Welcome to Amargon's Web Page!

~What does "Amargon" stand for?~

Hi, I'm Krista.

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Although it is continually under construction, my page contains items regarding my life, my friends, my family, my poetry, writings, opinions, Christianity, and my high school.

Email me at amargon@hotmail.com in the meantime.
Please come back soon and visit me when more of my page is here.

Read Some of My Poetry

Pictures and Astronomy Gallery

My Page of Quotes

Bible Studies and My Opinions

Visit some neat links!

Spanish Journal

Who Am I?
My Creed
500 Q&A's

My Teen Fellowship (church youth group) homepage

~The only way to deal with absurdity is to recognize it. --Judith Guest~
~People are like icebergs; one seventh visible and operative, and the rest just so much protoplasmic energy, seething around under there looking for a target to funnel toward. --Judith Guest~

pictures & astronomy gallery bible studies, opinions, anecdotes Who Am I?
My Creed 500 Q&A's Spanish Journal
Song Lyrics quotes email me!
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