We are in the new millennium, with new hopes, new plans, and a new spirit of cooperation!
    We continue to baby-sit Ryan and Ciara and since they are much grown up, it is more interesting to do so. Ryan is going to Kindergarten and enjoying every moment of it. Ciara is willing to go to pre-school but she is too young yet.

  Here are some photos!

    My wife Antonia and I, are now senior citizens of this wonderful U.S.A.
    We came here in 1961, became citizens in Colorado in 1968 and we have
spent our life working, studying, and enjoying the many entertainment opportunities
of Colorado.

   The Gyorkos and Morlas families, posing on Jan. 1-2000
From left to right in front row: Al, Ciara, Liz, and Ryan Gyorkos;
in the back: Antonia and Gabino Morla.

[gyorkos] [boat]
Our son-in-law Albert Gyorkos and our daughter
Elizabeth. San Diego,summer 1998.
   The Gyorko's boat named: 'Paradise.' We have enjoyed many
weekends with them in the boat, while water skying, etc.

    From left to right: Antonia, Gabino, Liz. Front: Ciara (4 years, 9 months old), Ryan ( six years old)


[boythn]     To see Boyden's Colorado Vacation, click on its picture.
[XmasTN]     To see our Christmas '99, please click on its picture.
[disney-99]     To see our visit to Disney World and Epcot Center
    on February 1999, please click on its picture.
[lakeTN]     To see our vacation at Lake Powell on May 1999,
    please click on its picture.


* Vedanta philosophy, Chistianity, Buddhism, Raja Yoga, etc.
* Organic gardening.
* Nutrition, Psychic Healing, Herbal remedies, Alternative Medicine.
* Natal Astrology and progressions.
* Divination, prophecies, Tarot reading, etc.
* Computer technology, multimedia, etc.
* Home Page Design. Picture enhancement.


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