eric Clapton, Janice Joplin, Don McLean ... 
I also enjoy spending time reading, mostly books written by the famous former Tchekoslovak writer Milan Kundera (which is by the way my nick both on Mirc and on Icq ) which includes great "Chefs-d'oeuvres" like the so-famous "Unbearable lightness of being" and "L'immortalite" and those not so famous such as "La lenteur", "La vie est ailleurs"...
I also enjoy reading Georges Orwell, poems written by Pablo Neruda, Louis Aragon...

Let's stop this intellectual jargon and return back to where we left :
As mentioned above, my full name is Serge Chehab and I live in Beirut capital of Lebanon, in a country where, as I think you all know, has seen it all for the last Twenty years and is beginning to get his freedom back due to the recent evacuation of Israeli troups from his South.

Enough on that !!
What I still haven't told you is how I am physically : I am about 1.94 meters high for an average weight of 110 kilos (No it's not too much !!!), blond hair, blue eyes, big nose (Yeah, well nobody  is perfect :) which reminds me of a saying that states: "If nobody is perfect than I must be nobody". Cute isn't it ?!)
In fact, I've inserted some pics of me and some friends that you could explore while clicking on the page specially reserved for that purpose.
What I haven't mentioned yet is the fact that I am a heavy "Gauloises"( by the way that's my alternative nick on Mirc ) smoker and that I am trying my best to quit but... in vain !!
So please, if you have any ideas for quitting send me your feedback to the address below :)

From what I've mentioned above -the fact that I'm not exactly what they call a "small guy"
and the fact that I smoke a lot- you would most probably have got the idea that I am not so much into sports !! Well, that's where you're wrong :
In fact, although I'm not practicing a lot for the last five years or so, I consider myself as a "passive" omnisports fan; which means that I really enjoy participating in the sports events while sitting on my couch, if you know what I mean.
I'm am  a big fan of French football, specially the French capital team Paris St Germain that I've been following for some time now.
In fact if you are a fan of the above mentioned team, please send your feedback to this address in order to become a permanent member of the club's official mailing list.
Also, you can now visit the official site of the Lebanese Paris St Germain Fan Club we newly implemented, Kop Phenicien , and get in touch with everything interesting that is happening, both in Paris and in Beirut.

You'll also find some interesting links to sports' world on the page specially reserved for that and other interesting links.

So, basically that's all I have to say for now about myself.
Don't quit just yet :There's other interesting pages to discover !!



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