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Collected by Charles A. Venturi from the following sources:

The Dictionary of Dates by Helen Rex Keller, The Macmillan Company, New York 1934
The Harper Encyclopedia of the Modern World edited by Richard B. Morris and Graham W. Irwin 1974
An Encyclopedia of World History by William L. Langer, 5th Ed., Houghton, Mifflin Co., 1972
Historical Tables 58BC—AD 1978 by S. H. Steinberg, St. Martin's Press, New York 1964.
Kingdoms of Europe by Gene Gurney, Crown Publishers, New York 1982.
The Countries of The World by Robert Brown, M.A., Cassells & Co., Ltd., New York, ca. 1882
Chronicle of the World, D. K. Publishing, New York 1996, ISBN 0-7894-0334X


(population of South America in 1850 ca 20,000,000, Middle America ca 13,000,000)






(GEOGRAPHY: N. C. America, S. of Ucatan, N of Honduras, #17 N, 88:40 W)

(MISCELLANEOUS: town of Belize)


(GEOGRAPHY: C. America, just N of Panama, #10 N, 84 W)

(LEADERS: Pres. Mora Porras ['49-'59]: Pres. Jose Maria Montealegre ['59-'63]: Jesus Jiminez ['63-??])

(MISCELLANEOUS: city of San Jose)

1856: 03/01: Costa Rica declares war on William Walker (b.1824), the American filibuster in Nicaragua.

03/08: President Mora Porras (since ‘49) takes command of the army.

09/17: Minister of Foreign Affairs Vicente Aguilar is chosen as Vice-President on the death of Vice-President Oreamuno.

10/22: Aguilar resigns but remains Minister of Foreign Affairs.

1858: Mora Porras is serving as president.

01/16: peace is concluded with Nicaragua.

04/15: the Boundary Treaty with Nicaragua is signed containing a clause providing that Nicaragua should not enter into contracts for a canal or transit without consulting Costa Rica.

04/23: a colonization law is enacted and offers inducements to foreign immigrants.

05/01: a concession for an inter-oceanic canal is granted to Felix Belly (a French writer).

08/31: a commercial treaty with Belgium is signed.

1859: 05/04: President Mora Porras is re-elected with Rafael G. Escalante as his Vice-President.

08/14: Pres. Mora is deposed and exiled and Jose Maria Montealegre is elected provisional president.

10/16: the Constituent Assembly meets.

12/26: a new constitution is adopted.

12/27: the new constitution is promulgated.

1860: 04/22: congress opens session.

05/08: Monteategre is inaugurated as constitutional president.

07/02: a Claims Convention with the United States concludes which provides for appointment of a commission to settle claims (due largely to the Walker affair in Nicaragua).

09/28: Mora Porras (who returned to Costa Rica to seize the government) is defeated in battle at La Angostura.

09/30: Mora Porras is executed by a firing squad.

10/01: Gen. J.M. Canas (revolutionist) is executed.

1861: 04/26: Vicente Aguilar dies.

1862: 02/08: the Claims Convention meets in Washington while it fixes the settlement at $26,704.

1863: 05/08: Jesus Jiminez (former minister of Mora) is inaugurated as president.

11/24: a decree adopts the decimal system for money.



(GEOGRAPHY: across N. C. America, #15 N, 90 W)

(LEADERS: Pres. Carrera ['??-'65]: Pres. Pedro de Aycinena ['65]: Pres. Vicente Cerna ['65-'??])

1856: 03/22: a treaty of friendship, commerce, and navigation is made with the Netherlands.

07/18: a treaty with Honduras and Salvador ends the war.

1859: 04/30: a treaty is signed with Great Britain as to the southern boundary with Belize (British Honduras).

1862: 09/20: a treaty of amity and defensive alliance is concluded with Nicaragua.

1863: war erupts with Salvador and Honduras.

05/29: a treaty with Spain is signed at Madrid by which Spain recognizes the independence of Guatemala.

1864: 11/14-03/13/1865: sent representatives to the Second International Congress at Lima (Peru).

1865: 04/14: President Carrera dies and Pedro de Aycinena (the Minister of Foreign Affairs) assumes office.

05/24: Vicente Cerna is elected by the Assembly and inaugurated as president.


(GEOGRAPHY: N. C. America, on the Caribbean, south of Yucatan and east of Nicaragua, #17 N, 88:40 W)

(LEADERS: Pres. Santos Guardiola ['56-'62]: Victoriano Castellanos ['62]: Pres. J. F. Montes ['62-'63]: Pres. Sinatro Jose Mario Medena ['63, '64-'65]: Pres. Francisco Inestroza ['63] Lt.-Gov. Frederick Seymour ['62-??])

(MISCELLANEOUS: under Great Britain, the capital was Tequacigalpa)

1856: 02/17: Gen. Santos Guardiola (a henchman of Carrera) takes office as elected president.

07/18: a treaty of alliance with Guatemala and Salvador is signed.

08/27: a treaty with Great Britain is signed regarding the Bay Islands and a separate treaty of friendship, commerce, and navigation is signed as well.

1859: 08/09: a Convention with Guatemala is an agreement to recognize the constitutional authority in Salvador.

11/28: a treaty with Great Britain is signed by which Great Britain cedes the Bay Islands and the Mosquito Reserve claims.

1860: 08/06: William Walker (on his third filibustering expedition to Central America)lands at Trujillo and seizes the custom-house.

08/20: William Walker is forced by British ships to leave Trujillo.

09/03: Honduran troops (with the aid of the British) capture William Walker at the mouth of the Tinto River.

09/12: William Walker is shot by a Honduran firing squad at Trujillo.

1862: 01/11 Pres. Guardiola is assassinated and is succeeded by his constitutional successor Victoriano Castellanos.

03/25: the Treaty of Santa Rosa is signed with Salvador.

05/12: Honduras is declared a British Crown Colony and superintendent Frederick Seymour is appointed Lt.-Gov. under Jamaica.

10: Pres. Castellanas dies and is succeeded temporarily by J. F. Montes.

1863: 04/29: Honduran and Salvadorian troops suffer defeat by Nicaraguan Gen. Martinez.

06/16: Honduran and Salvadorian troops suffer defeat by allied Guatemalans and Nicaraguans on the plains of Santa Rosa.

06/21: the Serviles (assisted by Guatemalans and Nicaraguans) overthrow Montes and make Senatro Jose Maria Medina provisional president.

07/20: a decree of outlawry is issued against Montes.

12/31: Senatro Jose Maria Medina surrenders the executive office to Francisco Inestroza.

