Sequare Daniel-Berhe, (Ph.D.)

(Postdoctoral, Ph.D., M.Sc. & B.Sc. in Electrical & Computer Engineering field of studies),
Visiting Associate Research Engineer,
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department (MAE),
School of Engineering & Applied Science,
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).

Postdoctoral, Ph.D.,
M.Sc. and B.Sc.
in Electrical & Computer Engineering field of studies


   Personal Information
   Areas of Expertise & Status
   Career Objective, Teaching & Research Interests & Activities
   Academic and Practical Experiences
   Selected Academic Publications
   Selected Academic Presentations
   Academic Joint Projects
    Professional Affiliations
    Academic Recognition by "WHO’S WHO IN THE WORLD"
    Professional Services
    Major Courses
    Sport & Hobbies
    Extracurricular Activities
    Favourite Control Groups in the World

  16th edition of Marquis WHO’S WHO IN THE WORLD 1999 + CERTIFICATE

News: From UCLA


Personal Information

Areas of Expertise & Status

Areas of Expertise:

Over ten years related work experience as
   oLecturer, Researcher, Instructor and Projects Supervisor
   oTechnical Advisor and Technical Projects Coordinator
   oConsultant, Design Engineer, Office Engineer, Electrical & Computer Engineer
   oWebsite Designer & Webmaster
   oGrant Writer and Organizer of High-level Research Oriented Technical Proposals, etc.


   oFebruary 2006 - Present: Assistant Professor-Adjunct Faculty in Electrical & Computer Engineering , at California State University Los Angeles
   oOctober 2004 - Present: Assistant Professor-Adjunct Faculty in Electronics and Computer Technology (ECT), Electrical Engineering Technology (EET), Computer Engineering Technology (CET), & Computer Information Systems (CIS), as well as in Network and Communications Management (NCM) at DeVry University Long Beach
   oFebruary 2005 - Present: Assistant Professor-Adjunct Faculty in Computer Technology (CT), Electronics (EET), & Computer Science Information Technology (CSIT) as well as in Engineering, Physics & Astronomy at Los Angeles City College
   oFebruary 2005 - Present: Assistant Professor-Adjunct Faculty in Computer Information Systems (CIS) at Riverside Community College
   o01/17/2000 - Present: Associate Research Engineer in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department, School of Engineering & Applied Science, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).
   o10/94 - 01/16/2000: Scientific co-worker, researcher and instructor in Control Engineering Department, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Sciences, Ruhr-University Bochum, Bochum, Germany.
   o06/01/92 - 03/31/94: Lecturer II, Research Assistant, Undergraduate Thesis Research Projects Supervisor and Assistant Course Coordinator in Electrical and Computer Engineering Department,    Faculty of Technology,    at   Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
   o09/01/89 - 05/31/92: Lecturer I and Research Assistant in Electrical and Computer Engineering Department,    Faculty of Technology,   at   Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.


Career Objective, Teaching & Research Interests & Activities

{A challenging position requiring creativity and knowledge of Electrical and Computer Engineering, as well as Information Sciences, specifically, in the field of Control Systems, Signal Processing, Communication, Optimization, Electronics, Microprocessors, Electrical Machines, Power Systems, Sensors & Instrumentation, Nonlinear Systems Modelling and Identification, Adaptive and Optimal Control Applications, Computer/Information Science, Programming (C++, html, Java, etc), as well as teaching any Electrical, any basic Engineering, any Computer and Information Science courses including SolidWorks, CISCO-CCNA Networking, Mathematics, Physics, etc.}

