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Variable/Attribute Assignment Format

variable= declare variable and set it to null
typeset variable= declare variable and set it to null. If used within a function, then a local variable is declared.
variable=value assign value to variable
typeset variable=value assign value to variable. If used within a function, then a local variable is declared.
typeset –attribute variable=value assign attribute and value to variable
typeset –attribute variable assign attribute to variable
typeset +attribute variable remove attribute from variable (except readonly)

Variable/Attribute Listing Format

typeset –attribute display a list of variable names and their values that have attribute set
typeset +attribute display a list of variable names that have attribute set


Variables can have one or more attributes that specify their internal representation, scope, or the way they are displayed.

Variable Attribute Assignment Format

typeset –H variable Set UNIX to host-name file mapping for non-UNIX systems
typeset –i variable Set variable to be integer type
typeset –in variable Set variable to be integer type with base n
typeset –l variable Set variable to lower case
typeset –L variable Left justify variable; the field width is specified by the first assignment
typeset –Ln variable Left justify variable; set field width to n
typeset –LZn variable Left justify variable; set field width to n and strip leading zeros
typeset –r variable Set variable to be readonly (same as readonly)
typeset –R variable Right justify variable; the field width is specified by the first assignment
typeset –Rn variable Right justify variable; set field width to n
typeset –RZn variable Right justify variable; set field width to n and fill with leading zeros
typeset –t variable Set the user-defined attribute for variable. This has no meaning to the Korn shell.
typeset –u variable Set variable to upper case
typeset –x variable Automatically export variable to the environment (same as export)
typeset –Z variable Same as typeset –RZ


Variable values can be accessed and manipulated using variable expansion. Basic expansion is done by preceding the variable name with the $ character. Other types of expansion can be used to return portions or the length of variables, use default or alternate values, assign default or alternate values, and more.

Variable Expansion Format

${variable} value of variable
${#variable} length of variable
${variable:word} value of variable if set and not null, else print word. If : is omitted, variable is only checked if it is set.
${variable:=word} value of variable if set and not null, else variable is set to word, then expanded. If : is omitted, variable is only checked if it is set.
${variable:?} value of variable if set and not null, else print "variable: parameter null or not set". If : is omitted, variable is only checked if it is set.
${variable:?word} value of variable if set and not null, else print value of word and exit. If : is omitted, variable is only checked if it is set.
${variable:+word} value of word if variable is set and not null, else nothing is substituted. If : is omitted, variable is only checked if it is set.
${variable#pattern} value of variable without the smallest beginning portion that matches pattern
${variable##pattern} value of variable without the largest beginning portion that matches pattern
${variable%pattern} value of variable without the smallest ending portion that matches pattern
${variable%%pattern} value of variable without the largest ending portion that matches pattern


Some special parameters are automatically set by the Korn shell, and usually cannot be directly set or modified.

Special Parameters

$# number of positional parameters
$@ all positional parameters ("$1", "$2", ..., "$n")
$* all positional parameters ("$1 $2 ... $n")
$? exit status of the last command
$$ process id of the current shell
$ current options in effect
$! process id of the last background command or co-process

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