Wendy Lin
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As you know, my name is Wendy, and I live in the San Francisco Bay Area. I work for IBM global services as an information technology consultant.

Go, Big Blue!

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Some tips and links for the day :)

Blood on the Books - The murder of an Australian accountant sounds a warning to economicfixers across the Asian Pacific region

Time to Short Beanies? - Lessons about investing from Peanut the Elephant

Bill Gates' New Rules - In an excerpt from a new book, he spells out how the digital revolution will continue to transform our work and our life.

Andy Grove on Navigating Your Career - Andy Grove says every career, like every market, has inflection points that can lead to great success or dismal failure.

Forbes Celebrity 100

Top Ten Industries for IT jobs

Talk Stock Options:

  • Employee stock-option plans spread fast
  • How options work - and don't

    My Dinner with Jiang - China's leader shares his hopes with Time Inc.'s editor-in-chief

    The Three Marketeers - The inside story of how Greenspan, Rubin, and Summers have prevented a global economic meltdown - so far

    Millennium Madness!

    Dave Barry's annual Year in Review: From Viagra to 'Seinfeld' to Wall Street, 1998 was a year of booms and busts

    Money magazine:Internet Insanity

    Recent issue of Fortune magazine has a wonderful article on Apple's dramatic turnaround and an insight into the man who made it possible, Steve Jobs.

    Fortune magazine has also ranked the 50 Most Powerful Women in business.

    For Star Wars fan out there, here is the Official Site and a great fan site.

    If you are as confused about all the area code changes as I am, try 555-1212.com's fast area code lookup.

    My brother Luke is currently enrolled at UC Irvine Medical School. Do check out his home page for investment links.

    If you would like to have a quick guide on how to build your own html pages, here is a list of sites.

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