Hierarchical Modeling, Optimization and Control of Large-scale and Complex Systems
Hierarchical Multiobjective Analysis of Large-scale and Complex Systems
Advances in Enterprise Modeling and Control
Linear/Nonlinear Systems Modeling, Optimization and Control
Methods for Modeling and Identification of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems (Nonparametric, Parametric and Semiparametric Nonlinear Models)
Approaches to Nonlinear Continuous-time Systems Identification
Detection and Estimation of Jumps in Nonlinear Continuous-time Systems
Gradual or Smoothly Time-varying and Abruptly Changing Parameter Identification of Nonlinear Continuous-time Processes
Bilinear, Hammerstein, Integrable and Convolvable Nonlinear Continuous-time Systems Identification
System Identification by an Adaptive Direct Form FIR Filters
Real-time On-line Identification of a Nonlinear Continuous-time Plant Using the Hartley Modulating Functions Method
Batch Scheme Recursive Physical Parameter Identification of Nonlinear Continuous-time Systems Using the Hartley Modulating Functions Method
   o Physical Parameter Estimation of the Nonlinear Continuous-time Dynamics of a DC Motor
   o Physical Parameter Estimation of the Nonlinear Continuous-time Dynamics of a Single Link Robotic Manipulator with Flexible Joint
Real-time Implementations using one Shoot, Batch Scheme Nonrecursive and Recursive LS Estimation Algorithms, e.g.:
   o Experimental Physical Parameters Estimation of the Nonlinear Continuous-time Dynamics of a Thyristor Driven DC Motor Using One Shoot FWLS Estimation Algorithm and CADACS Software
   o Off-line Experimental Physical Parameters Estimation of the Nonlinear Continuous-time Dynamics of a Thyristor Driven DC Motor
       o Using CADACS Software and Batch Scheme Nonrecursive FWLS Estimation Algorithm
       o Using Interactive Real-time Toolbox and Batch Scheme Nonrecursive FWLS Estimation Algorithm
   o Real-time On-line Experimental Physical Parameters Estimation of the Nonlinear Continuous-time Dynamics of a Thyristor Driven DC Motor Using Batch Scheme Recursive LS Estimation Algorithm and Interactive Real-time Toolbox
Application of Linear/Nonlinear System Modeling & Identification to Modern Finance, etc.
Advanced Unmanned Air & Ground Combat Vehicles and Operations, etc.


[Control Systems, Signal Processing, Optimization, Nonlinear Systems Modeling & Identification, Communications, etc.]


  A.1. Hierarchical Modeling, Optimization and Control of Large-scale and Complex Systems

   o Large-scale and Complex Enterprise Modeling and Control
   o Hierarchical Planning
   o Coordination of Hierarchical Structures
   o Decision Making Processes
   o Hierarchical Multiobjective Analysis of Large-scale and Complex Systems

 A.2. Linear/Nonlinear Systems Modeling, Optimization and Control

   o Optimal Strategies Planning
   o Optimal Resources Allocation
   o Dynamic Optimization
   o Linear Programming (CPLEX)
   o Mathematical Programming
   o Model Evaluation
   o Linear/Nonlinear System Identification

 A.3. Applications:

             o Advances in Enterprise Modeling and Control
             o Hi-Tech Battlefield Modeling & Optimization
             o Automated Battle Management
             o Planning of Complex Military Strategies Problems
             o Modern Warfare Operational Games
             o Mathematical Research on Combat Modeling
             o Optimal Operation of Small & Large-scale & Complex Industrial Processes
             o Reduction of Large-scale and Complex Systems Models
             o Optimal Resource Allocation Problems
             o Operational Research Problems
             o Management Problems, etc.


  B.1. Methods for modelling and identification of nonlinear systems

This work investigates the major structure of nonlinear models that may be categorized into three main classes based on their distinct approaches to the identification of nonlinear systems application. The first class of models is based on functional series expansions or kernel regression estimate techniques which belong to the class of nonlinear nonparametric models. The second class is called nonlinear parametric models which include discrete-/continuous-time parameter estimation methods applied to difference/differential equation models, differential operator nonlinear models using modulation functions, special/block oriented models and state space models. The third one is classified as nonlinear semiparametric models which covers the recently emerging class of models based on artificial neural networks and linguistic label fuzzy models. In this work, an attempt has been made to present a thorough overview of the nonlinear models, to take a historical look and to provide insight into the advancement, the methodologies, technical difficulties, current status, etc.

Fig. 1 Major structure of nonlinear system identification models.