1864: 02/15: J. F. Medina is elected president and F. Xatruch as Vice-President.

07/04: a treaty of friendship, commerce, and navigation with the United States is signed.

1865: 02/26: the election of Xatruch as Vice-President is declared unconstitutional .


(GEOGRAPHY: C. America, #13 N, 85 W)

(LEADERS: Pres. William Walker ['56-'57]: Pres. Ocatal Estrada ['56]: Fermin Ferrer ['56]; Pres. Nicasio del Castillo ['56]: Pres. Rivas ['56]: Pres. Tomas Martinez ['57-'65])

(MISCELLANEOUS: city of Managua)

1856: William Walker, President (and backed by Cornelius Vanderbilt) and there is much antagonism (‘55-’62) against Cornelius Vanderbilt because of his attempts to control the transit route across to the Pacific.

03/01: Costa Rica declares war on Walker to free Nicaragua from foreign domination.

03/20: Louis Schlesinger is sent by Walker against the invading Costa Ricans but is defeated in the Battle of Santa Rosa.

04/08: Costa Ricans occupy Rivas which has been evacuated by Pres. Walker.

04/11: the Battle of Rivas takes place when Pres. Walker attacks the town but is defeated and he retreats to the Gil Gonzales River.

05/14: The United States receives Father Augustin Vigil as official minister from Nicaragua which is of advantage to Pres. Walker.

05: Pres. Walker (and 250 men) occupies Rivas (evacuated by the Costa Ricans) and thereby claiming the country and is recognized by the United States and Walker then makes Gen. Corrall (a former dictator) his sec. of war but Corrall conspires against Walker is executed (Walker plans to introduce African slaves).

06/21: legitimate Pres. Estrada organizes a government at Somotillo.

06/25: Pres. Estrada declares Walker a usurper & traitor and orders that the officers and men of the foreign phalanx to renounce Walker and submit to the true government.

07/03: Pres. Estrada (who had been deposed by William Walker and replaced with Fermin Ferrer) issues an appeal to the other Central American States for aid against Walker.

07/12: William Walker is inaugurated as president at Granada.

07/18: a convention is signed by Guatemala, Honduras, and Salvador by which it is agreed to join forces against William Walker.

08/13: Ocatal Estrada attacks but is defeated by a party of Democrats and Estrada is killed; Nicasio del Castillo succeeds as the legitimate president.

09/12: Legitimates and Democrats unite against William Walker and recognize Rivas as president.

09/14: troops (commanded by C.J. Dolores Estrada) defeat William Walker’s troops (commanded by Byron Cole) at San Jacinto.

09/22: a William Walker decree repeals all laws as to the abolition of slavery.

10/03: the town of Masaya is occupied by anti-Walker Allies.

10/12: an attack on Masaya by William Walker is repulsed.

11/02: Costa Ricans (commanded by Gen. Jose M. Canas) occupy San Juan and the road to La Virgen thus cutting William Walker’s communications.

11/13: Gen. Canas occupies the town of Rivas.

11/15-18: William Walker’s army (commanded by Bruno von Naztmer, and later by Walker himself) is defeated in the second attack on Masaya by Nicaraguans and Guatemalans who force him to retreat to Granada.

11/24: Granada is evacuated and the city burned by William Walker but the Allies (from Masaya) are defeated in an engagment with Walker’s forces.

12/01: Indians capture the island of Ometepec from William Walker’s guard.

12/11: the first Honduran troops arrive ( under the command of Gen. Florencio Xatruch).

12/21: Costa Ricans (commanded by Col. Barillier and M.M. Blanco) take Fort Trinidad (province of Estero).

12/24: Gen. J. J. Mora (a Costa Rican) captures four of William Walker’s steamers at San Juan.

12/28: Gen. Mora takes Castillo Viejo (with the steamer "Virgen," loaded with rifles and ammuntion for Walker)

12/30: Costa Ricans capture the forts on the San Carlos River.

1857: William Walker is again named president with the help of the Liberals.

01/03: the Costa Ricans capture another of William Walker’s boats.

01/20: organized by the Provisional Government, the Council of five ministers is installed.

01/23: Gen. F. Xatruch is made temporary commander-in-chief of the Allied armies.

02/06: Commander C.H. Davis (of the U.S.S. "Saint Mary’s" ) offers to mediate.

02/19-20: new orders name Gen. J. J. Mora as commander-in-chief of the Allied armies, ending dissensions.

03/19: Gen. J. J. Mora takes command at San Jorge.

03/23: the Allies begin the siege of William Walker in Rivas.

03/26: Gen. Xatruch takes the barrio de la Puebla (south of Rivas and the only means of entrance or exit for the filibusters).

04/11: the Allies attack on Rivas is repelled by William Walker.

05/01: William Walker surrenders to the American Commander Davis and signs a capitulation and with sixteen officers leaves under the escort of Zavala and is embarked for the United States the following day.

05/02: the Allies occupy the town of Rivas.

06/24: Gens. Martinez and Jerez organize a joint Government which is recognized by both the Democrats and the Legitimists.

10/19: the Costa Ricans declare war on Nicaragua (planning to extend their boundaries to the Lake) and the Martinez and Jerez government collapses

11/08: the Constituent Assembly elects Tomas Martinez, President.

11/15: President Martinez is inaugurated.

11/25: William Walker leaves New Orleans, heads for Nicaragua and lands at Greytown (invading Nicaragua for the second time).

12/06: Commodore Paulding (U.S.S. "Wabash") disperses William Walker’s camp of filibusters.

12/08: William Walker (and 400 men) is arrested at Punta da Castilla by U.S. Commodore Paulding;

12/29: William Walker's men are disarmed and sent home but Walker is made prisoner and sent back to New York City.; a Boundary Treaty with Costa Rica is signed.

1858: 01/16: a peace with Costa Rica is concluded and a boundary agreement signed.

05/01: the governments of Nicaragua and Costa Rica grant a concession to Felix Belly (representing a French company for an inter-oceanic canal.).

05/03: a decree changes the national coat of arms.

08/19: a new constitution adopted.

1859: a treaty of amity, commerce and navigation is signed with France.

1860: 01/28: a treaty with Great Britain is signed so that Great Britain recognizes Nicaragua and by which The Mosquito coast (from Gracias a Dios to Greytown) is surrendered to Nicaragua.

02/11: a treaty of amity, commerce and navigation is signed with Great Britain.

04/02: a contract with the Central American Transportation Company for construction of a transportation route between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

08/06: William Walker lands at Trujillo (Honduras) on his third invasion of Central America.

09/12: William Walker is captured and shot.

