State Recreation Area

The Picacho State Recreation Area is located in the lower Colorado River Basin just 25 miles north of Yuma, Az. The area is mostly known for it's beautiful scenery and it's large population of river wildlife. But, what really makes Picacho so breathtaking is it's geological and historical background.

Peaople tend to think that because it's desert, it's lifeless, however, the desert is filled with life. You are surrounded by living, breathing things, whether it be plants, insects, or animals. There are several different types of plantlife: cacti, shrubs, trees; wildlife: rabbits, coyotes, foxes, mountain lions, wild burros, snakes, tarantulas, scorpions; and insects: bees, butterflies and beetles. The desert holds nothing but life.

Here are some pictures that were taken on our way out to the recreational area - Picacho Road. (Click on thumbnailed pictures to enlarge.)
Wild burro tracks. Beavertail cactus. 
Ocotillo cactus.  Barrel cactus. (It hurts when you sit on them. Long story.)
Entrance of crevice. Standing in crevice.
Further into crevice. Looking 20ft. up.
Walking in crevice - looking for tarantulas. Pocket in wall that doubles as candle holder.
Exiting unharmed - always a plus. Pretty, yellow desert bloomage.
Pretty, purple, desert bloomage. Breathtaking view.
Panoramic view w/Picacho Peak in bckgrnd. Look at all those hills.
Pretty view of nose of Jeep and Picacho Road. Little critters live in those holes.
The desert has groovy colors. (have another beer!) There's the Jeep w/hubby sitting in it.
I can't help it...I love it! On a day like this you can see forever.
Unnamed Wash aka No Name Wash. Ha! Complete accident, yet majestic all the same.
Look for the pea-sized hole in the mountain. 

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