 B.2. Approaches to nonlinear continuous-time systems identification

This project considers approaches to nonlinear continuous-time systems identification. It is well known that most of the real dynamic systems are continuous in time and can be represented by a set of differential equations in which the parameters are physically motivated. In recent years techniques for identification of nonlinear continuous-time systems have attracted much attention. Among the existing approaches, identification of continuous-time systems using Poisson moment functionals (PMF), generalized PMF; Markov parameter estimation; time moments; delayed state variable filters; block pulse functions (BPF), generalized BPF; Walsh functions; orthogonal polynomials (OP), generalized OP, general hybrid orthogonal functions; Laguerre polynomials; Legendre polynomials; Chebyshev polynomials; Taylor series; modulating function method; Fourier-, trigonometric-, Hermite-, spline-type- and Hartley modulating functions methods have become known in literature. This work aims to survey a brief literature in the area and analyze in general.

  B.3. Physical parameter identification of nonlinear continuous-time systems using Hartley modulating functions (HMF) Method

   o Detection and Estimation of Jumps in Nonlinear Continuous-time Systems
   o Gradual or Smoothly Time-varying and Abruptly Changing Parameter Identification of Nonlinear Continuous-time Processes
   o Real-time On-line Identification of a Nonlinear Continuous-time Plant Using the Hartley Modulating Functions Method
   o Batch Scheme Recursive Physical Parameter Identification of Nonlinear Continuous-time Systems Using the Hartley Modulating Functions Method

Fig. 2 Real-time experimental setup of the nonlinear thyristor driven dc-motor and load plant.

Fig. 3 Nonlinear Dynamics of a Single Link Robotic Manipulator with Flexible Joint.

Fig. 4 Nonlinear Continuous-time Dynamics of a DC Motor and load.

Other investigated type of systems:

   o Different types of linear & bilinear continuous-time systems,

   o Hammerstein nonlinear cont.-time systems,

   o Integrable nonlinear cont.-time systems,

   o Convolvable nonlinear cont.-time systems &

   o General differential operator nonlinear cont.-time systems.

Abstract: This research is concerned with the new development of a general framework of methods for modeling and identification of physically-based nonlinear parametric continuous-time dynamical systems. This new framework uses Hartley modulating functions (HMF) (1995). The HMF-method assumes the a priori knowledge of the nonlinear differential equation of a physical system, the parameters of which are unknown, and uses sampled input and noise contaminated output data records for the estimation of the physically-based system parameters. The HMF-method is re-examined, further developed and applied to physically-based continuous-time dynamics. Furthermore, a new batch scheme approach (1998) for nonlinear continuous-time systems identification is developed. Please refer to the listed publications below. The developed new identification method has been thoroughly tested to physically-based nonlinear continuous-time practicable dynamical systems, e.g., in a nonlinear dynamics of a dc-motor with load, a single link robotic manipulator with flexible joint, etc., and attempts have also been made to apply in practice, e.g., in a nonlinear thyristor driven dc-motor experimental set-up. The method has used a suited weighted LS-algorithm and shown promising results for the identification of linear, bilinear, Hammerstein and integrable as well as convolvable nonlinear continuous-time systems in the presence of noticeable measurement noises. More recently, a new batch scheme nonrecursive HMF identification method is proposed and applied to the detection and estimation of gradual or smoothly time-varying and abruptly changing parameters of nonlinear dynamic systems arising in various fields such as in nonlinear chemical processes, fault detection and diagnosis of nonlinear processes, etc. Furthermore, two new batch schemes recursive HMF algorithms are developed for nonlinear continuous-time system identification based on stair-case and trapezoidal approximations for the Hartley transform numerical integration. The algorithms are implemented by moving a fixed window size of time series data forward at each sampling instance and update recursively the sequential Hartley transforms and spectra to estimate parameters of the nonlinear model. The HMF-Method is a recently developed identification approach. As it is verified in the listed publications below, the method has shown promising results for the identification of nonlinear systems. In general, these studies at this time are preliminary and there are many issues yet to be addressed, and it leads to further work towards investigating the methodology into various improvements as well as applications.