11/23: a decree is made opening San Juan del Norte (Greytown) as a free port.

1861: 11/02: a Concordat with Rome is concluded.

1862: with the aid of Honduras and Salvado, Nicaraguar vainly tries to form a Central Americ union.

09/20: a treaty of amity and a defensive alliance with Guatemala is signed.

1863: the Conservatives come to power.

02/28: Pres. Martinez is inaugurated for his second term.

1864: the Conservatives remain in power.

04/20: an amnesty law passes.

1865: Conservatives are still in power.

03/07: a liberal immigration law is enacted under which a number of southern Americans settle in the country after the end of the American Civil War.


(GEOGRAPHY: S. C. America, #9 N, 79:35 W)

(LEADERS: Gov. Bartolome Calvo ['56-'57]: Gov. Jose de Obaldia ['58-'59]: Gov. Santiago de la Guardia ['60-'62]: Gov. Manuel M. Diaz ['62]: Gov. Pedro Goitia ['62-'63]: Pres. Peregrino Santo Colomba ['63])

(MISCELLANEOUS: now the Canal Zone)

1856: 01/26: a protest of the consuls from the United States, France, Great Britain, Brazil, Portugal, Denmark, Peru, and Ecuador is made to the government against the neglect of protection afforded in passage across the Isthmus (the railroad from Aspinwall to Panama City was just completed last year).

04/15: the "Panama massacre" occurs which is a riot in which Americans in transit across the Isthmus and while waiting for a boat are killed and their property looted.

05/04 & 18: more riots against foreigners.

09/18: Bartolome Calvo is declared elected governor with F. Fabrega as vice-governor.

10/02: an armed conflict arises between two political parties and United States forces land.

1858: 05/01: Costa Rica and Nicaragua grant concessions for a canal to Felix Belly (a French writer) which is supportd by French Emperor Napoleon.

10/01: Jose de Obaldia assumes office as elected Governor.

12/18: Panama attempts to secede from Columbia.

1859: 04/17 and 09/27: more race riots break out.

1860: Santiago de la Guardia is made governor.

10/04: United States troops are landed to preserve order during the riot.

1861: 05/23: the United States intervenes during an insurrection.

10/02: another insurrection erupts.

1862: 06/13: the troops of Mosquera are refused admittance to Panama while seven states assume the official name of Estado Soberano de Panama.

08/19: a revolt deposes Gov. LaGuardia (who is killed in a skirmish) with Manuel M. Diaz being made provisional governor and later being replaced by Pedro Goitia as governor.

1863: 07/04: a new constitution is adopted.

07/06: the new constitution is published and is intended to conform with the national constitution.

07: eight Spanish squadrons (commanded by Admiral Pinzon) visit.

08/13: Gen. Peregrino Santo Colomba takes office as president.

1865: 03: more riots take place.

05/09: the acting Vice-President (J. L. Calancho) is deposed and succeeded by Jil Colunje.


(GEOGRAPHY:Pacific side of C. America, #13:30 N, 89 W)

(LEADERS: Pres. Rafael Campo ['56-'58]: Pres. Miguel Santin del Castillo ['58]: Gen. Gerardo Barrios ['58-'59] then Pres. Barrios ['60-'63]: Pres. Duenas ['63-'65+])

1856: 01: Rafael Campo takes office as president with Francisco Duenas as vice-president.

04/14: an Act declared independence for the Republic of Salvador.

06/06: Gen. G. Barrios lands at La Libertad and marches on the city of San Salvador.

06/11: the manifesto of Barrios proposes to depose President Campo and call Duenas to the presidency but he is not supported.

1858: 01: Miguel Santin del Castillo succeeds Rafael Campo as President.

02/15: a treaty of friendship, commerce and navigation is signed with Belgium; a coup d’etat by Senator Barrios (aided by vice-pres. Guzman) forces the resignation of Campo.

1859: 06/24: new constitution promulgated.

08/09: a Convention of Honduras with Guatemala agrees to recognize the constitutional authority in Salvador.

1860: 01/28: Gen. Gerardo Barrios is inaugurated as the elected President.

10/27: a treaty of commerce and navigation is signed with Italy.

1861: 09/15: Bishop Zaldana is exiled after which he went to Guatemala (with other clergy who refused to take the oath of allegiance to the government).

1862: 03/25: the treaty of Santa Rosa (of friendship and peace) is signed with Honduras.

10/24: a treaty of friendship and commerce is signed with Great Britain.

1863: 02/09: Guatamalen Pres. Carrera invades Salvador in a war against Barrios and he reached the town of Jutiapa.

02/21: Santa Ana is occupied by troops under Cerna (a Guatemalan General).

02/24: at the Battle of Coatepeque, Gen. Barrios defeats Pres. Carrera who retreats to Jutiapa and eventually returns to Guatemala.

04.29: Gen. Martinez (Nicaragua) defeats allied Hondurans and Salvadorians at San Felipe (Salvador).

06/16: at the Battle of Santa Rosa, allied Guatemalans and Nicaraguans defeat the Salvadorians and Hondurans.

06/29: a revolt (at Sansonate) declares against Pres. Barrios and proclaims Duenas as the provisional president.

07/27: the Sansonate revolt is joined by Cojutepeque.

07/03: Guatamalen Pres. Carrera attacks and defeats Gen. Gonzalez (who had declared himself provisional president and occupied Santa Ana.

08/14: the Sansonate revolt joins Zacate Coluca

09/29: a siege of president Barrios begins in the capital.

10/26: San Salvador surrenders and is occupied by Guatemalans but Barrios escapes with Dr. Duenas assuming the office as president.

11/18: ex-pres. Barrios embarks for Panama.

1864: 02/18: the assembly meets and confirms Duenas as provisional president.

03/19: an act reaffirms the declaration of independence of the Republic of Salvador.

1865: 01/23: a defensive alliance is concluded with Columbia.

02/01: Pres. Duenas is inaugurated as the constitutional president




(GEOGRAPHY: E and S.E. S. America, #36 S, 64 W)

(LEADERS: Justo Jose Urquina ['56-'60], Pres. Dr. Santiago Derqui ['60-'61]: dictator Gen. Bartolome Mitre ['61-'62] then Pres. ['62-??])

(MISCELLANEOUS: by’60 huge investments by Irineu de Souza of Brazil; intercontinental immigration into it from 1851-’60 ca 20,000)

1856: now known as the Argentine Confederation (under Justo Jose Urquiza [b.1800]) who had adopted the constitution of 1853 which is pro-church and federalist)

03/07: a treaty of friendship, commerce and navigation is signed with Brazil which provides that navigation of the Rio de La Plata system should remain free in time of war.

