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Mission Statement:
The brothers of
FBS are the fraternity's most valuable resource and strength. They are the primary means by which FBS objectives will be achieved.

Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.

The History of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Incorporated

Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. was founded at Howard University in Washington, DC. January 9th, 1914 by three young black men; Most Honorable Big Brother A. Langston Taylor, Most Honorable Big Brother Leonard F. Morse, and Most Honorable Big Brother Charles I. Brown. They wanted to organize a Greek-letter fraternity that would truly exemplify the high ideals of brotherhood, scholarship and service.

Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. has grown into an international organization of leaders, embracing some 150,000 dedicated brothers in all walks of life, in more than 700 chapters across Africa, the U.S., Europe and the Carribean. No longer a single entity, the fraternity has now established the Phi Beta Sigma Educational Foundation, Inc. and the Phi Beta Sigma Federal Credit Union (to build financial equity within our target communities). Through our three National Programs: Bigger and Better Business, Education, and Social Action, Phi Beta Sigma strives for and demands the highest personal development for our people.

History of the Alpha Sigma Sigma Chapter: aka "The OverSeer's"

The Alpha Sigma Sigma Chapter charter was officially established on the 21st day of February A.D. 1953 in Hempstead, Texas. It served as the advising graduate chapter to the "Dangerous" Delta Theta Chapter, the undergraduate chapter on the Prairie View A&M University campus. In 1985 Alpha Sigma Sigma became inactive due to members accepted employment in other cities. It was not until 1995 that six brothers revived the Alpha Sigma Sigma chapter, they were:

Bro. Dr. Frank T. Hawkins
Bro. Charles E. Crockett
Bro. Monson L. Durham
Bro. Carl A. Taylor
Bro. Nathaniel C. Jones
Bro. DonAntonio Williams

Now the Alpha Sigma Sigma Chapter is alive and growing stronger with new members, and a deeper sense of purpose. Add to that the fact that Alpha Sigma Sigma is run by young brothers with the guidance of some of Phi Beta Sigma's prominent old school brothers. Alpha Sigma Sigma has expanded its advising responsibilities to include the "Almighty" Alpha Lambda Alpha Chapter at Texas A&M University. Thus Alpha Sigma Sigma has been dubbed "The OverSeer's" of "The Sigma Two-Faced Chapters".

Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc
Alpha Sigma Sigma Chapter
P.O. Box 2609
Prairie View, Texas 77446
Prairie View A&M University
Email:pbs_alpha sigma_sigma@yahoo.com