 B.4. System Identification by an Adaptive Direct Form FIR Filters

   o (i) Using Widrow-Hoff least mean squares adaptation algorithm (gradient-descent method)
   o (ii) Using conventional recursive least squares adaptation algorithm (applying rank-one modification of covariance matrices, a priori and a posteriori Kalman gain, likelihood variables, etc.)
   o (iii) Using fast recursive least squares adaptation algorithm (based on the ideas mentioned in (ii) above and forward/backward prediction, fast Kalman as well as shift-invariance property)
   o Application of these three approaches to obtain the irreducible or minimal state variable realization of the identified dynamic system by formulating a suitable Hankel matrix with Markov parameter elements and applying a row searching algorithm.


o  Application of Linear/Nonlinear System Modeling & Identification to MicroElectroMechanical Systems (MEMS)
o  Application of Linear/Nonlinear System Modeling & Identification to Modern Finance (Part time basis)

         o Research on Modern Investment Science/Methods to Business Issues
         o Background: System Modeling & Identification Issues Associated with Option Pricing Theory, Portfolio Design, Technical Trading, Model Evaluation, etc.

o  Advanced Unmanned Air & Ground Combat Vehicles and Operations, etc.

Education:  Postdoctoral, Ph.D., M.Sc. & B.Sc.

01/17/2000 - 12/31/2002
10/94 - 6/99
9/89 - 12/91
9/80 - 11/85

Academic and Practical Experiences

February 2006 - Present
February 2006 - Present
February 2006 - Present
February 2006 - Present
01/17/2000 - Present
Since 04/01/2002
10/94 - 01/16/2000
6/92 - 3/94
9/89 - 5/92
7/91 - 3/94

Other Professional Industrial Practical Experiences

MAIN DUTIES PERFORMED AS AN ELECTRICAL ENGINEER: Research & Development, consultant, technical advisor, technical projects coordinator, grant writer, website designer & webmaster, assessment of engineering cost, reviewing existing conditions at project sites, electrical design for building systems & small-scale industries, design of hydro-electric power plants & irrigation systems, design of power distribution systems & preparation of electrical specifications, motor control design, supervision & services through construction, etc.
11/92 - 2/93
9/89 - 8/92
5/88 - 8/89
12/85 - 4/88    
9/86 - 3/94
12/85 - 1/86
7/84 - 9/84
7/83 - 9/83
    Assistance Engineer in the "Project and Planning Section", Telecommunication Authority, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (Vacation work).

Selected Academic Publications

A. Recent Journal Papers

  1. S. Daniel-Berhe and H. Unbehauen. Physical parameters estimation of the nonlinear continuous-time dynamics of a dc motor using HMF-method. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 336(3), pp 481-501, 1999.

  2. S. Daniel-Berhe and H. Unbehauen. An approach for estimating abruptly changing parameters of integrable nonlinear continuous-time systems. Systems Science Journal,   25(1), pp 15-26, 1999. {This paper is automatically published by the editor of "System Science Journal" after it has been presented at the XIII International Conference on Systems Science’98 in Poland}.

  3. S. Daniel-Berhe and H. Unbehauen. Bilinear continuous-time systems identification via Hartley based modulating functions. Journal of IFAC Automatica, 34(4), pp 499-503, 1998.

  4. S. Daniel-Berhe and H. Unbehauen. Experimental physical parameter estimation of a thyristor drivendc-motor using the HMF-method. Journal of IFAC Control Engineering Practice, 6(5), pp 615-626, 1998.

  5. S. Daniel-Berhe and H. Unbehauen. Batch scheme Hartley modulating functions method for abruptly changing parameters identification of nonlinear continuous-time systems. Systems Science Journal,  24(3), pp 67-87, 1998.

  6. S. Daniel-Berhe and H. Unbehauen. Parameter identification of nonlinear continuous-time systems by Hartley Modulating Functions approach. Systems Science Journal,   23(3), pp 5-22, 1997.