07/29: a treaty of friendship, commerce and navigation is signed with Paraguay.

10/01: a declaration of maritime rights is signed with France and Great Britain.

1857: 05: Dr. Valentin Alsina is elected governor of Buenos Aires (a separate state).

08/30: the first railroad opens (6 miles) from Buenos Aires to San Jose de Flores.

09/19: a treaty of friendship, commerce, and navigation is signed with Prussia.

11/20: a convention is declared with Brazil leaving the rivers of Uruguay, Parana and Paraguay free to ships of all nations.

12/14: a Boundary Treaty defines the frontiers with Brazil (in Misiones District) andthe right bank of the Uruguay River is recognized as Argentine Territory.

1858: 07/09: a treaty of peace, amity, and recognition is signed with Spain.

1859: 01/02: a Supplementary Convention of peace is signed to the Convention of 1828 with Brazil.

10/22: war with Buenos Aires breaks out and the enemy army (commanded by Gen. Mitre) is defeated by Gen. Urquiza at Cepeda with this being the first clash between the two Argentinas (the other being Buenas Aires, the richer and more populous province).

11/10-11: Buenos Aires is compelled to reunite (she broke away in 1853) with the Argentine Federation by a treaty of peace and union.

1860: 02/08: Dr. Santiago Derqui succeeds J. Urquiza as president of Argentina.

09/17: the Argentine Confederation (under Pres. Santiago Derqui) withdraws from association with Buenos Aires and leaves Bartolome Mitre (b.1821) the provisional president (‘62-’68).

09/25: a new constitution is ratified for Argentina.

10/21: Gen. Mitre (Governor of Buenos Aires) swears to support the Federal Constitution.

11-01/61: an insurrection erupts in San Juan.

1861: 09/17: the Battle of Pavon wherein the National army (under Urquiza) is defeated (indecisive) by the forces of Buenos Aires (commanded by Gen. Mitre).

11/05: President Derqui resigns.

1862: 04/22: Gen. Bartolome Mitre (Governor of Buenos Aires) becomes Dictator and assumes control of the national government and sets up a Liberal (progressive) National government which is compromised on the status of Buenos Aires.

05/25: a national Congress is convened by Gen. Mitre and meets at Buenos Aires.

08/27: Gen. Bartolome Mitre (Governor of Buenos Aires after Urquiza), withdraws from politics but is elected president by Congress.

09/10: the Commercial Code is published.

10/12: Pres. Mitre is inaugurated and the national government is transferred from Parana to Buenos Aires which is then declared the capital.

10/16: a law reorganizes the federal courts.

1863: 04/20: Pres. Mitre breaks ground at Rosario for construction of a railroad for which concession has been granted to William Wheelwright.

06/22: the government seizes the Uruguayan warship "General Artigas" and blockades the mouth of the Uruguay River on account of seizure from the Argentine steamer "Salto" by Uruguay of contraband munitions of war consigned to Uruguayan revolutionists.

06/23: Uruguay waves diplomatic relations with Argentina.

06/29: a protocol of peace is signed by which neutrality is declared by Argentina as to the revolution in Uruguay.

09/14: a law provides for jurisdiction of federal courts.

09/21: a treaty of peace and amity with Spain is signed by which Spain recognizes the independence of the Argentine Republic.

10/08: the first group publicly left the principal wharf in Buenos Aires to join the Flores expedition.

11/03: the second group publicly left the principal wharf in Buenos Aires to join the Flores expedition

12/10: the government announces an interruption of diplomatic relations with Uruguay.

1864: 08/22: an agreement is made with Brazil as to Uruguay.

10/11: a law is enacted for the protection of patents of invention.

11/14-03/13/1865: Argentina sent representatives to the Second International Congress at Lima (Peru).

11/24: the Geneva Convention of '64 is ratified.

1865: 02/09: a note refuses to allow Paraguayan troops to cross Argentinian territory.

04/13: a war with Paraguay begins.

04/19: a letter written by Gen. Urquiza offered his services to the national Government.

05/01: a treaty of alliance is signed with Brazil and Uruguay against Paraguay.

05/02: a treaty of amity, commerce, and navigation is signed with Bolivia.

05/03: a note of Pres. Lopez (of Paraguary) dated 03/18 and declaring war is was received.

05/05: an alliance is made with Uruguay and Brazil;

05/09: a formal declaration of war is made against Paraguay.


(GEOGRAPHY: N.E. S. America, #12 S, 52 W)


(MISCELLANEOUS: there is much railway construction in the ‘50s; by '60 Irineu Evangelista de Souza [Baron of Maua, b.1813] has invested in shipping, telegraph lines, gaslight in Rio de Janeiro, built textile mills, owns and operates huge acreages of farm land in Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina and dominates the Brazilian money market; intercontinental immigration into it from 1851-’60 ca 122,000;)

1856: 03/07: a treaty of commerce and navigation is made with Argentina.

04/06: a treaty of friendship, commerce, and navigation with Paraguay is signed.

12: the American warship "Canada" is seized by Brazil.

1857: 01/23: an indemnity of $212,365 is demanded by the United States for the "Canada" seizure.

01/26: a protest is made to Paraguay against the violation of their treaty.

09/04: a treaty of commerce with Uruguay and a revision of the treaties of 1851 and '56 is concluded.

11/20: a treaty with Argentina declares that the rivers Uruguay, Parana, and Paraguay are to be free to all ships of all nations.

11/28 and 12/03: an exchange of notes with Uruguay by which certificates of nationality are to be respected.

12/14: a Boundary Treaty is signed with Argentina which defines the frontiers in Misiones Districtr and the right bank of the Uruguay River will be recognized as Argentine Territory; a tariff law is enacted.

1858: the coal fields at Arroio dos Ratos open.

02/12: the Fluvial Convention is signed by Paraguay.

1859: 05/05: the Boundary Treaty with Venezuela is signed.

10/22: the Buenos Aires army (commanded by Gen. Mitre) is defeated by Gen. Urquiza at Cepeda and forces Buenos Aires to accept the 1853 Constitution.

11/10: Buenos Aires is reunited with the Confederation by a Treaty of peace and union.

1860: the cotton boom begins (to last through ’65).

08/22: a law on checks is enacted.

1861: 06: Brazilian citizens seize and plunder the British ship "Prince of Wales" (which has been wrecked off the coast of Albardas) and some of the crew are killed and this becomes known as the "Christie Affair" and it created a diplomatic clash between Great Britain and Brazil (another cause for the War of the Triple Alliance in which Brazil-Argentina-Uruguay crushed Paraguay).

