Something's happening...

The nothing that this something was is only all that it could ever be
if it became a nothing again, for the first time...

And the end for the night, which had only just begun a second ago in the forever-away, had started as the stars, which never were and had only just been, suddenly got quiet from the talking of all their births and deaths of all the many ages just a breath before... a silence after the shining and dancing of all time so that they could share in the grasses' dark shadows, gaining the dewiness of beaded lights on a chirping grey morning, which was the first of its kind after years and years of each morning like it before.

The first quiet of the first sound, the first light of the first dark, and the first dream in the first waking... at last, the vision of Man the Child, our father of ago.

This morning was special in its onliness after the hush, after the clamor of stars, after the night, into creation from nothing so that the heart
of nothing could be achieved again...

And First Man laid back onto the earth as his body rose
from the dirt undulating under his arms.

At the point where his head rested down, all kinds of teacher-plants grew, herbs for the trance and the flight and the dream. A spring at his heart, flowing through the land. At his groin, the stones to found a home, a family, a relationship, and a marking. And the first yearling-rings
of tree trunks at each beautiful eye.

And the blush of dawn creapt over the land to find the man,
and then it would be begun...

this is me
This is me... this is my Dreaming... here is where I'll be laying out the Medicine Wheel as it was envisioned for me, by me, as my life path.

Constructing the Medicine Wheel with the Creator
Go on to my next page and see the events of that first day when First Man and the Creator woke together in a newly-dreamed world. Here the first steps are made to construct the original medicine wheel of teaching and living and every joy as we commune on this planet... come on, grab a stone, and let's walk together a while :) ~Sun Mountain Eagle

Links to other sites I like, so maybe you can check 'em out too *smile*:
A Peek at Bilerico
My roommate Bil's website - everything from tattoos to the Heralds of Valdemar!

The Rainbow Traveler
My roommate Rogers's website. It's devoted to a character he writes about - full of poems and stories.

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