B. Recent Conference Papers

  1. S. Daniel-Berhe, M. Ait-Rami, Jeff Shamma and Jason Speyer. Optimization based battle management. Proc. of IEEE-American Control Conference 2001, ACC'2001, Session: WP-05, pp 4711 -4715, June 25 - 27, 2001, Arlington, VA, USA. {Invited Session}

  2. S. Daniel-Berhe and H. Unbehauen. Batch Scheme Recursive Parameter Estimation of Gradually Time-Varying Nonlinear Systems. International Federation of Automatic Control ( IFAC ), Symposium on System Identification, SYSID'2000, Session: ThPM2-3, June 21 - 23, 2000, Santa Barbara, California, USA. {Invited Session}

  3. S. Daniel-Berhe. Real-time On-line Identification of a Nonlinear Continuous-time Plant Using Hartley Modulating Functions Method. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology - ICIT 2000 in Goa, India, pp 584 - 589, January 19 - 22, 2000. (Invited Session)

  4. S. Daniel-Berhe and H. Unbehauen. Batch scheme recursive Hartley modulating functions identification of nonlinear continuous-time Hammerstein model. European Control Conference 1999, ECC'99, Invited session, In Co-operation with IFAC & IEEE Control System Society, Session DM-3-3, 31 August - 3 September 1999, Karlsruhe, Germany.

  5. S. Daniel-Berhe and H. Unbehauen. State space identification of bilinear continuous-time canonical systems via batch scheme Hartley modulating functions approach. Proc. of 37th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 1998, CDC'98, Session Code: FP08-1, Parameter Identification and Estimation, pp 4482-4487, Hyatt Regency Westshore, Tampa, Florida, USA, December 16-18, 1998.

  6. S. Daniel-Berhe and H. Unbehauen. Batch scheme Hartley modulating functions method to the detection and estimation of jumps in a class of convolvable nonlinear systems. Proc. of IEEE   Conference on Control Applications 1998, CCA'98 ,    Paper No. GC016, Session TM06-2, Nonlinear Control 1, pp 838-842, Trieste, Italy, September 1-4, 1998. Co-Chair: Session TM06 "Nonlinear Control 1."

  7. S. Daniel-Berhe and H. Unbehauen. Batch scheme Hartley modulating functions method for detecting gradual parameter changes in the identification of integrable nonlinear continuous-time systems. Proc. of IEE'98, UKACC International Conference on Control'98 , Conference Publication No. 455, Session 8B-SYSID II, pp 1254-1259, University of Wales, Swansea, Uk, September 1-4, 1998.

  8. S. Daniel-Berhe and H. Unbehauen. An approach for estimating abruptly changing parameters of integrable nonlinear continuous-time systems. Proc. of XIII International Conference on Systems Science’98,     Paper No. 98-074, Session A1-1 Systems Theory I, pp 84-95,     Wroclaw University of Technology, Wroclaw, Poland, September 15-18, 1998. {Invited Session}

  9. S. Daniel-Berhe and H. Unbehauen. Identification of nonlinear continuous-time Hammerstein model via HMF-method. Proc. of 36th IEEE   Conference on Decision and Control 1997, CDC'97,   December 10 - 12, 1997, pp 2990-2995, San Diego, California.

  10. S. Daniel-Berhe. Identification of nonlinear continuous-time systems. Proc. of 3rd SIMONET’97 Workshop: Recent results in system identification and modeling, pp 111-119, October 8-9, 1997, Bochum, Germany. {Invited Session}

  11. S. Daniel-Berhe and H. Unbehauen. Parameter estimation of the nonlinear dynamics of a thyristor driven dc-motor experimental set-up using HMF-method. Proc. of 11th International Federation of Automatic Control ( IFAC ), Symposium on System Identification, SYSID'97,  July 8 - 11, 1997, Vol. 1, pp 189-194, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka, Japan. {Invited Session}

  12. S. Daniel-Berhe and H. Unbehauen. Efficient parameter estimation for a class of linear continuous time systems using the HMF-method. Proc. of European Control Conference 1997, ECC'97, In Co-operation with IFAC & IEEE Control System Society, July 1-4, 1997, pp TH-E-F1, Brussels, Belgium.