1862: 06/17: the arrest of British officers takes place at Rio de Janeiro.

12/31: the British seize five Brazilian merchant ships in reprisal because of Brazil's refusal of reparation for seizure of "Prince of Wales."

1863: 02/26: the Brazilian Minister in London finally pays the indemnity of L3,000 but does so under protest.

05: diplomatic intercourse with Great Britain is suspended because of the refusal of the British to express regret for her reprisals in the "Christie Affair".

06/18: the award of King of the Belgians in the dispute with Great Britain as to the affair of the June 17, '62 is decided in favor of Brazil.

1864: a financial panic erupts throughout the country.

05/16: a convention is signed between Brazil, France, Italy, Portugal and Haiti for establishing a telegraphic line between Europe and America.

08/04: the ultimatum of Saraiva (the Brazilian Foreign Minister) given to Uruguay demands payment of claims and punishment for barbarities against Brazilian subjects in Uruguay.

08/22: a protocol is signed with Argentina as to a united policy toward Uruguay.

11/12: the steamer "Marques de Olinda" is seized by Paraguay.

1865: 03/18: the Paraguayan Congress approves a war with Brazil.

05/01: a treaty of alliance with Argentina and Uruguay against Paraguay is signed.

BRITISH GUIANA (a.k.a. Demerara)

(GEOGRAPHY: N. S. America, #4 N, 58 W)

(MISCELLANEOUS: ceded to Great Britain in 1814, capital at Georgetown)

BUENOS AIRES (see also Argentina)

(GEOGRAPHY: #34:40 S, 58:30 W)

(LEADERS: Gen Mitre ['59])

(MISCELLANEOUS: separated from Argentina early on, reunited in '62 )

1859: 10/22: the Buenos Aires army (commanded by Gen. Mitre) is defeated by Gen. Urquiza at Cepeda and forces Buenos Aires to accept the 1853 Constitution.

11/10: Buenos Aires is reunited with the Confederation by a Treaty of peace and union.

CAYENNE (see French Guiana)

DEMERARA (see British Guiana)


(GEOGRAPHY: N. S. America, #3 N, 56 W)

(MISCELLANEOUS: under the Dutch since 1815)

DUTCH WEST INDIES (see Netherlands West Indies)


(GEOGRAPHY: group of 200 islands, W. S. Atlantic, #52 S, 60 W)

(MISCELLANEOUS: under Great Britain since 1833)

FRENCH GUIANA (a.k.a. Cayenne)

(GEOGRAPHY: N. S. America, #4 N, 53 W)

(MISCELLANEOUS: under France, city of Cayenne)

GUIANA (see British Guiana, Dutch Guiana, or French Guiana)

NETHERLANDS WEST INDIES (a.k.a. Dutch West Indies)

(GEOGRAPHY: six islands [largest Curacao) and Surinam, S. America, #13 N, 69 W)

(MISCELLANEOUS: under the Netherlands)


(GEOGRAPHY: S. S. America, between Parana and Paraguay Rivers, #24 S, 56 W)

(LEADERS: [dictator] Pres. Carlos Antonio Lopez ['1844-'62]: Pres. Francisco Solano Lopez ['62-1872]; CarlosLopez is dishonest and conciliated the church; Francisco Lopez is the son of Carlos)

1856: dictator Carlos Antonio Lopez opens the country to foreign trade

04/06: a treaty of friendship, commerce and navigation is signed with Brazil and it provides for the appointment of a boundary commission.

07/15: an issued decree declares that foreign merchant vessels must have a Paraguayan pilot from Asuncion to the first Brazilian port in the Matto Grosso.

07/29: a treaty of friendship, commerce and navigation is signed with Argentina.

08/10: Lopez issues a decree which imposes dues that violate the freedom of navigation agreed upon in its treaty with Brazil.

1857: 11/20: the convention of Parana is signed with Brazil; from this period until '62 various disputes arise with foreign powers (especially the United States, France, and England.

1859: 02/04: a Claims Convention is signed because of the attack on the United States vessel "Water Witch" but no settlement is ever made yet a treaty of friendship, commerce and navigation is also signed with the United States.

1861: 09: the first section of the Central Railroad opens to Trinidad.

1862: the early beginnings of the War of the Triple Alliance with Francisco Solano Lopez (son of Carlos) as arbiter of the La Plata Region (a strong Brazilian influence here) but is rebuffed by Brazil and Argentina in Uruguay (Lopez attacks both and initiates the war which runs from ’65-1870)

09/10: dictatorial Pres. Lopez dies; his son constituted Vice-President to act as President until Congress chose a successor.

10/16: Francisco Solano Lopez (son of Carlos) is elected constitutional President for ten years by Congress and he takes immediate and absolute control (he wanted the Argentinian provinces of Corrientes and Entre Rios).

1863: 04/17: Gen. Flores (in exile at Montevideo) begins to gather an insurgent army together.

1864: 06/17: Pres. Francisco Lopez accepts the position of mediator for Uruguay in its dispute with Brazil but he is rendered unnecessary by the successful Thornton-Saraiva-Elezaldi mediation.

08/30: a note to Brazil protests the occupation of Uruguay by Brazilian forces.

11/12: the Brazilian steamer "Marques de Olinda" is seized fifty miles above Asuncion by a Paraguayan war vessel and Pres. Francisco Lopez notifies Brazil that diplomatic relations are broken off and prohibits Brazilian vessels from Paraguayan waters.

11/28: Uruguay unites with Paraguayan rebel Gen. Flores to capture Salto.

12/24: a Paraguayan expedition is sent against Matto Grasso and the Brazilians embark from Asuncion.

12/26: Col. Barrios (brother-in-law of Pres. Francisco Lopez) reaches Coimbra (in Matto Grasso near the Brazilian frontier) with his army.

12/27: Col. Barrios sends a note to the Brazilian commander demanding surrender and a bombardment of Coimbra is begun by the Paraguayans.

12/30: the Brazilian forces evacuate Coimbra during the night and Paraguayans occupy the town.

1865: Paraguay has the largest, most efficient army in South America;

03/18: Pres. Francisco Lopez sends a note to Argentina declaring war. but it is not received until 05/03.


(GEOGRAPHY: S.E. S. America, #32 S, 55 W)

(LEADERS: Pres. Gabriel A. Pereira ['56-'60]: Pres. Bernardo Berro ['60-'64]: Pres. Anastasio Aguirre ['64-'65]: Pres. Flores ['65])

(MISCELLANEOUS: by 1860 huge investments by Irineu de Souza of Brazil; intercontinental immigration into it from 1851-’60 is not available, city of Montevideo)

1856: Gabriel A. Pereira is serving as president with the blancos party in power (since 1855) (and the colorados out) and the government is unstable because of pressures from Buenos Aires and Brazil.

