Stone Fox and Dogsong

This collaborative web site links Miss Iredale's 4th grade class at Ashaway Elementary School in Ashaway, Rhode Island with Mrs. Milburn's 7th grade English class at Chariho Middle School in Wood River Junction, Rhode Island. The aim of this interactive project is to compare Stone Fox, by Gardiner, to Dogsong, by Paulsen. Below are projects, links, and information about these two books. Check back often to see our progress.

4th Grade

7th Grade

Click here to see projects completed by 4th and 7th graders as well as links to information about the author and book reviews.

Click here to see projects completed by 4th and 7th graders.


Click here to learn more about the setting of Stone Fox.

Setting and Author

Click here to learn more about the setting and author as well as student essays about these topics.

Shoshone Culture

Click here to read legends and poetry written by Shoshone woman as well as links to books and artwork.

Inuit Culture

Click here for student essays about the Inuit as well as links to more sites about their culture.