  13. S. Daniel-Berhe and H. Unbehauen. Physical parameter estimation of the nonlinear dynamics of a single link robotic manipulator with flexible joint using the HMF-method. Proc. of 16th IEEE - American Control Conference 1997, ACC'97, Albuquerque Convention Center, June 4 - 6, 1997, pp 1504-1508, New Mexico, USA.

  14. S. Daniel-Berhe and H. Unbehauen. Application of the Hartley modulating functions method for the identification of the bilinear dynamics of a dc motor. Proc. of 35th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 1996, CDC'96, Kobe International Conference Center, December 11 - 13, 1996, pp 1533-1538, Kobe, Japan.

  15. S. Daniel-Berhe and H. Unbehauen. Parameter estimation of nonlinear continuous-time systems using Hartley modulating functions. Proc. of IEE'96,  UKACC International Conference on Control'96, Sept. 2 -5, 1996, Conference Publication No. 427, pp 228-233, Exeter, England.

  16. S. Daniel-Berhe and H. Unbehauen. Hartley modulating functions method for the identification of nonlinear continuous-time systems. Proc. of second World Automation Congress, WAC'96, ISIAC’96 May 27 - 30, 1996, Vol. 4 Intelligent Automation and Control (ISIAC), pp 139-144, Montpellier, France. {Invited Session} Co-Chair: Session WdA-12 "Identification of Nonlinear Systems."

C. Submitted Conference and Journal Papers

  1. Sommer Gentry, Eric Feron, Venkatesh Saligrama, S. Daniel-Berhe and Jeff Shamma. Identifying optimization parameters. Submitted to Proc. of IEEE-American Control Conference 2001, ACC'2001.

  2. S. Daniel-Berhe and H. Unbehauen. Methods for modeling and identification of nonlinear systems: Part I Nonparametric. Submitted to European Journal of Control, EJC, its extended abstract is accepted in 1997.

  3. H. Unbehauen and S. Daniel-Berhe. Methods for modeling and identification of nonlinear systems: Part II Parametric. Submitted to European Journal of Control, EJC, its extended abstract is accepted in 1997.

  4. S. Daniel-Berhe and H. Unbehauen. Methods for modeling and identification of nonlinear systems: Part III Semiparametric. Submitted to European Journal of Control, EJC, its extended abstract is accepted in 1997.

  5. S. Daniel-Berhe. Investigation of the HMF-method into parameter estimation of different types of linear differential systems in relation to their frequency domain interpretations. Almost completed study and to be submitted to a Journal.

D. Selected Academic Technical Writings/Reports

  1. S. Daniel-Berhe. Parameter identification of nonlinear continuous-time systems using the Hartley modulating functions method. Ph.D. Dissertation, Cuvillier Verlag Göttingen, 1999, ISBN 3-89712-579-X.

  2. S. Daniel-Berhe. Approaches and recent developments in nonlinear continuous-time systems Identification. Internal Report, ESR 9707, Control Engineering Department, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Ruhr-University Bochum, Bochum, Germany, 1997.

  3. S. Daniel-Berhe. Use of fuzzy logic in adaptive conventional control systems. Internal Report (Seminar), ESR 9711, Control Engineering Department, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Ruhr-University Bochum, Bochum, Germany, 24 June 1997.

  4. S. Daniel-Berhe. System identification by an adaptive direct form FIR filters and cross-correlation techniques. M.Sc. Thesis, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department,    Faculty of Technology,    Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Dec. 21, 1991.

  5. S. Daniel-Berhe and Gessesew Seyoum. Amharic Character Generator: Microprocessor-based Software and Hardware Design. B.Sc. Thesis, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department,    Faculty of Technology,    Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Nov. 8, 1985.

E. Selected Academic Presentations

  1. S. Daniel-Berhe. 22 June 2000 , International Federation of Automatic Control ( IFAC), Symposium on System Identification, SYSID'2000, Invited Session, Session: ThPM2-3, June 21 - 23, 2000, Santa Barbara, California, USA. "Batch Scheme Recursive Parameter Estimation of Gradually Time-Varying Nonlinear Systems."