06/23: a treaty of friendship, commerce and navigation is signed with Prussia.

1857: invaders from Argentina (supporting the plan of Juan C. Gomez for annexation of Uruguay to the province of Buenos Aires) are defeated and the leaders are shot

09/04: a treaty of commerce and navigation is signed with Brazil.

1858: 01/28: the insurrection of Gen. Cesar Diaz is defeated at Cagancha and Diaz is shot.

1859: 01/02: an alliance is concluded with Argentina and Brazil.

1860: Bernardo Berro succeeds Pereira as president.

1862: 05/16: constitutional amendments are approved.

07/10: Gilbert founds the first beef-extract plant (Liebig Meat Extract Company of London).

1863: 04/19: internal disorders break into civil war when Gen. Venancio Flores lands at Rincon de las Gallinas and gathers an army against the Blanco president Anastasio Aguirre and the rebel Flores.

06/03: The Argentinian steamer "Salto" is captured with contraband and though the captain and the ship are released, the contraband is kept at Montevideo and the Argentine Government is notified and asked to claim their property and to prove that the arms are not intended for the rebels under Flores.

06/08: a note from Elizalde (Argentina) to Herrera is ignored by the latter who demands reprisal for the capture of the "Salto."

06/12: Uruguay offers to submit the dispute with Argentina to arbitration.

06/15: Argentina refuses the offer of arbitration.

06/22: an Argentine warship seizes an Uruguayan warship ("General Artigas" ) and blockades the mouth of the Uruguay River and Gen. Flores (because of this blockade) is able to land troops and ammunition.

06/23: diplomatic relations with Argentina are severed.

10/20: a protocol of agreement as to the "Salto" is signed (the Lamas-Elizalde agreement) referring the dispute to arbitration.

11/23: an armed Argentine expedition is surprised in Uruguayan Islands and presently captured.

12/10: Argentina suspends diplomatic relations.

1864: Gen. Atanasio Aguirre (a Blanco) becomes president.

01/26-27: eight Blanco leaders are arrested in preventing revolutionary coup d’etat.

05/18: a note from Brazil cites the claim of Brazil against Uruguay.

05/24: the reply of Herrera to the Brazilian note is sent.

06/13: Uruguay formally requests the mediation of Paraguay in its dispute with Brazil.

06/19: at the Conference of Puntas del Rosario, Flores (Uruguay), Saraiva (Brazil), Thornton (Great Britain), Elizaldi (Argentina), and Castellanos and Lamas (Montivideo Government) sign an agreement to end the war (started by Flores) with certain conditions.

06/23: the basis of settlement is signed by the Montevideo Government.

07/03: Pres. Aquirre names a new Cabinet of extreme Blanco chiefs and Flores resumes war against the government.

08/04: an ultimatum from Brazil demands payment of claims for damages to Brazilian citizens resident in Uruguay over a period of ten years.

08/25: Uruguay asks Paraguay to intervene in the difficulties with Brazil.

08/26: the Uruguayan war steamer ("Villa del Salto") in going to the relief of Mercedes is besieged by Flores and is fired on by a Brazilian gunboat.

09/14: Brazilian troops cross the frontier and occupy some frontier towns.

10/16: Brazilians occupy the town of Millo.

10/20: Gen. Flores joins forces with the Brazilians.

11/28: the "Salto" is surrendered to the Brazilians.

12/06: a bombardment of Paysandu is commenced by Flores and the Brazilians.

12/31: the attempt of Col. Leander Gomez to cut through the investing forces from Paysandu, fails.

1865: 02/22: Flores takes Montevideo and assumes the head of government.




(GEOGRAPHY: W. S. America, #18 S, 64 W)

(LEADERS: Pres. Gen. Jorge Cordoba ['56-'57]: Pres. Jose Maria Linares ['57-'61]: Pres. Jose Maria de Acha ['61-'64]: Pres. Mariano Melganejo; Cordoba is incompetent; de Acha is a moderate and weak; Melganejo is ignorant, brutal and irresponsible)

1856: Gen. Jorge Cordoba serves as President; the country exports 100,000 tons of tin.

1857: an insurrection (led by Jose Maria Linares) breaks out in Oruro; Pres. Cordoba is driven from office and escapes to Peru while Linares becomes Bolivia’s first civilian president and creates many reforms.

1858: Jose Maria Linares is serving as President.

03/31: Pres. Linares assumes the powers of dictator to bring about reforms.

05/08: a patent law is promulgated.

05/13: a treaty of friendship, commerce, and navigation with the United States is signed.

1859: Jose Maria Linares is serving as President.

1860: Jose Maria Linares is serving as President.

08/17: a treaty of commerce and navigation with Belgium is signed.

1861: 01: a military revolt forces Jose Linares out of the presidency and Gen. Jose Maria de Acha is elected but he is unable to keep order.

08: a new constitution is adopted.

1862: Jose Maria de Acha is serving as President.

1863: Jose Maria de Acha is serving as President.

11/05: a treaty of friendship and commerce is signed with Peru.

1864: 11/14-03/13/1865: Bolivia sends representatives to the Second International Congress at Lima (Peru).

12/28: a revolt (led by Gen. Mariano Melgarejo) defeats Pres. de Acha and Gen. Melgarejo becomes president.

1865: 03: an insurrection (led by Gen. Belzu) is suppressed.


(GEOGRAPHY: W. S. America, #40:35 S, 72 W)

(LEADERS: Pres. Manuel Montt ['51-'60]: Pres. Jose Joaquin Perez ['61-'71]; Montt is a Conservative and the first civilian president and offers a farsighted educational policy; Perez is a moderate chosen by Montt)

(MISCELLANEOUS: much material progess between 1851-’61, education promoted, two Liberal revolts suppressed, city of Santiago)

1856: Pres. Manuel Montt is re-elected and insists the state must be over the church during the "Affair of the Sacristan."

09/15: the International Congress at Santiago (Chile) (contains representatives from Peru, Chili and Ecuador) signed the "Continental Treaty" to promote union but it is never effective; Chile is the world leader in copper exportation.

1857: Manuel Montt is serving as President.

01/01: the Civil Code comes into effect. An insurrection (under the leadership of Pedro Leon Gallo) is suppressed.

1858: the Fusion Party is formed of Liberals and Conservatives in opposition to Montt.

1859: a Liberal rebellion takes place.

1860: Manuel Montt is serving as President.