  2. S. Daniel-Berhe. 3 September 1999 , European Control Conference 1999, ECC'99, Invited session, In Co-operation with IFAC & IEEE Control System Society, Session DM-3-3, 31 August - 3 September 1999, Karlsruhe, Germany, "Batch scheme recursive Hartley modulating functions identification of nonlinear continuous-timeHammerstein model."

  3. S. Daniel-Berhe. 18 December 1998 , IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 1998, CDC'98, Session Code: FP08-1, Parameter Identification and Estimation, Hyatt Regency Westshore, Tampa, Florida, USA, "State space identification of bilinear continuous-time canonical systems via batch scheme Hartley modulating functions approach."

  4. S. Daniel-Berhe. 17 November 1998 , Colloquium, Control Engineering Department, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Ruhr-University Bochum, Bochum, Germany, "Physical parameter identification of nonlinear continuous-time systems using the Hartley modulating functions method."

  5. S. Daniel-Berhe. 3 September 1998, IEEE   Conference on Control Applications 1998, CCA'98 ,    Trieste, Italy, "Batch scheme Hartley modulating functions method to the detection and estimation of jumps in a class of convolvable nonlinear systems." Co-Chair: Session TM06 "Nonlinear Control 1."

  6. S. Daniel-Berhe. 11 December 1997, 36th IEEE   Conference on Decision and Control 1997, CDC'97, San Diego, California, USA, "Identification of nonlinear continuous-time Hammerstein model via HMF-method."

  7. S. Daniel-Berhe. 3 December 1997, Colloquium, University of Athens, Department of Informatics, Division of Communications and Signal Processing, Panepistimiopolis, Athens, Greece, "Parameter identification of nonlinear continuous-time systems by Hartley modulation functions approach."

  8. S. Daniel-Berhe. 9 October 1997, 3rd SIMONET’97 Workshop, Recent results in system identification and modeling, Bochum, Germany, "Identification of nonlinear continuous-time systems."

  9. ECC'97, In Co-operation with IFAC & IEEE Control System Society, Brussels, Belgium, "Efficient parameter estimation for a class of linear continuous time systems using the HMF-method."

  10. S. Daniel-Berhe. 24 June 1997, Seminar, Control Engineering Department, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Ruhr-University Bochum, Bochum, Germany, "Use of Fuzzy logic in adaptive conventional control systems."

  11. S. Daniel-Berhe. 5 June 1997, 16th IEEE-American Control Conference 1997, ACC'97, Albuquerque Convention Center, New Mexico, USA, "Physical parameter estimation of the nonlinear dynamics of a single link robotic manipulator with flexible joint using the HMF-method."

  12. S. Daniel-Berhe. 11 December 1996, 35th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 1996, CDC'96, Kobe International Conference Center, Kobe, Japan, "Application of the Hartley modulating functions method for the identification of the bilinear dynamics of a dc motor."

  13. S. Daniel-Berhe. 3 September 1996, IEE'96,  UKACC International Conference on Control'96, Exeter, England, "Parameter estimation of nonlinear continuous-time systems using Hartley modulating functions."

  14. S. Daniel-Berhe. 29 May 1996, Second World Automation Congress, WAC'96, Intelligent Automation and Control, ISIAC'96, Montpellier, France, "Hartley modulating functions method for the identification of nonlinear continuous-time systems." Co-Chair: Session WdA-12 "Identification of Nonlinear Systems."

Academic Joint Projects

A. [Related to Advances in Enterprise Modeling and Control]

  1. Identifying Optimization Parameters, etc. Together with Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems, MIT, USA.

B. [Related to Nonlinear Systems/Processes Modeling & Identification]

  1. Identification of Nonlinear Induction Motors. Together with New Jersey University, USA.
  2. Fault Detection and Diagnosis of Nonlinear Processes. Together with University of Bologna, Italy.
  3. Bilinear Systems/Processes Identification. Together with Delft University of Technology, Holland.
  4. Nonlinear Systems Identification. Together with University of Athens, Greece.

Professional Affiliations

Member of:

  1. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
  2. IEEE Control Systems Society (IEEE-CSS)
  3. IEEE Education Society
  4. World Scientific and Engineering Society   (WSES)
Archive: Systems and Control Archive List
    List of addresses and home pages of people working in systems and control theory.

Academic Recognition by "WHO’S WHO IN THE WORLD" + CERTIFICATE

Included in the 16th edition of Marquis WHO’S WHO IN THE WORLD 1999 biographical reference book, published in Dec. 1998.
Who’s Who in the World is a comprehensive directory of the biographies of international outstanding people in a wide range of professions and geographic locations. Each biography details an individual’s accomplishments for the use of educators, administrators, researchers and library patrons.
The 16th edition of Who’s Who in the World recognizes individuals distinguished by their achievements and positions throughout the world. The 16th edition compiles the profiles of 40,000 individuals-a process that limits the distinction to one in every 155,000 individuals on the face of the global.
Considered for inclusion in the 17th edition of Marquis WHO’S WHO IN THE WORLD 2000, etc., in the 5th edition of Marquis WHO’S WHO IN SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 2000-2001, etc., in the 33rd Edition of Marquis Who's WHO IN FINANCE AND INDUSTRY 2003, etc., as well as in the 58th Edition of Marquis Who's WHO IN AMERICA 2003, etc., biographical reference books.

Professional Services

Advisor; Academic Committee; Lab Tour Guide at Universities; Served as Chair/Co-chair of sessions in IEEE and other control conferences; Reviewer/co-reviewer to various scientific papers for conferences and journals related to nonlinear systems identification and control: Journal of Franklin Institute, IFAC-SYSID, IEEE-CDC, IEEE-ACC, IFAC Automatica, IFAC Control Engineering Practice, International Journal of Systems Science, European Journal of Control (EJC), International Journal of Control, Computers & Electrical Engineering, Int. J. of Systems Science, EJC, J. of Computers & Electrical Engineering, etc.

Major Courses

System Identification & Adaptive Control
Optimal Control & Applications
Systems Analysis & Modeling
Nonlinear Control Systems
Linear Systems Theory, Digital Control
Stochastic Processes
Optimal Signal Processing
Signal Processing I, II
Advanced Communication Theory & Systems
Neural Networks & Fuzzy Systems
Analytical Methods in Engineering
Management Science & Operational Research
Higher Level Electromagnetic Fields & Waves

oComputer Programming
Signals, Systems and Networks I, II + Labs I, II
Electrical Machine I, II + Labs I, II
Engineering Electronics I, II + Labs I, II
oApplied Electromagnetic Fields I, II + Labs I, II
oBasic Electrical & Electronic Devices + Labs
oFundamental of Circuits + Labs I, II
oWorkshop Practice I, II, III
o Probability and Statistics
Control Systems I, II + Labs I, II
Digital Electronics & Logic Design + Labs
Communication Systems I, II + Labs I, II
oEnergy Conversion
Instrumentation + Labs
Microprocessor Based Systems + Labs
o Computer Architecture and Programming
oComputer Vision
Computational Methods
o Power System Operation, Distribution & Control
oElectrical Engineering Materials & Components
o Power Systems I, II + Labs I, II
oEngineering Economy & Workshop Management
oElectrical Installation & Drives

o Engineering Mathematics I, II, III, IV, V
o Engineering Mechanics, Static, Dynamics
o Engineering Thermodynamics
o Engineering Materials
o Machine Design
o Strength of Materials
o Fluid Mechanics
o Applied Modern Physics
o Machine Elements
o Descriptive Geometry & Technical Drawing I, II


    Research Fellowship: German Academic Exchange Service (’94), (Ph.D. degree, 10/94 - 6/99).
    Scholarship: Gilgel Gibe & Dembie Hydro Electric Project (‘89), (M.Sc. degree, 9/89 - 12/91).


Orthodox Christian.

Sports & Hobbies


  • Table Tennis, Football, Swimming, Jogging.


  • Study of literature on religions, Touring, Photographing, Chess.

Extracurricular Activities

Working for four Humanitarian Missions (at University, Church, Community, etc.) - to promote academic, spiritual, moral, social, emotional and physical developments as well as a sense of responsibility to larger community and society.

Favourite Control Groups in the World

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