07/23: a bank of issue law is enacted.

1861: 09/18: Jose Joaquin Perez is chosen by Montt as his successor and takes office as President (til 1871) and initiates the "Era of Good Feeling".

10/24: Pres. Perez appoints Col. Cornelio Saavedra as intendant of the new province of Arauco and commander-in-chief of the army there.

1862: 05/25: the "American Union" Society is founded by Chilean Liberals.

08/06: a railroad law is enacted.

12/07: Col. Saavedra founds the town of Angol.

1863: the Radical Party is formed of Liberals who break away from the Fusion Party.

07/04: the first train enters Santiago from Valparaiso upon completion of the railroad.

12/08: the Jesuit church of the Compania in Santiago is burned in which more than 2000 persons perish.

1864: 10: diplomatic relations with Bolivia are severed.

1865: war between Spain and the allies Chile and Peru.

01: Capt. J. W. Rebolledo (in the "Esmeralda") seizes the Spanish gunboat "Vadonga" and takes his prize into Coquimbo.

COLUMBIA (see New Granada, became Columbia 1863)


(GEOGRAPHY: island 40 miles off the N. coast of Venezuela, #12:10 N, 69 W)

(MISCELLANEOUS: under the Dutch since 1634, the capital is Willemstad)


(GEOGRAPHY: N.W. S. America, #2 S, 76 W)

(LEADERS: Pres. Jose Urbina ['56]: Pres. Francisco Robles ['56-'59]: Pres. Gabriel Garcia Moreno[b.1821] ['59, '61], Pres. Guillermo Franco ['59-'65]; Urbina is nationalistic and anti-clerical; Robles is nationalistic and anti-clerical; Moreno is strongly pro-clerical, believes the Roman Catholic Church should be over all earthly powers; Franco is pro-Catholic, conservative, a centralist, gave the church great power)

(MISCELLANEOUS: city of Quito)

1856: Gen. Jose Urbina is in power.

07/09: a treaty of friendship, commerce, and navigation is signed with New Granada which also fixes the boundary between the two countries;

10/16: Gen. Francisco Robles is elected president.

12/06: the French metric system for weights and measures is made the legal standard of the government but is not adopted for commerce.

1857: Francisco Robles serves as president; the Chilian Civil Code is adopted.

1858: Francisco Robles serves as president.

1859: 05/01: a revolt (led by Garcia Moreno) breaks out and takes possession of Quito and Moreno declares himself president which ousts Francisco Robles.

08/21: Gen. Franco seizes the Government. War with Peru erupts at the frontier;

1860: Peruvian warships blockade Guayaquil;

01: President Franco agrees to a treaty with Peru which recognizes the limits of the vice-royalties of Peru and New Granada according to the royal order of 1802; the Peruvian fleet is withdrawn.

04/02: Gabriel Garcia Moreno (the dominant figure in politics as aconservative and anti-clerical) seizes power (after the cession of Guayaquil to Peru by provincial boss Guillermo Franco) from the President.

09/24: the port of Guayaquil is captured from revolutionary leader Gen. Rafael Franco by Gens. Garcia Moreno and Gen. Flores.

1861: Gabriel Garcia Moreno returns to the presidency.

01/10: the Constitutional Convention at Quito opens.

03/10: a new constitution is adopted;

04/10: the new constitution is promulgated (at Quito) giving wide powers for a president with absolute authority ; an insurrection breaks out but order is restored and the insurgents are ruthlessly suppressed.

06: the Constitutional Convention concludes at Quito.

1862: 09/26: a Concordat is signed at Rome and the Roman Catholic Church is made the sole religion of the Republic and given great authority.

11/25: a Claims Convention with the United States refers claims to a board, to be organized.

1863: 12/06: Pres. Tomas Mosquera (of New Granada) urges the Ecuadorians to overthrow Moreno and Gen. Flores leads his army into New Granada but is defeated in the Battle of Cuaspud; a concordat is signed. restoring the status quo.

1864: 08/22: a Claims board is held at Guayaquil which settles the claims at $f94,799.56.

11/14-03/13/1865: sent representatives to the Second International Congress at Lima (Peru).


(GEOGRAPHY: group of islands, W of coast, #0.20 S, 91 W)


(GEOGRAPHY: group of islands in the S. Pacific Ocean, 400 miles W. of Chile, #33:50 S, 79:30 W)

NEW GRANADA (a.k.a. Granadine Confederation, Columbia)

(GEOGRAPHY: N.W. S. America, #4 N, 74 W)

(LEADERS: Pres. Maria Mallarino ['56-'57]: Pres. Mariano Ospino Rodriguez ['57-'61]: Pres. Tomas Cipriano de Mosquera ['61-'64]: Pres. Manuel Morillo Toro ['64-'65]; Ospino is a Conservative; de Mosquera is repressive)

(MISCELLANEOUS: city of Bogota)

1856: 04/15: the "Panama massacre" riot (over non-payment of $.10 for a slice of watermelon) leads to the killing of many passengers (chiefly North Americans) in transit across the Isthmus and destruction and looting of their property.

1857: Pres. Maria Mallarino.

04/01: Mariano Ospina Rodriguez is inaugurated as President.

09/10: a Claims Convention with the United States is signed by which New Granada admits responsibility for the "Panama massacre" of '56 and an indemnity of about $160,000 is to be paid.

1858: Mariano Ospino Rodriguez is serving as president

04/01: a new federal constitution adopted under the name of the "Granadan Confederation" (under which the Republic became a "Confederation Granadina") of 8 States (until '61) and the government is decentralized.

05/22: the new constitution is promulgated.

1859: Mariano Ospino Rodriguez is serving as president.

1860: Mariano Ospino Rodriguez is serving as president. Late in the year: civil war erupts as Gen. Tomas Cipriano de Mosquera (Liberal Gov. (repressive) of Cauca) declares his state independent while others follow his example.

1861: Gen. Mosquera (Gov. of the State of Cauca) fights a series of conflicts and eventually captures Bogota and overthrows the government

07/18: Gen. Mosquera becomes provisional president and formes a liberl anti-clerical government.

09/20: the Grenadine Confederation Congress of the States forms the union of "United States of New Granada."

1862: President Tomas Cipriano de Mosquera serves New Granada.

11/01: the assassination of the chief of the Conservative Party (Julio Arboleda) takes place.

1863: Pres. Tomas Cipriano de Mosquera serves New Granada.

05/08: Congress promulgates a new liberal constitution ("Political Constitution of the United States of Colombia") at Rio Negro which stresses civil liberties, religious reforms, and a two-year presidential term and Moquera is elected President (to hold office until April '64).

1864: President Tomas Cipriano de Mosquera is replaced by elected president Manuel Murillo Toro.

02/10: a Claims Convention with the United States is signed.

11/14-03/13/1865: New Granada sends representatives to the Second International Congress at Lima, Peru.


(GEOGRAPHY: W. tropical S. America, #10 S, 74 W)

(LEADERS: Pres. Ramon Castilla [1845-‘62]: Pres. Miguel San Roman ['62-'63]: Pres. Pedro Diaz Coneseco ['63]: Pres. Juan Antonio Pezet [‘63-’65], Pres. Mariano Prado [‘65])

(MISCELLANEOUS: city of Lima)+++

1856: 07/22: a convention as to the rights of neutrals at sea is signed with the United States.

10/31: a revolt begins at Arequipa (which declares for Vivanco as president).

11/16: the fleet joins the revolt but the country remains loyal.

1857: Ramon Castilla continues to serve as President.

07/04: a treaty is singed with the United States as to whaling ships.

1858: 03/05: Pres.-Gen. Castilla attacks Arequipa (which had been taken by Montero and Vivanco).

03/07: Arequipa captiulates but Vivanco escapes in disguise and the revolt is suppressed by Castilla.

1859: Gen. Miller returns; Ramon Castilla continues as president.

08/27: a contract is signed providing for the introduction of 25,000 immigrants.

11/22: a contract signed providing for the importation of Spanish immigrants.

1860: Ramon Castilla is serving as President and begins doing serious trading in guano.

07/28: a revised constitution is designed with an enlightened program.

11/10: the revised constitution is adopted and signed

11/13(11/25): the revised constitution promulgated.

12/31: a contract is signed providing for the introduction of German immigrants.

1861: 10/31: Gen. Miller dies.

1862: 10/24: Gen. Miguel San Roman takes office as president on the resignation of Ramon Castilla.

12/20: a Claims Convention with the United States is signed; the King of the Belgians is named as arbitrator.

1863: 01/12: a Claims Treaty with the United States is signed.

04/03: President San Roman dies and is succeeded by his second vice-president Gen. Pedro Diaz Conaseco.

08/05: the first vice-president Gen. J. A. Pezet returns from Europe and takes office as president.

11/05: a treaty of friendship and commerce is signed with Bolivia.

1864: Juan Pezet is serving as president.

01/11: the government issues invitations to governments of the American Republics to a Congress at Lima (Peru)

04/14: Spanish Admiral Pinzon seizes the guano-rich Chincha Islands as a settlement of claims (Spain had not recognized Peru’s independence) and provokes a political crisis.

09/05: a commercial and customs treaty is signed with Bolivia.

10/28: the International Congress at Lima (Peru) opens.

11/14-03/13/1865: the Second International Congress meets in Lima (Peru) with the object of forming a union of the Spanish-American States and is attended by representatives from Guatemala, Venezuela, Colombia (formerly New Granada), Ecuador, Argentina, Bolivia and Peru.

1865: 01/14: a treaty with Spain is made which virtually recognizes Peru’s independence but the people were unhappy and drive Pezet from the presidency.

01/27: Mariano Prado becomes president and declares war on Spain and agrees to an alliances with Chile, Bolivia, and Ecuador;

05/09: Spain blockades the allied ports and attacks Valparaiso and Callao but soon quits the war.


(GEOGRAPHY: N. S. America, #7 N, 65 W)

(LEADERS: Pres. Jose Tadeo Monagas ['55-'58]: Pres. Julian Castro ['58-'59]: Pres. Dr. Pedro Gual ['59-'60]: Manuel Felipe Tovar ['60-'61]: Pres. Jose Antonio Paez ['61-'63]: Pres. Juan Falcon ['63])

(MISCELLANEOUS: city of Caracas)

1856: Gen. Jose Tadeo Monagas is serving as president for the second time.

1857: 04/10: a new constitution is promulgated.

1858: 02/08: a treaty of commerce and friendship is signed with Belgium.

03/05: an insurrection erupts in Valencia (led by Gen. Julian Castro, Gov. of Carabobo) against the constitution of '57 and Castro is successful and becomes president.

12/24: a new constitution is adopted which is more federalistic than that of 1830; Congress invites Paez to return from exile; Antonio Guzman Blanco (a Liberal) is exiled.

1859: 01/14: the signing of a Claims Convention with the United States is held.

02/20: a vote of majority of the citizens declares in favor of a Federal Republic.

05/05: a Boundary Treaty is signed with Brazil.

07/24: Gen. Falcon (a Liberal) lands in Venezuela and proclaims the Federal Republic and subsequently captures Castro and deposes him.

08/01: Pres. Monagas is arrested and Dr. Pedro Gual becomes president.

08/02: the same troops which arrested Monagas now declare against the Revolution and fire on the people and thereby begin the five year "War of the Federation."

09/30: the Battle of Sabana de la Cruz which results in the fall of Barquismeto and a Liberal victory.

1860: 03/31: a treaty of friendship, commerce and navigation is signed with the Hanseatic Republics (Germany); Manuel Felipe Tovar is elected as president.

08/27: a treaty of amity, commerce, extradition and navigation is signed with the United States.

1861: the government ended slavery.

03: Gen. Jose Antonio Paez (a conservative) returns to Venezuela and captures Caracas and deposes President Tovar and made himself a dictator (president-authoritarian, clerical regime) and with Gen. Juan Falcon succeeds in ending the civil war for a time.

06/19: a treaty of friendship, commerce and navigation with Italy is signed.

09/08: Gen. Jose Antonio Paez is elected president.

1862: 10/21: Guzman Blanco wins the victory of Quebradaseca.

12/19: a treaty of friendship, commerce and navigation is signed with Denmark.

1863: 03/06: Pres. Paez signs a Concordat with the Vatican which is not accepted by Congress as not in harmony with the Law of Patronage.

04/16-18: several battles surrender the province of Caracas to the Federals.

05/22: the Peace of Coche (an agreement to end hostilities) is signed by Pres. Paez and Gusman Blanco (representing Gen. Falcon, leading the revolution) by which Pres. Paez agrees to abdicate and an assembly is to be nominated by the chiefs of both parties; the Liberal Falcon is named as "provisional President."

07/24: Gen. Falcon (the elected President) enters Caracas; Guzman Blanco becomes Minister of Foreign Affairs.

1864: 03/28: a new democratic-federalist constitution is adopted for the United States of Venezuela.

11/14-03/13/1865: Venezuela sends representatives to the Second International Congress at Lima, Peru.

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